Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 197: Go to the Dragon Cutting Platform and completely fall out


"Of the 108 players who were arrested, 72 died on the spot, and the remaining 36 also died on the way back!"

Dean Fred's voice was low: "Dead! All dead! All 108 contestants are dead!"

"Including Prince Barbarossa and His Majesty's favorite 13 princesses!"

"They're all dead!"

Meng Lei was silent!

"Meng Lei, answer me a question honestly!"

Dean Fred asked in a deep voice: "Do their deaths have anything to do with you? Did you kill them as the surviving contestants said?"

"Did I kill him?"

Meng Lei smiled: "If I said this matter has nothing to do with me, would you believe it?"

Dean Fred was silent for a long time and then said: "If you can guarantee it, I will believe it!"

"Okay! Since the dean believes in me so much, let me tell you,"

Meng Lei laughed and said: "The death of 108 players does have something to do with me, but the main reason is their greed!"


Dean Fred frowned slightly!

"Here's the thing..."

Meng Lei didn't hide anything and told everything exactly!

After listening, Dean Fred fell silent!

After a long time, he slowly spoke: "Listening to what you said, you really can't be blamed for this. If they hadn't been greedy for the fruit of the sacred tree, they wouldn't have made such a big mistake!"


Dean Fred changed the subject: "His Majesty and the civil and military officials, meritorious officials and dignitaries of the entire dynasty don't think so. They all put the blame on you!"

"They think that if you hadn't stolen that indigenous demigod tree, this wouldn't have happened!"

"All the blame lies with you!"

"So, no matter what I say, they're going to make me take the blame?"

Meng Lei chuckled: "It's really ridiculous. It was obviously the emperor's mistake and the players' greed that caused this tragedy, but you want me to take the blame?"

"Meng Lei, His Majesty is the emperor, we can make mistakes, but His Majesty can never make mistakes!"

Dean Fred angrily scolded: "Moreover, among the 108 people who died, not only the golden dragon and lion Sachhen, the undead elf Miriam and others, but also Prince Barbarossa and the Thirteenth Princess!"

"One is the future emperor of the empire!"

"One is the most favored princess!"

"Your Majesty cannot make such a mistake!"

"So, all the civil and military ministers and noble ministers in the dynasty can only vent their anger on you!"

"So, what do they want to do?"

Meng Lei asked with a smile!

"His Majesty has sent the Royal Holy Knights to the Lost Continent to catch you!"

Dean Fred shook his head and said: "If nothing else happens, you will be fully responsible for this incident!"

"Let me take full responsibility?"

A flash of light flashed in Meng Lei's eyes: "Just right! I've been in a bad mood lately and have nowhere to vent!"

"Meng Lei, what do you want to do?"

"Go back to the imperial capital!"

Dragon God Empire, meeting hall!

Emperor Frederick XXXII sat high on the dragon throne, his face gloomy and terrifying!

The deans, leading teachers, many saints, and nobles from the imperial court stood on both sides of the hall!

In the center of the hall, there were more than 100 corpses lying quietly, all wrapped in yellow cloth. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but the skin that was occasionally exposed was so shriveled and shriveled!

Obviously, these more than 100 corpses are the 108 players who just lost their lives!

At this moment, the hall was completely silent, a dead silence, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly depressing!

Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak!

As time passed, Emperor Frederick XXXII finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Is there no news yet from the Royal Holy Knights?"

"Return to Your Majesty! There is no news yet!"

"They have been heading to the Lost Continent for a day and a night, and there is still no news. Could it be that Meng Lei has gone to heaven and earth?"

Frederick Thirty-two was furious: "Send people! Send more people immediately! Be sure to bring Meng Lei back, I want to ask him clearly in person!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A minister immediately took the order and left!


A golden-armored guard suddenly ran in quickly, knelt down and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

"Is there any news about the Holy Knights?"

Frederick XXXII was overjoyed!

"No! No! Meng Lei is here!"


"Monrey is here!"

The hall was suddenly in an uproar!

Dean Fred in the crowd was even more shocked: "Isn't Meng Lei in the World of Warcraft Village? How did he come so fast?"

"Let him in!"

Frederick XXXII congratulates!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After a while, Meng Lei entered the main hall under the leadership of the golden-armored guards!

Brush brush brush—

Everyone's eyes fell on Meng Lei at the same time, with anger, murderous intent, hatred, and confusion...

Frederick XXXII looked Meng Lei up and down, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and asked sternly: "Men Lei, do you know your guilt?"

"Knowing my guilt? What crime am I guilty of?"

Meng Lei pretended to be shocked: "Why does your Majesty ask this?"

"You dare to quibble when you are about to die!"

Frederick 32 was furious, pointing at the 108 corpses and shouted: "Do you know who they are? Do you know how they died?"

"them… "

Meng Lei knelt down, casually lifted up a piece of yellow cloth and took a look, then shook his head and said, "It turns out it's these guys!"

