Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 87


Kino's life was quite peaceful, but he didn't act like he didn't care much, lest Xiwei think of some more exaggerated ideas to torment him, but he pretended to be a coward, and Kino didn't fall. business. The current situation is that Kino obediently waits for Xi Wei to feed him every day, but Xi Wei has never touched him since the first day, and he has a faint feeling that Xi Wei has something he cannot tell. Anxiety, but I don't know why.

It stands to reason that Xi Wei should be the most proud time now, so there is no reason for this.

Kino shook the chain in his hand, and now that the chain was longer, it was a great improvement from not being able to move freely on the whole bed.

About Xiwei after the consolidation in the recent period, his sense of security is bursting, and his emotions have calmed down. Thanks to Kino's very cooperative and resigned performance, Xiwei did not do anything further to him, and Kino has been satisfied to maintain the status quo. Therefore, he didn't try to stimulate Xi Wei at all. After all, after living together for several years, he could still feel a little bit of Xi Wei's temperament, and he would not die for no reason, so Xi Wei was very patient and tolerant towards him.

The food has been much better recently, and even brought a magic stone lantern to dinner, so Chino began to try to communicate with Xi Wei.

So after Xi Wei brought the food, Kino spoke up—it was said that the chat atmosphere would be better during the meal.

"Xiwei, can I ask a question?"

Xi Wei glanced at him coldly and didn't say anything, that's the agreement.

So Kino continued to speak carefully, "Actually, you always knew in your heart that such a day would come."

Kino squeezed the spoon tightly, and then threw it on the plate. The lines of his jaw tightened, and the blue magic stone light reflected the light, which seemed faint, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Kino swallowed his saliva, but still pointed it out, "You never believed me in your heart, from the time you knew I was a stranger and pretended to be innocent, maybe you didn't realize it yourself, but, in the deepest part of your heart In fact, it was against me."

Xi Wei's eyes became very terrifying in an instant, "You think so, so you just accept this possibility?"

Kino turned his head away, and instead of arguing with him or explaining, he brought up another topic, "Let me tell you a story."

Xi Wei stared at him, not knowing what to think, but calmed down again, probably feeling that no matter what Kino thinks, the facts are set and can't be changed anymore, he nodded and motioned for him to speak, and then picked up the spoon to eat again.

He always eats seriously and doesn't like to waste food.

Kino recalled carefully, then cleared his throat, "There was once a goddess named Pandora, someone gave her a box and told her not to open it, once opened it would have terrible consequences, but Pandora did not Restraining his curiosity, he still opened the box. There were many demons in the box. Some brought disease, some brought death, and some brought despair. They were all the darkest demons in the world. Pandora was terrified. He quickly closed the box again, but it was too late, there was only one last thing left in the box, and all the other terrible things were put out."

Xi Wei finished eating and cleared his plate, then commented, "Stupid."

Chino wanted to hear Xi Wei's opinion, so he nodded in agreement, and then asked, "What do you think she is stupid."

Xi Wei didn't hesitate at all, "First of all, she shouldn't just accept the boxes given to her, and secondly, she has extra curiosity. If she doesn't open it, nothing will happen."

Kino smiled slightly, and he also felt that what Xi Wei said was right, but with a bad taste, he asked again, "Guess what the thing at the bottom of the box is?"

Xi Wei frowned, not wanting to answer the obvious fact - what else could there be but the most terrifying thing

Chino didn't ask, "I know that you are still brooding about my betrayal of you, but now you don't care about me because I'm a prisoner now, so it wasn't that important back then."

Today's Kino is extraordinarily talkative, and Xi Wei sensed something unusual, but he was used to being quiet, so he didn't point it out. Instead, he wanted to see what Kino wanted to say.

Chino finally said, "Xiwei, whether you believe it or not, in fact, I love you, the love of my family, and the love of my lover."

If you understand what's at the bottom of Pandora's box, you'll understand. He didn't say it.

Xi Wei, who suddenly confessed, felt absurd. A person who betrayed him said that he loved him. Did love have a meaning that he didn't know

Even he, who didn't believe in love in the past, knew after meeting Kino that love is inexhaustible.

Even now, Xi Wei is still unable to kill Kino to avenge his betrayal. It stems from his feelings that he thought he would never have anything to do with him. He broke Kino's wings and imprisoned him by his side. It is already the limit of what he can do to belong to him alone. Any more will exceed the scope of joy and bring pain.

