Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 167: The golden giant, the beast surrenders


"Who? Who dares to disturb Sakas's dream!"

The multi-armed Behemoth roared angrily, the sound was like rolling thunder, the sky exploded, and the ears roared!

"S... Sakas, I... my old friend!"

The one-horned rose python's voice was trembling, and she was panicking: "I... I came to see you, are you okay... okay?"

"Ho! You humble reptile, die!"

The multi-armed Behemoth roared angrily, and without saying a word, he grabbed a ten-meter-long giant stalagmite and threw it over. Did he have Clara as a friend in his eyes

"call out-"

The stalagmites cut through the air, making a whining sound, like an intercontinental missile coming straight towards it, with enough power to destroy an E-100!


The one-horned rose python was so frightened that it swung its long tail and ran away to the side. The giant stalagmites brushed past its skin and accidentally bumped into Meng Lei!


Meng Lei pointed his sword together, and with a single stroke, a golden sword light flashed through, instantly cutting the giant stalagmite in half!

"Ho ho ho—"

The multi-armed Behemoth whose dream was interrupted was on the verge of rage and rage. He moved his thick thighs and rushed over fiercely!

"You humble reptile, I will tear you to pieces!"

The earth trembled and the stone forest shook!

Boulders rolled down and smoke billowed!

The multi-armed Beamon, which is more than 50 meters tall, is super fast. It can cover a distance of hundreds of meters in a few strides. It kills the one-horned rose python and grabs it with its two-meter-long barb-shaped claws!


The one-horned rose python was so frightened that it lost its soul!

"Clara, stay back!"

Meng Lei’s voice sounded!

"Yes, sir!"

To the ears of the one-horned rose python, this sound was no less than the divine music of fairy music. The one-horned rose python, as if granted amnesty, swung its long tail and scurried behind Meng Lei!

"King of land warfare? I want to see him!"

Meng Lei licked his lips, and dazzling golden light shot out from his body, covering him instantly!


The sharp claws of the multi-armed Behemoth suddenly grabbed hold, and golden light flashed, quietly appearing a hundred meters away. At the same time, the golden elements within a few kilometers of radius gathered crazily!

The golden light is getting stronger and stronger!

The light group is getting bigger and bigger!

10 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters…

The golden light group bloomed with endless brilliance, as if the sun was shining across the sky, shining brightly on the earth!


A shining golden arm stretched out from the golden light. The arm was all golden, as if it were made of gold. The golden tendons protruded on it and the muscles were knotted, full of explosive power!

Article 2, Article 3, Article 4...

In an instant, a golden giant fifty meters tall, with three heads and six arms, and a bright golden body emerged from the golden light group, and then crashed to the ground!


An extremely sharp and violent aura erupted from the golden giant, sweeping in all directions. Golden light burst out, instantly stabbing the surrounding stalagmites into sieves!


The multi-armed Behemoth let out an earth-shattering roar and ran towards the golden giant. Those fierce blood-red eyes were obviously going to tear the golden giant into pieces!

"Well done!"

Meng Lei looked up to the sky and laughed, controlling the golden giant to run wildly over!

"Boom boom boom—"

How earth-shattering is it to see giant beasts more than ten stories high running on both sides

The ground shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred, large stalagmites rolled down, and the ground shook!


The next moment, the multi-armed Behemoth and the golden giant collided with each other, causing an earth-shattering sound of gold and iron clashing!


The sharp claws of the multi-armed Behemoth carved several deep ravines on the golden giant's body, and the six fists of the golden giant fell on the multi-armed Behemoth at the same time!

“Deng Deng Deng~~~”

The two behemoths retreated at the same time, leaving several wide and deep huge footprints and breaking several stalagmites!

In the first collision, there is no winner between the two sides!

"Ho ho ho—"

The multi-armed Behemoth was inspired with ferocity and rushed over again!

"Boom boom boom—"

"Boom boom boom—"

"Boom boom boom—"

This basin was completely destroyed. Wherever the two giants passed, the hard stalagmites looked like they were made of tofu. They collapsed and shattered when touched!

In less than 5 minutes, most of the stalagmites in the basin were scattered, as if they had been swept away by a Category 12 typhoon!

"Is that human being?"

As the only witness to this hand-to-hand battle, the one-horned rose python was stunned. It was shocked by the intensity of the battle, and even more horrified by Meng Lei's choice!

It is well aware of the power of the multi-armed Behemoth. There are hundreds of sacred monsters on this continent, but there are really only a few who dare to fight hand-to-hand with the multi-armed Behemoth!

This guy is the king of land combat, with infinite strength. Fighting with him hand to hand would be like hanging himself to death because he doesn't want to live long.

But Meng Lei just did this, transforming into a golden giant, and facing the multi-armed Behemoth. How strong is this head

However, the final result of this hand-to-hand battle was beyond the expectations of the one-horned rose python:

Monrey wins!

Multi-armed Behemoth... fell down!

It had multiple injuries on its body, its body was trembling slightly, it was panting heavily, and it couldn't even move a finger!

On the other hand, the golden giant stood firmly on the spot, and the ravines carved on his body were also rapidly recovering. After a few breaths, it returned to the factory settings, and it was still brand new!

Compare the two!

The outcome is decided!


A sharp long sword appeared in the hand of the golden giant, and it pressed against the throat of the multi-armed Behemoth, and made a thunderous voice: "Sakas, I'm attracted to you!"

"Give you two choices!"

"First, beheaded by me and die by my sword!"

"Second, be my licking dog and swear allegiance to me!"

The one who said this was naturally Meng Lei, who originally planned to kill this multi-armed Behemoth!

But after a fierce battle, Meng Lei deeply felt the power and terror of this Behemoth beast!

Violent and fierce!

Infinitely powerful!

The fighting power is overwhelming!

In a word: violence!

Unparalleled violence!

If it hadn't been against itself, it would never have lost. After all, the real reason for its downfall was exhaustion!

That's right, it was out of strength. If it hadn't been exhausted and paralyzed in the end, it would definitely still be able to fight!

As for injuries

These are all skin injuries, nothing to worry about!

It would be a pity to kill such a ferocious beast! In this case, why not keep it and become a thug in the third room

"I'll give you 10 seconds to think about it!" Meng Lei's voice was like a bell: "I will get the result in 10 seconds!"


The multi-armed Behemoth Sakas suddenly fell into a painful struggle. Its proud self-esteem did not allow it to surrender. It was a proud behemoth, a powerful multi-armed Behemoth!

How can it surrender

But the cruel fact is before our eyes!

If you don’t surrender... you will die!


"Don't surrender?"


"Don't surrender?"


"time up!"

Meng Lei's voice sounded again: "How have you considered it?"

"I...I surrender!"

The multi-armed Behemoth finally lowered his noble head!

"You made a wise choice!"

(End of chapter)