
Chapter 23


As she finished her words, the study suddenly became quiet.

Xie Changgeng was silent for a moment, then said, "Mu, when you wanted to get rid of me before, did you have any regard for me? Now that you need me, you are using sweet words like this."

He smiled, sarcastically.

"Who do you think I, Xie Changgeng, am that you can manipulate me?"

Mu Fulan said: "I did offend you in the past, but what I said just now was not just sweet talk, but the realization I gained after entering the capital."

"The Queen Mother summoned me today and asked me where I would be in the future. I really don't want to be held hostage in Shangjing, and I don't want to die here."

Xie Changgeng gave her a cold look. "You do know what's happening. But why should I help you?"

"If you hadn't come to ask for marriage, my fate wouldn't be like this. Not to mention so long ago, even if you came to Changsha a while ago and gave me the letter of release at my request, we would have no relationship, and the Queen Mother would not have thought of summoning me to the capital. The reason why I am in this situation today is of course that the Queen Mother is worried about my Changsha country, but don't you have anything to do with it, Xie Lang?"

Xie Changgeng sneered and snorted, "It's all my fault now."

Mu Fulan pretended not to hear and continued, "You divorced me earlier, and now because you misunderstood my relationship with the Prince of Qi, you gave me a letter to sever ties with me. If people knew about this, have you ever thought that you are adding insult to injury and pushing me into a desperate situation?"

"Changsha Kingdom is of no use to you now. My brother and I did offend you before because of the divorce, but it can't be considered a deep hatred that would cost someone's life, right? Besides, my father was not mean to you in the beginning."

She walked over and picked up the paper on the table.

"Xie Lang, you don't have to help me now, but you can't do this to me!"

Xie Changgeng looked at her tearing up the book and was surprised.

Mu Fulan tore up the book and walked back towards him.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. Some time ago, not long after you put down the rebellion of King Jiangdu, my brother learned that Empress Liu wanted to use military force against Changsha. Because he had offended you at that time, in order to protect himself, he had to find Zhang Ban and asked him to say something good for us in front of Empress Liu. At that time, we were able to escape the disaster temporarily. This time when I came to the capital, the envoy who sent me here told me before leaving that he had arranged for Zhang Ban and that Zhang Ban promised to take care of me. Now that you want to leave, if the Queen Mother holds me hostage, Zhang Ban should go to the Queen Mother to negotiate for me."

She looked at Xie Changgeng.

"I only hope that for my father's sake, Zhang Banruo will plead with the Queen Mother on my behalf. If she succeeds, you can help me when she asks you."

"As for divorcing me, I can do that anytime after I get through this."

"These two things are just a piece of cake for you, but for me, they are a matter of life and death. Regardless of whether Zhang Ban can succeed in the end, I will be grateful to him."

After she finished speaking, she thanked him solemnly, then turned and left.

Xie Changgeng watched the figure disappear at the door. He stood still for a while, turned around, and his eyes fell on the page of the book that she had torn up. He stared at it for a while.

Two days later, Xie Changgeng was summoned to the palace. After paying his respects, Empress Liu gave him a seat and said with a smile, "You will leave the capital tomorrow. Have you settled everything?"

Xie Changgeng said, "Thanks to the Queen Mother's care, everything is settled. We can leave tomorrow morning."

Empress Liu sighed, "It's almost the end of the year, and there's unrest over there, and you have to go there again. You've been running around all year, and it's really hard. I feel really bad about it."

Xie Changgeng said respectfully: "I am deeply grateful to the Emperor, and I regret that I cannot repay him. This is my duty, and it is an honor. Why should I feel tired?"

Empress Liu encouraged him a few more times and said, "Xie Qing, you are leaving the capital, do you have any plans for the Mu family?"

Xie Changgeng had already heard the news, and Empress Liu had met Zhang Ban. Zhang Ban said there was no need to hold anyone hostage. He was very eloquent, and Empress Liu seemed to be a little hesitant after being persuaded, but she had not yet agreed.

He replied, "Thanks to the Queen Mother, I brought her to the capital. I originally planned to send her back to Xie County, but my mother at home disliked her. The reason why she returned to Changsha was not only because she couldn't adapt to the climate, but also because my mother hated her. My mother didn't want to see her, and there was no shortage of servants at home. Since I am leaving the capital, I plan to take her to Hexi as well. Although the Jiedushi Mansion is not big, there are many welcoming and sending-off events there. She will be useful if she goes there."

Empress Liu nodded and said, "This arrangement is actually very good. You do need a steward. But Mr. Xie, if I want to keep her in the capital, what do you think?"

Xie Changgeng said: "Please let the Queen Mother know clearly."

Empress Liu said, "You are my confidant, so I will tell you straight. I want to keep Mu as a hostage in Changsha. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Xie Changgeng seemed hesitant and did not reply immediately.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Empress Liu cast two glances at Xie Changgeng's face, with a hint of inquiry in them.

Xie Changgeng hurriedly said, "I dare not. If the Queen Mother really wants to hold her as a hostage of Changsha State, I will leave her here without hesitation."

Empress Liu stared at him: "Xie Qing, you are deceiving me! You clearly have other ideas!"

Xie Changgeng knelt down hastily: "I am guilty! I did have selfish motives just now."

"Speak. I forgive you."

Xie Changgeng thanked her and said, "I will speak frankly. If the Queen Mother grants your permission, will you allow me to take her with you?"


Empress Liu narrowed her eyes and asked.

"The Queen Mother kept her in Beijing. Although she would not openly say that she was held hostage, how could the court officials not know? Everyone has been talking behind my back. I was able to enter the government thanks to the King of Changsha. Now that we have been married for less than a year, if she is kept in Beijing as a hostage, I will be talked about by the world again. I will be treacherous once I gain power."

