
Chapter 5


On that day, Lu prepared a ritual of five animals, and took a group of followers with her, left the city with Fulan, took a ferry to Junshan, and went to the temple to offer sacrifices to thank the gods for their miraculous power and for protecting her husband from danger that day.

After the sacrifice, the aunt and sister-in-law came out of the temple. As they were going down the mountain, Fulan asked, "Auntie, is the master in the mountain? If he is, I will go to see him."

The master's surname was Li, and he was a famous doctor of the time. Everyone called him Li Yaoweng. When he was young, he worked as a royal doctor in the palace. Later, he left the palace and traveled around the country, compiling medical books and practicing medicine among the people. Many years ago, he traveled to Dongting Lake and loved the mountains and rivers here, so he built a hut in Junshan Mountain. Fulan's father admired his name and came to visit him in person, and gradually they had contacts. Yaoweng saw that the princess was very young and showed interest in his herbs. He also liked her intelligence, so he accepted her as a half-disciple and taught her some medical skills in his spare time.

When Fulan got married at the beginning of the year, the master was still in Junshan.

Mrs. Lu smiled and said, "Not long after you got married, Yao Weng went down the mountain. I don't know when he will come back."

Fulan said, "Sister-in-law, please go back to the city first. I'll go to Master's place to look after the herb garden."

Mrs. Lu knew the relationship between her aunt and Mr. Yao, and nodded, "Okay. Then I'll go back to the city first, and you should come back earlier."

Fulan agreed, watched Lu go down the mountain, and followed the mountain path to her master's residence.

This is a hut hidden halfway up the mountain, with bamboo fences, a few thatched huts, and a large medicinal garden at the back.

The master went down the mountain, but he left a servant boy named Ada here to take care of the medicine garden.

Ah Da was an orphan who was picked up and raised by his master. He was an honest boy. He was busy behind the house when he suddenly saw the princess coming. He was so surprised that he quickly put down his hoe and ran out to greet her.

Fulan told him not to worry about her. She came to the herb garden and helped to dry some fresh herbs that she had just picked. She was busy and unknowingly, half a day had passed.

Mother Mu began to urge her to return to the city.

The sun was setting, and Fulan knew it was time to leave. She told Ah Da to take good care of the herb garden, washed her hands, and walked down the mountain. When they passed by an old cypress tree, the maid Zhuyu smiled and said, "My lady, they say this old cypress is a sacred tree that can communicate with spirits. Many people come here to worship it. Since we are passing by, why don't we go and worship it?"

The old cypress tree is deeply rooted in the mountain wall, with twisted roots and lush branches and leaves. For thousands of years, despite the strong mountain winds, it has remained unmoved.

Fulan stopped and looked into the distance for a moment.

"It's getting late, let's go down the mountain."

After she finished speaking, she withdrew her gaze, turned around and continued walking down the stairs.

There is a local legend that this old cypress tree growing on the cliff halfway up Junshan Mountain was planted by Xiangjun and Xiangfuren themselves when the world was created. It is the same age as Junshan Mountain and can bless people's marriage.

Among the people traveling with them, several younger maids were tempted. But the princess was not interested, so they had to give up and followed her down the mountain.

The guards waiting at the foot of the mountain rowed the boat and sent Fulan and his group ashore. They took a carriage back to the city at that time. It was already time for lighting.

As soon as Fulan entered the palace, she learned the news.

After Xie Changgeng put down the rebellion of King Jiangdu, he sent someone to deliver a letter to Mu Xuanqing, saying that he would arrive in Changsha soon.

When Lu heard the news that Fulan had returned home, she hurried to her aunt's room with the letter, found her, and smiled.

"Lan'er, my brother-in-law said in the letter that he came here to pay respect to our father. Of course, in addition to paying respect to our father, he must have come to take you back."

After only half a year of marriage, the young aunt returned to Changsha State regardless of the long distance. Although it was because of the dream of Emperor Junshan that she came back in person because she was worried about her brother, Lu learned from the maids such as Zhuyu that Xie's mother was not an easy person to get along with. When the young aunt left that day, she had a bad experience with Xie's mother, and Xie's mother even mentioned the matter of taking a concubine.

The newlyweds had been married for only half a year, and when her husband was away, she ignored her mother-in-law's objections and went back to her parents' home. Even if there was a reason for this, in the eyes of the world, the bride was not in the right.

Her husband has survived the crisis and his injuries are not serious, but her sister-in-law refused to mention going back.

Lu suspected that she was angry because of Xie's mother's suggestion to take a concubine.

Fearing that her sister-in-law would be suspicious, although she did not mention it in front of her, Lu was still very worried about her in her heart, fearing that she would be disliked by the Xie family and even lose the heart of her new husband.

When Xie Changgeng returns home, if he finds it strange and doesn't come to pick her up, then it will be difficult for her aunt.

It was impossible not to go back. If I went back by myself, it would be embarrassing, and the situation in the Xie family would be even more unfavorable in the future.

She was secretly worried, and when she went to thank Emperor Junshan today, she also prayed for her sister-in-law.

Unexpectedly, her wish came true. As soon as she came back, she received such good news. How could she not be happy

She handed over the letter that Xie Changgeng wrote to Mu Xuanqing.

"Lan'er, look!"

Fulan did not answer the letter, and there was no sign of joy on her face.

Mrs. Lu was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with you? Your brother-in-law is coming to pick you up. Isn't this a good thing?"

Fulan asked the maids to leave, and when she and Lu were the only ones left in the room, she said, "Sister-in-law, I'm not going back."

