Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 9


Chino was very melancholy, and I wonder how the newspaper company would feel when he saw his protagonist was so happy to be a father. Looking at the entire X point, which protagonist became a father before he made a name for himself!

Only some cannon fodder or younger brother will have a magical setting. The cannon fodder's child must be a stepping stone for the protagonist to dominate. The younger brother's child is used to give the protagonist a good impression. The protagonist has a child or something. Do you think this is farming text, go to the wrong channel!

Chino kept winking at Xi Wei, hoping that he could deny this matter. First, it was to maintain the original setting of the protagonist's cool, handsome and arrogant. Daddy or something, it doesn't sound handsome at all!

The second is to help the protagonist. You must know that the harem will be far away after the scarred man appears. This harem is one of the few girls in the original book who is not sorry for the protagonist. In case the girl thinks that his protagonist is only eleven years old It is not pure to have a child, and I think he is unreliable and a scumbag.

The childhood sweethearts have more love. If his protagonist becomes with this pure and kind girl, it means that the protagonist will stay away from so many femme fatales, and the protagonist who has a close lover will definitely not feel betrayed by the whole world. In the end, I chose to commit suicide. This is for the peace of the world. The protagonist must deny this false speculation!

The protagonist loves to see me!

Xi Wei did see it, and he kept blinking at himself as if his eyes were cramping. Xi Wei, who had no tacit understanding with him, seemed to finally summon up the courage to look at the scarred man, and then said with difficulty, "How is it? Can you... give me back?"

The scarred man was still smiling, "Finally willing to talk to me, this is your child, and of course I will give it back to you, who doesn't know that I, Xieren, are in the business of flesh and blood, but I will never forcefully buy it. A hard sell thing."

Xi Wei still raised his head to look at Xi Lun who was a few heads taller than him for a moment, neither excited nor impatient, as always indifferent and quiet.

Shiron seemed to find it boring, and with a "tsk" he handed Kino into Xi Wei's hands. Xi Wei hugged him awkwardly, and his waist was slightly bent, but he still tried hard to tie Little Dot to his chest again. forward.

Chino still had the moldy piece of bread in his mouth, and at this time he started to cough again, and because the protagonist did not deny the words of the man with scars, his small face was flushed red, and Xi Wei found out and wanted to use his fingers. When he pulled out the bread and put it to his mouth, he hesitated and stopped because he saw the dirt on his fingers.

Then he squatted down carefully, and wiped his fingers clean with the cold snow water as if he had just wiped his face, and then he pulled out that terrible piece of bread and threw it aside.

Xi Lun watched him finish all of this quietly, and finally couldn't help but say, "This child is still having a fever. Without the Snow Maiden, he would be dead."

Shivito's hand on Chino's back stiffened for a moment. Indeed, now the little one is still doing well because of that strange creature. The strange creature also said that it can only guarantee that there will be no accident within three days, but after We all know what will happen in three days.

Seeing him finally seemed to have a different reaction, and the evil factor in his heart began to emerge. Ever since he first saw Xi Wei who came to deliver food to Jasmine, Xiron had noticed him. This child was quiet and silent. Cold and vigilant, he doesn't seem to be interested in anything or anyone, and is completely different from other seven or eight-year-old children - he is familiar with the rules of the underground world, and is quite good at disguising.

Xiron had an intuition that this taciturn child would never just stay in Ye Sa City as a sewer rat all his life. Unfortunately, Jasmine died before he could fully observe and decide how to make good use of it.

Without Jasmine as a springboard, the lonely Xiwei would rather live on the streets than accept Xiron's olive branch, because he does not believe that there are good intentions for no reason in the world, and Xierun who lost the way to recruit was quite regretful. He also gave up paying attention to Xi Wei. He didn't expect to meet again in such a scene, but it also made him see hope again.

Xi Lun thought about the words in his heart, and then said bluntly, "Although the snow girl is precious, it is only a piece of cake with my financial resources on Pink Street, but everyone knows that Xi Lun does not do business at a loss, so boy, can you take it? What can I get in exchange?"

What can Xi Wei come up with? The most valuable thing in his body is the immovable jade pendant, and there is really nothing else left.

Kino looked at the scarred man and the protagonist, and he was confused. Although the protagonist would eventually be domineering, the current protagonist was just a pauper who couldn't even get enough to eat. , It is obvious that the common cold medicine in the Celestial Dynasty once grabbed a lot of medicine, how to change it to the Red Moon Continent has become an unbearable burden.

This unscientific.

Once again, Chino fell into a deep self-loathing because he could only hold back.

#Protagonist, I'm sorry for you#

However, the protagonist's halo is not covered, after all, Xi Wei, in the curiosity of the crowd, silently put his hand into Chino's neck and dig it out, and then squeezed out the sleeping elf queen, and sold it without pressure. .

"I... don't know... what it is, but... sure... rare."

Siren and a group of strong warriors: "..."

Chino: "..." The queen woke up, and if she went back to sleep, something big would happen.

