Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 117: reminder(2)


She has already walked out, this is of course the best thing, Aunt Zhang naturally would not ask Yang Huaishan anything, so she smiled and said: "You have really supported the door now! I am relieved! Sigh, Your parents should be relieved in the spirit of heaven! Thinking about what happened today, no one will dare to think of you casually in the future! This is very good, very good!"

"I think so too! So today I will definitely not let them take advantage of it, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" Lian Fangzhou smiled.

"That's the reason!" Aunt Zhang sighed again, and said, "By the way, I heard you bought a donkey?"

"Well! It will be more convenient in the future!" Lian Fangzhou smiled.

"I should buy another cow," Aunt Zhang said with a smile, "it's just this time to retch the manure quickly, and it will be used for farming next year! Green manure is good, but it can't be compared with manure."

Lian Fangzhou was woken up by Aunt Zhang's words, Lian Fangzhou's face straightened, he couldn't help nodding and laughing: "It's lucky that you are here, Aunt Zhang, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of this for a while!"

I bought cows and donkeys and shut them in the cowshed. Every two or three days, a layer of dry straw was spread on the ground to let the cows and donkeys trample on it, and the feces and urine were also pulled on it. There is manure.

No matter how much, something is better than nothing!

How can crops grow well if there is no fertilizer in the field

"It's just," Lian Fangzhou said with a embarrassed smile: "You know that our family hasn't raised livestock for many years, and the cowshed has been demolished long ago. If we want to use it now, we have to hire someone to build it!"

Aunt Zhang smiled and said, "I've thought about this for you too. I've discussed it with your Uncle Li. If you can trust him, ask him to ask a few people from our village to help. You can build it in two days! Take care of two meals at noon and evening! There are also materials such as wood and planks to be used, you can trust them, ask Uncle Li to help you buy them!"

Even Fangzhou was overjoyed and felt a little bit sorry, and said with a smile: "This is naturally the best, but I have to trouble you again... and there is charcoal burning on the mountain, will there be any delay?"

Even Fangzhou knew how much Uncle Li's family was concerned about burning charcoal. Who would let it go if there was an opportunity to make money? After this winter, even if we don’t farm or farm next year, the family’s expenses will be enough! It's a bargain.

"Don't worry about that!" Aunt Zhang smiled and said, "We have discussed it, and we will stop after two more burns. We have to take it to the city and sell it! Hehe! You Uncle Li and Brother Sanhe have calculated that this winter You can earn at least four or fifty taels! You have the same share. When did our family earn so much money? It’s good to have a long stream of water, and don’t make too much money at one time! Tomorrow the kiln will be closed and they will rest for a day. Let’s set up the cowshed!”

"Then I won't be polite!" Lian Fangzhou was very happy, and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave this matter to Uncle Li for help! But, I'm afraid I can't take care of the food, can you give me wages? Well, twenty-five yuan a day Is there enough money?"

"That's fine too," Aunt Zhang nodded, thought for a while and then smiled: "I think twenty Chinese is a lot! When the time comes, I'll make an agreement with the big guys, and finish the talk in two days! Then find someone from our village. , it’s also close, so it won’t delay them going home for dinner.”

"Okay, then it's settled like this!" Lian Fangzhou smiled and nodded, told Aunt Zhang to wait a while, then went to get the money, handed five taels of silver to Aunt Zhang, and said with a smile: "I don't know if it's enough! "

Aunt Zhang nodded and smiled, "That's enough, I'm afraid there's still some left! I'll let Uncle Li tell you the accounts."

Lian Fangzhou did not refuse, nodded and smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work!" Although the two families are close, one thing is the other. These things are clearly stated, and no one will have any doubts in each other's hearts. , so you won't be overwhelmed, and you can eliminate the possibility of creating a rift.

This is the way of long-term relationship.

"By the way," Lian Fangzhou suddenly thought of Liu Jia, and smiled again: "I've been shopping for land for the past two days! I'm quite familiar with the land protector Liu Jia. I'll ask him tomorrow to see if there are any in the city. If big families and merchants want charcoal, if the price is right, it’s better than selling it ourselves!”

Aunt Zhang was overjoyed when she heard this, she nodded and smiled and said, "This is the best! It can be sold even if it is slightly cheaper than the market price! It is much more convenient than selling by ourselves!"

The first-class person in the land protection knows a lot of people and is familiar with the city. It is really easy to have him help.

Lian Fangzhou laughed and said, "Liu Jia is going to visit tomorrow, why don't I ask him to go to my aunt's house to see Tan?"

"That would be even better!" Aunt Zhang nodded with a smile, knowing nothing.

"I'll go back first. Your Uncle Li has been worrying about how to sell so much charcoal for the past two days! I'll tell him the good news! You guys should also rest earlier!" Aunt Zhang stood up with a smile.

Even Fangzhou and Grandma Sangu got up and saw them off with a smile.

Mrs. Zhao, who hadn't spoken much, suddenly asked with a smile: "Fangzhou, you just said that you want to buy land, did you buy it to grow some kind of cotton? Oh, you bought so many cotton seeds, how much land is needed to grow it! "

This will never be hidden from anyone in the future. Seeing Mrs. Zhao asking Lian Fangzhou, he smiled and said vaguely about the more than 1,000 mu of land in Shitouping. price.

Mrs. Zhao was stunned and exclaimed: "My God, if you buy it, it will cost thousands of acres. How much money will you get? I heard that your cousin in Shuangliu County paid for it? Your cousin hasn't seen each other for many years, right? I haven't heard of it in all these years!"

"Okay, okay, what are you doing asking such useless things? Let's go!" Aunt Zhang smiled at Lian Fangzhou, forcing Mrs. Zhao to leave together.

Mrs. Zhao agreed in her mouth, and moved her feet meaningfully, but her eyes were shining brightly at Lian Fangzhou, apparently waiting for her answer.

Only then did Lian Fangzhou understand why Mrs. Zhao came with Aunt Zhang today, the relationship is for gossip!

She smiled and said, "It is true that there is a cousin in Shuangliu County. Her mother was the closest to my mother. Unfortunately, my aunt died earlier than my mother..."

Mrs. Zhao let out an "oh" and suddenly realized that it's no wonder they haven't seen each other for so many years!

She still wanted to ask something, but was urged away by Aunt Zhang. Then he smiled at Lian Fangzhou and said, "I'll talk to you when I'm free tomorrow!"

What can Lian Fangzhou say? I had no choice but to agree with a smile.

Leaving Lian Fangzhou's house, Aunt Zhang glared at Mrs. Zhao dissatisfied, and said, "I mean, why did you come here with me today! It's nothing more than others talking about those things, why are you joining in the fun? It's time for a face-to-face question! You, you!"

"Mother," Zhao said with a grin, "I'm curious. Besides, there's nothing I can't say! See, Fangzhou answered me?"

Aunt Zhang snorted and said, "You have already asked, can people not answer? I know what crooked ideas you have in your heart, I tell you, you can stop!"