Even some slightly excessive means on the bed, Xi Wei couldn't do it.

So he sometimes hates Kino, and even hates himself like this. When Kino says he loves him, what he feels is not only absurd but also joy.

Once people have feelings, they have weaknesses, as expected.

It was also within Kino's expectation that Xi Wei didn't respond, he just wanted to tell him, that's all.

Although Xi Wei didn't believe it much, he still felt better about this sentence. Even if it was fake, it was Kino who was trying to please him, and the anxiety that had been in the air for the past few days had eased a little.

Every day from now on, Chino would take the time to chat with him, sometimes talking about things from his childhood, telling Xi Wei his true views, and using his own values to measure and evaluate those events of the year.

At first, Xi Wei didn't pay much attention to listening to everything, but gradually, he had a different perception. Kino was analyzing himself to him.

Analyzing the real Kino who was deliberately hidden, maybe some opinions differ from him, but he has always been admiring and admiring his actions, and his tone is mixed with a kind of heartfelt and proud. Yan.

This kind of Kino subverted Xi Wei's cognition. He seemed to know Kino once again, but it overlapped with the previous him subtly, more similar to the fullness and extension of his usual image.

It is a new Kino, but it is not separated from the original him, it is all part of him.

These memories and conversations had miraculously calmed Xi Wei's anxiety, and he began to look forward to daily conversations more and more, which brought him even more security than keeping Chino locked in a small dark room.

The most obvious change in his mood was that of Kino. This approach was effective, and Kino was encouraged.

They were still chatting on the quilt every day, but the rift from that betrayal seemed to heal a little.

After a month like this, Kino was able to kiss Xi Wei good morning and good night every day without any threat.

The situation is getting better and better. If this trend continues, sooner or later they will return to the past. Maybe Xi Wei can't forget the betrayal, but he can accept it with a peaceful mind.

Chino never intended to force the bomb between them.

Finally, he was waiting for the person he wanted to wait for.

The fairy queen flower has left.

Hua Li turned into the size of her thumb and sneaked into the small dark room. After she found out what Xi Wei had done, she almost died of anger. She had followed Kino for so many years, just to see Asil. If Kino would be imprisoned like this She had nothing to hope for.

Hua Li stopped in mid-air, using the built-in light source to examine Chino and the unsightly chains on his body, and mocked, "How did you make yourself like this?"

Kino was helpless, "I have my reasons."

Hua Li didn't care what the two of them were doing, "whatever your reasoning, you promised to give me back my power this year and find a way for me to see Asil, how can you be locked here? ?"

Kino hugged her knees and returned to her, "It's up to you, Lady Queen."

"Is this a condition?"

Kino nodded, "Bring me the tarot card box, and I'll keep my promise."

Hua Li was dubious, but there was no better way, so he asked Kino to return her power first.

Kino agreed, and now the Lord of the Rings almost coexisted with him. It was not difficult to extract the power of the Elf Queen that he could not digest. Hua Li hurried back to merge with the power, and Kino waited patiently for another three days. Just brought the tarot card box.

In the end, after being threatened by Huali again, Kino sent the Elf Queen away, and then rubbed the shrunken box with mixed emotions.

A present from Uncle Hill.

Kino took out a memory crystal ball from the box and placed it in the center of the bed, then smashed the tarot card box, and then it was not a long wait.

Uncle Hill did appear.

Asil was a little dissatisfied, "You are really willing to break it."

Chino was a little embarrassed, and said, "Uncle Hill refuses to come out, so I have to resort to this."

Asil frowned, "You're honest, who swore to me that he was the only person in the world who would give you everything?"

Kino said earnestly, "He really is."

Asil was speechless for a moment, "Then what's the matter with you."

Kino sighed old-fashioned, "You don't understand."

Hill smiled, "Don't ask me for help if you have the ability."

Chino was serious, "Why is this helping me, I am obviously helping Uncle Hill and Uncle Xia Zuo."

Asil glanced at him with disapproval.

Chino began to snap his fingers, "Xi Wei now has the Stone of Luck, and he can hold the entire continent in his hands at any time. If he loses confidence in the world and does something terrible, Uncle Xia Zuo will be sad, right? ?"

Asil looked at him with a half-smile, "Xia Zuo is sad, what's the matter with me?"

Kino let out an "ah" and said innocently, "But the whole continent knows that Princess Asil is Xia Zuo's wife."

Asil said, "Shut up."

