Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 163: pond scum


Lian Fangzhou casually asked Guanshi Yang and found out that the two fish ponds would be drained every year, and the water would not be filled until around April of the next year, and they would take turns every year.

I don't know where Yuan Wai heard it from, saying that it can be dried in the sun to disinfect the bottom of the pond, so that the fish raised can grow better!

Lian Fangzhou nodded and smiled when he heard Guanshi Yang's words: "That's true! Let me teach you a way. After the empty pond is filled with water in the next year, put a sack of quicklime in each of the four corners, and it will also kill the virus! In Yanyan In summer, it is also good to go up the mountain to cut some dense pine branches and put them in the pond!"

"Oh? There is such a saying?" Steward Yang looked at Lian Fangzhou unexpectedly, and said with a smile, "Does Miss Lian know how to raise fish?"

"I dare not say I understand." Lian Fangzhou smiled and said, "I just know something!"

Steward Yang "hehe" smiled and said nothing more, he was skeptical about Lian Fangzhou's words, and he had to inquire carefully later, if it was true, it would be a credit to tell the master.

"Miss Lian wants pond mud, so please! Anyway, there is a lot of mud in this fish pond! You don't have a problem as much as you want! Hehe, it's Miss Lilian who dug our fish pond deeper! This is also a good thing!" Yang Guanshi laughed.

"Thank you very much!" Lian Fangzhou smiled and cupped his hands.

Obviously, she, Lian Ze, and Ah Jian alone won't do it.

One mu of land needs six baskets, and one hundred and fifty mu requires nine hundred baskets. Lian Fangzhou planned to dig up a thousand baskets.

She started a discussion with Steward Yang and asked Steward Yang to ask if any of the tenants and farmers in Yuan Yang's family were willing to help

Of course, not unpaid help. For each basket of pond mud picked up, I will be given two Wen, and the money will be settled on the same day. It takes about ten people.

Guanshi Yang's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Miss Lian is really generous, okay, I'll ask!"

Soon, Guanshi Yang brought ten middle-aged men, and smiled at Lian Fangzhou: "No more, no less, exactly ten people, Miss Lian, let's see how to arrange it!"

Lian Fangzhou told the ten people that he took bamboo baskets and filled the pond with mud, moved it to the designated place on the bank and poured it out once. She asked Manager Yang for a pen and paper and a simple table, and counted by the side.

These few people heard that it was a good deal to earn two pennies for nothing with one basket. After hearing her explanation, they all agreed.

Lian Fangzhou didn't let Lian Fangzhou pour out the first few baskets, but put them on the bank. Lian Ze and A Jian carried them into the donkey cart, which was filled with eight baskets. Lian Ze and A Jian drove the donkey cart to the field. Send it, line it up one by one, pour it out and pile it on the ground.

These pond mud transported to the field can not be used immediately, it has to be dried in the sun for a few days before it can be used.

After two days of continuous work, a thousand baskets of pond mud were transported to the field.

Lian Fangzhou also asked people to spread out the pond mud to make it easier to dry.

After the pond mud is done, the next step is plant ash.

First organize these 30 people to mow the grass, the more weedy the grass used for burning plant ash, the better.

The more complex, the more comprehensive the various trace elements.

In Dafang Village, there are quite a few small hills protruding from the flat ground or among the hills. Lian Fangzhou took people to these small hills to mow grass.

Generally speaking, there are more types of grass on mountains than on flat lands.

Thirty people wielded thirty sickles, and within half a day, the cut grass piled up on the ground like a hillock.

The grass still needs to be aired for two days. After the pond mud is removed, it is evenly sprinkled with plant ash and mixed evenly.

These days, Lian Fangzhou, Lian Ze, and A Jian are all busy with this matter, including going to the construction site at the entrance of the village twice a day to walk and have a look, until the weeds that burned the plants and trees were also mowed, and finally returned to the village. You can rest for two days.

This day, after walking out of the construction site, Lian Fangzhou heard a voice calling from behind: "Miss Lian! Miss Lian! Is it Miss Lian!" full of surprises.

Hearing this voice, Lian Fangzhou's heart burst into anger in vain, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face sank.

It's that guy Cui Shaoxi!

The sound of the car rumbled, and the people behind were approaching.

"Sister, it seems to be Mr. Cui!" Lian Ze looked back and said.

"It doesn't seem like it's him at all." Ah Jian raised her eyebrows.

Lian Fangzhou hummed, and said flatly, "Don't pay attention to him! Let's go!"

Lian Ze didn't like or hate Cui Shaoxi at first, but since his sister said so, of course she listened to her, so she said "oh" and followed Lian Fangzhou. Jane doesn't care.

Cui Shaoxi rode in a carriage today, and when he was about to reach Dafang Village, he opened a corner of the carriage curtain and looked out. He happened to see the three of them, Lian Fangzhou, and he waved and called out with great joy.

He originally thought that Lian Fangzhou and the others would definitely stop to say hello when they heard his calling.

Unexpectedly, apart from Lian Ze turning his head and looking at him calmly, Lian Fangzhou and A Jian didn't respond at all. People should go or go forward.

The smile on Cui Shaoxi's face froze, his waving arms froze, and slowly fell down, just ordering the driver to speed up.

"It's really shameless! You don't know good people!" Cui Yi was indignant and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"Shut up!" Cui Shaoxi glared at him angrily, thought for a while, and asked Cui Yi, "Did I offend Miss Lian somewhere?"

Cui Yi opened his mouth in disbelief!

When did my master humiliate himself by lowering his figure so much? What a pity! well!

"No! Absolutely not! They must have not heard!" Cui Yi said resolutely.

No one believed this except himself.

The carriage quickly caught up with the three of Lian Fangzhou.

Cui Shaoxi ordered the car to stop, called "Miss Lian!" and jumped out of the car.

Lian Fangzhou saw him like this, it was not good to go on, so he stopped, nodded to him as an agreement, and said with a smile: "Isn't this Mr. Cui? I don't know what you want to do here?"

"Lian, Miss Lian!" Cui Shaoxi's heart sank, his face froze slightly, secretly sad.

Lian Fangzhou's tone was polite and alienated. Although there was a faint smile on his face, the smile was not friendly at all, let alone something from the heart.

That smile was obviously perfunctory.

Cui Shaoxi felt that if she smiled at him like this, he would rather she not smile! She spoke in such a tone, he would rather she not speak!

Cui Shaoxi froze there, speechless for a while.

Even though Lian Fangzhou knew that Cui Shaoxi couldn't be blamed for what happened last time, after all, he didn't know the grievances between his family and his uncle's family, so misunderstandings were inevitable.

But, didn't he notice even the slightest difference

She believed that her uncle's swearing that Mr. Su's words to hand over the cotton planting to him was not groundless, it must be what Cui Shaoxi said!