Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 190: This is a magical technique, killing gods and transforming into rats


Under the Mother Tree of Life, inside the golden shield!

Everyone was in despair, and many of them poured their hatred on Meng Lei!


"It's all his fault! If it weren't for him, how could we be in this situation?"

"We suffered terribly at the hands of this idiot!"

"It's over! It's all over!"

"Pity this stupid idiot, he still wants to resist? Funny! Ridiculous! Sad..."


However, at this moment, Meng Lei, who was imprisoned in the God's Domain and could not even move his fingers, suddenly burst out with countless green and black air currents!

Like a blazing green flame, or like thick rising smoke, it instantly enveloped Meng Lei's body!


The aura on Meng Lei's body soared and expanded like a rocket!

10, 50, 98, 99…


Instantly exploded!

In just a few breaths, Meng Lei's aura increased by more than a hundred and a thousand times

The terrifying pressure spread, sweeping in all directions, oppressing everyone's hearts!


Everyone felt it was difficult to breathe, as if they were carrying a billion-ton mountain, and their eyes were filled with shock and horror!

"what's the situation?"

"What's wrong with this idiot?"

"Meng Lei, another breakthrough?"

Abei’s beautiful eyes sparkle!


The Mother Tree of Life chuckled: "This cunning human being actually broke through in the face of danger? Interesting!"


A scream that pierced people's eardrums and almost penetrated everyone's soul suddenly sounded!

While everyone's ears were ringing, they were shocked to see a furry creature appearing in the sky above Meng Lei's head!

Glossy hair!

Skin as black as ink!

Sharp and ferocious fangs!

Eyes as cold as ice!

"What is this?"

The Mother Tree of Life let out a low cry. For some reason, it actually felt a bone-deep fear and soul-shaking fear from this phantom!

It feels like...

When it was still weak, it was just as weak, helpless, and pitiful when facing the powerful sacred monsters...


"I am a demigod!"

"Nothing scares me!"

"Yes! No living creature can make me afraid!"

The Mother Tree of Life dispelled that kind of fear and fear, and the words were filled with murderous intent!

"No matter who you are, no matter what bloodline you carry, you will die for me!"

The overwhelming divine power pressed down on Meng Lei, and a golden branch shot out!

"call out-"

In people's minds, branches are often light, agile, and tender, but this golden branch of the Mother Tree of Life is extremely heavy and extremely fast!

With its terrifying mass and terrifying speed, you can imagine how huge the kinetic energy contained in this branch is!

If hit by a golden branch, demigods and below will die if touched. As for what will happen to demigods, no one knows!


The golden branches tore through the air and arrived in front of Meng Lei in an instant, and were about to slap Meng Lei on him!

"call out-"

At the critical moment, Meng Lei, who was originally imprisoned, disappeared without a trace!


The Mother Tree of Life lost its voice and said, "It actually disappeared within the confinement of my divine realm. How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, old tree demon!"

A solemn voice sounded, and Meng Lei suddenly appeared in front of the Mother Tree of Life!

Holding the Hammer of Destruction high in his hand, the hammer was wrapped in a storm, roared wildly, and then crashed down!


The Doomhammer contained unparalleled destructive power and hit the Mother Tree of Life hard!

With a loud noise, the Mother Tree of Life shook violently, and a huge crater was smashed into the tree body!

Of course, compared to the trunk of the Mother Tree of Life, which is an unknown number of feet high and an unknown number of meters thick, the so-called giant pit is like a small pore on the human body, undetectable!

"No! This is impossible!"

But the Mother Tree of Life was shocked!

It is a demigod creature, and it is a plant-like demigod life. The tree body is indestructible. Even demigods of the same level can't even think of hurting it, let alone a mere holy realm


Monrey did it!

A sanctuary actually hurt it!

The Mother Tree of Life was shocked, angry and horrified!

"Damn human! You have completely angered me!"

The Mother Tree of Life was furious, and countless golden vines were flying all over the sky, turning into overwhelming golden whip shadows, swarming in, as if they were going to smash Meng Lei into pieces!


Meng Lei's figure was like lightning, he shuttled freely among the whip shadows in the sky, swaying vertically and horizontally, allowing the golden vines to beat wildly, but failed to touch the hem of his clothes!

It's true that I have been hit by thousands of whips, and not a single shadow has touched my body!

"Old tree demon, die!"

Passing through the shadows of whips, Meng Lei reached the Mother Tree of Life again, and delivered another shocking and angry blow!


The wind roars and the tornado rolls into the clouds!


Another huge pit appears!


"Damn it!"

"I am so angry!"

"I am so angry!"

The Mother Tree of Life is going crazy!

It is a majestic demigod, a creature that stands at the top of the pyramid of Sky Continent!

To be able to do nothing with a holy realm, where does this put his face as a demigod

"God's Domain!"