Can the elf queen be sold at will, not to mention that it is impossible to be separated from the protagonist because of the Lord of the Rings, and that according to the revenge personality of the elf queen after the seal is lifted, maybe you don't have to wait eighteen years to learn Hua Li, who was almost sold by the protagonist to the boss of the red light district, will definitely kill the protagonist who has not yet grown up in the cradle!

Maybe it was because Xi Wei pinched her wings that hurt, or maybe it was because too many burning eyes made Hua Li feel the pressure. The elf rubbed her sleepy eyes and woke up.

The surrounding situation was obviously very shocking, and the startled Hua Li began to struggle again. The five-year-old elf was extremely frightened. Once frightened, her magic power would uncontrollably protect the Lord, and Xi Wei only felt pinch. The winged fingers stinged for a while, and after involuntarily released it, the elf flew away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiron looked at this scene with complicated eyes, "Young elf, boy, where did you catch it?"

Xi Wei stared at his empty fingers for a while, then hesitated for a moment, "I...appeared."

Shiron didn't ask any more, because the elf is rare and powerful, it is impossible to say that it was caught by Xiwei. The elf just wanted to run and ran away, which also shows from the side that Xiwei has no control over her. The scarred man began to gloat over the misfortune, "Boy, your elf ran away, now what are you going to exchange for the snow girl?"

It's impossible to say that Xiron doesn't covet the young elves at all, but he can go from a boss of a certain Pink Street to the overlord of the entire Pink Street. He is obviously a clear-headed person. , run or run.

Xi Wei lowered his head and seemed to have suffered a great blow. He looked at Kino, and saw panic in the eyes of the little one. Presumably this little baby was also worried about his own destiny.

Xi Wei closed his eyes, cleared his thoughts, and then said softly, "He's... pretty..."

Xiron was even more curious. He was looking forward to this unusual little beggar doing more amazing things, so he followed his words and said, "Oh? Are you planning to sell your son to me?"

Xi Wei thought about the noble mother's words before she left, she didn't need to be extravagant, even begging, it didn't matter if she became a scum, at least let him live, thinking of the current bad situation, her arms tightened but she nodded. "He's... ill, and... can't get enough to eat."

This proposal is very exciting. This child is so beautiful that he will not be bad when he grows up. From any point of view, there is no reason to disagree, but Xiron rejected this tempting proposal.

He sneered, "Boy, you have a good idea. You don't need to raise this child, and you can let me treat him, but this is a loss-making business for me. First of all, the money for treatment is a lot. Secondly, it will take many years for him to grow up, who knows what he will be like when he grows up, can you guarantee that he will give me back the same value of the money I spent on him in the future?"

Xi Wei stopped talking, what Xi Lun said was true. If so, he could only exchange it with jade pendants, but taking out jade pendants would mean revealing his identity. Even if he got through this difficult time, he might be a little better in a few days. You will still die in the streets, which is tantamount to a gamble.

But Xi Wei seemed to have no choice, either to take out the jade pendant, or to watch Little Die die.

"Well, boy, I know you won't have anything of value as a sewer rat. For Jasmine's sake, I have a job here. If you can do it well, I'll give you Snow Maiden. "

The desperate one, one big and one small, all stared at him, Shiron felt a little pressure, but he still bit the bullet and finished the sentence, "I have a daughter, you know?"

Seeing Xi Wei's acquiescence, the scarred man continued to speak, but his words carried obvious doting, "Xiao Wu is also ten years old, but she always reads heroic epics all day long, and has too much sense of justice that is out of place. , I also hope that she will inherit Pink Street in the future, her character is not good, but I have said many times, Xiao Wu will not listen to me, if you can change her mind, there is no problem with how many Snow Maidens you want. "

The result was self-evident, and of course Xi Wei agreed.

When he was brought back to Pink Street by the scarred man, Chino was already numb. There was too much development in this moment, but in the end, it turned to the plot of meeting the girl. It really was an X-point article. The girl is unwavering at the center.

Kudos to the plot.

Not being forced to separate from the protagonist, Chino breathed a sigh of relief. Although following the protagonist, he had to eat dirty bread on an empty stomach, and he had no medicine for sickness, but compared with being separated from the protagonist, these were nothing. It will also be domineering, and it will be 10,000 times better than being sold to the red light district.

What is Chino's identity now, the child the protagonist admits himself, think about other authors who have become villains or younger brothers in their own books, they have to work hard to please the protagonist and have a good relationship with the protagonist, so as not to be accidentally cannon fodder Well, it's better to rub the protagonist's halo or something.

There was a girl who once wrote a long comment in the comment area to the newspaper company of innocence. Because she couldn't stand the abuse, she complained about a big article, and then pointed Lu Moujiang to many links to writing articles, and warned him bitterly to write The text must have a conscience, let's see what happens to those unscrupulous authors, Chino also read a few articles along the link curiously, most of them are overwhelmed by the protagonist, although I think the aura of these books is a bit strange, but the main point is still clear .

But Kino doesn't need it. If the protagonist doesn't lose him in the toughest years and let him fend for himself, it's even more of a problem when he develops later.

My dad is Li Gang, he is a genius, and my dad is still the protagonist!