Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 176: Cui Shaoxi left


Cui Shaoxi laughed and climbed up.

How can a slave be delicate when the master has gone up? Cui Yi also climbed up.

Lian Fangzhou originally wanted to take Qin Feng and Su Ziji to see the place today, but seeing that there were so many people sitting in the donkey cart at once, it seemed crowded for Qin Feng and the two to go up again, so he had to give up!

She was about to tell the two of them to stay at home, when Cui Shaoxi saw it, he smiled and said, "Ask Qin Feng to go with them too! Well, just let the two of them get into the carriage!"

Qin Feng and Su Ziji were taken aback, a little dazed.

Seeing what Cui Shaoxi said, Lian Fangzhou was not polite, nodded and smiled and said, "Alright!"

Qin Feng and Su Ziji had no choice but to tremblingly get into the gorgeously decorated carriage.

"Sister, come up quickly, let's go!" Lian Ze stretched out his hand and smiled at Lian Fangzhou.

Lian Fangzhou agreed, took Lian Ze's hand and lightly got into the donkey cart, Ah Jian looked back, said with a smile, "Sit tight!", and drove away.

The group first went to the Sanchakou area. Lian Fangqing and Lian Che chattered and introduced Xiaohuaguo Mountain to Cui Shaoxi. Lian Ze also interjected a few words from time to time. The three brothers and sisters were obviously most interested in this Xiaohuaguo Mountain. .

As for cotton, they don't know what it is at all, and of course they don't pay much attention to it.

Lian Fangzhou, Qin Feng and Su Ziji lagged behind, and introduced the large area of land to them, and said that they have been sorting out the nursery land for a while, and they have to continue when the pond mud dries up.

Qin Feng and Su Ziji listened very carefully. They heard that Lian Fangzhou seemed to have made up his mind, and they couldn't help but be secretly surprised when he mentioned that Jiaqiang was extremely skilled in farming.

Seeing that she was kind to others, her words and deeds were calm and generous, the two admired her even more, and the uneasiness in their hearts gradually subsided, and they were able to discuss a few words with Lian Fangzhou.

After climbing up to Xiaohuaguo Mountain for a while, Cui Shaoxi couldn't help asking each other when he saw the tree stumps planted on the top of the mountain.

Lian Fangqing and Lian Che told the truth.

Cui Shaoxi was envious when he heard it, and said regretfully: "It's a pity, if only I had come a few days earlier! I missed such a fun event!"

"Why don't you come again on a snowy day, beautiful cousin? My sister told Brother Ah Jian that she will take us hunting then!" Lian Fang's bright eyes sparkled, and her small face was full of anticipation.

"Hey, I will definitely come when I find a chance next year!" Cui Shaoxi glanced at A Jian, and his eyes flicked past Lian Fangzhou from the corner of his eyes, feeling a little depressed.

After looking at it for a while, Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "I also looked at this place. The Shitou Ping side is the same as here. There is nothing there, so don't go there! Mr. Cui, you should go back quickly!"

Although Cui Shaoxi was reluctant, but thinking that he had already left the house, he was going to leave anyway, so he nodded and smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go first! Then, when I have time, I will come to see you, you guys! "

Although Lian Fangzhou didn't want him to come, he couldn't stop him from coming, so he nodded indiscriminately, and urged him, "Let's go! It's getting dark early at this time of year!"

Cui Shaoxi burst into laughter when he heard this, and said with a smile: "It's not past noon yet!" But he went down the mountain as promised.

"If there is any difficulty, just ask someone to send me a letter, or send someone to tell my cousin and sister-in-law of the Su family. Needless to say, my cousin is also a very good person, so I will definitely not It's annoying!" Cui Shaoxi warned Chun Chun before leaving.

Seeing him like this, Lian Fangzhou felt a little bit sorry, so he slowed down his voice and nodded, "I see!"

Seeing her like that, Cui Shaoxi knew that she just agreed casually. In fact, she would definitely not follow through. She couldn't help but feel sad, and she didn't say anything after all. She just sighed, nodded and said, "Take care!" Get in the car and go.

After seeing off Cui Shaoxi's master and servant, Lian Fangzhou felt a little more relaxed, and went to the warehouse compound as usual to have a look.

When the donkey cart drove to the gate of the compound, she asked Lian Fangqing and Lian Che to go back first, and went in with A Jian, Lian Ze, Qin Feng and Su Ziji.

"The house here is almost built, and it has been finished in the past two days. Wait for two days to clean up a few rooms, you two will live in one room, and then go to the dental shop to see if there are suitable people, and buy a few more Live here too!" Lian Fangzhou said.

Both Qin Feng and Su Ziji said yes.

The twenty-six mu of land seems to have changed a lot now, with high walls built around it. Entering through the gate, the large area in front of you is still empty. Divide in two.

From a distance here, behind the fence, there is a row of tall houses with the height of two floors. That is the warehouse. There is a door connected to this side, which will be used to stack the harvested cotton in the future.

There is a flat land in front of the warehouse, which is paved with blue bricks and seamlessly spliced. In the future, there will be enough space for moving cotton, and it can also be used for drying cotton.

On this side of the wall, about two meters away from the wall, there is also a row of one-story houses, which are built extremely spacious and divided into several rooms of different sizes. Processing of cotton by spinning, weaving, etc.

Now only one row has been built. If it is not enough in the future, it can be built to the west.

Near the middle of the north side, a row of five small attics with two entrances and two floors were built. There are not only rooms for managers to sit up and handle affairs, a tea room, etc., but also a hall for entertaining guests. On the upper floor, there is a similar archive room room and stack other important tools and so on.

In front of the pavilion, a long flowerbed with round ends was built with bricks and stones, and two places in the shape of crabapple flowers were surrounded by blue bricks at both ends of the flowerbed. Lian Fangzhou planned to plant two pomegranates and two magnolias after spring.

Naturally, there are flowers in the flower garden.

From this small but fully functional office building to the back, there is another gate separating the inside and the outside, and there is a small living area on the other side.

Lian Fangzhou planned to arrange Qin Feng and Su Ziji to live there.

In the living area, there is a long row of workers’ dormitories, which are two-story buildings; there are also two small courtyards that are more exquisite, and each small courtyard has the main room, east and west wing rooms, all of which are independent. There are three one-entry houses, each of which can accommodate a steward to live in.

In addition, there is a special large dining hall. Behind the dining hall, it is planned to dig a well and build several houses to store firewood, food materials, oil and salt, etc.

Considering that many female workers will definitely be used in the future, there is a special wall to separate it from the other side of the cafeteria, and a workers' dormitory is also built there, exclusively for female workers.

All these housing arrangements leave room for future overcrowding.

On the corners of the open space, there are many large and small flower beds built with broken bricks, and trees and flowers can be planted in the spring of next year.