Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 237: deal with


What Lian Fangzhou didn't expect was that after Lian Ze notified Lian Liqiao's family, Lian Hai, despite the persuasion and begging of his parents, insisted on notifying everyone together with Lian Ze, saying that it would be faster for the two to notify everyone separately. , He also said that those people near Wang Qilang's house should not notify them, so as not to cause accidents.

Lian Ze didn't expect his cousin, a powerless scholar, to be so courageous, and he secretly admired him, and couldn't help but have a good impression of him.

Afterwards, Lian Hai gained a better reputation not only in the village, but also in the ten miles and eight towns.

Soon, Ah Jian brought the eleven servants of the Lian family, Qin Feng, Su Ziji, and Sun Changxing, and Sun Changxing also brought his own bow and arrow.

When everyone saw A Jian, Sun Changxing, and the eleven servants of the Lian family who were strong and well-organized, they felt more relaxed. They all whispered happily: "Ah-Jian is here!", "Great, A-Jian is finally back!", "With A-Jian here, nothing will happen!"

"Ah Jian, you can arrange what to do! This voice is really creepy! I'm afraid, I'm afraid the courtyard of Wang Qilang's house won't be able to withstand it for a long time!" Zhang Lizheng said with a frown.

Everyone nodded and whispered yes.

Ah Jian nodded, and asked Zhang Lizheng to pick seven or eight calm, strong, and normally dignified people to take the lead, among them was Uncle Li.

Several people discussed together.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was what A Jian said, and Zhang Lizheng and others nodded frequently and listened.

Not long after, Lian Ze and Lian Hai also came back, saying that everyone who could be notified had already been notified.

Ah Jian nodded, motioned for everyone to stand still, glanced at her, and said in a low voice: "Anyone who is brave enough to stand up, please take two steps forward, I have other arrangements, and the rest just stand where they are. Time Not much more, hurry up!"

The eleven servants of the Lian family, Qin Feng, Su Ziji, Sun Changxing, etc. naturally stood up, and Lian Ze also stood up.

Although everyone was afraid at the beginning, for some reason, when the handsome and stern Ah Jian came to this station, her momentum was like a mountain, she was as sharp as a sword, and there was something reassuring in her eyes as deep as a pool, those young men All of them felt that their hearts were suddenly filled with pride, as if they were not afraid to throw their heads and blood!

Following the voices of "I", "I", "And me", "count me in", twenty or thirty people stood up.

And the one who was about the same size as Lian Ze also stood up with his head held high and his chest held high when he saw him. It was just that he was forcibly pulled back by the adults at home.

"Okay!" Ah Jian nodded, and took these people aside to give instructions. Li Zheng also gathered all the rest and even the women to make arrangements.

The courageous ones who took the initiative to stand up were the main force and resisted at the forefront. The rest of the people also had sticks and hoes, but most of them were assigned to hold torches and various iron tools and gongs for beating.

Everyone divided into four groups and blocked the four roads near Wang Qilang's house, leaving only one road leading to the wild grassland behind the village.

Behind that wilderness is a stream. Beyond the creek, there are large expanses of fields.

The ditch is nearly ten feet wide, but the water is shallow. Now this winter, the water is even shallower, barely reaching the ankles.

But because it is winter, these days are extremely cold. Now it is midnight, the stream is icy cold, and the grass by the stream has already been frosted. I believe it can stop the wolves.

After the arrangements were made, everyone left in batches under the leadership of several leaders.

A Jian ordered Qin Feng and Su Ziji to take the eleven Lian family servants carrying hoes and sticks to the back of the village.

There is no way. The terrain of Dafang Village is flat, and it is difficult to fortify in a hurry. There are a large number of wolves. It is too late to kill them all and they cannot be left to hide somewhere in the village. It is better to drive them out.

As the screams became more and more horrific, the boundless despair and fear made everyone in the yard startled and terrified!

A Jian changed color slightly, and said in a low voice: "Not good! I'm afraid the wolves have jumped over the fence and entered Wang Qilang's yard!"

Everyone changed their colors, Ah Jian yelled "Let's go!" and hurried away with Lian Ze and Sun Changxing.

As soon as they left Aunt Zhang's yard, Lian Ze and Sun Changxing's eyes blurred, and when they came back to their senses, where was A Jian's shadow

"This, this is—" Sun Changxing opened his eyes wide, stammering and staring at Lian Ze.

Lian Ze's heart was filled with fascination, and he couldn't find any words to describe his mood at the moment. He said proudly: "Brother Ah Jian's kung fu is very good! Let's go quickly!"

"Oh, good!" Sun Changxing nodded, and Lian Ze hurriedly followed.

As A Jian expected, when he came near Wang Qilang's house, A Jian heard the sound of wolf claws scratching at the door and window of Wang Qilang's house and the howling of ghosts and wolves of Wang Qilang's family in that room.

Under the fence outside the yard, there were still five or six wolves walking around, stopping from time to time to scratch the fence and howl.

In the dark night, those green upper eyeballs shone with a gloomy light, looking at it, it was icy cold.

But Ah Jian is not very human, so naturally she will not be frightened by these wolves. He drew the bow with an arrow, pulled it heavily, and with a "swish", the sharp and thick iron arrow quickly pierced through the air, hit the wolf's head, and almost passed through it!

A shrill scream made one's heart shattered, and the wolf who was hit by the arrow rushed to the ground and died.

Ah Jian thought inwardly, "Thanks to the cost of making this bow and arrow, it is very easy to make!" When all the wolves were stunned and turned their heads to stare at him like lightning, another arrow pierced through the air. It shot through the thigh of a wolf, and a mournful howl rang out into the sky.

All the wolves and people were stunned. The crying and fear of Wang Qilang's family stopped abruptly. The wolves in the yard swished back and jumped out. Eyes, approaching A Jian step by step.

The wounded wolf limped and followed, howling.

Under the extremely faint moonlight, Ah Jian counted, and after excluding the dead wolf, there were eleven in total!

Ah Jian's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to be careless, she quickly backed up, and while she was backing, she set her arrow and drew her bow, and two more "swish" arrows were shot out, followed by two screams, and one died and the other was injured.

But the wolves were obviously enraged by Ah Jian's behavior, and saw a bigger wolf headed up to the sky and screamed, and the four claws were like the wind leading the wolves towards A Jian's direction.

There are only two arrows left in Ah Jian's quiver.

The wolves came too fast, and it was too late to take up their bows and shoot arrows.

Ah Jian's figure was nimble, she took a breath and flashed to the side, jumped onto the low wall on the side, quickly retreated to one side, pulled out an arrow and shot again.

The wolves were caught off guard and changed direction. The momentary slack had given A Jian enough time to react. Another wolf fell to the ground and died.

A thought suddenly came to A Jian's mind: If only my long sword was here!

Long sword? Could it be that he is accustomed to using a long sword