Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 264: Abandoned by the gods, surrender voluntarily


Heras is dead!

Under the burning of the Netherworld Divine Fire, it was burned to ashes without any accident!

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry!

And his death left many people feeling like they had fallen into an ice cellar, their hands and feet were cold, they felt endless fear and despair, and the sky was falling.

The Titan Emperor is undoubtedly the best among them!

At this moment, the emperor of the Titan Empire had a pale face, his body seemed to have been hollowed out, and he fell limply to the ground.

"It's over! The Titan Empire is completely over!"

The Beast King is equally desperate!

Even a true god like Heras with unfathomable strength was defeated by Meng Lei. How can their beast god empire contend with Meng Lei

Rely on the beast god

Is it reliable

The Beast King has no confidence at all. He is now confused and confused.

What a great talent!

What unification of the continent!

What an empire rises!

Leave it all behind!

The Beast King just wants to leave here, calm down and think about how to resist Meng Lei!

"He actually killed Heras!"

The Elf Queen was also in disbelief. She knew that Meng Lei was very strong, killing Dragon Island demigods, fighting Titan demigods alone, and her cultivation was unfathomable!

But the Elf Queen never expected that Meng Lei would be so powerful that he could even kill a true god like Heras!

How strong is Meng Lei

The Elf Queen not only had this question in her mind!

In fact, this is also a question in many people's minds, but no one can answer them, not even Monrey's closest subordinates such as Babrus and Puharman.

"Heras is dead!"

Facing the looks of horror, admiration, or despair from the audience, Meng Lei spoke: "I believe that the so-called Titan God, the so-called Dragon God, and even the so-called Beast God will not send people easily. It’s the next level!”

"so… "

Meng Lei looked at the three imperial envoys: "You must be completely desperate, so what should you do? I don't need to say anything else, right?"

"Within a month, I want to see the three great empires surrender. If I don't see it, I'm sorry, yesterday's dragon will be tomorrow's you!"

After saying that, Meng Lei flew back to Long Chu and left with Babulus and the others. People looked at Long Chu's leaving figure and looked at each other speechlessly.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Meng Lei's coronation ceremony is over, but the shock has just begun!

Proclaim the rise of the human race!

Order the three empires to surrender!

Kill the Dragon God and destroy Heras!

One by one, one by one...

Like a hurricane, it spread throughout the Meng Lei Empire and even the entire continent. Especially under the deliberate propaganda of the Meng Lei Empire court, it spread faster!

"Your Majesty said it!"

"In our Meng Lei Empire, all human beings under the age of 20 can take magic tests for free and receive fighting spirit secrets for free!"

"Your Majesty said it!"

"In our Meng Lei Empire, we will build a Dou Qi and Magic Academy. Children under the age of 16 can enroll for free and receive six years of compulsory education!"

"Your Majesty said it!"

"In our Meng Lei Empire, we will not levy any form of tax, pay any form of food payment, or recruit any form of soldiers for 10 years!"

"Your Majesty said it!"

"In our Meng Lei Empire, all races can get at least 3 acres of land!"

"Your Majesty said it!"

"In our Mengley Empire, everyone must be equal, there are no slaves, and there are no nobles!"

"Woooooo! Praise your great Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I praise you..."

"Your Majesty..."

Meng Lei's oath was printed in books and spread throughout the streets and alleys, in villages and every corner of the empire...

The effect of this oath is unparalleled. Everyone cried with joy, everyone had tears in their eyes, and everyone was inspired!

For a time, the believers who originally believed in Meng Lei became more devout. Those who did not believe in Meng Lei began to believe in Meng Lei. The number of believers in Meng Lei increased at a terrifying speed!

And when these things spread to the three empires through various forms, the impact on the human race in the three empires is unparalleled!

No comparison, no harm!

For a time, everyone longed for the Mengley Empire, and everyone wanted to be a part of the Mengley Empire, and some of the activists began to flee...

All in all, the entire continent was in chaos because of Meng Lei's actions!

An invisible storm swept across the continent, and the foundations of the three empires began to shake!

Of course, this is nothing!

For the three empires, they are not afraid of the turbulent slaves. The only thing they worry about is Meng Lei. The slaves have no strength. No matter how hard they struggle, they are just the barking of the weak!

But Meng Lei is different. He is hanging over his head like a sharp sword and will be cut down at any time!

Beast God Empire.

"Old priest, please!"

The Beast King and the ministers of the Beast God Empire all looked at the old fox man, their eyes full of hope and expectation. At this point, they could only place their hope in... the Beast God!

"Your Majesty, I will try my best!"

The old priest coughed twice, then slowly closed his eyes and communicated with the beast god who was hiding somewhere.

As the most devout believer of the beast god in the Sky Continent, it is not difficult for the old fox man to communicate with the beast, and the beast god will usually respond.

But this time…

One minute has passed!

Two minutes have passed!

Half an hour has passed!

"Your Majesty, I have let you down!"

The old fox man opened his eyes with a guilty look on his face.

"Old priest, has the beast god really abandoned his devout people?"

