Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 161: Magpies come to treat guests


"I don't want to go!" Ah Jian interrupted the magpie, stared at her and said coldly: "I'm not your friend, I'm not familiar with you! I don't want to go! Miss Magpie, please go back!"

No matter how hard Magpie thought about it, he still couldn't help feeling secretly sad when he heard Ah Jian's words, his eyes turned red, and he choked up and said, "I, I'll invite you in person, and you won't give me face? ? My sixteenth birthday is only once, can't you say something nice? Brother Ah Jian, what's wrong with me, you want to hate me like this!"

Magpie wept softly as he spoke, his slender shoulders trembling slightly, so pitiful.

It's a pity that there is still no wave in Ah Jian's eyes. What he hates most is women, not to mention that magpies are not very clever.

Seeing her sobbing and crying badly, A-Jian simply ignored her and walked into the house.

The sobbing and sobbing stopped abruptly, and the magpie froze, opened its mouth slightly, and stared at A Jian's back with wide eyes in astonishment, with disbelief written all over its face!

Two small heads popped up from the corner of the wall, watching quietly, they were Lian Fangqing and Lian Che.

The magpie caught sight of the two little guys, her pretty face flushed red, and her chest heaved violently.

Ah Jian entered the room, took a long breath, saw Lian Fangzhou looking at her quietly, and said pitifully annoyed: "That girl is simply incomprehensible!"

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "Beauties love heroes, I understand! It's just that they come to my house all day to annoy others!"

"It's none of my business!" Ah Jian said quickly.

In fact, Ah Jian really wants to say that the Yang family is not like a dog skin plaster...

"She hasn't left yet!" Lian Fangzhou glanced out and said involuntarily.

Ah Jian snorted and said, "I don't want to deal with her anymore!"

"I don't want to either!" Lian Fangzhou really didn't want to, so he asked Lian Ze to go to the kitchen to find the third aunt, and explained it like this.

Lian Ze nodded and went.

After a while, I saw Grandma Sangu come out of the kitchen, wiped her hands on her apron, strode towards the magpie, and said loudly: "I said this girl, it's getting dark, our family doesn't have any extra bed, and there is no extra food left for you to eat, so hurry up!"

"You—" Hearing these words, Magpie's blushing face suddenly turned purple again, and he was trembling with anger.

In such a poor and poor place in the countryside, she would not come even if she was invited by eight palanquins! This country woman is not even as good as her own poor woman, and she actually thinks that she wants to eat her family's food! Bah, the dogs in the mansion probably eat better than theirs! I will be rare for this!

Just hearing her say that was infuriating enough.

The third aunt's grandma rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood: "Are you still leaving? Let me tell you, no matter what reasons you say, I won't listen to you, and I won't give you half a bowl of rice! You are sensible, or Hurry up and go!"

The magpie was so angry that he couldn't get up or down, stared at the third aunt's grandma and said in a trembling voice: "Who, rare, your family's meal is over! Treat me, and I won't eat!"

"Cut!" The third aunt gave her a disdainful look again, and said, "You don't care why you are so angry? You must have become angry from embarrassment at what I said! Let's go, let's go!"

The third aunt shook her hands, making a gesture of repelling her in disgust.

The magpie felt dizzy on the forehead, and the anger went straight to the forehead, stomped his feet, pointed at the third aunt's grandmother and cursed: "You vulgar country woman! You don't have a good word in your mouth!"

Although the magpie is a girl, after all, she grew up next to the rich lady in the compound of the deep house, and the lady from the ordinary poor family is also slightly worse.

In the compound of the deep house, people play with hearts and minds, and there is no shortage of intrigues, but they are all shady, and their words are all laced with guns and sticks, and insinuations, and there are very few scoldings. Even if you hate each other to death, you can still smile as kindly as meeting a good sister when you meet each other.

So, the magpie was so angry that he couldn't find anything to say to the third aunt.

Her words "unbearably vulgar" sounded as if she hadn't said it in the ears of the third aunt.

The third aunt snorted: "What's wrong with my old lady being vulgar? You are so noble that you are just a girl with a shit bowl! You still think you are so great! Get out of here quickly! We are going to eat!"

The magpie was so embarrassed that her face and neck were flushed, and with the grievances she had suffered at A-Jian's earlier, she couldn't help but shed tears, and ran out with her face covered in a whimper.

When she ran to the door, she suddenly stopped again, and couldn't help but look back, hoping that A-Jian would come out of the room and say something fair for her.

But she was disappointed, A-Jian did not come out quietly.

Instead, she got a blank stare from the third aunt.

The magpie couldn't bear it anymore, and ran away crying.

"What is it! Shameless thing!" Sangu's grandma let out a piss, rolled up her sleeves, and turned back to the kitchen.

Seeing it from the room, Ah Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Ah Jian, do you still want to make beehives?" Lian Fangqing and Lian Che came in from the outside at this time and asked.

In the west, the sun was slowly setting, and the golden glow was getting darker and fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, it will be dark.

Ah Jian glanced at Lian Fangzhou and consulted with her eyes.

Even Fangzhou secretly complained that Magpie was troublesome. If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid it would be almost done!

"Let's do it! Ah Jian, thank you for your hard work!" Lian Fangzhou sighed softly, and said, "Otherwise, these bees will continue to die!"

Ah Jian nodded: "It won't take much time, it's okay!"

Lian Fangzhou smiled, and asked Lian Ze and the three to help, and she went to Carpenter Zhang's house to borrow a saw.

There are a lot of prey today, and tonight's dinner is also very rich. Grandma Sangu and Lian Fangzhou discussed to make a braised rabbit meat, a stir-fried large plate chicken, and a stewed mushroom chicken soup.

There are a lot of dishes to be prepared, and of course the time for dinner will be delayed. Ah Jian finished the beehive, and Lian Fangzhou carefully moved the bee colony in again, gently placed it under the eaves of the attic, and put the beehives in the house. The remaining pine nut candies were crushed and carefully sprinkled in two pieces, and the family was ready to wash their hands and eat.

Lian Fangqing, Lian Che, and Lian Ze followed Lian Fangzhou until the beehives were settled. Thinking that there will be honey to eat next year, everyone is very happy.

"Sister, let's take that bamboo beehive with us tomorrow, maybe we can meet another nest of bees!" Lian Ze said anxiously.

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "How can there be so many!" She thought for a while and laughed again: "But it's okay, then take it with you! When the time comes, we will put it on the Xianteng Mountain. Use it, and forget it if you don’t!”