Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 107: furious


T-72 Division.

The warship sent by the headquarters to transfer Fire Fist Ace arrived. While handing over Fire Fist Ace, it also brought Ron another huge sea tower stone.

For Ron, the more things like giant seastones, the better. His current mental strength can barely control two cores.


The second magic tower core was also made by Ron.

Almost at the same time, news came from the Navy that surprised Ron slightly, but not too unexpectedly.

"Fire Fist Ace escaped?"

Ron couldn't help but look a little weird when he listened to the information reported by Puka.

Ace was wearing sea tower stone shackles and was personally escorted by the lieutenant general of the headquarters. How could he escape halfway? It's too exaggerated. This isn't Fire Fist Ace, it's Beast Ace!

"yes… "

Puka also said speechlessly: "It is said that they were attacked by a large sea king on the way. Fire Fist Ace took advantage of the chaos to get the key, opened the shackles and escaped."


Ron patted his forehead—this was probably luck.

In fact, he had already deduced that Ace would not die easily. Even if he was imprisoned in Impel Down City, something would happen soon. However, he did not expect that something would happen halfway before being escorted to Impel Down City.

"Leave it to the headquarters to deal with the headache. It's none of our business anymore."

Just run away, Ron doesn't really care.

"yes… "

Puka actually wanted to complain that the navy in his headquarters were all idiots. Ron had easily caught Ace, but when they were responsible for escorting him, he was run away. They were just a bunch of losers.

"Anything else happened recently?"

Ron stopped paying attention to Ace's matter and turned to look at Nami next to him.

Nami and Ron looked at each other, their eyes knowing, and they took out an intelligence document and said: "In the past year, hundreds of reports of missing incidents have been received, and all missing ships are concentrated in the Devil's Triangle... The day before yesterday, the Formor Chamber of Commerce reported The merchant ship also lost contact at the edge, and the Formore Chamber of Commerce requested our navy to dispatch for investigation and rescue."

"Hundreds of disappearances?"

Ron frowned when he heard this and said: "Is there no one to deal with it? What was the T-72 branch doing before I came here?!"

"this… "

Major General Puka stood aside, hesitating to speak. After hesitating for a while, he finally said: "The Devil's Triangle Sea is the territory of Moonlight Moria, one of the King's Seven Seas of Martial Arts, so we have never been able to interfere there."


Ron shouted angrily, slammed the table, stood up, and said: "Can the Shichibukai do whatever he wants? The Fulmore Chamber of Commerce contacts business transactions in more than a dozen countries. Even if he disappears in his territory, can the Navy Do you want to sit idly by and ignore it?!"

As the words fell, Ron walked directly outside and said: "Give me the order. The third fleet of the T-72 Division will follow me to the Devil's Triangle Sea!"

"this is."

When Puka heard the words, he hesitated for a moment, but when he saw the angry look on Ron's face and the faint glint of coldness in his eyes, which made people's hearts tremble and their souls tremble, he did not dare to dissuade him for a while.

Although the Navy could not take action against the Shichibukai, it would not be a problem just to search for a missing caravan in the territory where the Shichibukai stayed. Moreover, Fumoor also spent a lot of money to request the navy to send troops.

What makes Puka strange is that in his impression, there seemed to be a merchant ship intercepted by pirates half a month ago. He even came to report it to Ron, but Ron just said yes and said he understood. He said that he was solely responsible, and there was no movement.

Probably because I was busy practicing at that time...

Puka thought so.


Two magic tower cores made of huge sea-floor stones flew toward the port. Above the two magic tower cores, Ron and Nami stood respectively.

"I said, have you really decided to take action against the Shichibukai?"

Nami muttered at Ron.

What happened at the Chamber of Commerce was a coincidence. Even if the merchant ship hadn't disappeared, Ron would have found a reason to go to the Devil's Triangle because his purpose was to kill Moonlight Moria, and Nami naturally knew about these things. She was in the office before. The scene is nothing but cooperation.


Ron shrugged and said, "It's not decided yet."

Nami looked at Ron and said: "Let's not mention that the Shichibukai like Moria are very terrifying pirates... Once they really take action against the Shichibukai, they won't be able to become a navy."

Ron smiled and said: "Compared to being in the navy... how do you feel about directly taking over Moria's territory and power? Or do you want to stay in the navy and play with their pitiful wages?"

"Do you want to be a Shichibukai?"

Nami's eyes widened in surprise.

Ron thought: "This is just one of the possible directions of development. As for what will happen specifically, it depends on the attitude of the world government and the navy."

Becoming the King of the Shichibukai is also one of the achievements. However, if you kill a Shichibukai as a marine, the impact will be huge, and it is difficult to predict how the incident will develop.

"But that requires you to be able to kill Moria."

Nami looked at Ron and said: "I checked Moria's information. That guy once challenged Kaido of the Beasts and survived..."

"Kaido didn't kill him."

Ron looked at the sky in the distance and said quietly: "Perhaps Moria many years ago was indeed one of the beings who could challenge the Four Emperors, but he was defeated by Kaido."

"It was not only the body that was defeated, but also the will... All of his companions were taken away by Kaido and joined Kaido's command. He also fled back to the first half in embarrassment and hid in the Devil's Triangle Sea, where he has been until now. , now he is just a living zombie."

Moria is actually quite strong.

Ron once thought about whether Moria's challenge to Kaido was too exaggerated, but after thinking about it carefully, maybe it was not an exaggeration.

Before being defeated by Kaido, Moria's firm will and strong mental self-confidence may not be inferior to Ace Luffy and others. At that time, Moria's power surged after using the Shadow Gathering Ground, perhaps. Can be completely controlled.

Moria, who has fused a thousand shadows, can destroy the island with one punch. In terms of pure power, even if it is not as good as Kaido, it is definitely not the same as heaven and earth.

But Moria was defeated by Kaido.

The mentality was shattered.

The most important thing he lost was not his companions, but his will and self-confidence, so much so that he could no longer control the power of a thousand shadows. There were flaws everywhere. He was defeated by Luffy, instantly killed by Jinbe, and fell into the Shichibukai. Almost the weakest one.

In this world, the power of will exists, or in other words, only those with a strong will can become stronger as they fight, defeating countless powerful enemies along the way, and reach the top of the sea.

Once the will collapses, not only can the strength no longer improve, but it will gradually regress.

(End of chapter)