Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 218: Eat divine pork, goodbye Behemoth



The majestic and luxurious palace was exploded in an instant, and the surrounding palaces also suffered!

Dust was flying and there was a roar.

A huge pig with golden manes appeared out of thin air in the palace complex.

He is ten thousand meters tall and ten thousand feet long. His huge ears are like tents covering the sky, and his fangs are as ferocious as steel thorns.

The most amazing thing is that a terrifying divine power emanates from this big pig, impacting the hearts of the people of the imperial capital wantonly.


Everyone felt as if their heart was being grabbed by something, and they felt extremely uncomfortable!

"Dragon God is on top!"

"In the end what happened?"

People are frightened and panicked!


"This is Kamui!"

"It came from the palace!"

The faces of Puhaman and Sanil who were busy changed drastically, and they flew towards the palace!

"This... this is..."

The two of them suddenly gasped.

What a terrifying power!

What a huge body!

This is definitely a god-level monster!

"Dragon God! This is a divine beast!"

"God of Hades, what did I see?"

The two demigods were completely shocked!

"Bah, bah, bah!"

There was a sound of spitting, and the two of them looked at each other in shock, and saw the Meng Lei people crawling out of the ruins, with gray heads and faces, looking a little embarrassed!


Puhaman and Sanil were a little confused!

"Damn it! The corpse of this three-gun pig is actually so big. It was a miscalculation!"

Meng Lei rose into the air and looked at the corpse of the thousand-foot-long mythical beast. He was a little stunned: "How long can such a big pig feed me?"

"Dear Master, did you make this corpse of a mythical beast?"

Puhaman and Sanil flew over and asked in surprise!

"Not bad! The price of pork has increased recently, so I bought a pig to try it myself!"

Meng Lei nodded slightly: "Would you like to take some back and make some sausages or something?"

"You can't do it! You can't do it! This is the corpse of a mythical beast, how dare we covet it?"

The two of them waved their hands quickly, but the desire and greed in their eyes could not be concealed!

Divine beast meat!

It’s a great tonic. Let’s not talk about the taste, but the value alone is immeasurable!

If I eat one piece, my strength will skyrocket

"I can't finish it, so please share some!"

Meng Lei waved his hand, and the dimensional blade suddenly appeared, instantly slashing at Sanpao Pig's tail.


Amidst the clash of gold and iron, a string of sparks flew up, but the tail of the divine pig was actually intact!

"I'll go! So hard?"

Meng Lei took a breath of cold air, the God-killing Spear appeared in his hand, and stabbed it with one shot.

With a "poof" sound, the pig's tail, which was hundreds of meters long, was completely cut off!


Meng Lei took back the God-killing Spear: "You can use this pig tail to make sausages!"

"Master, is this...not good?"

The two of them swallowed their saliva wildly!

"Take it away!"

Meng Lei threw the pig's tail over, and then flew to the Sanpao Pig, thinking about where to eat it. This pig's body was hard and difficult to eat!

"Thank you great master!"

Seeing this, the two of them stopped being pretentious. They raised their pig tails and ran away, fearing that they would run too slow and Meng Lei would regret it!

"Don't just eat pork, things have to be handled properly!" Meng Lei's voice came from afar!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Two great things!"

The divine pork is really not easy to eat. The muscle tissue is very soft and it is very difficult to cut the meat. The God-killing Spear is suitable for stabbing, but the cutting effect is not good!

Meng Leihao tried various tools, but he couldn't even cut through the pig skin of the magic pig.

Finally, he casually picked up a bloody machete and actually cut open the pliable pork!

"Is this knife so sharp?"

Meng Lei was taken aback, "If I remember correctly, you just picked up this knife, right?"

"System, what is the name of this knife?"

"Return to the host, this is the accompanying scimitar of the Abyss Sword Demon!" the system replied coldly!

"The accompanying scimitar of the Abyss Sword Demon!"

Meng Lei couldn't help being overjoyed. He didn't pay attention when he first picked it up, thinking it was another piece of junk. He didn't expect it to be so sharp. He didn't know the goods!

"What a knife!"

Meng Lei was so happy that he easily disemboweled the divine pig with one stab, two and three...

Then set up the barbecue grill, take out the seasonings, and cook them over divine fire.

Even so, it took a long time to roast the divine pork!

"It smells so good!"

Meng Lei grabbed a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. His mouth was full of energy, and it was extremely delicious...


“It smells so good!”

“It’s so delicious!”

"When you take a bite of the amazing pork, it feels like it bounces against your teeth. Every time you chew it, the meat bounces in your mouth. It's so chewy!"


"Not only is it chewy, this meat also contains rich life essence!"

"The surging life energy spreads into the limbs and bones, and the whole body is warm..."

"One word: beautiful!"

This was the first time Meng Lei had eaten such delicious barbecue, and he couldn't stop.

The powerful digestive function of the God-killing Rat was perfectly displayed at this moment. Meng Lei ate wildly without feeling full.

After eating pork several times his own body weight, his six-pack abs did not turn into one...

