Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 218: snow


Lian Fangzhou unconsciously hooked his lips into a smile, and couldn't help reaching out to catch it in the air. As soon as the thin snowflakes fell into the palm of the hand and touched the warm air in the palm, they silently turned into water droplets in an instant.

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Lian Fangzhou turned and smiled into the room.

"Is it snowing?"


The brothers and sisters in the room were all excited, and the tables and chairs moved and rushed out, and the third aunt also followed out regardless of eating melon seeds.

"Ah! It's really snowing! Great, great!" The siblings clapped their hands and cheered, with big smiles on their faces.

There is at most one or two snowfalls every year, and in some years it does not fall. Snow can be said to be a rare event, which is worth looking forward to and excited about.

"Oh, it's not too young!" Grandma Sangu gestured excitedly, looked up at the sky with half-closed eyes, and said with a smile: "It looks like I can last one night!"

Lian Fangqing and others cheered when they heard it, and liked it even more.

It’s snowing, of course, the bigger the snow, the more fun it is!

Not to mention snowball fights, making snowmen, etc., just stepping on the white snow, step by step, making creaking sounds is very interesting.

Lian Fangzhou was also happy in his heart, and smiled softly: "I hope there will be two heavy snowfalls. Once the snow melts, our newly reclaimed land this year will be blessed! Moreover, many pests in the soil will be frozen to death." And grass seeds! So much easier to clean up next year!"

A Jian turned her head to look at her, shook her head with a slight smile, and said softly: "You, those lands are always on your mind!"

"That's not true," Lian Fangzhou smiled at him, "I have spent so much effort on those lands!"

"Brother Ajian, brother Ajian!" Lian Fangqing and Lian Che suddenly ran over and pulled Ajian, looked up and said anxiously: "Brother Ajian said earlier that you won't be able to hunt when it snows!"

"That's right! Brother Ajian, why don't we go tomorrow?" Lian Ze's eyes lit up with excitement, wishing it would be dawn soon.

The newly made iron bows and arrows have never been used yet!

And after practicing these days, he also wanted to try again.

Ah Jian smiled helplessly and looked at Lian Fangzhou.

Before even Fangzhou could speak, the third aunt yelled, "No, no! It's snowing and the road is slippery. If you walk, your shoes will get wet. It's cold. What kind of hunting is it? Just stay at home honestly!"

Lian Fangqing pouted unhappily, and acted aggrievedly: "Sister, you obviously said what you said before, how can you not count your words!"

Lian Che also hurriedly said: "That's right, didn't you make leather boots? Wearing leather boots won't get wet!"

"Yes, yes, what the third brother said is true!" Lian Fangqing immediately cheered up.

Lian Fangzhou was so entangled by them that he looked at A Jian inquiringly: "Look..."

"You can give it a try, if you're not afraid of the cold—"

Ah Jian hadn't finished speaking, Lian Fangqing and others were in a hurry to express their opinions, and they were definitely not afraid of Leng Yunyun.

Lian Fangzhou laughed and said, "If that's the case, let's go!"

The younger ones clapped their hands and cheered, the third aunt gave Fangzhou a blank look and said, "You can just let them go!"

Opportunities are rare. In fact, even Fangzhou herself is looking forward to it. It's just that she is the eldest sister, so she is too embarrassed to show it. Seeing that the younger brothers and sisters were happy, I secretly rejoiced in my heart.

As for the third aunt, that's all she said.

"It's cold outside, let's all go inside and warm up by the fire!" Everyone laughed and watched for a while, even Fangzhou smiled and drove everyone back into the house.

The snow fell all night, and when the door was opened the next morning, the ground, roof, trees... far and near were all white.

The heavy snow covers all the colors and edges, and the whole world presents a uniform pink makeup and jade-like color, everything is soft, like another world.

In the sky, snowflakes are still falling one after another, much bigger than last night. Flying in the sky like catkins and catkins, disturbing the sight, after walking a few steps, a thin layer was covered on the body and head. But if there is a gap, they drill into the neck.

However, no one disliked or disliked it. While still in the yard, the happy laughter of children could be heard from outside from time to time.

The three Lianze brothers and sisters put on thick robes and rushed out the door to join the children playing.

"What a snowfall! Looks like it's God's favor!" Lian Fangzhou was very happy when he saw the heavy snow in the sky.

A Jian squinted her eyes slightly and looked up, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid this snow will not stop until the next day!"

"Ah Jian can still watch the weather!" Lian Fangzhou laughed.

"I can't say whether it will or not, it's just a feeling." Ah Jian replied with a smile.

Lian Fangqing and the three went out to play and didn't know when to come back for breakfast. They didn't come back until nearly noon. When they got home, their shoes were wet, their skirts were also wet, and their bodies were covered in water marks stained with snowflakes. . All of them had flushed faces and cold hands.

The third aunt asked them to change clothes, shoes and socks while talking about it angrily, but Lian Fangzhou just smiled and ignored them. Children, it is rare to have such a fun time.

"Sister, can you go into the city to pick up your boots today?" Lian Ze asked.

"It's tomorrow! We can't go today!" Lian Fangzhou said with a smile: "Your Brother Ah Jian said that the snow will not stop for a while, and it will not be so easy to melt if it stops. Don't worry. !"

A Jian smiled and said, "It's better to go one or two days after the snow stops. At that time, the birds and beasts in the mountains will have nothing to eat, and if they can't stand the cold, they will naturally come out to look for food!"

Lian Ze was relieved when he heard what he said, and started discussing happily.

The snow was just like what A Jian said, and it really fell for a while, until it was getting dark in the evening, and then it slowly stopped.

At this time, the ground has already accumulated a layer of snow as thick as the calf.

At noon the next day, Ah Jian, Lian Fangzhou, and Lian Ze were going to the city to get ready-made clothes, shoes and socks. Lian Fangqing and Lian Che also clamored to go.

Along the way, you can see everywhere covered in silver, and the scenery that you are used to and tired of seeing on weekdays has its own characteristics and is pleasing to the eye. A few people are wearing thick hats and wrapped in big scarves, chatting and laughing are also lively.

It's just that although the snow layer is not enough to hinder the traffic, the journey is not as brisk as it used to be. This round trip took twice as long as usual.

When he came back and passed the compound, Lian Fangzhou asked Qin Feng and Su Ziji to collect the clothes he made for the servants and distributed them to everyone before returning home.

Grandma Sangu was also looking forward to the new clothes, as soon as she came back, several people happily tried them on, and there was a lot of excitement.

Because of the heavy snowfall, everyone was very satisfied with the pair of leather boots. They held them in their hands and touched them, wishing that tomorrow would be tomorrow, and chatted about tomorrow's itinerary.