Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 198: Place a new servant (1)


I went to the furniture shop again, and paid for the delivery.

A total of four donkey carts drove out of the city gate in mighty force, meeting Qin Feng and Su Ziji.

A Jianjian said to Lian Fangzhou: "You, A Ze, and the Zhang family will go back with the car. I, Qin Feng, and Su Ziji will lead the people who bought it back and walk back. It will take less than an hour to arrive."

Lian Fangzhou originally wanted to hire two more cars, but after hearing what A Jian said, he thought about it. If he refused to take such a small distance, then it would be useless to keep such a person. Rather than saving it for future adultery and cheating, it's better to see the essence and deal with it early!

Lian Fangzhou nodded and said with a smile: "Well, let's go back first! I feel relieved to have you following those people. When you go back, I believe the big courtyard will be well-arranged!"

Ah Jian smiled, "Go first, I'll tell them!"

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said yes, then greeted the Zhang family members and Lian Ze, squeezed each other in four cars, and went first.

The donkey cart wobbled all the way, and when it reached the warehouse compound at the entrance of the village, Lian Fangzhou jumped down to open the door and let the cart drive in.

When the gate opened and drove in, everyone's eyes lit up, a little surprised.

Obviously, no one expected such a wide and clean courtyard and such a brand-new house behind the high walls and heavy gates.

Lian Fangzhou guided the car all the way to the living area, drove in, stopped in the courtyard in the middle, and said with a smile: "This is it! Please help unload the things here!"

Everyone agreed, and got busy with their hands and feet.

Although there are a lot of things, they are not trivial, they are all packed in large bundles, and they are all quickly removed.

Lian Fangzhou thanked the coachman for his hard work, gave the coachman a reward, and sent the joyful coachman away, so he came to make arrangements.

On the side of the living area, there is another side door leading to the outside. Near the door, there is a three-bay house with two entrances, which can be used as a living room and as a porter by the way.

Lian Fangzhou had already made up her mind, so she arranged for the Zhang family to live there.

Now the compound is still empty and no work has started, Lian Fangzhou doesn't want those servants to hang out here all day. With the side door in and out, the door connecting the courtyard and the living area can be closed, and people can enter and exit from there in the future.

She briefly talked to the four members of Zhang's family, then handed a key to Zhang Xiaojun, and said: "The door will be locked as soon as it gets dark, and those who come back after the time of the garrison will register in the manual and order me to sign the key. I will leave it to your family, you have to be careful, if there is a thief or something unexpected happens, I will just look for you!"

Zhang Xiaojun and his wife quickly agreed.

Lian Fangzhou then ordered them to move back the daily necessities, clothes, bedding, etc. that were distributed to their own families first. The concierge had predicted from the very beginning that someone would be needed, so the bed cabinets, tables, stools and other things here had been prepared in advance. You can move in with the bedding.

The four of Zhang Xiaojun carried the things over, glanced at the inside and outside, and then hurried over again.

Lian Fangzhou saw that they didn't patronize him to clean up the house, but would take the initiative to come over, and he was a little satisfied in his heart, and directed them to pile up the daily necessities in piles according to types, and waited for the workers to come. They will get it themselves.

Qin Feng and Su Ziji's bed cabinets and other furniture are also piled up here, and when everyone comes back, they can be carried in quickly by calling a few people.

The rest of the pots and pans, as well as the bottles and jars of oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, rice noodles and other trivial things belong to the kitchen. After moving these things into the kitchen, Lian Fangzhou handed over the keys to the kitchen. Mrs. Li said: "All the affairs in the kitchen will be handed over to you in the future, you two take care of the kitchen! It's okay if it's late today, and I will come over tomorrow morning and explain clearly to you, everywhere will be Let me show you!"

Mrs. Li agreed with a busy smile.

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "You should pack up these odds and ends first! The master who drilled the well will come three days after he made an agreement. If you need water these days, you will pick it from the river! Don't drink it from the river." The uncooked water, you have to boil the water in a pot before drinking, and the workers are the same!"

Li agreed one by one.

Lian Fangzhou sent Lian Ze to drive the donkey cart back to pull a cart of firewood, and asked his aunt to steam the steamed buns and pancakes she bought, and then boil a large pot of hot soup.

Lian Ze agreed to go.

Mrs. Li and Zhang Xiu'er quickly put the pots and pans back in place. Zhang Xiaojun said a word, and then picked up the pole to fetch water from the river.

Zhang Liang looked here and there to see if he didn't find any work he could do. Standing there seemed to feel bad, wringing his fingers uneasily, and timidly asked Lian Fangzhou: "Girl, what am I doing... "

Lian Fangzhou was taken aback, and his heart softened. He smiled and said, "You just wait, and when the firewood comes, help move it."

Only then did Zhang Liang's heart settle down, a half-smile appeared on his face, and he responded loudly "Yes" and moved aside.

Not long after, Lian Ze arrived in a donkey cart, along with Lian Fangqing and Lian Che. Far away from Lian Fangzhou, she heard her sister call "Sister, sister!", she couldn't help smiling, and raised her voice to agree.

"Sister!" Lian Fangqing ran over, pulled her sleeves, looked at Li's mother and daughter and Zhang Liang curiously, and asked with a coquettish smile, "Sister, who are they? They will live in the same place as Brother Ajian. Is it at our house?"

Lian Fangzhou made her hesitate slightly when she asked.

Mrs. Li hurriedly laughed and said, "Girl, this is..."

"It's the fourth girl!" Lian Fangzhou laughed hurriedly.

"Fourth Miss!" Li smiled and bowed to Lian Fangqing, and hurriedly asked Zhang Xiu'er and Zhang Liang to meet the Fourth Miss, and said with a smile to Lian Fangqing: "The servants and servants are the servants of the Fourth Miss's family. If the last four girls have any orders, just say it!"

Lian Fangzhou was amused, and waved his hand: "How old is she, she knows this! Do your own thing!"

Lian Fangqing was still a little taken aback, and said, "Sister, this is... our family's servant?"

Lian Fangzhou hummed lightly, and said, "Go and help your brother unload all the firewood!" Then he said to Li's mother and daughter, "Come and move after you pack up, put some in the kitchen, and leave the rest Stacked in the firewood room, the firewood room is in the rear cover room behind the kitchen, and the storeroom for storing rice noodles and other ingredients is also behind."

Mrs. Li hurriedly agreed, and Zhang Xiu'er and Zhang Xiu'er put away the things, and then went out to move the firewood. Zhang Liang was already outside.

After seeing Lian Che, the mother, daughter, mother and son had to see each other again.

After moving it for a while, Zhang Xiaojun had already picked up half a jar of water. Lian Fangzhou ordered Mrs. Li to light both stoves with water and wipe them all around. There are also those newly bought bowls, chopsticks, pots, shovels, spoons, etc., which must be boiled and scalded in hot water.

Just as the dishes and chopsticks were ironed here, Ah Jian, Qin Feng, and Su Ziji also brought the workers back.