After eating from morning to night, Meng Lei gave up and said, "Wow~~~ It feels so good!"

After burping, lying on the palace square, and stroking his belly, Meng Lei couldn't help but think of his eating friend - the multi-armed Bimon Salas!

"I haven't seen this thing for a few days. How is it? Is it still alive?"

"Would you like to go to the Lost Continent to see it? Anyway, there is nothing to do now..."

Thinking of this, Meng Lei waved his hand to put away the remaining pork, and then teleported away. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Dragon God Church!

"Supreme Dragon God, save your humble servant..."

The church in front of the Dragon God was full of believers who came to pray. There were dignitaries, dragon nobles, and more ordinary humans!

They knelt in front of the statue of the Dragon God, either prostrating themselves profusely or praying devoutly. They were all terrified, as if the end was coming!

Meng Lei frowned slightly, which is not surprising. Unrest causes panic, and panic will spread. The current imperial capital is indeed shrouded in an atmosphere of uneasiness and panic!

When they are afraid, believers will naturally run to the church. This is normal, but what makes Meng Lei unhappy is the Pope of the Dragon God Church.

This old guy actually preached about the devil coming to the world, describing him as an evil devil coming from the abyss of hell and causing harm to the world!

"The cruel devil has arrived!"

"A terrifying demonic disaster is about to sweep across the continent!"

"I saw the near future!"

"All lives are in ruins and demons are raging!"

"The dragon falls, the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed!"

"Bodies are everywhere, and the ground is thousands of miles bare!"

"Just when the demon is raging and the demon disaster is about to destroy the continent, the great Dragon God has arrived!"

"He is bathed in divine light, holding a scepter, and stepping on a colorful dragon. He can support buildings from falling, turn tides from falling, and save souls from water and fire..."

"Have you had enough lies?"

Meng Lei suddenly appeared and looked at the affectionate Pope with an evil look!


The Pope stopped abruptly, and then looked at Meng Lei blankly: "You... you are..."

"I am your uncle!"

Meng Lei snorted coldly and made a blood contract with this old liar and magician.

"From today on, you will be the first pope of our Mengley Church!"

"Remember, the Dragon God is the devil who harms the common people, and I... am the savior!"

"Yes, my noble master!"

The Pope crawled deeply at Meng Lei's feet and licked Meng Lei's smelly shoes like licking honey!

"Good job!"

Meng Lei left a word and then disappeared!

The Pope climbed up, raised his hands, and shouted loudly: "I made a mistake just now, the one who came is the great God Meng Lei..."


Meng Lei came to the Lost Continent again!

Compared with the roaring beasts and vibrant scene before, the Lost Continent is now desolate and quiet, which is a bit scary.

"Where is Salas?"

The spiritual thoughts spread, everything within a hundred miles radius was invisible, and the feedback was clearly reflected in Meng Lei's mind!


Teleport and appear hundreds of miles away!

"still none!"

Teleport ten times in a row.

Meng Lei finally found Salas in Golden Bay. This guy was lying on the beach and sleeping soundly. There were an astonishing number of bones piled next to him, which were obviously leftovers from what he had eaten!

"Master, where are you? Salas misses you..."

Salas smacked his lips and talked in his sleep from time to time, like a silly beast!

"This guy… "

Meng Lei felt funny in his heart, quietly flew to Salas's ear, and then roared:

"Salas, wake up!"


Sara was suddenly startled, her mane stood on end, her muscles tensed, she was so frightened!

"Hahaha… "

When Meng Lei saw this, he held his stomach and burst into laughter. His stomach hurt from laughing!


Hearing the laughter, Salas turned his head and looked over, his eyes filled with tears.

He threw himself directly at Meng Lei's feet and howled like a giant baby!


"Boss, where have you been?"

"Go back home!"

"Then will you leave?"

"If you want to leave, you can come with us!"

"I will go wherever the boss goes!"


"Salas, your stomach is growling!"

"Hey, I'm hungry!"

"Then let's have something to eat before we go!"

"Boss, wait, I'll catch some seafood!"

"No! I have something good!"

The flesh of the mythical beast was naturally not covered. When the aroma came out, Salas's saliva almost flooded the endless deep sea next to it!

However, when the pork was roasted, something tragic happened. Salas couldn't even bite it!

The violent, multi-armed Behemoth that is at the level of a sacred realm cannot even chew pork!

Salas was so anxious that he almost cried. He couldn't taste the delicious food at the moment. He was so angry!

"Salas, it seems you are not lucky enough to enjoy it!" Meng Lei shook his head slightly: "Forget it, let's have some dragon meat!"

Meng Lei waved his hand and took out a hundred-meter-long golden dragon corpse!

"Golden Dragon!!!"

Salas's eyes almost popped out of his head. The golden dragon was comparable to the golden Behemoth. The boss actually wanted to roast it and eat it

Too luxurious

Even so, Salas was not soft-spoken and devoured most of the golden dragon in one meal. He was truly possessed by a foodie!

"I'm full, it's time to go back!"

Back at the palace, a group of acquaintances came unexpectedly!

(End of chapter)