Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 28: dinner


Lian Fangzhou lost his composure secretly, and felt a little embarrassed.

She coughed and smiled, then smiled softly at Sun Changxing: "Uncle Sun, don't be angry if I ask Uncle Sun something!"

"Ask what you want!" Sun Changxing was startled.

Lian Fangzhou said indifferently: "I don't know if Uncle Sun goes hunting every time, um, has he ever delivered prey to Li Zheng's family?"

Sun Changxing suddenly raised his eyes to look at Lian Fangzhou, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Fangzhou, thank you for reminding me!" Sun Changxing immediately understood what Lian Fangzhou meant, and smiled embarrassedly. Secretly ashamed in my heart: The little girl knows the truth, why is he so confused!

Li is the village official. He is not a big official, but he has real power. Buying and selling land, collecting grain and taxes, disputes between neighbors, registering, opening roads, issuing various official certificates, etc., are all under his control!

At least, you have to go through his first procedure first.

Sun Changxing and his wife live on the edge of the village. On weekdays, they believe that more things are worse than less things, and they basically don't interact with the villagers. As time goes by, they become more and more marginalized.

Not only are they unpopular, but naturally no one would think of the couple if there was anything going on in the village.

In fact, several families in the village sold paddy fields several times, and sometimes the price was not bad. If they bite the bullet, Sun Changxing and his wife can still buy two acres.

Unfortunately, by the time they heard the news, the buyers had already planted the fields. Sun Changxing could only secretly express regret and envy his good luck.

Can only wait for the next opportunity. And this "next time" really will always be "next time".

But if you have a good relationship with Li Zheng, it will be different. At least one thing, Lizheng will tell himself that when it is time to take care of it, he will take care of it more, instead of always doing business with an indifferent face.

"Hey, I don't dare to take Uncle Sun's words!" Lian Fangzhou pursed her lips and smiled.

As a result, the atmosphere suddenly became more lively. On the way back, Sun Changxing took the initiative to tell Lian Fangzhou and his brother a lot about Xianteng Mountain.

Gradually out of the green hills, the mountains no longer carry the aura of "stay away from strangers", and fields for growing crops have begun to appear far and near, and there are more footprints on the road.

Closer to home. All three of them breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Home is always a port of call, especially after a tiring day.

"I have to go to the landlord Zhou's house in Shangcun to ask if I want anything, and there are several other families who have to go to ask, so we won't go all the way, you two go back first!" Sun Changxing stopped at the fork in the road.

Naturally, Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze would not have any objections, and they both smiled and said goodbye.

Sun Changxing then took two No-Ma chickens with gray and white feathers from his shoulders, one was about four taels, and handed them to Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze, and said with a somewhat embarrassed smile: "Take this back for a tooth-making sacrifice! Hey!" , Today is also bad luck, if luck is good, I can give you some more... "

Although the No-Ma Chicken is not big, the meat tastes very delicious. Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze were already very happy, and they smiled and expressed their thanks.

Lian Ze hung the two No-Ma chickens on one end of the burden. The more he looked at them, the more he liked them. He couldn't help saying to Lian Fangzhou enviously: "It's great to be able to hunt like Uncle Sun. There are endless game! If I It will be fine too! Sister, do you think that if I ask Uncle Sun to accept me as an apprentice to teach me archery, will he accept it?"

Lian Fangzhou glanced at him and said with a smile: "You think things are too simple! Although he can hunt, if hunting is an indispensable means of making a living, he is not as good as you think. Otherwise Why do you think Uncle Sun’s house is like that? If he could have paddy fields and a stable life, he would definitely not want to go hunting! Do you want him to take you as his apprentice? Or not! This is what he relies on for survival, how could it be so easy? What can I teach you?"

Lian Ze was immediately discouraged, and sighed sullenly, "It's a pity!"

Lian Fangzhou said with a smile: "There are many wild animals in the mountains. It's dangerous to wander around. I don't feel relieved if he is willing to accept you! Let's not think about that, let's live a serious life!"

Lian Fangzhou believes that with his professional knowledge in agriculture, their lives will definitely get better and better. He doesn't want to let Zenye think about being a hunter—it's okay for occasional recreation, like Sun Changxing, it's too hard !

The two talked all the way, and they were almost there.

It was already nightfall at this time, and the sunset glow in the sky was only a thin afterglow, which was orange red and extremely gorgeous.

"Sister! Second brother!"

Under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village in the distance, two small figures shouted happily and ran towards them quickly, knowing who they were without asking.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled, their hearts warmed slightly.

Lian Fangqing and Lian Che ran up to them both out of breath, but their eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright.

"Sister, second brother, you are back, we have been waiting for a long time!" Lian Fangqing pulled Lian Fangzhou's skirt and smiled with a small face.

"Sister, don't worry, the door of the house is locked! The two old hens have also gone back!" Lian Che also said.

"Okay, okay!" Lian Fangzhou smiled and said: "You two are good children, but next time you just stay at home obediently as the first class, don't come out again, it's getting cold at night!"

At the same time, he laughed and said to them that he brought them big and red dates, which were very sweet, and there were big freshwater prawns, no-ma chickens, mushrooms, and yams. There are so many delicious things tonight!

Lian Fangqing and Lian Che were very happy, and the laughter of the four spread all the way.

Back home, Lian Fangzhou took out the dates and asked Lian Fangqing to wash them and let them eat together. After eating the sweet dates, Lian Fangqing and Lian Che were very happy. The two did not forget their elder brothers and sisters, and they ate them as well, which moved Lian Fangzhou very much.

After a short rest, the four of them got busy.

Lian Fangzhou dumped the picked mushrooms on the clean ground, and asked Lian Fangqing and Lian Che to sort them out, picking out all the crushed ones. She and Lian Ze went to the kitchen to cook.

Tonight's dishes are very rich. Two Mo chickens are washed and cut into four pieces with a knife. They are stewed with fresh mushrooms, and there is a large boiled freshwater prawn and fried yam slices!

Originally, Lian Fangzhou was going to deep-fry those big freshwater prawns, but she couldn't waste the oil, so she could only cook them in plain water. There are quite a lot of prawns, and I only eat half of them at night. I usually plan to dry the rest with a low fire after dinner, and save them for Lian Fangqing and Lian Che to eat tomorrow. They have to go to Xianteng Mountain tomorrow.

The four siblings hadn't had such a hearty dinner for a long time. When the aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms came, the four of them couldn't help but feel their eyes light up. They looked at each other and laughed.

While Lian Fangzhou laughed, she secretly felt so ashamed: she was almost thirty, yet she still had a gluttonous mouth like a child.

After having a beautiful dinner, those bones, shrimp skins and so on are put away, and they can be used to feed the chickens tomorrow. If the hens eat more shrimp, they will lay more eggs.

"Ah, sister, I forgot, sister Ajuan came to our house and said that Aunt Zhang is looking for you!" Lian Che said suddenly when the four of them continued to pick mushrooms after dinner.

"Aunt Zhang is looking for me? I'll go right away!" Lian Fangzhou stood up, washed her hands, and went to Aunt Zhang's house.

Originally, she really wanted to take some fresh mushrooms and yams to Aunt Zhang and the others, but after thinking about it, Aunt Zhang and the others would definitely ask where they came from? Hearing that they are going to Xianteng Mountain, they will definitely try to persuade them.

Lian Fangzhou was neither willing to refute their good intentions nor to give up Xianteng Mountain, and she didn't want the people in the village to know where they went. So after much deliberation, it's better not to take it away. After picking enough mushrooms and selling them for money, it's not too late to buy them some gifts as a long-standing thank you gift.