The Mother Tree of Life roared and crazily suppressed Meng Lei!


Meng Lei's figure paused slightly and froze in place!


Thousands of golden whip shadows are coming!

"call out-"

Meng Lei was able to move again and disappeared again!



The third giant pit appears!


"This brat actually... actually..."

"Dragon God! Am I dreaming?"

"Hallucination? It must be a hallucination!"

"Fake! This is fake! How can Meng Lei be the opponent of a demigod? He is just a saint!"

Everyone was stunned!

The old man was stunned!

Abe was shocked!

The other contestants were stunned!

Thousands of Paladins were stunned!

Who could have imagined the scene in front of them

Who would have thought that the Mother Tree of Life, as a majestic demigod, could not do anything to Meng Lei, who was just a mere saint!

What's more, the sanctuary of Mengley is only... 16 years old!

"Why on earth is this happening?"

Everyone couldn't figure it out. Only the old man's mouth twitched and his heart was in a state of confusion: "This bastard has become stronger inexplicably again! But this time, the magnitude is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"You damn little thief! I want you to die!"

The Mother Tree of Life is so angry that her lungs are about to explode!

"God's Domain!"

Meng Lei paused slightly and was imprisoned again!

"Divinity: Life Deprivation!"

The Mother Tree of Life roared, and thousands of golden lights spurted out from it, turning into a thick golden beam, instantly covering Meng Lei!

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious force penetrated Meng Lei's body and acted on Meng Lei instantly, stripping away Meng Lei's vitality crazily!

"Divinity! This is magic!"

The old man reminded loudly: "Boy, divine magic uses divine power as its driving force and has an absolute effect on any creature without divine power!"

"Think of a way, think of a way quickly!"

"You must break free from the shackles of the Divine Realm no matter what! Otherwise, when the power of divine magic shows up, you will definitely die!"



Meng Lei roared in a low voice, driving his body crazily, but sadly discovered that the power of the God's Domain this time was extremely powerful, and his body did not obey the orders at all!

"That being the case, this is the only way!"

Meng Lei roared, and veins popped out on his forehead: "The God-Killing Rat... transforms!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Lei's body suddenly began to shrink like a deflated inflatable doll. In just a few breaths, he was only half a meter tall!

At the same time, countless blue-black hairs sprouted from the surface of his body, 3 black beards extended from each side of his cheeks, and a slender and delicate long tail grew from the back of his thighs!


Roads of black and blue air flow wrapped around the body, and a surging aura of awe-inspiring evil energy exploded!

His fingers turned into sharp claws, his eyes were black and shiny, and his two front teeth became long and sharp, and he turned into a god-killing rat man!


Meng Lei swayed slightly, breaking away from the restraints of the God's Domain, and disappeared directly into the shroud of golden light!

"What a sensitive speed!"

"What a terrifying defense!"

Feeling that his body had become lighter and more dexterous and his defense had increased many times, Meng Lei's heart was surging, he couldn't help himself, and his self-confidence was as high as ever!

At this moment, he was no longer afraid of the Mother Tree of Life. All he had was a surging fighting spirit and a leaking murderous intention!


Doomhammer disappears!

Meng Lei shook slightly, as if teleporting, and appeared strangely on the trunk of the Mother Tree of Life!

The sharp claws gently scratched, and with a "stab" sound, a deep ravine was directly scratched on the Mother Tree of Life!

"Such sharp claws!"

Meng Lei himself was shocked. Immediately his eyes lit up and he waved his hands repeatedly. With a crisp sound of "stab, stab, sting", a deep pit appeared!

"Tick tock—"

"Tick tock—"

Drops of golden tree sap seeped out from the deep pit, exuding a refreshing fragrance that made people feel energetic and refreshed!


The Mother Tree of Life let out a cry of pain, and thousands of golden vines whipped over like crazy!

Meng Lei looked at the countless vines pulled out from the air and rolled his eyes, "Since the claws are so sharp, why don't I..."

With this thought, Meng Lei decisively got into the deep hole he had just dug!



The two claws are cut open in succession, and the pit is getting deeper and deeper!

Then, he slipped in with a squeak!

"Asshole! What do you want to do? Ah—"

The Mother Tree of Life was shocked, and immediately let out a shrill scream. The huge tree body trembled violently, the trunk shook, and the leaves shook, as if taking ecstasy!

"I'll dig it!"

"I'll dig it!"

"I'll dig it!"

"Compared to the amazingly defensive bark, the inside is relatively soft!"

"The sap smells so good, can you drink it?"

"Bastard, I really belong to you!"

The old man's voice sounded, containing endless excitement: "Quick! Find its core of life!"

"The Mother Tree of Life is also a plant life! As long as you find its core of life, you can kill it!"

"Although there is only a slight possibility!"

"But now, it's totally worth the risk! If you can kill it, you'll make a fortune!"

(End of chapter)