Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 264: Hatch chicks


The hatching time of eggs and duck eggs is fundamentally different, that is to say, it is impossible to kang a few duck eggs by the way. When the eggs hatch, it is still several days before the duck eggs hatch!

When the eggs are hatched and the chicks are caught, the temperature will definitely fluctuate and be affected, and the duck eggs are at the critical time of hatching, so what's the use of this

If you talk about hatching a kang duck egg specifically, you have no experience after all, and you don’t know whether the temperature is the same as the demand for a kang egg. How dare you try

Moreover, it takes twenty-three days for the eggs to be hatched and the kang to be raised, and the kang will be raised on this day. Normally it takes 27 days to incubate duck eggs with a hen, and I don’t know which day or time is the best time to start a kang egg.

Lian Fangzhou saw that the old Wangtou said "no" and then there was no more text. After thinking about it, he understood, and said to the old Wangtou with a smile: "I will pay you one or two hundred duck eggs. Can you try it? If you can After the trial, maybe I will find some duck seedlings from your kang!"

Old Wangtou's eyes lit up, he nodded with joy, and laughed repeatedly: "This is fine! I can try it! But, it will take some time!"

"That's natural, let's talk about the chicken seedlings first!" Lian Fangzhou laughed.

So Lian Fangzhou left five taels of silver, two taels for buying duck eggs, and three taels for the deposit to buy chicken seedlings for Lao Wangtou.

The old Wangtou was very happy, took the money and thanked him again and again, and sent the three of Lian Fangzhou out with his son.

On the way, Lian Ze couldn't help asking: "Sister, do you still want to buy ducklings? Where can you keep them? The creek by the side of our village can't raise many ducklings!"

Even Ah Jian couldn't help being a little strange.

Lian Fangzhou laughed and said: "How many can we raise in the small river ditch by our village? Even if we want to raise them, we only need to raise twenty or thirty for Mrs. Li's sister-in-law to keep by the way! I'm making preparations in advance. I won't raise them this year. You might have to raise them tomorrow!"

"Next year!" Lian Ze opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it, and sighed helplessly: "Sister, you really have a long-term plan!"

Even Fangzhou and Ah Jian couldn't help laughing, Ah Jian said: "Your sister must have a plan in mind, I think it's better to make sufficient preparations in advance, so that you won't be too busy until next year!"

The corners of Lian Ze's mouth twitched, and he muttered casually: "Anyway, whatever my sister's plan is, Brother Ajian agreed..."

His muttering was a bit low, even Fang Zhou and A Jian pretended not to hear it, and talked about something else.

Lian Fangzhou would like to raise some this year, but it's a pity that there is not enough money on hand? Now, only 3,000 taels are left after the cotton is fully planted. After the cotton is planted, the management cost is not much, but in the later stage, people have to hire people to make various tools for processing cotton, such as spinning cotton thread, weaving cotton cloth, etc. She also wants to open one at home. The shop sells cotton cloth!

Which of these does not require silver? Not to mention anything else, if you want to hire a few weavers with good craftsmanship, the price will not be low.

Within a few days, news came that both Lian Hai and Sun Ming had passed the county examination, and if they passed the government examination again in April, they would officially become scholars!

Becoming a scholar means that you don't have to kneel down to salute when you meet officials, you don't have to pay taxes at home, you can exempt yourself and your wife from corvee service, and you can directly give opinions and suggestions to the county magistrate on local official affairs. The yamen receives a subsidy of five buckets of rice.

If you go one step further, it is Juren, which is equivalent to stepping into the officialdom with one foot. If you can't go further, find a school to sit in the hall and become a teacher, that's not bad!

In short, the benefits of being a scholar are real.

Lian Hai and Sun Ming have now stepped into the threshold of being a scholar.

When the news spread back to the village, everyone was overjoyed and envious. Lian Li and Qiao Shi walked straighter and spoke louder.

And Sun Changxing and his wife were so happy that they were on the verge of tears. Their moods were both joyful and nervous, and the raised hearts would not be completely relieved until after April.

When Qiao was excited, the gloom in her chest was swept away, and she immediately wanted to go to Lian Fangzhou's house to find fault, but was stopped by Lian Li.

Mrs. Qiao was very unconvinced, so Lian Li said coldly: "Ah Hai is not a scholar yet, why are you so anxious? Why are you so anxious for these two days! If someone sees the joke, you will still have the face to see him later." People? You!"

Lian Li meant that if Ah Hai failed the exam, wouldn't it be embarrassing? It's just that the word "failure" is too unlucky, and the couple will never say these words.

Qiao's mouth was stubborn, "We, Ah Hai, are so smart that we will definitely win! It's not like the Sun family, who is a poor guy, how can we have such great luck!" After all, he softened his momentum and did not find fault with Lian Fangzhou.

Sun Changxing and his wife went to express their gratitude to Lian Fangzhou. Lian Fangzhou was really embarrassed, and it was a bit embarrassing to deal with them.

The weather was getting warmer and sunny day by day. Lian Fangzhou decided to start preparing cotton seedlings.

As for all the affairs of the more than 60 acres of paddy fields, Qin Feng has been handed over to take charge, and she is much more relaxed.

Before the cotton seeds go to the ground, they have to go through some treatment. And that place has to be sorted out again.

Six servants were ordered to sort out the breeding grounds led by Su Ziji, and Lian Fangzhou, A Jian, Lian Ze, and Zhang Xiaojun's family were busy processing the cotton seeds.

The place at home was too narrow to use, so Lian Fangzhou transported all the cotton seeds to the compound by donkey cart.

Because planting cotton needs to process seeds every year, a room is specially built on the side of the compound for seed processing. The house has two floors, the upper one is dry and can store seeds.

Of course, the seeds transported at this moment need to be processed immediately, so there is no need to store them.

A total of seven to eight thousand catties of cotton seeds, it is estimated that it will take more than half a day to completely transport them, and pile them up in the empty house over there.

Zhang Xiaojun's family and three servants were there to help unload and stack the goods. Lian Fangzhou, Ajian and Lianze also brought three people to load the car, and Ajian also drove the car.

The people coming in and out were busy, and Aunt Liu, who should be called Aunt Lian Fangzhou, watched at the door for a while, greeted Lian Fangzhou, and entered the yard while talking and smiling.

Lian Fangzhou heard her gossiping with her, and she didn't seem to want to leave at all. She didn't care at first, but she realized it after a while, so she stopped and took Aunt Liu to the side and asked with a smile: " Is there something wrong with Auntie? Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

"No wonder everyone says you are a cheerful person, Fangzhou!" Aunt Liu suddenly laughed, nodded and said, "It's not that there is something wrong! So what,"

She lowered her voice and approached Lian Fangzhou and asked in a low voice: "Fangzhou, Auntie asked you something. Your distant cousin Ajian, is he married, has he made an appointment?"