"When the Queen Mother wants to eliminate Changsha State in the future, Changsha State will be charged with treason. I will be loyal to the court and cut ties with the Mu family. No one can say anything bad about me. But now, if I ignore it, it will be the same as divorcing her, and I will be tarnished again."

"I am born in a humble family. All I have ever wanted in my life is to serve the court and the Queen Mother, and to bring honor to my ancestors. People's words are scary, and I have been burdened with a lot in the past few years. I am not afraid, but I am afraid that it will affect the good reputation of my ancestors."

"I deserve death. I was not loyal enough to the Queen Mother and had selfish motives. Please punish me, Queen Mother!"

He kowtowed to the ground and did not get up for a long time.

When Empress Liu heard that he had disagreed with her detaining Mu in the capital at first, she was surprised and displeased. She was even more suspicious, wondering if he had listened to Mu's instigation and spoke up for her. After hearing his apology, she suddenly realized that her doubts were gone and she became angry. She said bitterly, "The court supports those officials. Not only can they not help me solve problems, but they also slander me when I give you a little reward! It's really hateful!"

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but hesitate.

Xie Changgeng had already expressed his concerns. If he still insisted on keeping Mu in Beijing as a hostage, it would be embarrassing for him.

He recalled that Zhang Ban had advised him before, saying that since appeasement was the most important thing at the moment, and given Changsha's national strength, there was no need to keep hostages, so as not to arouse Mu Xuanqing and the people of Changsha's vigilance and create more hatred towards him. If he was too cautious, it would be detrimental to future actions.

Now that Xie Changgeng values his reputation and has such concerns, he might as well go with the flow to show how much I appreciate him.

It goes without saying that pacifying Xie Changgeng and making him loyal to himself is more important than the threat from Changsha State.

Empress Liu pondered for a moment, then quickly made a decision, saying, "Thank you, I'll be honest with you. I originally wanted to keep the Mu family in Shangjing to prevent any trouble in Changsha, but since you have such concerns, I will naturally put you first. You can take the people with you."

Xie Changgeng bowed his head solemnly to express his gratitude, saying: "Even if I die a thousand times, it will not be enough to repay even a single ounce of the grace that the Queen Mother has shown me!"

Empress Liu smiled and said, "Forget it, stand up. Last time you suppressed the rebellion of Prince Jiangdu and performed such a great feat, but I only granted your mother an imperial edict. I thought it was a little meager, so this can be regarded as a reward for you."

Xie Changgeng thanked him respectfully again and then left.

At dusk, Mu Fulan leaned against the window, looking at a bunch of banana leaves that had withered in winter outside the window, feeling a little uneasy.

Xie Changgeng would leave Beijing early tomorrow morning, but at this moment, his whereabouts were still unknown.

Zhang Ban had sent word during the day that he had tried to persuade Empress Liu, and that Empress Liu's attitude had softened somewhat. Even if he couldn't change her mind right away, he could slowly persuade her, and if he did it a few more times, it would work sooner or later, so she was told to wait patiently.

Although Zhang Ban had said so, Mu Fulan was a little worried. If he could not convince Empress Liu in the short term, speaking for him again and again might arouse Empress Liu's suspicion. Once Zhang Ban realized this possibility, even if he wanted to get evidence against Xie Changgeng, he would not risk being suspected by Empress Liu and speak for him again.

Although there is hope, there are also many variables and she cannot be completely at ease.

As for Xie Changgeng, there was no response at all in the past two days. He still went out early and came back late, and when he came back at night, he seemed to be unaware that there was still someone in the room, sleeping alone on the couch.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But according to Mu Fulan's guess, after the conversation between him and her in the study that day, he should not be so crazy as to do something like obstructing Zhang Ban's lobbying in front of Empress Liu.

After Xie Changgeng leaves tomorrow, I hope Zhang Ban can succeed in his lobbying as soon as possible so that I can escape from Beijing.

It was getting dark, and the maid came in with a lamp, lighting up the room.

The wind blew in from the window and the lights flickered continuously.

"My lady, the wind is strong, be careful not to get cold."

The maid came over, closed the window, and advised in a low voice.

Jiedushi Xie will leave the capital tomorrow morning, but the princess will most likely be kept as a hostage by the empress dowager.

These past few days, everyone was in a very low mood, and even walked and talked more carefully than usual.

Mu Fulan suppressed her chaotic thoughts and turned to go inside. The door was suddenly pushed open and it was Mu's mother who walked in quickly with a smile on her face.

Since the princess married into the Xie family at the beginning of the year, the maids had never seen such a smile on Mother Mu's face. They all stopped and looked at her.

"My lady! Good things! Good things!"

She ran towards Mu Fulan and grabbed her hand excitedly.

"Just now the steward said that the Jiedushi sent a message, asking us to take the princess to Hexi tomorrow morning and pack up our things!"

If Xie Changgeng took the princess to Hexi, it would mean that Empress Liu had changed her mind and would no longer hold her hostage.

The maids reacted and breathed a sigh of relief. They were all happy. The atmosphere that had been suppressed for many days suddenly became relaxed.

"Hurry up and pack your things!" said Mu's mother.

Everyone responded and got busy.

Mu Fulan watched Mother Mu and the maids busying themselves with packing for their departure the next morning. After a moment of confusion at first, she gradually seemed to understand.

Zhang Ban had already met Empress Liu today, so it was unlikely that he would go to the palace to lobby for the same thing again. But now suddenly such news came.

She pondered for a moment and slowly let out a breath.