Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 123: lunch


"I was thinking of transporting it home tomorrow!" Lian Fangzhou smiled, and several people worked together to remove the firewood from the donkey cart and pile it in a corner of the yard.

"By the way, can we finish cleaning today?" Lian Fangzhou couldn't help asking.

Ah Jian thought for a while and then said: "Probably not, I guess I can pull another five or six carts like this! Tomorrow, some people can continue to clean up, and some can reclaim the land first!"

Lian Fangzhou nodded and said "Yes".

Lian Ze said, "Sister, should the farm cattle hired tomorrow come?"

"Yes," Lian Fangzhou said with a smile, "With twelve oxen, do you think the land can be fully reclaimed in three or four days?"

Lian Fangzhou turned to ask Ah Jian.

Ah Jian thought for a while, nodded and smiled: "Three days should be enough! However, it may take two or three days to finish plowing the plowed land."

After all, oxen can only plow the land, and the plowed land has large pieces of soil. If you want to grow crops, you have to break up the large pieces of soil with a hoe and make them evenly. Only then can you grow crops.

Because this is a reclaimed wasteland, the ground must be leveled immediately after plowing, and all the grass roots and the like can be cleaned out by the way, otherwise the grass roots may hold the soil firmly again after slowing down.

"I think it's about the same!" Lian Fangzhou nodded with a smile, wondering if he should hire more people.

She was still thinking about it, but Ah Jian had already said, "I'm afraid I'll have to hire a few more people when the ground at Sanchakou comes down."

"I was thinking about this!" Lian Fangzhou said, smiling at A Jian.

"Sister, let's go to the field to help, okay? My brother said that we have to go back to load the car!" Lian Che and Lian Fangqing asked.

Only then did Lian Fangzhou see that the stumps and roots of this truck had been unloaded. Seeing the eagerness on Lian Che and Lian Fangqing's faces, he looked at A Jian.

The two little fellows were extremely upright, and immediately looked at A Jian eagerly and begged.

Ah Jian has always been easy to talk, so she smiled and said: "Then let's all go! Don't be naughty on the ground!"

Lian Che and Lian Fangqing cheered and agreed, and they climbed into the donkey cart happily.

"Let's go first!" Ah Jian nodded to Lian Fangzhou.

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said "Yes", went to help open the courtyard door, and watched them go.

Ah Jian and the others ran back and forth to the house twice before finishing work, and the corners of the yard were already piled up like hills.

According to Ah Jian's estimate, if all the ones in the entire field were recovered, there would have to be two or three more.

In the words of Sangu's grandma, there is almost all the firewood burned for a year.

But it's not a problem to pile them all up in the yard.

Fortunately, there was a large piece of flat land next to the yard, so Lian Fangzhou made an agreement with Ah Jian, and the ones that were brought back in the future would be placed there outside the yard.

After breakfast the next day, Ah Jian went to Shitoupingdi with Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze.

The workers who led the oxen and carried the plow also came today, and they were talking together. When they saw them coming, they smiled and went up to call "Master", and asked how to do this job

Lian Fangzhou and Ah Jianjian made arrangements.

Scatter the oxen and let the oxen plow the flat land. A piece of land needs to be plowed back and forth twice. As for the places that the oxen cannot plow, let the previous people dig with hoes.

Five people were left to continue yesterday's cleanup work, and the remaining workers and the workers leading the oxen were divided into several groups as usual, starting from different directions.

He didn't even mention the lunch prepared by the family, the wages were generous and timely, and the big guys were very motivated. After the distribution, he smiled and agreed, and took the initiative to do the work.

A Jian, Lian Ze, and Lian Fangzhou went to watch separately for a while. A Jian and Lian Ze still transported the cleared firewood home, while Lian Fangzhou went back first.

There were twelve more people eating today, so she had to go back and help the third aunt.

When I got home, Grandma Sangu had already mixed the noodles. When she woke up, she could steam the steamed buns. She was making pancakes. Lian Fangqing was washing the vegetables, while Lian Che was helping to light the fire.

Today, both steamed buns and pancakes have been increased by nearly half, which is not a small job.

Seeing Lian Fangzhou's return, the third aunt's grandmother was quite happy and immediately said: "Fangzhou, there is no big bone soup today, but there is still a little pork belly! How about giving cabbage soup at noon today? Put some parsley It’s actually quite good! In such a cold day, a sip of hot soup is better than nothing!”

Lian Fangzhou laughed and said, "Didn't I buy two chickens yesterday? Let's kill them! Don't we still have a lot of dried mushrooms at home? Stew a pot of thick chicken soup with dried mushrooms, wait for the afternoon I'll go to the city again and buy some big bones and meat back!"

"What?" Grandma Sangu stopped the pancake spatula in her hand in surprise, and asked in disbelief, "You said you wanted to kill a chicken?"

"That's right!" Lian Fangzhou laughed and said, "Pick some more chicken, chop it up and fry it with the pork belly! It's just right, let's have a good meal tonight! I've been exhausted for the past two days!"

Grandma Sangu couldn't help but "Ouch!", and said distressedly: "You are really! Look at you prodigal! Those two roosters are so big, I said, why do you buy roosters so hard, it is a waste of food and can't lay eggs , it turns out they were going to kill and eat!"

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "Don't feel bad when you get old, I promised you that you can't talk, it doesn't count! The work of these two days has been done beautifully, and we have saved a lot of worry! This, all It's worth it!"

The third aunt's mouth twitched disapprovingly, she didn't think it was worth it.

However, she sighed softly: "Forget it, you've said that, what else can I say! Then kill it, boil a pot of hot water, that's fast!"

Lian Fangzhou was amused by the third aunt's tangled and distressed look, so she lit a fire, added water to the pot, and still asked Lian Che to help take care of it, and she took a basket to pack dried mushrooms.

After the hot water was boiled, the dried mushrooms were poured into the wooden basin and soaked.

Lian Fangqing came over to help, and said with a smile: "Sister, can I pluck the feathers from the rooster's tail to make a shuttlecock?"

Why not? Lian Fangzhou agreed with a smile, and plucked her hair as she wished before using hot water to remove it. Lian Fangqing cheered happily.

Children in the country don't have many things for recreation. A small wooden knife, a small slingshot, a piccolo made of thin bamboo, a wooden top, and a shuttlecock made of chicken feathers are good things.

But chickens are rarely killed twice a year. It is not easy to want the bright long hair on the rooster's tail. There are also naughty children who catch big roosters and pluck the beautiful long hair on the tail. Of course, they cannot escape being punished. Hit fate.

Obviously, Lian Fangqing and Lian Che would not do this kind of thing.