Kino got his wish anyway, and Asir took him away.

When Xi Wei came back here after dealing with the matter in his hand, the bed was empty, and there was only a crystal ball left, which was placed alone in the center of the bed.

An icy coolness came up.

Xi Wei's fists crackled, and in a short while everything in the room was completely destroyed.

Except for that fragile crystal ball.

Before Xi Wei lost his mind, he planned to see what Kino had left behind after running away.

A scene of sealing the abyss appeared in the crystal ball, Xi Wei's pupils shrank, and he reviewed what happened from a side-by-side perspective.

Belle attacked him, and Kino broke his hand and took the ring.

However, from the perspective of a bystander at this moment, he found the pain in Kino's expression, as if he didn't get what he wanted.

Then the screen changed, and when Kino said that the sealed abyss was under his feet, he led Belle to go there, deceived her into self-destruction, and helped him fuse with the Stone of Fortune to provide energy.

An absurd thought floated in Xiwei's mind, but he couldn't suppress the joy behind him.

Chino had never thought of betraying him, and it seemed that he had hurt him so much that it was actually for a better chance.

He couldn't wait to confirm this wild speculation.

As if sensing his wishes, the screen in the crystal ball turned, and a single Chino appeared.

Standing in the middle of a pile of glass bottles filled with strange potions, he looked a little hesitant and cleared his throat in front of him, "Xiwei, when you see this, you should already know what happened back then, yes, I have always known that The place where the president's token was taken is the abyss of seal, so I have never betrayed you in my heart, but no betrayal is true. Back then, what I could hide must have caused you a lot of harm, and made the things you have been afraid of happen. ,I'm really sorry."

When he said this, he showed a look of sadness and guilt at the same time, "No matter what my motives are, the harm is irrefutable. No matter what you do to me, it is my own fault, and I will never blame you."

Xi Wei's face was cold, but he couldn't help but stretch out his hand, trying to touch Kino's cheek, but it was empty.

He rubbed his fingers and squeezed again.

Chino in the picture is still saying, "If I leave you, you shouldn't be sad. For so many years of parenting, I have given back everything I have, including the power of the Demon Seed, including getting The method of the stone of luck, I have nothing."

He was a little lonely when he said that he had nothing, but he quickly raised his head and smiled, "I must have left you now, otherwise you would not see this, since then in the Mangyu Wasteland, you can't make it to the end. , I understand, you always mind my concealment in your heart, you are afraid, you can't trust a person without reservation."

Xi Wei wanted to say that it wasn't the case, but he couldn't refute it. For the first time, he faced his own heart. Is that so? I'm afraid yes, he can no longer deceive himself.

Otherwise, why only when Kino was imprisoned here by his broken wings could he break through the nightmare of the past and satisfy his inner desire, when Kino said that you would not dare to go to a dying person, did he indulge himself? .

Chino knew better than he did.

The picture of the crystal ball flickered, and Kino spit out the last sentence, "Xiwei, we have both grievances and grievances. From now on, you have no reason to do anything too much to me, and I will never owe you any more."

The crystal ball fell silent, and a figure sat alone among the fragments of the room.

The half-demon race fled, and as soon as the news came out, there was an uproar, and the whole continent was looking for traces of Chino, some for the medicine, some for the so-called eradication of demons, and the mercenary union was especially crazy.

Almost every corner of the continent has been rummaged, but in vain, there is not even a shadow.

Xi Wei lost a bit of weight. He didn't realize that Kino was so important to him, but it was the first time he realized that Kino could disappear where he couldn't see. looking for people.

Chino hid in the dimensional space, watching the couple show their affection every day. After a month, he couldn't help it, "I'm going out."

Asil raised his eyebrows, "How long has it been?"

Chino turned his head awkwardly, "It's almost there."

Asil smiled arbitrarily, didn't pierce him, just asked him where he was going.

Kino showed a nostalgic smile, "Ye Sacheng."

Xi Wei used all his energy to find it. Just when he thought it was impossible to find it, someone said that he had found traces of the half-demon race in Ye Sa City.

Xiwei suddenly got up and immediately went to Ye Sa City.

Ye Sa City was already in ruins. Kino felt the bridge hole where the small broken boat was parked. The boat was rotten and dilapidated, but Kino looked at it and felt very warm and cordial.

Even if the ship was intact now, it would be hard enough to get into a guy as big as Kino.

