Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 212: Winter Solstice Sacrifice (1)


Lian Fangzhou sneered slightly, and said: "Do you know Wang San who was resold by us a few days ago? Miss Zhao bought him and changed his name to Zhao San. He was the one who drove the magpies here just now!"

"So that's how it is!" Ah Jian suddenly realized, after thinking for a while, she said, "From this point of view, Miss Zhao's family may still pay attention!"

Even if she pays more attention, she doesn't know what the cotton is. Maybe she feels something, but she doesn't know it very well, so her attention is limited.

Lian Fangzhou smiled, and said: "I think she is more curious, we just need to be careful to prevent someone from sabotaging, as for other things, we don't have to be like guarding against a big enemy!"

Ah Jian quickly understood what she meant, nodded and smiled, "You're right!"

If you don't put on a cautious posture, then the other party's interest will only be general, and this is the best protection.

The thing to guard against is whether Zhao San will play any tricks.

In the evening, Lian Fangzhou, A Jian, and Lian Ze went to the courtyard again, and delivered some pork and other dishes. I also told everyone that I made new clothes and shoes and socks today, and I can get them back in three or four days, and each person has two sets of inside and outside.

Everyone was very happy and thanked.

Early the next morning, the Lian Fangzhou sisters and siblings got up, and after washing up, they were silently busy with the preparations for worshiping their parents.

Please come down and wipe the tablet for parents, and wipe clean the confession table, incense burner, and candle holders.

Lian Fangqing and Lian Che were sitting in the room, seriously folding paper money.

In the kitchen, Grandma Sangu is preparing to kill a chicken.

Last night, I fried the fish and cooked the sacrificial meat, just wait until it is reheated.

This is a serious and sad matter. Looking at the silently working siblings, the third aunt sighed twice, and Ah Jian didn't know what to say, so she said that the cows went to the river to drink water and went out.

"Cousin Fangzhou! Aze!" A figure in a light blue robe with dark ice patterns came into view. Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze, who were wiping the confession case, turned and looked up, and saw Lian Hai walking in with a gentle expression.

Lian Hai took a gentle look at their siblings, with a gloomy expression, stepped forward and said softly, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

It turned out that he came here specially for the sacrifice of his parents.

Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze also had a touch of warmth and gratitude in their eyes.

No matter what, Lian Hai gave them a different feeling from Lian Li and Qiao Shi.

Lian Ze and those two little ones had a very good impression of him from the previous indifference. Before Lian Fangzhou had no evidence to prove that he was a villain, he was willing to trust him even though he was wary. three points.

"Cousin is here!" The two greeted him, and Lian Fangzhou sighed gratefully: "No need, cousin, we can come by ourselves! This is what we should do as children!"

Lian Ze also nodded, "Yeah".

"Okay!" Lian Hai nodded, and smiled softly: "This is also your filial piety to the second uncle and the second aunt, so I won't interfere! Kowtow to the second uncle and the second aunt later, Just put a few sticks of incense on it!"

Lian Ze immediately said gratefully after hearing the words: "Thank you, cousin!"

In his eyes, his cousin will be a big shot who will take the imperial examination to become an official in the future. He is really touched to be able to do this to his parents. And because of the comparison between Lian Li and Qiao Shi, Lian Hai's words and behavior are even more touching.

"This is due, how can I say something stupid!" Lian Hai waved his hands and said with a smile, "Come on, you guys do what you want, I won't delay you! I'll sit in the outside room and wait for you Come with me when you're done with your work, let's kowtow to our ancestors and burn incense together, and then come to pay homage to our second uncle and second aunt! By the way, my father and mother will come over later."

Before saying the latter sentence, his tone obviously paused.

I almost forgot my ancestors!

Lian Fangzhou cried out inwardly ashamed.

She had forgotten that Lian Fangqing and Lian Che didn't understand at all, but Lian Ze remembered. But the ancestor's god case is in the old house of Lian's family, which is also the house of the uncle. Lian Ze doesn't think that the uncle and aunt will let his siblings go to worship.

If they had to go over, the big truth was on their side, but an unreasonable person like the eldest aunt would only agree to compromise after arguing theoretically. Lian Ze didn't want to quarrel with Da Fang on a day like today.

How could he not be happy that his cousin brought it up on his own initiative

As soon as Lian Ze's heart warmed up, he almost burst into tears of gratitude. He nodded and thanked Lian Hai repeatedly.

Even Fangzhou smiled and thanked him.

As for whether Lian Li and Qiao Shi would come to pay homage to their parents later, neither of the siblings took it seriously.

If you come, come, if you don't come, forget it!

"It's as it should be. Seeing you say that makes me feel really sorry!" Lian Hai smiled and went out.

"Sister, let's hurry up!" Lian Ze couldn't help speeding up the movements of his men because he was afraid of delaying the worship of the ancestors.

Lian Fangzhou smiled and said "huh" and was quicker.

After a while, the sister and brother cleaned up the divine table, candlesticks, etc., and swept the ground, and then came out.

Lian Haizheng, Lian Fangqing, and Lian Che were talking and laughing as they folded the money papers. When they saw them coming out, they laughed and said, "The money papers are almost ready, let's go there later!"

Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze agreed, poured out the dirty water in the basin, and washed their hands. Lian Hai was already waiting with his little brother and sister, so they prepared to go to the old house.

Lian Fangzhou put the cooked whole chicken, whole fish and square meat in two bamboo baskets and prepared to take them there, along with some money paper candles and firecrackers.

She didn't want to be honored by the head of the house when it came to worshiping her ancestors.

Seeing her like this, Lian Hai didn't say anything, and said with a faint smile, "I'll do it!" and took the basket containing square meat and whole fish.

Tell Sangu grandma, and everyone follows Lianhai.

Sangu's grandma is a married daughter, and of course she is not allowed to participate in such an important event of worshiping the ancestors of her family.

Looking at the suddenly empty room, the third aunt sighed, suddenly lost her mind, she couldn't help but raised her sleeves and gently wiped her wet eyes.

Her siblings are very kind to her, and Lian Fangzhou is very generous. She has already saved four or five taels of silver. In two or three years, if she asks Lian Fangzhou for help, it will not be a problem to buy four or five acres of paddy fields. . That is to say, in the future, when you are too old to move, you will still be able to eat a bowl of rice.

But, that's all there is to it!

Without a husband and without children, what else can I do

She couldn't help but cast a glance at the small room where the tablet of Lian Fangzhou's parents was placed, feeling even more sad and sour in her heart. After she died in the future, there really wouldn't be any descendants to offer incense to worship her!

She has long since given up on those people in her husband's family.