Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 20: Ron's strength


On a desert island.

"That flag should be... the Hammer Pirates."

Nami looked at the approaching pirate ship, carefully looked at the increasingly clear pirate flag, and then spoke to Ron.

The pirate flag is easily identifiable as a skull with two crossed hammers next to it.

"Do you understand?"

Ron asked Nami while looking in the direction of the ship.

Nami put a finger on her chin, showing a thoughtful look, and said: "I have some impressions. I saw it in the newspaper before. The captain's bounty seems to be 8 million Baileys. It should be the reason why he is afraid of Aaron. , never came to Aaron’s sea area to plunder.”

"That's it."

Ron nodded slightly after hearing Nami's words.

Although the bounty does not represent absolute strength, with a bounty of 8 million and being afraid of Aaron, I am afraid that his strength is not up to the level of Captain Crowe and Admiral Click in the original book.

If they were to fight against the top pirates in the East China Sea like Crowe and Click, there would be some danger in the fight, but at the level of 8 million bounty, there would be no problem.

What makes Ron feel a bit pity is that it would be great if the bounty was 10 million.

In the achievement system, defeating a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys for the first time is also an achievement condition. If it is only 8 million now, then you can only try to complete the killing achievement, killing more than ten people in a battle. enemy.

"about there."

Nami judged the distance of the pirate ship, and glanced at Ron. The two quickly lifted the box, pretending to have just dug out the treasure box, and quickly ran towards the direction of the boat, grabbing the wooden box. The box was put on the ship.

The ship of the Hammer Pirates is also a medium-sized brig, which can accommodate no more than a hundred people. This number is within the range that Ron can eliminate, but it only requires a suitable battlefield.

far away.

On the ship of the Hammer Pirates, many pirates had seen Ron and Nami's actions, and someone immediately shouted: "Captain, they are running away!"

"Isn't it a little late to escape now?"

Iron Hammer Love sneered while holding the hammer and said: "Rush over, don't fire, just smash their boat to pieces."

The small boat in front is a very ordinary boat, and here they are a specially modified medium-sized ketch. The speed of the boat is faster than that of a warship, and as it rushes over, its speed has increased to extremely fast.

And the wind is not strong now, so there is no possibility of the boat escaping.

Under Love's order, the entire ship moved forward at full speed and directly collided with Ron and Nami's boat. Amidst waves of mocking whistles, the boat of Ron and Nami was smashed into pieces with a bang.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

All the pirates felt the vibration of the ship and laughed.

Love also grinned and said: "Okay, stop the boat, go down and salvage it, see if the servant is still alive, and if so, give it a quick stab."


Many pirates responded and walked towards the side of the ship with laughter.

However, at this moment, a pirate who had been frowning and not laughing suddenly said in a low voice: "Well, Captain Love, when I crashed the small boat just now, I saw that there seemed to be no one on the boat."


Love raised his eyebrows and said, "No one? Where can people go? Can they still go to the bottom of the sea?"

When Love was a little confused and disbelieving, the boat had gradually stopped, and just when some pirates were about to jump into the sea, a crisp and childish voice, as sweet as a silver bell, came from the stern of the boat.

"Captain, are you looking for me?"

Many pirates turned around and saw Nami appearing on the pirate ship at some point. She was sitting on the top of the cabin with her legs crossed and looking at the pirates below with a smile.

Seeing Nami's appearance, all the pirates were stunned for a moment. They were surprised at first how Nami came to the ship, but then they all relaxed.

"What, it turns out to be a child."

"She looks quite cute. Hey, Captain, if you take her to the rich area and sell her as a slave, you should be able to get a lot of money."

One of the pirates smiled in Love's direction and spoke.

The other pirates also looked at each other and smiled, not nervous at all. One of them looked at Nami and asked: "Hey, let me tell you, where is your companion?"


Nami sat on the roof of the cabin, shook her snow-white feet, and said in a deliberately long tone, "Isn't it over there?"

After hearing Nami's words, many pirates subconsciously looked in the direction indicated by Nami.

"It's tiring to climb up."

Ron rolled over from the side of the ship, boarded the ship wet, and complained to Nami.

He and Nami jumped into the sea very early from an angle where the pirates could not see them, swam a short distance aside, waited for the pirate ship to hit them and slowly stopped, and then moved closer.

Nami got on the boat with the flexibility of the rope. Ron doesn't have Nami's experience here. Fortunately, he is not a helpless person. He can still climb up by relying on the rope. Nami He deliberately showed up to delay some time, just to wait for him to come up.

"Then...it's time to take action."

After Ron complained about Nami, he looked at the many pirates in front of him again, his eyes were calm, and he spoke in a casual tone.

Upon hearing Ron's words, many pirates were stunned for a moment, and then some couldn't help but burst into laughter and looked at Ron with an idiot look in their eyes.

Take action

Just because you managed to climb onto the boat with such difficulty? !

"I'm afraid this kid doesn't know whose ship this is. Forget it, slaves who are too stupid won't be able to be sold in the rich area. They can just throw them into the sea to feed the fish."

One pirate spoke cheerfully as if he had heard a joke, picked up the knife in his hand and walked towards Ron. The other pirates also laughed and looked at it casually.

Seeing this scene, Ron also smiled lightly.

He raised his hands like a slash and waved forward, and the two runes in the spiritual world were instantly intertwined.


Three cyan wind blades suddenly appeared, like three sword energies, sweeping across in an instant. The leader of the pirates didn't even react before he was pierced by the wind blades.

The other pirates' eyes widened in an instant. Feeling the life and death crisis, they desperately tried to wave their weapons to resist, but they were too late to react.

Three wind blades swept across the deck and disappeared behind the figures of many pirates in an instant, splitting three cracks into the ship's planks on both sides.


Many pirates who were penetrated by the wind blade stared with disbelief, lowering their heads with difficulty, trying to see the part where they were penetrated.

At the next moment, blood sprayed like raindrops, soaking the entire deck, and corpses fell down like dominoes.

The scene was silent.

The remaining pirate bodies seemed to be petrified, frozen in place, with a look of horror and disbelief in their eyes, looking at Ron who looked calm, as if he had just made an insignificant action.

(End of chapter)