The Beast King's eyes were full of despair, and all the ministers felt as if they were mourning for their heirs, and they were as devastated as eggplants beaten by frost.

"Your Majesty, old minister, please try again!"

The old fox man smiled bitterly and silently burned the power of his soul to strengthen his induction.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the great beast god never responded and seemed to have disappeared!

In the end, the old fox man couldn't hold on any longer, spurted out a mouthful of blood, fell straight down, and died.

"Old Priest!!!"

"Old Priest!!!"


A sad atmosphere enveloped the hall, and all the ministers knelt down. The Beast King was full of self-blame: "Old priest, it was me who harmed you! It was all me who harmed you..."

Not to mention the sad and despairing monarchs of the Beast God Empire, after the old fox man died, a powerful force descended from somewhere and took away his soul.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to a golden kingdom with beautiful scenery and picturesque scenery. A divine power fell from the sky and regrouped his body for him!

After a while, a strong and black-haired fox man appeared, it was the old fox man!

The old fox man looked at his hands and felt his young and strong body. Tears filled his eyes with excitement, and he bowed his head.

"Great Beast God! Thank you for your generosity and gifts! I praise you!"

"Whoever believes in me will have eternal life!"

A majestic sound of thunder sounded in his ears. The old fox man knew that this was the voice of the Beast God, and immediately cried loudly: "Great Beast God, save your humble people, they are in dire straits... "

However, the voice of the Beast God was completely silent and never appeared again.

"Beast God..."

The old fox man collapsed on the ground, with a look of despair on his face. He knew that the beast god had completely given up on the orcs in the Sky Continent!

Titan Empire.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

"Your Majesty, please make up your mind quickly!"

The officials of the Titan Empire were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but the Emperor of Titan drank to drown his sorrows and ignored the anxious officials at all!

"His Majesty!"

The ministers had no choice but to invite the Titan Queen, hoping that she could persuade her Majesty Yi Er.

"It's the queen. Come, have a few drinks with me!"

"Your Majesty, we are facing a national crisis, how can I think about drinking?" Queen Taitan said: "The ministers are all anxious, waiting for you to make your decision!"

"Ideas? What ideas can I have?"

The Titan Emperor's face was full of drunkenness: "All the ancestors of the temple are dead, even Heras, who was sent to the lower world by the giant spirit god, is dead!"

"The huge Titan Empire doesn't even have a single demigod. It's just fish on the chopping board. What else can we do? Just wait until death!"

"Even so, Your Majesty, are you just waiting for the Mengley Empire to come knocking?"

The Titan Queen advised: "If this happens, we will have no chance of survival at all!"

"What does the queen mean by this?"

The Titan Emperor tilted his head at the Queen.

"Since you can't resist, why not surrender?"

The Titan Queen said solemnly: "If we surrender voluntarily, at least we can end up in a good end, and we won't end up like the Dragon Clan, where the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed!"

"But if we just wait for the Meng Lei Empire to come knocking on our door, I'm afraid that people will die and the country will be destroyed, and it will not be a good death!"

"Isn't it a good death?"

The Titan Emperor trembled all over and suddenly woke up from his drunkenness: "Yes, yes, yes! We can't wait for them to knock on the door! We can't wait for them to knock on the door!"

"Come here! Hurry! Gather the ministers quickly. I want to surrender! I don't want to die!"

Elven Empire.

The Elf Queen opened her beautiful eyes, looked at the eyes full of expectation and hope, and smiled bitterly: "Everyone, I have disappointed you!"

"His Majesty!"

The expressions of the ministers changed dramatically, and their hearts instantly fell to the bottom.

"Your Majesty, what does the goddess crown mean?"

Azshara asked with a trembling voice.

"Let us take the initiative to surrender, lead the elves to avoid the Forest of Life, and never step out of the Forest of Life again!" The Elf Queen said with a bitter look on her face.

"Escape into the Forest of Life? How is this allowed?" Azshara simply couldn't accept it.

The territory of the Elf Empire covers the entire Elf Forest. Its territory is not inferior to that of the Dragon God Empire, and it is slightly inferior to the Beast God Empire.

And what about the Forest of Life

The area covered by the life barrier emanating from the Tree of Life is the Forest of Life, which is the center of the Forest of Elves, but covers a radius of only a thousand miles.

Such a small base is not enough to cover a corner of the Elf Forest. Who can accept that the Elf clan should give up the vast Elf Forest and avoid the Thousand Miles of Life Forest

"This is the intention of the goddess, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

The Elf Goddess sighed faintly: "Immediately send a mission to the Meng Lei Empire and take the initiative to express your surrender. I think His Majesty Meng Lei will not kill them all for the sake of the goddess's crown!"

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

Azshara hissed: "The Elf Forest is the home of our Elf clan. If we give up the Elf Forest, how many people will we have to give up?"

"Captain Azshara, I know this is a painful decision, but have you ever thought about it. If we don't give up the Elf Forest, the elves will completely disappear from the Sky Continent!"

The Elf Queen showed pain: "Compared to the two, which one is more serious?"

(End of chapter)