Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 359: Kill Kaido


"It's really tricky."

After killing BIGMOM, Zoro put his sword into its scabbard, sat on a rock, and looked at the battlefield where everyone besieged Kaido from a distance.

This difficulty does not refer to BIGMOM, but to Kaido.

Judging from Kaido's defense and recovery capabilities, even if he were to participate in the siege at his peak, he would still be unable to kill Kaido. Even if he was pierced through the heart and head, he would still be able to survive and recover.

"It's quite tricky. Even if you can break his defense, it's difficult to kill him."

Ron nodded slightly.

As the words fell, he flew in the direction of Kaido.

"Everyone, stay back."

While flying over, Ron spoke to Nami and others. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted into the chaotic battlefield.

After Nami and others heard Ron's voice, their movements paused, and when they saw Ron flying over, they all stepped back.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ron.

They really can't kill Kaido. Even if they exhaust Kaido's domineering power and physical strength, they probably won't be able to kill Kaido. Jinbei, Duke Inuarashi and others don't know what kind of means they have to use to kill Kaido. That kind of The defense and recovery power are already immortal monsters.

"Is it finally your turn?"

Kaido looked up at Ron.

He knew he had failed.

All three disasters died in the battle, and BIGMOM is also dead. He can no longer dominate the world, but if he cannot be killed, then the world will still not be dominated by Ron. As long as he is alive, the world will not be able to ignore it. His presence.

It is impossible to imprison or imprison him, not even the navy or the government can do it.

"It's actually over."

Ron looked at Kaido, stretched out his right hand, and spoke plainly.

Kaido chuckled and said, "As long as I'm not dead, it won't be over."

Everyone looked at Ron.

Kaido can't win. It's only a matter of time before he can defeat Kaido, but if he can't be killed, he probably can't be imprisoned. The only one who can possibly kill Kaido now is Ron.

Everyone began to retreat silently, including Qing Pheasant.

Nami and the others retreated very quickly and were very far away in an instant. They were very aware of Ron's move and did not want to be affected at all.

Seeing that Qing Pheasant and the others quickly retreated into the distance, Ron stretched out his right hand and held it in the air, and the wind elements between heaven and earth quickly gathered in his palm.

The fifth-level magic of the fire system has too great a damage range.

In comparison, the fifth-level magic of the wind system is single-target, but its attack power in a small area is stronger than the fifth-level magic of the fire system, and it is more suitable to be used on Kaido.

"bring it on!"

Kaido felt the power of the hurricane gathered in Ron's palm. He stood there and looked at Ron, his eyes showing absolute confidence in his own body and ability.

No one can kill him, including himself.

After a short two seconds, the hurricane in Ron's palm condensed and took shape. It was a spherical hurricane, cyan, and it could be clearly seen that at the core of the spherical hurricane, there was a prism of bright white light. Halo, that is the wind element condensed to the extreme.

Fifth level wind magic.

The wind of death!

The next moment the fifth-level magic in his palm was condensed and formed, Ron quietly disappeared from the sky. When he reappeared, he was directly in front of Kaido. The wind of death in his hand was directed towards Kaido's chest. Press it and instantly disappear inside Kaido's body.

Kaido's pupils shrank slightly, and then he felt a terrifying force burst out from his body, destroying crazily and trying to tear his body into pieces completely.


Kaido let out a roar, and his whole body began to change, from a human form to a half-orc form. Armed Haki was also fully activated to suppress the power erupting in the body.

Ron did not wait. After injecting the Wind of Nirvana into Kaido's body, he retreated a hundred meters away and looked in Kaido's direction from a distance.

Click! Click! !

Under the explosion of the Wind of Death, Kaido's body made a cracking sound. It was the sound of bones being crushed, and cracks appeared on the surface of his body.

Seeing this scene, Duke Inuarashi and Jinpei, who had retreated to a distance, had their expressions change and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What a horrific attack!

You must know that so many of them joined forces to bombard any part of Kaido's body, which could only cause a little damage. But now Ron just gave a close blow, causing Kaido's body to shatter, as if his whole body was broken. They're all going to explode!

Even Aoki's scalp was numb after seeing this scene. He knew very well how terrifying the attack power of that attack was. Even his strongest attack was far from comparable.


Finally, there was a bang in Kaido's body, and the Wind of Death exploded completely, causing his body to split from the shoulders, cracks appeared all over his waist and abdomen, and blood spurted out.

The wisp of wind blade bursting out from the cracked position instantly cut an abyss across nearly a kilometer of earth, cutting extremely deep ravines into the nearby ground!

"it's over."

Duke Inarashi looked at this scene and breathed a sigh of relief.

The cat Viper boss next to him also exhaled. Just when he was about to sigh about how terrible Kaido was, a somewhat unbelievable voice came from the side.

