Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 165: The fruit of the sacred tree, faith becomes a god


"Sir, you are so amazing!"

"My admiration for you is like the endless stream of a surging river, or like the Yellow River flooding out of control..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Drive your car seriously!"



Meng Lei was speechless: "I just heard what that old crocodile meant. Before you achieved the Holy Domain, you were only a level six monster?"

"Yes, my lord!"

The one-horned rose python didn't dare to hide it: "Ten years ago, I was indeed a sixth-level monster rose python! But because I was lucky enough to get the fruit of the Mother Tree of Life, I became a holy monster!"

"I thought that by becoming a Holy World of Warcraft, I would be able to be brothers with those high-ranking old Holy World of Warcraft. Who would have thought that those guys still look down on me..."

Meng Lei interrupted the gushing Clara: "You mean, you advanced from a small sixth-level Warcraft to a Holy World Warcraft in just 10 years?"

"Yes, sir!" The One-Horned Rose Python was confused: "Is there any problem?"

10 years!

Level 6 Warcraft becomes a sanctuary!

Isn't this a problem

Not only Meng Lei, but even the old man was shocked. He popped out of the space ring in a flash: "Meng Lei, ask it quickly, what is the Mother Tree of Life?"

Meng Lei took a deep breath and asked this question!

Clara's eyes suddenly showed admiration, just like the expression a fanatic would show when facing a god who worships his faith!

"The Mother Tree of Life is the sacred tree on this continent and the spiritual belief of all living beings on this continent!"

“Plant life too!”

"Animal life, too!"

"They all deeply worship and believe in the mother tree!"

"The mother tree will always protect us!"

"The mother tree is so great?" Meng Lei's eyes flashed: "What are the fruits of the mother tree of life?"

"The Mother Tree of Life bears fruit once every hundred years, and only 9 fruits each time! When the fruits mature, the Mother Tree will send these 9 fruits to all parts of the continent for living creatures to eat!"

The one-horned rose python expressed gratitude: "As long as you are lucky enough, you can get the fruit! And if you take the fruit, you can gain powerful power in a very short time, just like me!"

"A fruit allows you to become a holy monster in just 10 years. The effect of this fruit..."

Meng Lei felt incredible: "Old Dean, have you heard of this kind of fruit?"

"Unheard of!"

The old man took a breath and said: "The Sky Continent also has many treasures that allow people to break through boundaries and improve their strength, but none of them can compare with this magical fruit!"

"This thing is simply more perverted than the Law Source Crystal!"


Meng Lei nodded heavily. The source crystal of law contains the laws of heaven and earth, which can help the ninth-level strong men knock on the door of the law and help them achieve the holy realm, but it is only limited to the ninth-level strong men!

Below level 9, it is invalid!

But this fruit is obviously different!

Level 6 Warcraft, 10 years to become a saint!

What's this

This is the best tonic pill in the mass-produced holy realm!

How can the Law Source Crystal compare with it

"Find it! This sacred tree must be found!"

Meng Lei's eyes were burning, and a dazzling look burst out from his eyes: "If you can take it as your own and reap the fruits of the sacred tree, you will make a lot of money!"

One sacred tree fruit = one sacred domain!

How much is this sacred tree worth

What does it mean to have a mine at home

What does it mean if the house is to be demolished

What does it mean to have a villa on the Second Ring Road

It's nothing compared to the sacred tree!

"We must look for it, but I'm worried that we won't be able to hold on!" The old man's face was solemn and his eyes were complicated!

"Can't hold it?"

Meng Lei was a little confused!

"Do you still remember what the one-horned rose python just said?" the old man asked slowly!

"Which sentence?"

"All living things on this continent, whether plant life or animal life, deeply worship and believe in the Mother Tree of Life!" The old man said slowly!

"I know, what's wrong?"

Meng Lei was even more confused!

"I've asked you before, how to become a god!" The old man didn't answer and asked: "My answer is to become a god through the law, right?"


Meng Lei nodded: "You once said that gods are also called controllers of laws. As long as we can fully understand a law, we can become gods!"

"The law is a way to become a god!"

The old man said slowly: "In fact, there is more than just this way to become a god. There is also a very common, simplest, but most difficult way!"

Meng Lei was stunned. It was a very common, simplest, yet most difficult method? What kind of method is this? Is it so contradictory

"Old Dean, this method you are talking about is..." Meng Lei was very curious!

"Faith becomes God!"

The old man said word by word!

"Believe in becoming a god?"

Meng Lei was shocked!

"As long as you have a sufficient number of believers who devoutly believe in you and worship you, you don't have to do anything. Even if you grill skewers and sleep all day, you can still become a god!"

The old man smiled and explained: "This is faith becoming a god. Do you think it's simple?"

Meng Lei was speechless: "You can become a god without doing anything? Isn't this too childish?"

"So, it is very simple to believe in becoming a god. Compared with understanding the laws, it is simply a cheat!"

The old man changed the topic: "It's a pity that it is not easy to have a sufficient number of believers. It is even... very difficult!"

"Take our Sky Continent as an example!"

"There is an orc empire in the north!"

"There is the Dragon God Empire in the east!"

"There is an elven empire in the south!"

"To the west lies the Titan Empire!"

"However, the four empires all have their own gods they believe in! Even though there are hundreds of millions of creatures in the Sky Continent, is it possible to snatch believers from the four empires?"

Meng Lei smiled bitterly, this is simply impossible, at least, not yet!

"So, believing in becoming a god is another way to reach the sky! Because you simply can't find a sufficient number of believers to provide faith and help you become a god!"

The old man shook his head slightly: "Therefore, all the creatures in the Sky Continent can only understand the laws honestly and follow the path of becoming gods through the laws!"

"Old Dean, you just said that belief in becoming a god is very common. What do you mean?" Meng Lei asked again!

"In our Sky Continent, it is indeed difficult to believe in becoming a god, but it is not necessarily the case in other planes!"

The old man smiled and said: "You may not know yet, but there are many planes in the vast universe, and our Sky Continent is just one of the ordinary material planes!"


Meng Lei pretended to be surprised!


The old man explained eloquently, and then said: "Planes are like bubbles. New planes are born every moment, and old planes die every moment!"

"And in those newly born planes, there are no gods, no strong men, they are just like hair and blood, primitive and backward!"

"The creatures born in these planes are ignorant, fearful of heaven and earth, and can easily develop beliefs in some supernatural phenomena or incomprehensible things!"

"For example, believe in a powerful person, believe in a snake, believe in a fire, believe in a stone...etc.!"

“This is the earliest faith—primitive worship!”

"Primitive worship?"

Meng Lei murmured to himself!

"For primitive life, primitive worship is nothing, it is just simple belief! However, for those who are believed in, it is a huge event!"


"Primitive worship can make them... become gods!"

(End of chapter)