"Do you recognize it? Since you recognize it, tell me!"

Frederick Thirty-two roared angrily, his voice rolling like thunder: "Why do you want to kill them? 108 people! A full 108 people!"

"They are all the elites of the empire. They have been the hard work of the major colleges for decades. They are also the future talents of the empire and the pillars of the empire!"

"Say! Why did you want to kill them?"

"Did I kill them? I'm afraid you're not calling the thief to catch the thief, but you are deliberately framed and framed, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Meng Lei laughed out loud as if he had heard a big joke. The wild laughter echoed wildly in the hall for a long time!


"Be bold!"


Everyone immediately glared at Meng Lei, their eyes wishing to devour Meng Lei!

"Meng Lei, this is the imperial meeting hall. Your Majesty is in front of you. There are many holy places on the side, and all the civil and military ministers of the dynasty are here. How can you be allowed to be arrogant and presumptuous?"

Duke Jutas stood up and said: "Your Majesty is asking you a question. You only need to answer honestly. Don't be arrogant, ignorant or daring!"

"Meng Lei, speak up!"

Dean Fred was so frightened that he even stood up and scolded in a low voice!

"That's fine!"

Meng Lei nodded slightly, Dean Fred still has to give him face!

"108 players died unexpectedly. I sympathize with them, but there are two real murderers: one is themselves!"

Meng Lei said lightly!

"They killed themselves? Ridiculous!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but sneer!

"If they hadn't been greedy for the fruits of the sacred tree, how could they have ended up in this situation? Therefore, it was their greed that led to the current outcome!"

Meng Lei's voice was indifferent and he looked at Frederick 32: "The second one is you, His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Meng Lei, don't be presumptuous!"

Dean Fred was so frightened that he trembled all over and shouted in a low voice: "Are you out of your mind? How dare you talk to His Majesty like this?"

"Dean, listen to me first!"

Meng Lei looked at Frederick 32, who was sitting on the dragon throne: "We were allowed to go there to compete without knowing the details of the Lost Continent, which ultimately led to the current tragedy!"

"So, it was you, Your Majesty, who killed them! It was your unclear investigation that killed them! It was your carelessness that killed them!"

"What does it have to do with me...?"

"you you you… "

Frederick XXXII was said to have a face like pig liver, and he pointed angrily at Meng Lei, his face turned green and white, and his eyes looked as if he wanted to eat Meng Lei!


Duke Jutas shouted sternly: "It was clearly you who stole the belongings of the native demigods and ultimately killed 108 contestants. You actually had the audacity to put the blame on His Majesty. You are really crazy and confusing the public!"

"His Majesty!"

Jutas looked at Frederick 32: "I request that the surviving contestants be summoned into the palace to confront Monrey face to face!"

"Call them in!"

Soon, a group of surviving contestants walked into the hall. When they saw Meng Lei, they fired collectively as if they saw the enemy who killed their father!

"Meng Lei! You bastard! It's you! It's you who killed 108 players!"

"If you hadn't stolen something from the Mother Tree of Life, how could it have killed you? You are fully responsible for the deaths of 108 players!"

“Meng Lei…”

"Meng Lei, what else do you have to say now?"

Frederick Thirty-two took a deep breath and said slowly!

"Say? There's nothing to say!"

Meng Lei shook his head: "I have made it very clear what I need to say. Whether you listen or not, it has nothing to do with me!"


"Meng Lei, you killed 108 players and caused the exchange competition to be stopped midway!"

"Roaring in the main hall again, unscrupulously, treating the emperor as nothing, and treating the court as child's play!"

Frederick XXXII pointed at Monrey: "He is so heartbroken that he is so mad that his heart can be killed!"

"Come here, take him down, and send him to the dragon cutting platform in three days, and behead him in public to warn the royal family!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A group of golden-armored guards rushed in!

"Your Majesty, please give me a lighter sentence!"

When Dean Fred saw this, he was about to plead for mercy, but was stopped by Frederick XXXII!

"Rebellious people like Meng Lei, although they are members of the royal family, are actually the same as demon spies like Adolf!"

"Whoever intercedes for him is as guilty as him!"

"Your Majesty..."

"Dean, this is the ring you lent me!"

Meng Lei stopped Dean Fred who was about to continue pleading and returned the space ring!

Then he smiled and said: "In the Sky Continent, the strong are respected. No matter how much you say you are not strong enough, it is just the cry of the weak!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Frederick 32 and smiled: "The Dragon Slaying Platform should be a place dedicated to killing members of the royal family!"

"Sorry, I'm not a royal!"

"So, come here now!"

"If you have the ability, I would be happy to be the second Timon Barton to fall unexpectedly!"

"If you don't have the ability to kill me, then don't blame me for destroying you!"

"In one sentence: Either beat me to death or be beaten to death by me!"

(End of chapter)