Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 48: Don't have a next time


Two taels of silver? Two taels of silver can buy seven or eight sets of teapots and cups like that, how dare she say that! It can be seen that he is a fool!

Lian Fangzhou glanced at her with a look of "you are not stupid", and said with a sneer: "I warn you, next time you dare to talk nonsense, I will not smash the teapot and cup! Believe it or not Auntie will risk her life with you!"

Lian Fangzhou's eyelids raised, his eyes were serious, Qiao's words that he wanted to refute were blocked by those eyes, and he watched Lian Fangzhou and A Jian leave in a daze.

The figures of the two of them disappeared in front of her eyes, and Qiao felt that she was sent over in one breath, and she couldn't help but spit: "Bluuf, whoever is afraid of you will fail!"

Before finishing speaking, Lian Li was slapped again with a "slap" on the face, and Lian Li said angrily, "Calm down! He's good at doing shitty things that are useless to cause trouble!"

Qiao Shi screamed, her cheeks were already in hot pain, and the slap made her eyes burst into gold stars, she was immediately annoyed, and Lian Li had been scolding her just now for being angry, so she immediately rushed forward with curses Lian Li cried, scolded and beat him.

Lian Li was furious and dodged and fought back while yelling "Stop", how could Mrs. Qiao listen, the two fought together...

Lian Fangzhou and A Jian left the big house of the Lian family. Lian Fangzhou breathed a sigh of relief. I hope that Qiao's gossip girl has learned a lesson, otherwise, she really won't be spared next time! Although I don't care about gossip, no one likes to be slandered for no reason.

Under the faint moonlight, neither of them spoke, only the sound of light footsteps as they walked.

Turning his head to look at A Jian, Lian Fangzhou suddenly felt a little sorry, coughed, and said softly: "Well, A Jian, just now I was in a hurry, I said something—don't take it to heart... "

Ah Jian said "Huh?" and asked, "What are you talking about?"

As soon as this question came out, the words she said she was not married and he was not married subconsciously popped up in his mind, his face suddenly became slightly hot, and he was a little afraid to look at her, but fortunately the moonlight was very pale, she did not see him different.

Lian Fangzhou didn't remember these words, and said with some embarrassment, "That's right - the contract of selling one's life!"

Afraid that he might misunderstand, she hurriedly said again: "That was just casually said to annoy the couple. You helped us so much, we all remember it!"

In the past few days, Ah Jian also accompanied them into the mountain to pick mushrooms. He was very smart, or he was very talented in this area, and he soon became more familiar with the landscape and conditions of Xianteng Mountain than Lian Fangzhou and his siblings.

With him leading the way, every day will be rewarding.

He also knows a lot of herbs. That day Lian Fangzhou pulled out some small Huchai and said that he took them home and put them away to treat colds and fevers. He pulled out many other herbs when he met them by the way, and told Lian Fangzhou one by one: it cures abdominal pain. , Headaches, detoxification, hemostasis, knife wounds, burns, etc., to put it bluntly, very skillful.

Although he couldn't remember when he learned it, but he knew it, and there was no doubt about it when it came out of his mouth. .

Not only Lian Fangzhou, but also Lian Ze, Zhao Shi, and Li Juan admired him very much, and Lian Ze was very close to him.

He had inadvertently already had a place in the family.

It turned out to be the words!

Ah Jian felt a little lost for no reason, but she immediately put it aside and said with a smile: "I know, I don't mind at all!"

Lian Fangzhou didn't take his tone seriously, so he smiled and said, "That's good, I'm relieved too!"

Ah Jian nodded, turned her head to look at her seriously, and said, "They have been bullying you all the time, how many of you are bullying, right?"

Lian Fangzhou sighed softly, and said with a little mockery and helplessness: "I'll show you a joke! This is my uncle and aunt!"

Ah Jian thought for a while, and said softly: "You don't have to be too sad. Although such people are rare in the world, they are not without it. It's really not worth it to feel sad for such people!"

Lian Fangzhou snorted lightly when he heard the words, and said, "I don't feel sorry for them, it's not so easy for them to bully me!"

Ah Jian couldn't help laughing when she thought of what she had done tonight. He suddenly looked at her and said seriously: "Miss Lian, don't drive me away, okay? I will accompany you next time you want to settle accounts with them." Come with you!"

Lian Fangzhou was taken aback for a moment, he said that he meant to accompany her, of course to support her. Lian Fangzhou's heart warmed up, and he couldn't help but chuckle, thought for a while, and nodded seriously: "Well, what you said is quite reasonable! If I come again next time, I really can't do it without your courage. Woolen cloth!"

"Then, then you really won't drive me away?" Ah Jian was surprised and delighted, her eyes brightened like stars.

Lian Fangzhou was slightly embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look at him, and said softly: "Actually, after you came to our house, you helped us a lot, really. If you don't dislike it, then you can stay!"

"Of course I won't despise it!" Ah Jian was happy, her eyes widened, and her heart felt relieved for a moment.

Even Fangzhou couldn't help laughing, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, but he sighed secretly, thinking that if one day you recover your memory, will you still stay

Certainly not! The things you know are not easy for ordinary people to know, and I don't know where you come from? What kind of identity is it

In short, it will not be too ordinary!

I don't know if it's right or wrong for me to keep you...

Although Lian Fangzhou didn't say it out loud, his expression subconsciously revealed two points. Ah Jian was keenly aware of it, and was stunned for a while, then said sadly: "Is it—are you in a difficult situation?"

"Huh?" Lian Fangzhou came back to his senses, and wondered, "What's the problem?"

She couldn't help but looked at A Jian a little more puzzled: she was in high spirits just now, why did she become depressed in a blink of an eye

A Jian glanced at her again, hesitated to speak, and finally asked: "Is it... difficult for you to keep me?"

"Ah?" Lian Fangzhou was stunned, and it took a moment to realize that he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly said with a smile: "No! How could it be!"

"Oh!" Ah Jian groaned, but she didn't quite believe it.

Lian Fangzhou's heart suddenly softened by his expression, as if she had done something to hurt him, she secretly laughed a little at how she could have such emotions, and quickly said: "Really not, I was thinking just now What about other things!"

That's all, since meeting and getting together is also fate, it's good to get together and part in the future!

Thinking of this, Lian Fangzhou felt a lot relieved.

"So that's how it is!" Ah Jian laughed, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have guessed randomly!"

Lian Fangzhou shook his head with a smile, and said with a smile, "What is this! It deserves your apology!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and they had reached the door.

Before entering the house, the two saw Grandma Sangu running around the room like an ant on a hot pot, and heard Lian Fang's crisp and clear voice: "Grandma Sangu, please sit down quickly, you look like this Shaking, shaking, my head is going to be dizzy!"

The grandmother of the third aunt stopped, and said angrily to her, "Go, what do you know about a child! Just stay and go!" When she raised her eyes and saw Lian Fangzhou and A Jian, she hurriedly raised her feet to greet her, and hurriedly asked Said: "How, how is it?"

Please collect it, girls, the pace is a bit slow at the beginning, but the plot behind it is still very good, girls support it~~