Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 261: Trembling


"Stop, stop! Stop!" Yang Wenxiao was startled and angry, and shouted loudly.

"Shut up!" Lian Fangqing yelled at him, then turned around and continued beating Yang Wenzhong without thinking, cursing while beating.

Yang Wenxiao's lungs were about to explode, he couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward to hit Lian Ze: "Let go of Wen Zhong!"

Lian Ze was waiting for him, with a cold smile, his feet were not loose at all, his body nimbly avoided Yang Wenxiao's fist, followed by his hands as fast as lightning caught him, he paused, raised his foot and swept towards his knee go down.

Yang Wenxiao also let out a scream and fell to his knees involuntarily, while Lian Ze stepped on Yang Wenzhong's back firmly after retracting his foot.

Lian Fangqing just stopped for a while, and when Lian Ze's foot stepped back again, she continued to beat and scold Yang Wenzhong.

Yang Wenxiao dislocated one arm and one ankle. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Although he didn't yell or scream for pain, his body lying on the ground trembling, his distorted facial features biting his white lips, and the big beads of sweat on his forehead were all indistinguishable. Shows his pain.

Lin Jin and Lin Fei stared with wide eyes in horror, and couldn't help but feel a little weak in their legs.

They knew exactly who Yang Wenxiao was, but he actually suffered such a big loss. One can imagine how terrible Lian Che's second brother is...

If possible, the two would like to leave immediately. But they didn't dare, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't dare.

From the beginning to the end, Lian Che stood by with his lips pursed, without saying anything.

After a while, Lian Ze said lightly, "Qing'er, it's done!", and Lian Fangqing stopped.

Yang Wenzhong's screams were suddenly very abrupt.

"Shut up." Lian Zeju said coldly, condescendingly, but Yang Wenzhong was not still moaning, so he snorted coldly, "If you don't shut up, are you looking for smoke?"

Lian Fang at the side raised the branches, and her eyes lit up immediately.

Yang Wenzhong was startled, and the moaning in his mouth stopped abruptly.

Lian Ze glanced at him and Yang Wenxiao, and said unhurriedly: "I am Che'er's second brother, you can see clearly, if you dare to bully him again next time, hmph, it will not be such a small lesson today. !"

Lian Ze's voice was very peaceful, but there was an indescribable coolness in every word. Brother Yang Wenzhong and Lin Jin and Lin Fei were all stunned: This is still called a small lesson, isn't it a small lesson? what kind of...

"Did you hear that!" Lian Ze shouted suddenly, staring at Yang Wenzhong coldly.

"Listen, hear, hear!" Yang Wenzhong trembled, his face turned pale.

Lian Ze glared at Yang Wenxiao again: "What about you? Did you hear that?"

Yang Wenxiao was so painful that he was about to bite his lips to bleed. He hated and was afraid of Lian Ze in his heart, so he didn't answer his question, but hummed softly.

Lian Fangqing sneered, "Yo!", and said angrily, "Your mouth is quite hard!" As he spoke, he broke a bigger branch and walked over to face Yang Wenxiao, who was headless. Brain beat up! It didn't take long for him to be beaten all over his face.

Yang Wenzhong himself was trampled under by Lian Ze. Seeing Yang Wenxiao slumped, he yelled "Stop!" Seeing that Lian Fangqing ignored him, he yelled anxiously, "It's not fair! It's not fair at all. Ah! It's not just us bullying Lian Che, why should we just take it out on our brother! It's not fair! It's not fair!"

Lin Fei and Lin Jin turned pale, and glared at Yang Wenzhong bitterly, scolding him countless times in their hearts.

Fortunately, even the three brothers and sisters didn't seem to hear what he said, and didn't respond at all. Lin Fei and Lin Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yang Wenxiao is young, he has always been used to being domineering and domineering, how could he be willing to give in easily? But only at this moment did he realize that it was useless for him not to give in, because he had kicked the iron plate!

Lian Fangqing whipped the whip off without thinking. It was obvious that he would not be able to stop if he refused to give in. The pain on his body was unbearable, so he could only shout: "I know!" !I see!"

Lian Fangqing let out a "bah" and cursed: "I see that you are still stubborn! No matter how stubborn you are, I am not afraid of it!"

Lian Ze snorted, "You know better! If you dare to think of revenge, don't blame me for being rude! My brother, you can't bully me!" He kicked Yang Wenzhong aside.

Yang Wenzhong rolled on the ground a few times with an "ouch" sound, and then sat up reluctantly with a groan.

"Wen Xiao! Wen Xiao!" As soon as Yang Wenzhong sat up, he hurriedly crawled towards Yang Wenxiao, pulled him and said urgently, "How are you doing!"

Yang Wenxiao dislocated one arm, one ankle, and was pulled and shaken by Yang Wenzhong, immediately grinning his teeth in pain, panting weakly: "My hand, me, my foot..."

Yang Wenzhong was taken aback, and looked carefully only to find that one of his arms was hanging limply, his legs and feet were limp from fright, and he cried, "Wen Xiao, Wen Xiao, what's wrong with you! Don't scare me!"

"Idiot!" Lian Fangqing spat, and said contemptuously, "Coward! It was just dislocated by my second brother, what a big deal!"

Yang Wenzhong couldn't help looking at Lian Ze.

Lian Ze saw that he was really stupid, so he kindly reminded him: "Please, please, I will help him, otherwise, this arm and this foot will be useless!"

Yang Wenzhong didn't hesitate at all when he heard this, and immediately said: "I beg you! I beg you, save Wenxiao!"

Lian Ze snorted coldly: "Then remember it for me! If you dare to bully and plot against my brothers in the future, unless you don't go out for the rest of your life!"

As he spoke, he squatted down and pulled Yang Wenxiao's arm carelessly. Everyone heard a "click" sound and Yang Wenxiao's earth-shattering screams. Lian Ze glared at him: "What's your name, try It's okay to move!"

Lin Fei's legs gave way, and he fell to the ground with a "plop", and hurriedly got up again.

Lian Ze then straightened his ankle in the same way, and snorted, "Remember, if there is a next time, it won't just be this little suffering!"

As he said that, he took Lian Che and Lian Fang away.

The donkey cart was hidden behind the bushes, and the three got into the donkey cart and hurried back home in a happy mood.

Lian Fangqing seemed in a good mood, laughed at Yang Wenzhong and Yang Wenxiao, then winked at Lian Che and said with a smile: "Third brother, third brother, you must not do such fun things secretly in the future, Be sure to tell me! Count me in!"

"You're really—" Lian Che laughed, "I don't want this kind of thing to happen again!"

"That's right! Fourth sister, you don't look like a girl like you!" Lian Ze, who was driving the car, couldn't help turning his head and gave her a blank look. He still turned around and drove, and couldn't help asking: "Che'er, why did you let us let those two go? What about a kid? Didn’t you say they did it last time too?”

Rao has already let out a bad breath, and Lian Ze still hates the root of his teeth a little itchy when talking about this matter.