He walked up to the bridge, walking along the way that he had staggered with Xi Wei's legs as a toddler. In the middle of winter, the familiar snow covered the bridge deck.

It's just that things are different.

He walked across the bridge, across Mifenhong Street, across the streets and alleys of Ye Sacheng, and came to the back alley of the bakery where his mother, Tuogu, used to be.

It was as if I saw the two shivering children snuggling in the trash can to keep warm and sharing the soil-stained bread.

Chino sat down in the place where the trash can was, and he didn't care about the cool snow under his butt, he just froze.

Thirteen years later, everything in the previous life is like a dream, only the things in this world are as clear as yesterday.

Xi Wei adopted him, but just treated him as a harmless baby. Five years later, the truth has been exposed, and no matter how deeply the seeds of doubt and estrangement are buried, there will be opportunities to germinate.

It was a shame, and Chino couldn't turn a blind eye.

He hadn't thought of the book "Curse" for a long time, he thought of the innocence of the newspaper that had been committed to abusing Xiwei.

Thinking about the tragedy of Xiwei in the book is actually inevitable, a person who lacks trust and sense of security in his bones, even if it is a lover who shows his heart to him, he will never sleep with them, but constantly set the most If there is a bad possibility, after the verification, I insist on telling myself that this is the human heart.

Although he was too unfortunate, what he encountered was all tragedies, and he had to say that his personality also played a big role.

Shevey loved him, no doubt, but it was also true that Shevey was uneasy.

He always had the worst plan in his mind, and he didn't want to play Taiping Kino like this.

So he broke everything, what Xi Wei was most afraid of, he let this happen, exposed what he was most afraid of, and forced him to see it.

Kino was never a weak baby raised from ignorance, nor was Xivi a loving, gentle, selfless nurturer.

They both have hidden sides and put on fake masks because they care about each other.

Kino broke this false harmony in the most extreme way and opened up the sharpest contradictions.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

Shivi was never the Holy Father.

His bones are ruthless and cold-blooded, and he is not bound by moral rules. If he doesn't do some things, it doesn't mean how harmless he is. He just simply feels that it is unnecessary.

He understands universal values, so he basically never goes beyond that.

If it wasn't for Kino's wreckage, he would never have exposed his madness, and he would always be the near-perfect Xiwei with the only gentleness in the iceberg.

Kino opened the Pandora's Box in Xiwei's heart with his own hands, but he would not lock the last hope in it like Pandora.

He wants to tell him that even though you are like this, I love you too, you can do whatever you want to me, I can run to where you can't find it, but I won't run, I will give myself to you, not because Have to rely on you in exchange for a chance to survive, but simply I love you.

The most terrifying thing has already happened, and the most difficult reality has passed. In the future, Xi Wei will no longer panic because of the unknown, and he will not have to worry about what he will lose if he cannot be a perfect person.

Kino thought about it a lot, and before he knew it, it got dark.

The weather was so cold, his body didn't recover and he couldn't use his mental strength to keep out the cold, so Chino curled up in the corner, hugged his knees and tried his best to keep some heat, but his teeth were still chattering.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier, gradually falling onto Kino.

His eyelashes were also stained with snow flakes, and in the freezing weather, Chino muttered to himself, "Mom, you should be at ease now, you have really found a very good person for me."

I don't know how long it took, there were the sound of footsteps from far to near, and the footsteps were calm with a hint of urgency.

After a while, the footsteps stopped, and a man stood in front of Chino and looked down at him. The warmth and warmth from his body melted the ice and snow, and did not stain a white.

Xi Wei became a little colder, and Kino and Kino looked at each other across the falling snow, and they could clearly see the strong emotion in each other's eyes.

Thirteen years of going round and round, back to the original point.

Kino blinked, looked up at Xi Wei, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, a smile appeared, and his arms stretched forward, "I'm so cold and hungry, the whole world is chasing me, can you take me in? "

After thinking about it, he added, "I won't ask you to take it in for nothing, I can warm the bed and cook..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Xi Wei dragged his arm and pressed him into his arms. A strong hand was placed behind his head, and a firm and powerful voice sounded, "I will support you."

From before to after.


The author has something to say:

The last chapter didn't control the power of the wild in my body, it seems to be sensational, so I want to scream, and finally it's over, let me run three laps, thank you for the little angel who has been following the article until today, without you I can't finish writing this article with the company and support of my lord. I hope the little angels will support the next article. Then we will see you again with blindness, alright~