Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 239: One escaped


Everyone lifted up the dead wolf's body, discussed happily and joyfully, praised A Jian one after another, and looked at him differently. Lian Ze and Sun Changxing also received numerous praises.

A Jian was surrounded by countless people, competing to get close to him and praising him. Ah Jian's neither arrogant nor impetuous, and her calm expression made everyone admire her even more.

The crowd carried the dead wolf, surrounded A Jian, and returned to the village happily and bustling.

At this time, the sky was already faintly bright. The battlefield in the village has also been cleaned up. Everyone gathered under the big locust tree. There were several dead wolves neatly arranged in the square under the tree. Everyone was watching and talking about it.

Everyone looked excited.

When Lian Fangzhou, Grandma Sangu, Lian Fangqing, and Lian Che saw Ah Jian and Lian Ze coming back from a distance, their tense hearts were completely relaxed and they laughed. The little brothers and sisters cheered and rushed to meet them.

When everyone came forward, Zhang Lizheng smiled brightly, and came to Ah Jian with several village elders. Zhang Lizheng patted Ah Jian's shoulder vigorously, and smiled gratefully: "Ah Jian, it is really thanks to you! Without you, I really don't know what kind of catastrophe this night will cause, alas! Ah Jian, you saved our entire Dafang Village!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to us having A-Jian!"

"Hey, Ah Jian is really good! If it weren't for him, there would be such an enjoyable thing. I never thought that one day I would be able to beat wolves!"

I don't know which young man shouted excitedly, which attracted a group of young people to agree and say yes.

Zhang Lizheng yelled at those voices angrily: "Okay, okay! Don't follow me around! If it weren't for Ah Jian, all of you would have trembling calves and couldn't move a step, and now you're shaking!"

Everyone laughed loudly.

The young man with the loud voice also grinned, but he was not angry, he scratched his head and said with a smile, "Didn't I say that Ah Jian is here!"

As he spoke, he lifted his spirits, and hurriedly said, "Brother Ah Jian is not only good at archery, but also can make tigers and tigers look like a tiger. You can see that he is a practicer! Brother A Jian, brother A Jian, teach me when you are free." !"

"I want to learn too, Brother Ajian!"

"And me, and me!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, all the young people became emotional, shouting in unison.

Lian Ze's face was full of smiles, his face was shining with excitement, his eyes were surprisingly bright, and his brows were full of pride. Brother Ah Jian has been teaching him!

Er Gouzi and the gangsters, you look at me, I look at you and you don't say a word, they have naturally learned about Ah Jian's skills. But they will never say such a shameful thing.

Facing everyone's flattery, Ah Jian's expression was still calm, she just smiled and said a few perfunctory words casually. How could he teach people casually his kung fu? But he also knows that these people are just talking about it for three minutes, and no one can afford the pain like Lian Ze.

Amidst the noise, Wang Qilang's family together with his father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister-in-law pushed aside the crowd and was about to kneel down to thank A Jian, so A Jian hurriedly helped her up. The people next to him also helped and helped, and they couldn't help but praise A Jian again.

Lian Fangzhou, his siblings, the third aunt, Aunt Zhang, etc. stood quietly by the side and looked at A Jian with a smile, and did not push forward like everyone else.

When I go home, how much can I say? Seeing Ah Jian and Lian Ze come back safely, Lian Fangzhou felt extremely happy.

Seeing that Ah Jian was admired and respected by everyone, she seemed to be very happy in her heart.

The reason for this kind of happiness cannot be explained, but it flows in her heart like a clear spring, as if it fills all limbs, bones, and every blood vessel, making her feel like she is going to float.

It was full of excitement for more than two quarters of an hour, and after Zhang Lizheng shouted "Quiet" several times, everyone gradually quieted down.

Zhang Lizheng first thanked Ah Jian, and then talked about how to distribute these dead wolves.

What Zhang Lizheng meant was that half of the wolf skins belonged to Ah Jian and Lian Ze, and Sun Changxing shared one piece, and the rest was sold for silver and returned to the village public. share.

Everyone had no objection, and Ah Jian would not say anything. Some kind-hearted people even whispered that the wolf skin should be given to A Jian and the three of them. There are not a few people who agree.

When Lian Fangzhou heard this, his heart warmed and he was quite happy.

When the big guys heard that there was wolf meat, they immediately became excited and joyful, talking about "I've never eaten wolf meat before!", "I don't know what it tastes like!" and so on.

But, suddenly, Ah Jian's eyes narrowed, and she sternly shouted: "No! I counted them clearly. There should be twelve wolves. Why are there only eleven here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. The originally frolicking and cheerful scene suddenly became silent, and everyone seemed to hear their own heartbeat.

When cleaning the battlefield, the big guys went together. There is absolutely no one who has the ability to steal a wolf and take it back to his home under the noses of everyone.

If what A Jian said is true, that is to say, there is another wolf that escaped!

Although not many people have actually seen wolves, they have heard a lot of stories and legends about wolves, and they have a little understanding of wolves' temperament. What I know best is that wolves have a strong desire for revenge.

"Ah Jian, you, you can't count wrong, right? Did you really, see clearly that one is missing?" Zhang Lizheng asked stammeringly as his chest heaved and he took a sharp breath.

A Jian looked dignified, nodded and said: "I will never be wrong!"

And according to his guess, the one that escaped was probably a wolf.

"This is how to do!"

"Oh my God!"

A Jian's prestige has been leapfrogged this night. His words, coupled with his expression at the moment, no one will not believe it. Everyone couldn't help but worry.

There were also young people clamoring, "What are you afraid of! There is nothing terrible about a mere wolf, if it comes, just kill it!" Some echoed and some refuted.

Ah Jian sighed inwardly, the wolf must have escaped in the chaos behind the village. If the scene wasn't so chaotic at the time, it wouldn't be able to escape! Even if he escapes, he will know the direction and location of the escape. Instead of knowing nothing like now.

"Ah Jian, you, what can you do?" Zhang Lizheng asked the crowd to be silent, and hurriedly asked.

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes fell on A Jian.

Ah Jian was stunned, and said honestly: "There is no other way, I can only wait, wait for it to come again!"

There was a gasp from the crowd.

Even the corner of Fangzhou's mouth couldn't help twitching, thinking what a good idea this is.

"Then, should we also set a trap or something?" Zhang Lizheng asked hopefully.