Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 252: Addicted to scolding


Wang Guang's daughter-in-law couldn't help persuading her a few words.

One after another, three or four people came from the front and the back, and they couldn't help asking each other when they saw this, and they immediately spoke in a few words, so everyone felt that Qiao's work was a bit too much, especially when they saw Li Er and Li Sanliang The person's panicked and pitiful appearance made Qiao Shi feel that he was going too far.

"Sister-in-law Qiao, forget it! Look at how you are scaring people, how can you still work!"

"That's right, they just said a few words to explain, why are you so angry! Alas!"

"Why don't you say that people's lives are good? If it were me, if someone worked for me, I would definitely treat them politely. Alas, I just don't have that kind of life!"

Everyone persuaded her in a hurry, and Qiao Shi was even more annoyed: Is the second wife of the Lian family against her? How could even the two servants make things difficult for her

That damn girl dares to talk back up and down, don't you guys dare too!

Qiao's unscrupulous, no matter who persuaded her, she blushed and cursed with embarrassment.

Seeing that she was so disrespectful, everyone felt bored, so they stopped persuading her, and just watched quietly from the side.

In the open field, only Mrs. Qiao's scolding sounded.

Gradually, Mrs. Qiao also noticed something strange.

For no reason, she felt needles on her back, and the voice of scolding gradually died down. But he straightened his waist, stared at Li Er and Li San and cursed: "What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and work for me! You just know how to be lazy!"

"I, we haven't had lunch yet..." Li San subconsciously said again, but his voice gradually disappeared under Qiao's stare.

Li Er gently tugged at his sleeve at the same time, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Don't be angry, we'll go to work now, we'll go to work now..."

As he spoke, he took Li San down to the field.

Seeing this, everyone secretly shook their heads and sighed, and also dispersed.

Only then did Mrs. Qiao let out a long breath of relief, and stood on the field ridge with her head held high, sneering again and again. Xindao, two dead slaves, dare to fight with my old lady!

She picked up the bowl on the ground, wiped it with her hands and put it back into the basket. She glanced at the bowl of porridge in the basket that Li Er hadn't eaten. Qiao Shi didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Of course he left with the basket.

As for whether it didn't matter if Li Er and Li San were still working hungry, she didn't think about it at all. On the contrary, I still feel that they deserve it and deserve to be taught a lesson!

But she didn't expect that just after she came home, she met her husband who was glaring at her.

Qiao's heart felt guilty, and she didn't dare to look at him. Then she thought about what happened in the field, it was impossible to report back so quickly, even if it was reported, she didn't have anything to feel guilty about!

Thinking of this, she immediately straightened her waist and said: "Old man, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Could it be that you are really sick?"

Because of her guilty conscience, her voice was extraordinarily loud.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lian Li's face became even more ugly, he snorted heavily, and gritted his teeth coldly: "It would be great if it was true..."

"What?" Qiao's eyes widened in surprise, thinking that there must be something wrong with her ears.

The corners of Lian Li's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said bitterly: "What else can I do? Lian Fangzhou, that damn girl, she actually invited a doctor to see me!"

"Oh, the sun is coming out from the west! When was she so kind-ah! That, isn't that..." Qiao Shi suddenly realized something was wrong after a few harsh words, her face turned pale, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly. Lian Li.

Lian Li's face had already darkened, and he remained silent.

"That damn girl, you really are uneasy and kind!" Qiao Shi couldn't help but also gritted her teeth.

If Lian Li was really sick, of course she wouldn't ask a doctor to see him. But she just invited it! This meant that she simply suspected that Lian Li was not sick!

Qiao couldn't help scolding: "This damn girl is so narrow-minded, she is so rude to the elders, can such things be guessed!"

As an eldest aunt, I always say that your uncle is sick, and I say yes, that is, you don't listen honestly, what kind of moth!

"Then, what did the doctor say? What did that damn girl say?" Qiao asked hurriedly.

Lian Li snorted coldly: "That damn girl didn't say anything!"

Qiao was taken aback for a moment, but immediately felt relieved, curled her lips disapprovingly, and said, "It's fine if you don't say anything! That's right, so what if you pretend to be sick? Why don't you just ask her two servants to help? My uncle and father Auntie doesn't have this face yet!"

Lian Li ignored her with a cold face, but suddenly stared at her and asked, "How is the work in the field? Those two people didn't play tricks, did they?"

"Be honest! They are just two little servants, and they dare to turn the sky upside down!" Qiao raised her brows, and said quite elatedly.

Lian Li's eyes darkened, and he said lightly, "What about you? You haven't done anything to others, have you?"

Qiao's heart trembled, she forced herself to smile, and said, "What are you talking about? How can I hurt others! This is true!" After finishing speaking, she walked towards the kitchen.

Lian Li stared at her back, although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't think about it deeply.

What the couple didn't expect was that Lian Fangzhou, A Jian, and Lian Ze came to find him in the evening.

Lian Fangzhou told the two straight to the point that they should stop asking their servants to help with work in the future! If they are really too busy, she can hire them according to the market price. She can give them the best servants under her command, and she can even give them a 20% discount!

As soon as this remark came out, Qiao's eyes widened and she wanted to yell, but for some reason, she was speechless for Shang Lian Fangzhou's cold eyes.

Lian Ze snorted disdainfully, and then told what happened today, one pretended to be sick, the other treated his servants as people, didn't even give him lunch, and even scolded him for a long time and forced him to work in the field Live, the neighbors passing by the village can't persuade me even a few words! The more you persuade, the more you scold me!

If you don't treat people as human beings like this, you can see that your heart is vicious. Isn't it nice to spread the reputation of abusing servants? In short, their siblings absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing! Without their parents, they are lucky and young, and they will never do such things that are detrimental to morality!

"If uncle and aunt think we are mean, we can ask Li Zheng and the village elders to judge! If there is no objection, we will go back first!" At the end, Lian Fangzhou dropped two words coolly.

Before Lian Fangzhou could finish speaking, Mrs. Qiao screamed: "Lian Fangzhou! It's you! You set the trap, right? It must be you! You're plotting against me again!"

Lian Fangzhou sneered and said, "I'm plotting against you? Do you think I'm as idle as you? Plotting against you all day long? You think highly of me! Tell me, why did I plot against you? What did you do today? You know it yourself!" After saying that, he snorted softly and took Lian Ze and A Jian away.