Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 158: Spirit Dragon Ring, King Croc


The person who made this request was naturally Meng Lei. Among the 52 players in the Fire Dragon Kingdom, he was the only one who dared to make such a request!

Borrow the space magic device

Pretending to be a corpse of a World of Warcraft

The players all looked at Meng Lei, the corners of their mouths twitching violently, and they had the urge to punch this pretender to death!

Damn it!

We headed to the Lost Continent, and we were all on tenterhooks, fearing that one of us would be accidentally shot to death by a monster!

Well, you're already thinking of borrowing a space magic device to contain the corpse of a monster. Are you a devil

"Meng Lei, the corpse of a monster does not count as points!"

Dean Fred shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's useless no matter how many monster corpses you collect!"

"I know that the corpse of a monster does not count as points, but it can be sold for money. Think about it!"

Meng Lei said with a smile: "The corpse of a sacred beast can be sold for tens of billions of gold coins. 10 of them are 100 billion, and 100 of them are 1,000 billion. If you throw this away, you will be struck by lightning!"

"100 heads..."

"One trillion..."

The corners of the mouths of the six deans twitched. How dare you think about it? Why don't you go to heaven with the corpses of 100 sacred monsters

Although he thought so, Dean Fred hesitated for a moment, then took out a space ring and handed it to Meng Lei!

"Thank you, Dean!"

Meng Lei nodded and thanked: "Don't worry, Dean Fred, as long as I still have breath, I won't lose your space ring!"

"That's good!"

"This is my space ring, take it and use it!"

"And mine!"

An hour passed quickly, and all the players gathered again, and then took the distributed space rings and special communicators and entered the teleportation magic circle!


The teleportation array flashed, and a group of people disappeared!

Another flash, and the second group of people disappeared!

Ten minutes later, all the contestants disappeared!

Looking at the disappearing figures of the contestants, the teachers leading the team sighed: "I hope a few more will come back. May the Dragon God bless you!"

"Dragon God bless you!"

After everyone disappeared and the magic circle was completely silent, Dean Zhan Long looked at Dean Fred and whispered: "Fred, if I didn't admit my mistake, the space ring you lent to Meng Lei just now should be It’s the Spirit Dragon Ring, right?”

Dean Fred glanced at him: "What, no?"

"Fred, the Spirit Dragon Ring is a semi-artifact you obtained in the Ancient Crown Mage Tower. There is a plane fragment sealed in it. The space is astonishingly large. It is your darling!"

Dean Zhan Long whispered: "I usually don't want to let anyone touch me, but you actually lent it to him. You are so generous and you are not afraid of being lost by that kid!"

"I believe in Meng Lei!"

Entering the teleportation array, the world was spinning for a while. When they saw the light again, Meng Lei and others appeared on a small island!

This island is really small, just like a reef, less than a kilometer long and wide, suspended alone in the endless sea!

The howling wind blew the ocean, setting off turbulent rolling waves, which seemed to blow away the people and the island together!

The sky was gray and there was heavy fog all around. The visibility was very low. I could see up to a hundred meters away!

"Where is the Lost Continent?"

The players turned around and looked around!

"Look there!"

Someone shouted something, and the players all looked around, and saw a tall black shadow looming deep in the fog, and the waves crashed on the black shadow, making a crashing sound!

"There's land over there!"

A player from the Blue Dragon Kingdom let out a low cry and flew towards the black shadow. He tapped his toes on the sea surface, walked on the water, and disappeared into the depths of the fog in a few leaps!

"Let's go too!"

Seeing this, the remaining contestants all used their own methods, either riding the wind, walking on water, or riding a magic flying carpet... and they all flew towards the shadow!

"Lord Meng Lei, let's go there too!"

Several players from the Fire Dragon Kingdom asked!

"Let's go!"

Meng Lei nodded slightly!

A few hundred meters away in the blink of an eye, the black shadow deep in the fog turned out to be a black cliff a hundred feet high!

The surging waves hit the cliff, shattered into pieces, and turned into a series of silver pearls floating away!

The black cliff is extremely steep, surrounded by rugged rocks and chaotic rocks. It is obvious that no one has set foot on it!


"No! It should be the mainland!"

Meng Lei smiled and flew over the hundred-foot-high cliff. A completely different world appeared in front of him!

The forest is vast and the birds are soaring!

The mountains are rolling and the beasts are roaring!

Original and ancient!

But full of life!

"Is this the Lost Continent?"

The old man emerged and looked into the vast forest: "I didn't expect that there is such a piece of land hidden in the endless deep sea. The magic of the Creator is really incredible!"

"Didn't you say before that the Sky Continent was shattered by the gods, and there are many fragments floating in the endless deep sea!"

Meng Lei pointed at the Lost Continent and smiled: "Maybe this Lost Continent evolved from one of the fragments!"

The Sky Continent is surrounded by the boundless ocean. This is the endless deep sea!

There are countless terrifying ocean monsters living in the endless deep sea. They are surrounded by dangers and it is difficult for mainland creatures to gain a foothold in the ocean!

Therefore, no one knows if there are other continents in the endless deep sea, after all, no one has explored it!

"Legends are just legends after all. Who can tell the specific facts?"

The old man sighed: "However, since this lost continent has been discovered, it must belong to our Dragon God Empire!"

"Boy, work harder, strive to win the championship, establish a king and a country, become the master of this continent, and restore the glory and glory of our Crocker family!"

"Old Dean, do you think so highly of me?"

Meng Lei raised his eyebrows!


The old man rolled his eyes: "Your boy's strength has always improved inexplicably. Now he can kill the sacred beast, the Golden-winged Holy Light Tiger. Who can compare to you in terms of perversion?"

"I'll be embarrassed if you praise me like that!"

Meng Lei smiled cowardly: "However, you can't say that. I heard that there are many geniuses in this class, and they are not easy to come by!"

"There are even several who are ranked above me on the Dragon God Genius List. Facing so many perverted opponents puts me under a lot of pressure!"

"You are so stressed out! No matter how perverted they are, how can they be as perverted as you? Stop pretending to be cool in front of me!"

The old man cursed: "I understand the law inexplicably, I become a holy magician inexplicably, I awaken my powerful bloodline inexplicably, I cast the forbidden curse inexplicably..."

"No matter how many others break through, no matter how much they advance, no matter how much they use heavenly materials and earthly treasures, they can't compare to the terror caused by your inexplicable improvement!"

"You bastard, you are blabbering in front of me! Okay! Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and hunt down the monsters. I, the Crocker family, will be the winner of this exchange competition. No one can compete with me!"

"I have already thought of the name of the principality for you. It will be called the Principality of Crocker!"

"This lost continent will be called Crocker Continent from now on!"

"As for your title, let's call him King Crocker!"

"That's right! And you!"

"You must also restore the surname of our Crocker family. From today on, you will change your name to Monley Crocker. I will make you the contemporary head of the Crocker family..."

"Old Dean, are you afraid you are dreaming?"


(End of chapter)