Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 182: Stimulate Trader Joe's (1)


"Yeah!" Grandma Sangu felt a little relieved, and said, "Then I'm leaving!" Then she slipped out through the small door in the backyard and went into the vegetable garden.

The knocking on the door outside the yard became louder and louder. Qiao's shouts and Lian Li's voices scolding her continued. Lian Fangqing and Lian Che had almost heard it, and then slowly opened the door.

"You're deaf! Why haven't you opened the door for so long!" After calling for a long time, no one answered, Qiao Shi suppressed her anger, and couldn't help but ask with a straight face.

"What are you getting angry with the children! The children are still young and ignorant, they just need to teach them well in the future!" Lian Li said and gave Qiao a warning look.

In a word, this matter is also determined: children have no tutors, how can they not open the door after hearing someone call for a long time? Lack of elders to teach!

Of course Lian Li is not the kind of person who would wink at blind people. The reason why he said that at the moment was because the bustle outside Lian's house had attracted several spectators, including adults and children.

Lian Li said this to them.

He can't wait for more people to watch the fun! For a while, he just needs to show what his elders should look like, and see what else they have to say!

It would be even better if that girl Lian Fangzhou started making trouble!

The more noisy she was, the more he had to act like an elder, and the more weight he had to speak in front of Zhang Lizheng and the village elders: She is a sister who is virtuous and virtuous, what if she spoils the descendants of the Lian family? They are uncles and aunts, so they have to come out and worry about it!

Therefore, Lian Licai allowed Mrs. Qiao to yell, just to attract others to watch. Anyway, Qiao's has a bluffing temper, as long as the big folds are good, it's fine!

As long as it's not too much, it doesn't matter even if you show off the elders' profile - which family's younger generation can't respect the elders? Which family's brats and girls haven't been beaten and scolded by their elders? This is just as it should be.

After opening the door, Lian Li winked at Mrs. Qiao, who restrained her expression slightly.

"Uncle, Aunt..." Lian Fangqing and Lian Che were a little timid. Lian Fangqing hid behind Lian Che, twisted his clothes uneasily, cast a careful glance at Mrs. Qiao, and carefully explained: "My third brother and I were feeding the cows in the backyard. We really didn't hear the auntie calling the door! We didn't open the door on purpose! Oh, auntie, don't scold us, okay..."

Lian Fangqing's small mouth was flattened, and she was about to cry, so pitiful.

Lian Che patted her shoulder lightly, also looking timid.

Lian Li became angry when he saw the two of them like this. It was not the first time for the two of them to come to their house, and it was not the first time for Qiao to shout like this. Is it like this

"Okay, okay, your eldest aunt doesn't mean it, she is just impatient, you two are good children, ah!" Lian Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, putting on a gentle and loving look.

Lian Fangqing was still timidly afraid, Lian Che took a careful look at Lian Li, and said: "Just now uncle scolded us for being ignorant... We really didn't..."

Lian Li's face froze, feeling that his patience was about to run out, he forced a gentle smile and said: "Uncle, that's just talking casually, you are very obedient, very obedient!"

"Yeah!" Lian Che showed his face and smiled, took Lian Fangqing's sleeve and turned sideways, and said with a smile: "Eldest uncle, eldest aunt, come in!"

Qiao Shi gave them a blank look, hummed silently, and walked in with Lian Li.

Lian Fangqing closed the yard door by the way.

This is gone

Seeing that there was no more fun to watch, everyone dispersed, feeling a little disappointed in their hearts.

You must know that since Lian Fangzhou and the Yang family resigned, the incidents of the second wife of the Lian family have been on the cusp of controversy, and the disagreement between them and the eldest family of the Lian family is well known.

Seeing Lian Fang clearing the courtyard door, Lian Li secretly said, "It's a pity!", but that's all he could do.

He couldn't turn around and reopen the door.

After walking through the courtyard and under the eaves of the porch, before entering the house a few steps away, Lian Che and Lian Fangqing suddenly stood in front of Lian Li and Qiao Shi.

"What are uncle and aunt doing at our house?" Lian Che raised his head and asked suddenly.

Lian Li and Qiao Shi were taken aback.

"Where's your sister and brother? Of course I'm looking for them to go to Lizheng!" Qiao said impatiently with a downcast face.

No one was in front of her, so she didn't bother to give these two furry children a good look.

"It's a coincidence that the eldest uncle and the eldest aunt are here. My sister and brother are not at home!" Lian Fangzhou said loudly, and even made a face at Qiao with a smile, with a sly and proud expression on his face. Just a little timid.

"What did you say!" Qiao's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he said sharply, "Not at home!"

"Keep your voice down!" Lian Li frowned and frowned, staring at Lian Fangqing and Lian Che with the same stern face, "Why aren't you at home? Where did they go? Didn't you agree to go to Li Zheng's place this morning!"

Seeing Lian Fangqing's appearance like this, Mrs. Qiao wanted to tear her face off with hatred. When she heard her husband's questioning, she smiled coldly, and said bitterly and meanly: "Isn't there a need to ask? Isn't it obvious! People, they didn't take care of it at all. Take your words seriously! They did it on purpose! They hid on purpose!"

She said bitterly: "I'm just saying, that dead girl who was full of heart and heart didn't say a word last night, so she made up her mind to hide! Huh, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. I want to see how long she can hide!"

Lian Li's face is very ugly, and he is also very angry!

After he said those reasonable and well-founded words yesterday, Fang Zhou didn't even refute a single word, he sneered secretly while feeling proud, Xin Dao was upright this time, and finally caught her!

Unexpectedly, this damn girl would play such a trick!

But what my daughter-in-law said is right, the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away! If she has the ability, she will never come back!

Hmph, it seems that this is all she can do this time.

"Auntie, you are so smart." Lian Fangqing clapped her hands, looked at Qiao with a smile and said with a smile: "My sister and second brother just hid! The plague gods came to our house, and they wanted to rob our property and become Our home, sister and second brother must of course hide!"

"What did you say!" Joe raised his hand angrily.

Lian Fangqing shrank her head and hid behind Lian Che with a cry of "Ouch", stuck out her tongue and laughed again: "At first, my third brother and I wanted to hide too, but my sister and second brother said that we are still young , I can’t be the master anyway, don’t hide from Uncle and Auntie! Even if Uncle and Auntie pull us in front of Uncle Lizheng, it’s useless!”

"You!" Shi Qiao trembled, her chest was about to explode.

Lian Li was also annoyed by Lian Fangqing's blunt and blunt words, and secretly scolded Erfang and these little bastards for not having a good thing! When it falls into my hands, watch how I teach you the rules!