"I want to divorce and cut off ties with the Xie family."

Mrs. Lu was shocked. At first, she thought she had misheard. But when she saw that her aunt looked serious and didn't seem to be talking nonsense, she said in surprise, "What's wrong with you? You've been married for more than half a year, and you want to divorce? Weren't you devoted to Xie Jialang before? Besides, after you got married, I'm afraid you didn't even say a word to each other. Why do you suddenly want to break up?"

While Fulan was silent, Lu suddenly remembered the maid's words and hurriedly advised: "Lan'er, I didn't say it before because I was afraid that you would be suspicious. I also heard your maid mention it a few times, saying that your mother-in-law intends to take the daughter of the Qi family into the family. If you don't want to, wait until you meet your brother-in-law and talk to him nicely. You just got married, if you don't agree, even if he has a deep relationship with the daughter of Qi, he will not be able to offend our Changsha country and will definitely bring her in."

She held her sister-in-law's hand and lowered her voice: "Lan'er, listen to me, you are the mistress of the Xie family. As long as you don't give in, no one will be able to get in. With your looks and some tricks, you won't be able to win your brother-in-law's heart. What's more, there is our Changsha country. Although the country is small, your status as a princess is there! She is just a woman, why should you be so discouraged!"

Fulan said, "Sister-in-law, I understand what you said, but I want to break off relations with the Xie family, not because of the Qi family girl, but because I have changed my mind and no longer look down on that Xie family, and I don't want to waste my life in the Xie family anymore."

"I have no intention of going back since I came back this time. I will not change my mind. I beg you to forgive my willfulness, help me, and stop persuading me to go back."

Her tone remained calm, but her attitude was firm.

Lu looked at Mu Fulan in surprise, and in a trance, she felt a sense of strangeness.

This doesn't seem like a sixteen-year-old girl's thoughts.

In her impression, her sister-in-law was gentle and chaste.

I remember sleeping with her on the eve of her wedding at the beginning of the year. Her nervousness, anticipation and shyness are still vivid in my mind.

Lu really didn't know, but in just over half a year, what had happened to her that made her make such a decision

She seemed to have grown up suddenly and was no longer the princess of the Mu family that she was familiar with.


Lu was in a dilemma and was hesitant.

"It's fine if you want to break off relations with the Xie family. If you really don't want to stay in the Xie family anymore, my sister-in-law will naturally not force you to go back. But this is not a trivial matter, and it's not that easy. Although your mother-in-law mentioned taking a concubine, she hasn't entered the house yet. Even if she did, it's not an excuse for us to file for divorce. What's more, this is the marriage that father arranged for you. It concerns the Yangtze River waterway and the peace of our Dongting Lake. How can we ask him for this?"

The turmoil of the vassal kings in the imperial court, which has lasted for many years and has not yet completely subsided, began when Empress Liu came to power. When the war broke out, all places became turbulent, and many vassal states, either ambitious or forced to do so, were drawn into the war. At the peak, there were more than ten states.

The Yangtze River has always produced pirates. Dongting Lake is connected to the Yangtze River in the north and the Xiang, Zi, Yuan, Li and Miluo Rivers in the west. The waterways are well connected, making it easier for pirates to survive. When the war breaks out, there will be constant turmoil around Dongting Lake.

Three years ago, the old King of Changsha had a premonition that he might not live long. When he was still alive, he could still rely on his former power to shock the world, but if he was gone, the situation would be chaotic and might affect Changsha one day. His son Mu Xuanqing might not be able to support the situation alone for a while.

At that time, Xie Changgeng, who was 19 years old, had gathered a lot of people and suppressed the Yangtze River, which was infested with bandits. He firmly controlled the upper reaches of the waterway and also controlled the transportation of grain for the imperial court.

The old King of Changsha had previously received assistance from Xie Changgeng when he was suppressing a bandit who had been causing trouble for many years in a place bordering Changsha State. The two had met once before.

He was deeply impressed by this young man, who came from a humble background but had outstanding abilities and followed the rules, and he decided that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

His gaze finally fell on Xie Changgeng.

As if they had telepathic connection, at this moment, Xie also took the initiative to come to the door and propose marriage.

The marriage was arranged in this way.

The thirteen-year-old Princess Mu of Changsha was promised to the nineteen-year-old Yangtze River bandit leader Xie Changgeng.

Soon, Xie was recruited by the imperial court due to the recommendation of the King of Changsha, and was promoted to the governor of Jiangling.

That year, the King of Changsha died of illness, and Xie Changgeng was promoted all the way based on his military achievements. In just three years, he became the youngest military governor in the history of this dynasty, which attracted much attention.

Apart from anything else, just from the perspective of this marriage itself, for both Xie and Changsha State, it was a good match that benefited both sides.

Xie Changgeng entered the officialdom, and the State of Changsha, just as the old King of Changsha had hoped, became peaceful and secure.

How could Fulan not understand that her sister-in-law had such concerns

She said, "Auntie, you don't need to ask me. I will tell him. If he agrees, it will not affect the peace of the waters around Dongting Lake. Can you help me?"

Just then, the door was pushed open.

Fulan turned around and saw her brother Mu Xuanqing sitting on the sedan chair, stopping at the door with a furious look on his face.

"Sister! The Xie family is too much! It's only been a short time, and they dare to humiliate you like this! The Xie family is a big thief, how can they be worthy of you! You don't have to worry. No matter how useless my brother is, he will never let you be humiliated like this!"