"No...no, it's not over yet!!"

That was Nami's voice, and she looked in Kaido's direction in shock.

I saw that Kaido's body had cracked and blood was gushing out. The cracked body began to heal towards the center and coalesced back together!

This is not a natural ability, it is purely an extremely terrifying life, an immortal body!

"I was almost killed by you."

Kaido glanced at the wounds on his body that were gradually healing, looked up at Ron a hundred meters away, and said, "It seems you can't kill me."

Nami opened her eyes wide and said, "Even the fifth-level magic can't kill that guy. How terrifying is his body?"

"No, it should still be possible to kill."

Robin, the only one who didn't show any too shocked expression, put a hand on his chin, showing a thoughtful look, and said: "That blow can't be ineffective, at least it also damaged Kaido's vitality. If he comes again, If you do it a few times, you will definitely die, or when that attack breaks out, we can add some additional attacks here to completely crush Kaido's body and kill him."

Robin's words calmed Nami and the others down a little.

Indeed, since Kaido can be beaten like this with one blow, it is still possible to kill Kaido, but it is just a little more troublesome.

not far away.

Ron looked at Kaido, whose body had healed, and said: "You can withstand this. Your defense and recovery power can indeed be called an immortal body... But you should know that I can withstand that kind of attack just now." No matter how many times you use it, you will still die."

"However, if I kill you like this, you may not be willing to do it."

Ron shook his head, raised his hand again, and said: "As a sign of respect for the strong, I will use this trick to send you on your way."

Ron's words made Kaido's body freeze in place, while Aokiji and the others in the distance all showed a bit of shock and disbelief.

What this sentence means is... Is there any stronger attack than the one just now? !


Fifth-level magic is also divided into strong and weak. Compared with the fifth-level magic of the special system, the fifth-level magic of the elemental system is naturally half a level worse. And Ron had already understood the fifth-level magic of the special system a week ago. magic.

It's just that he doesn't really want to use this magic, because the damage of this magic is too bad and may even cause permanent effects on the environment.

But Kaido, who can withstand fifth-level wind magic without dying, is worthy of his stronger power.

"After this move is used, the sea area within a certain range will be permanently in a thunderous environment, so... go to the sea."

Ron watched Kaido speak slowly. When the words fell, he was in front of Kaido in an instant, put his hand on Kaido's chest, and pushed Kaido forward.


In an instant, he passed the coast and arrived at the sea a thousand meters away.

Kaido reacted and punched Ron on the head, but Ron's figure disappeared again and appeared dozens of meters away from him, with a wand in his hand.

"This is my strongest attack."

"If you can block it without dying, I will give this world to you."

Ron looked at Kaido's plain opening and gently waved the wand in his hand.

Thunder is one of the powers of the gods, and it is often used by the gods to punish the human world. Therefore, the fifth-level thunder magic can be regarded as using the powers belonging to the gods.

Its name is called.

Divine punishment.

As Ron's wand fell, the entire sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder filled the sky, and a white light that penetrated the sky and the earth drowned everything, fell from the sky, and swallowed Kaido's figure.

This thunder fell on the sea, causing countless lightning arcs to appear on the sea surface with a radius of 10,000 meters, as if the entire sea had turned into a sea of thunder.

After a few seconds.

Everything dissipates.

What disappeared with Thunder was Kaido's figure, leaving not even a trace behind. Only Ron was left floating dozens of meters away, slowly putting down the wand in his hand.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and thunder arcs are constantly intertwining, seemingly never dispersing, symbolizing that this is a place of punishment from the gods, and that they will never be forgiven by the gods.

far away.

The figures of Jinping and others were all frozen there, including Aokiji, and they were like wood at this time, and their minds were blank.

Kaido didn't leave even a trace, unable to comprehend the power of that blow.

That is no longer a power that humans can control, it is a power that belongs to God.

"Clean up the mess."

Ron took one step down and appeared on the coast, next to Nami and others. After leaving a calm word, he took another step down and disappeared a thousand meters away.

Looking at the direction where Ron disappeared, it took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses.

Before, Ron went to the Holy Land alone to destroy the Celestial Dragons. Some people still had doubts about Ron's ability to dominate the world, because if he had certain special abilities, he might not be able to assassinate the Celestial Dragons and escape from the siege of the navy. .

But now, there is no point in questioning anything. Being able to kill Kaido of the Hundred Beasts with one blow means that Ron's power is truly enough to dominate the world. No one can fight against him, not even all the top experts. We can't do it together.

From this moment on.

At the top of the world, where everyone needs to look up, Ron is the only one.

There is still a little bit left, so keep writing. I should be able to finish it before midnight.

(End of chapter)