Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 17: In the magic academy, humans are inferior to beasts


"In our Fire Dragon King City, there are more than 70 colleges!"

Walking on the Champs Elysées paved with gray crystal stone, Captain Hades introduced the knowledge about the colleges incessantly: "Among them, there are only three magic colleges, namely [Fire Dragon Magic Academy], [Douglas Magic Academy], [Dragon Magic Academy], the rest are all warrior academies!”

"Only 3 magic academies? So few?"

Qiao Na and the other three looked surprised.

"Practice magic requires talent!"

Captain Hades smiled and explained: "And there is only one person in a million who has magical talent, which leads to a shortage of magic academies!"

Hearing this, Qiao Na and the others suddenly became uneasy. One person in a million? Are they the lucky ones among those ten thousand people

"Captain Hades, are there any differences between these three magic academies?" Meng Lei asked!

"People have heights, trees have thickness, and magic academies are naturally divided into three, six, and nine levels, such as these three magic academies in our Fire Dragon King City!"

Captain Hades introduced with a smile. He believed that Meng Lei had magic talent and would be able to study in a magic academy. The key was which magic academy to choose!

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce it clearly to him!

"Fire Dragon Magic Academy is the best magic academy among the three academies. It is the official magic academy hosted in the name of our Fire Dragon Kingdom, the National Academy of Magic!

Because of its official background, the Fire Dragon Magic Academy has a very strong teaching staff, complete hardware facilities, and the best training resources, so the magicians it cultivates are the best!

Therefore, Fire Dragon Magic Academy is the well-deserved first magic academy in our Fire Dragon Kingdom! "

Having said this, Captain Hades looked at Meng Lei meaningfully: "Naturally, Fire Dragon Magic Academy is also the first choice for those magic geniuses with excellent talents!

Regardless of the Yalong or the human race, as long as they have excellent talents and meet the conditions, they are qualified to enter the Fire Dragon Magic Academy. At this point, we humans and dragons are equal! "

"I see!"

Meng Lei nodded silently, his eyes sparkling!

"In comparison, the remaining two magic academies are slightly inferior!"

Captain Hades continued: "Dragon Magic Academy is mainly for dragons with average magical talent. Of course, there are also some human noble children with average talent. Douglas Magic Academy mainly recruits human commoners with average magical talent. It is a civilian academy!"

Fire Dragon Magic Academy!

Dragon Magic Academy!

Douglas Academy of Magic!

"I didn't expect that in this different world, there are differences between key schools and ordinary schools!"

Meng Lei shook his head slightly and continued walking forward. Aren't the three magic academies just key schools and ordinary schools

There are gradually more pedestrians on the road, most of them are combinations of two old people, one young person, and a few families, and most of them are anxious and uneasy. They are obviously people taking part in the magic test!

Meng Lei and his party followed the crowd and soon arrived at the place where they took part in the magic test—Dragon God Square!

Dragon God Square is a hairdressing square that covers an area as large as several football fields. In the center of the square stands a 100-meter-tall golden dragon statue!

The golden dragon scales are lifelike!

The dragon wings stretch out and cover the sky!

The dragon's mouth opened wide and roared toward the sky!

The dragon's horns pierced the sky ferociously!

A domineering and majestic aura rushes towards you, and you can feel it even from a distance. It makes people surrender and cannot think of any resistance!

"Praise the Dragon God!"

After seeing the golden dragon statue, Captain Hades put his hands on his chest, bent down and bowed, and prayed devoutly. Meng Lei and the three little guys were all stunned!

"Uncle Hades, what are you doing?"

The lively Qiao Na asked the doubts in her heart. Captain Hades was startled and even covered her mouth. She looked around. After seeing that no one noticed, he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice: " This is a great statue of the Dragon God. You must salute when you see it! Quick, you four must salute the Dragon God!"

Dragon God statue

Salute upon seeing him

Only then did Meng Lei realize that not only Captain Hades, but also all the other pedestrians around him saluted devoutly after seeing the Dragon God statue, without any exception!

"Dragon God?"

Meng Lei frowned!

"Dragon God is the founding emperor of our Dragon God Empire and the only one we believe in!"

Captain Hades explained in a low voice: "All the people of the empire must believe in the great Dragon God. Anyone who does not believe in it is a heretic. If you don't want to be put on the cross, please bow quickly!"

"I go!"

Meng Lei was startled and quickly pretended to salute. He had to bow his head when he was under the eaves. He was still very good now, so he had better follow other people's rules!

"Praise the Dragon God!"

Joanna, Joseph and Andrew also saluted respectfully!

"very good!"

Captain Hades breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the front and said: "That's where the magic test is conducted, let's go there quickly!"


Dragon God Square is crowded with people. There are many well-dressed nobles, and of course there are also civilians wearing coarse linen clothes. The one that attracts Meng Lei's attention the most is... Yalong!

Yalong is divided into dragon beasts and dragon people!

Dragon beasts are the descendants of giant dragons and monsters. They look almost the same as monsters in the wild. There are dragon wolves that look like giant wolves, dragon rhinos that look like rhinos, and earth dragons that look like crocodiles...

All kinds and varieties!

If such a monster were placed in the World of Warcraft Forest, it would definitely be hunted, but here, the dragon beasts are dressed in gold, silver, and gorgeous clothes, appearing majestically!

Not only did no one dare to hunt them, but they had to get out of the way for fear of offending the other party!

Because everyone knows that these ferocious-looking dragon beasts all have great backgrounds. They may be the sons of marquises, nephews of dukes, or nobles themselves. Who dares to provoke them

"A man bathed in monkeys and crowned with a crown is inferior to an animal!"

Meng Lei looked at the domineering dragon beasts and sighed secretly in his heart. In the vast land of the Dragon God Empire, the human race is a vassal and a slave, and the dragon... is the master!

Therefore, chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs related to the dragon have also become their masters. Not only do they not break the law, they also enjoy various privileges. Anyone who collides with them and is killed will die in vain!

Of course, although there are many dragon beasts, there are more dragon people!

80% of the nobles in the Dragon God Empire are dragons, and the descendants of these noble dragons are also dragons. This leads to an extremely large number of dragons coming to participate in the magic test!

Some are born with two horns!

Some have wings on their backs!

Some stocks have dragon tails!

Some have scales on their bodies!

Has obvious dragon characteristics!

"Meng Lei, don't stare at the dragon man like that, it's very rude!"

Captain Hades patted Meng Lei on the shoulder and reminded in a low voice: "If you anger a bad-tempered guy, he will be slapped to death by his claws, and there will be no room for reasoning!"

"Uh? Up!"

Meng Lei nodded, and suddenly pointed at some of the dragon-men in coarse linen clothes and said: "Captain Hades, shouldn't the dragon-men be nobles? Why are those guys wearing civilian clothes? Are they down-and-out nobles?"

Birds of a feather flock together!

There are many people in the square, chatting together in twos and threes, but they are roughly divided into four circles, the circle of human nobles wearing gorgeous clothes, the circle of dragon beasts that look like Warcraft, the circle of dragon nobles, and the circle of human civilians!

This can be distinguished from the clothing and appearance, which is particularly obvious, but what makes Meng Lei puzzled is that in addition to these four circles, there is also a special circle!

They are all dragons, but they are dressed in coarse linen clothes, similar to human civilians. Are they commoners among dragons

(End of chapter)