Picking Up Attributes From Today

Chapter 29: Evaluating teachers is extremely strict


Three months, whether it is long or short, is the longest time Meng Lei has spent since he traveled to the Sky Continent!

In three months, Meng Lei became familiar with everything in the college, including his classmates, teachers, classrooms, and library, all very familiar!

These three months at Fire Dragon Magic Academy feel like I have returned to my college days, comfortable, calm and carefree!

No need to run for a living!

No need to look at the boss’s face!

No need to stay up late and work overtime!

The only thing left to do is study!

Learn magic knowledge!

Accumulate magic power!

Improve mental strength!

The days are busy and fulfilling!

Meng Lei cherishes this kind of life and seizes every possible moment to strengthen himself and improve his strength!

In three months, his various attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes, and tomorrow is the time to test these!

Early the next morning, Meng Lei got up early and headed to the No. 11 training ground with Fatty and Daniel. When they passed other training grounds, they were already overcrowded!

Midterm exams are also taking place at other ages!

The teacher's scolding, the students' excuses, the explosion of magic... all kinds of sounds mixed together, resounding over every training ground, making people feel inexplicably nervous!

The fat man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said tremblingly: "I heard that those who fail to meet the standards in the midterm exam will receive severe sanctions. I wonder how we will be punished?"

"Are you still worried about this?"

Daniel raised his eyebrows, smiled and teased: "You've been working very hard these past few months, why don't you just pass the midterm exam like you're just having fun?"

"How can it be so simple? Our college is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. We usually don't restrict us very much, allowing us to allocate our time freely and study independently. ********* said with a grimace: "But when it comes to exams, it is especially special. Strict and extremely high standards. I heard a senior from the second grade say that only 6 students in their class successfully passed the midterm exam last year, and all the others failed! "

"I'll go! So strict?"

Daniel was also shocked!

"Six people meet the standard?"

Meng Lei was stunned: "Didn't it mean that more than forty people were killed?"

"Yes, yes, 44 people were killed directly!"

The fat man nodded hurriedly: "I heard from the senior that our college attaches great importance to assessment and is very strict in this aspect. If a teacher dares to let loose, it will not be as simple as deducting salary and bonus, or he may be fired directly!"

"Dragon God! This is too scary!"

Daniel also became nervous!

"So, don't think that you can pass the exam smoothly if you work hard!" The fat man shook his head: "If you fail the exam three times in a row, you know the consequences!"

Daniel's face turned pale. According to the college's rules, anyone who fails the exam three times in a row will be expelled directly!

"Oh, I hope it can pass smoothly!"

I arrived at the No. 11 training ground uneasily. Most of my first-year classmates had arrived. They gathered together in small groups and whispered about something!

After waiting for about ten minutes, the teachers arrived at training ground 11!

"Mr. Horatio!"

"Teacher Wendy!"

"Teacher Nadel!"


Looking at each teacher, the students' discussions gradually stopped, leaving only nervous and awe-inspiring faces. Meng Lei stood in the corner, watching quietly!

The mid-term exam was held by the whole grade together, that is to say, in addition to their first class, class two was also here!

No more, no less, exactly 98 freshmen!

As for the assessment teachers, they are the teachers responsible for teaching the ten departments of magic. There are 10 in the first class and 10 in the second class, a total of 20!

In addition, there are 2 class teachers!

"Dragon God! Even our class teacher is here. Let me go. We have been in school for three months, and this is the first time I have seen the class teacher!"

The fat man came closer to Meng Lei and murmured in a low voice. Obviously, he became more nervous after seeing the head teacher!

"I heard that our class teacher is the school leader. I didn't expect that the midterm exam would come this time. It's really unexpected!" Daniel also stared at the class teacher!

"It seems that the college really takes the midterm exam very seriously!"

Meng Lei nodded slightly. When he was in college in his previous life, he was always inferior in both the midterm exam and the final exam. How could such a situation be possible

"Is everyone here?"

The 22 teachers did their job in turn. Buddy Taillon, the head teacher of the second class, spoke first. He is a typical dragon man, with a single horn on his head and two wings on his back. He is tall and extremely strong. When he sits there, he is invisible. It puts a lot of pressure on people!

In comparison, the first class teacher was much more ordinary. He was a skinny old human man with a haggard face and a trembling body that could be blown down by a gust of wind!

"Teacher Buddy, all students in Class 2 are here!"

The second class instructor stepped forward and said with some respect!

"Where's Class 1?"

Dirk Novi, the first class teacher, looked at senior Jenny, the class teacher of this class!

"We're all here, Teacher Dirk!"

Senior Sister Jenny replied respectfully.

"Now that we're all here, let's start, one class first!"


Senior Sister Jenny responded, took out the prepared list, and said loudly: "The first-grade midterm exam has officially begun. The exam content is divided into 3 items!"

All students prick up their ears and listen carefully!

"The first item: Test your mental power!"

"Item 2: Test the magic power reserves!"

"The third item: Magic release!"

"Whoever's name is called comes first!"

"Number One: Larry Libby!"

Upon hearing this name, the two head teachers and 20 teachers looked at the lists in their hands at the same time. The first name was Larry Libby!

"Classmate Larry, let's test our mental strength first. I don't need to explain the method, right?"

"I know, senior!"

Larry Libby is a dragon boy. Although he is only 14 years old, he is extremely tall, 1.8 meters tall, and a pair of red dragon horns on his forehead, which shows his identity: he is a man with fire. A dragon man with the blood of a giant dragon!

It is worth mentioning that the fire dragon is the royal family of the Fire Dragon Kingdom!

Larry Libby walked up to the tall precision meter, and his eyes fell on the red button. "Swish, swish, swish—", the red line in the precision meter quickly climbed up, and finally stopped at a scale!

"Mental strength is 50 times that of peers, 50 points!"

Senior Jenny looked at the semenometer and read out Larry Libby’s results!

Hearing this score, Class 1 teacher Dirk Novi immediately frowned and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "When I first entered school, my mental strength was 48 times that of my peers, which is 48 points. Why has it only improved in the past three months?" 2 minutes?"

Having said this, his eyes fell on Larry Libby and said calmly: "Classmate Larry, can you explain what you have done in the past three months?"

"Teacher, I..."

Larry Libby blushed and was speechless for a long time. What did you do? Of course he is doing other things. He has been having a lot of fun in the past few months since he entered school!

"Spiritual power, even if you don't practice, will increase with age. Three months is enough to increase your mental power by 2 points!"

Class teacher Dirk Novi said coldly: "It means you have basically not practiced in the past three months and have completely indulged yourself. Classmate Larry, this attitude is not acceptable!"

"Teacher, I..."

"There is no need to test the remaining two items. If you... fail, go back and practice hard!"


(End of chapter)