Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 163: Crush the hammer and get a traitor


Meng Lei fell from the sky, like a monkey stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, emerging from the sky, startling everyone!

"Be alert, someone is trying to steal the food from the tiger's mouth!"

A girl wearing a golden magic robe, holding a golden staff, and with golden wavy hair shouted. The six people stopped attacking instantly and looked at Meng Lei with full vigilance!

"I asked who it was, it turned out to be a brat with no hair at all!"

The blonde girl quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "Kid, leave immediately and we can forget about it; if not, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Where did you come from, this wild boy? Get away from me!"

"You even dare to snatch our prey, you are seeking death!"

The other five people also stood up straight, put down their guard, and looked at Meng Lei coldly, with disdain in their eyes!


Meng Lei's expression suddenly dropped, he pointed at the Rose Horned Python behind him and said in a deep voice: "This is obviously my mount, but you actually treat it as prey?!"


The six people were slightly shocked and couldn't help but look at the one-horned rose python, only to find that the one-horned rose python was looking at Meng Lei with a confused look on its face!

Am I his mount

How come I don't know

Obviously, it doesn't know Monrey!

6 people were immediately angry!

"You kid, how dare you trick us?!"

A strong man with a single horn on his head and two wings on his back, who was more than two meters tall, roared like a furious bull and killed Meng Lei directly!

"Marcus, be gentle, don't beat him to death, otherwise you will be eliminated!" Someone kindly reminded: "Just beat him half to death!"

"Don't worry! I know how to do it!"

The one-horned man Marcus laughed ferociously, raised his right hammer high, and brought it down with one hammer!

"Boy, you can't come here, go back and feed yourself!"

It has to be said that Marcus's blow was extremely powerful. Even a ninth-level monster would be smashed to pieces with one hammer, let alone Meng Lei, who is less than 1.7 meters tall and has a skinny body!

Just looking at their appearance, the gap between the two is not that big!

However, facing the heavy hammer that came crashing down like the top of Mount Tai, Meng Lei casually grabbed the heavy hammer in his hand!

Then with a little force, he grabbed the heavy hammer and made a hole. The powder in his hand slipped off and flew away in the wind!


When Marcus saw this, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. This heavy hammer was made from the bones of the sacred beast Sea Whale Beast!

Extremely heavy!

Extremely hard!

He was caught casually!

He was caught casually!

Is this even a human being

However, before he could be frightened, a sharp pain suddenly came from his stomach. Marcus lowered his head, and Meng Lei appeared in front of him without knowing when, and punched him in the abdomen!

"you… "

Marcus opened his mouth, and felt a strong force coming from him. His whole body seemed to be hit by the speeding high-speed train, and he flew backwards!


The five blond girls were all dumbfounded. They looked at Meng Lei blankly, as if they had seen a ghost!

Marcus is not the strongest among them, but as a black dragon, Marcus is definitely the strongest!

As strong as Marcus, he was killed instantly with one move, and even his proud sea whale bone hammer was crushed! ! !

What is this power

What kind of strength is it


The unspectacular kid in front of me is definitely a saint, and it is the kind of saint that is extremely powerful!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill Marcus in one move!

After thinking about this, the five people were shocked!

"It's my mount. Is there any problem?"

Meng Lei looked at the five blonde girls!


5 people trembled all over!

Even though they were half-stepping into the Holy Realm, and with the Holy Magical Guide in their hands, the six of them could barely kill the early-stage Holy Realm monsters with their combined efforts!

But facing a terrifying sanctuary that can kill Marcus instantly, who are their opponents

"Don't speak? Then I'll ask again!"

Meng Lei raised his eyebrows: "This one-horned rose python is my mount, do you still have any objections?"

"My lord, it's yours!"

The blonde girl's mouth twitched. Although she was reluctant, she wisely gave up the one-horned rose python!

Facing an unfathomable sacred realm, toughness, backbone, and toughness are definitely the stupidest behaviors!

"get out!"

Meng Lei waved his hand!


The five people carried Marcus and left as if running away, for fear that if they escaped too slowly, Meng Lei would be irritated!

"Now, we are the only ones left!"

Meng Lei turned his head, his eyes fell on the scarred one-horned rose python, and he couldn't help but raise his lips!

Not to mention, the one-horned rose python has a unique shape, as if it is made of rose petals. It is indeed the most beautiful among python monsters!

"Hiss, hiss~~~"

The one-horned rose python's eyes were full of fear and he growled: "You... what do you want?"

Seeing that the one-horned rose python did not attack immediately, Meng Lei could not help but nodded. He had not been in the Lost Continent for a long time, but he found that the monsters in the Lost Continent had one characteristic, that is, they did not hate humans very much!

Perhaps because they have never seen humans, they also regard humans as monsters. When facing humans who are stronger than them, they will be afraid, awe, and surrender just like they face other powerful monsters!

Instead of being like the monsters in the Sky Continent, who are hostile, angry, unwilling, and would rather die than obey!

"I'm wondering, should I braise you, roast you, freeze you into popsicles? Or make you into snake meat skewers?"

Meng Lei pinched his chin: "But that would be too bloody. Do you want to try cutting it into slices of snake meat? Yes, snake meat slices. I haven't seen snake meat slices before?"

"And you have rose scales all over your body. If you peel them off and arrange them in the shape of a rose, they would definitely be very effective in picking up girls, right?"

"Hiss, hiss~~~"

The one-horned rose python was shaking like chaff, and its eyes were full of horror: "Sir... Sir, don't... don't kill me. I'm just a simple little python that is inexperienced and ignorant. My meat is not delicious, really. Unappetizing!"

"Eh? Are you still begging for mercy?"

Meng Lei was greatly surprised: "Just beg for mercy! Let me ask you a question. If your answer satisfies me, I can consider letting you go!"

"Sir, please tell me, I must know everything and tell you everything!" The one-horned rose python trembled and nodded repeatedly!

"Are you familiar with this continent?"

Meng Lei asked the first question!

"Familiar! Of course familiar!"

The one-horned rose python nodded hurriedly: "I have lived in this continent since I was a child, and I am familiar with every corner of this continent!"

Meng Lei's eyes lit up and he said happily: "So, do you know the locations of all the sacred beasts on this continent?"

"Yes, my lord!"

The one-horned rose python didn't know why, but still replied respectfully: "All the sacred monsters on this continent are my friends, and I know the lair of each one of them!"

"Very good! Very good!" Meng Lei nodded happily: "Last question, do you want to die or live?"

"Live! I want to live, sir!"

The one-horned rose python was so scared that she cried!

"If you want to live, then come with me!"

Meng Lei bared his teeth: "Take me to find your friends from the Holy World of Warcraft. Remember, it's every one of them!"

"Sir, what are you doing with them?"

The one-horned rose boa winks!

"Is this something you can ask?" Meng Lei glared: "Can I talk to them about life?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Meng Lei's figure flashed and landed on the head of the one-horned rose python!

"Yes, sir!"

PS: After the last chapter was released, it was harmonized and now it has been modified. I’m really sorry!

(End of chapter)