Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 34: strange man


Lian Ze couldn't help but nodded when he heard what Lian Xiaoman said, and said to Lian Fangzhou: "Sister, why don't you let the third aunt go with us! It will be better if the third aunt is here."

Lian Ze's idea is very simple, he and his sister are children, and it's the first time in the city, what should we do if we are cheated? The third aunt is an adult, and the other party must weigh it when they see an adult is there, right

What's more, he suddenly discovered that the third aunt was not as annoying as before, even though he still didn't like her.

"Yes, yes! Aze is right! With me here, you won't suffer a loss!" Lian Xiaoman was overjoyed, slapped his thigh and said indiscriminately: "That's it, let's go to bed early, tomorrow, You can go earlier!"

Lian Fangzhou was helpless, so he nodded: "It's okay, but Grandma Sangu, I can speak first, in front of outsiders, don't interrupt when I am talking, and wait until I finish talking, and you are not allowed to break my words." Taiwan, and I am still the one in charge!"

"I know, I know! How can I dismantle your platform? The family is not..." The third aunt murmured, and went back to the room.

Early the next morning, the three of them went out, and Lian Fangqing and Lian Che got up to see them off at the door. Lian Fangqing's eyes were dazed, and she still didn't forget to remind her sister and brother not to forget to bring back delicious food.

Yesterday, Uncle Wang briefly taught him that this donkey is also very docile. Lian Fangzhou sat in front and drove the cart, and Lian Ze and Sangu grandma sat behind the cart.

Sangu's grandma couldn't finish talking along the way, she was chattering very excitedly, Lian Ze answered without saying a word, even Fangzhou thought she was noisy, so she simply concentrated on driving and pretended she didn't hear her—isn't it just a trip to the city? Look how excited she is!

Everything went smoothly, and the two big and perfect Ganoderma lucidum were sold for ten taels of silver. But Grandma Sangu and Lian Ze didn't know about it. Lian Fangzhou hid it in a cloth bag with him, and found an excuse to sell it in a pharmacy by himself.

She has to keep some money at home for emergencies, that's all for Lianze, but she can't let the third aunt know.

Three and a half bags of mushrooms were sold in the restaurant for a total of four taels. The third aunt was so excited, as if the money belonged to her, she smiled like a flower blooming on her face, and kept rubbing her hands and laughing. "I can't think of it! I can't think of it!"

Although Lian Ze was not as exaggerated as Grandma Sangu, he was very happy in his heart, looking at Lian Fangzhou with bright eyes and smiling.

"Fangzhou, let me hold the silver, carefully you get rid of it!" Grandma Sangu couldn't help saying, her heart itching.

It's no wonder that Lian Fangzhou would talk to her, so he smiled lightly and said, "Don't bother grandma Sangu, I have a lot of things to buy later, it's easier to get money."

What Grandma Sangu wanted to say, Lian Ze said: "Grandma Sangu, sister, let's go shopping quickly, so we can go back early! The sun goes down early in winter, and the road will be cold when it is late."

"That's right, then hurry up!" Lian Fangzhou smiled.

The third aunt had no choice but to do so.

The three bought things quickly, including clothing materials, needles and threads, blankets, quilts, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, flour, and some odds and ends.

Lian Fangzhou went to two or three blacksmith shops to inquire about the prices of farm tools. The farm tools at home should also be replaced; he also inquired about the prices of the four treasures of the study; What she doesn't know and needs to know.

Then, I cut another two catties of meat and weighed two big bones; I bought a small bag of sesame candy and a bag of melon seeds to satisfy the two little ones.

Passing by a stall selling rouge, gouache, silk flower hair ties, I bought two more hair ties and three pairs of silk velvet flowers. The hair rope is her own, one of the three pairs of velvet flowers is for Lian Fangqing, and the other two pairs are for Zhao Shi and Li Juan.

The third aunt thought it was Lian Fangzhou's sister and her own pair, and she was overjoyed, she stretched out her hand and said, "I keep mine, so as not to damage it."

Lian Fangzhou was taken aback: Didn't it mean that widows can't wear red and green? Can you still wear such a bright head flower

Moreover, when did I say that it was her part? At her age...

Seeing that Lian Fangzhou was in a daze, the third aunt's grandma laughed when she saw the flower, and said, "Look at you, how old am I, and I still buy such bright ones, how can I wear them after I buy them back! I'll change to plain ones! "

As he spoke, he picked and picked at the stall, picked a pair of willow-green ones, compared them to the hair bun, and asked the little boss if they looked good

Of course the little boss smiled and nodded and said it looked good.

The third aunt then said to Lian Fangzhou, "I want this! You don't care which couple you want!"

Lian Fangzhou smiled, didn't give back what she had, and didn't say anything more to the third aunt, she paid an extra couple and left.

Grandma Sangu only cared about the beauty in her heart, and didn't pay attention.

"Let's have something to eat, and we'll go back later!" Lian Fangzhou said from a noodle restaurant on the side of the road that looked clean.

"Okay, okay! I'm already hungry!" Sangu's grandma said, walking into the shop first.

"Sister, in fact, let's just buy a few steamed buns and a bowl of noodle soup on the side of the road..." Lian Ze said.

These sensible words made people feel sore, Lian Fangzhou smiled and said, "It doesn't cost much to eat a bowl of noodles, my sister knows it well!" Then he pulled Lian Ze in.

As soon as the siblings sat down, the third aunt said, "I just ordered a bowl of sauced pork noodles. What would you two like?"

Lian Ze wanted vegetarian noodles, Lian Fangzhou held him down, and ordered two bowls of sauced pork noodles.

Today is the market day, the streets are crowded, and this small shop is also full of people, very lively.

A carriage passed by the door. Because there were so many people, the carriage moved very slowly. The coachman kept yelling "Let me go, please let me go!" His tone was very kind, without any trace of enthusiasm or domineering. Lian Fangzhou Couldn't help but took a second look.

Just when Xiao Er Duan came over, seeing this, he smiled and said: "This is the carriage of Taifu Ding's family. If you say that Taifu Ding is really a good person, he is a man who has served as the emperor's master. He has no airs at all. Your Majesty The subordinates are also very kind to others, and they have never been domineering!"

"Teacher Ding?" Lian Fangzhou laughed and said, "We have such a big official in Yuhe County!"

"Yes!" Xiaoer nodded and smiled, and said again: "Unfortunately, I'm retiring and returning home!"

Xiaoer said and went to work on his own.

The third aunt stretched her neck and glanced at the carriage, immediately looked away without any interest, curled her lips and said, "Then Fu's family is probably not doing well, the carriage is so old, it's not as good as that of Li Yuanwai in our village. The carriage at home is beautiful! You kid, what are you looking at, hurry up and eat noodles, or it will be cold later!"

Seeing Lian Ze staring outside intently, the third aunt smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I didn't look at it..." Lian Ze looked away and ate the noodles.

Lian Fangzhou followed his gaze and couldn't help being startled. What Lian Ze was looking at was indeed not the carriage in Taifu Ding's house, but a man sitting diagonally across the street.