Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 360: Final


Haiyuan calendar year 1522.

This was a year in which the times were rewritten. Many things that happened have become engraved in history and have been flowing for thousands of years.

Some major events that occurred this year have been integrated by later generations.

July - Albarez destroys the Blackbeard Pirates.

Same July—Akainu becomes the new Admiral of the Navy.

August—Kaido and BIGMOM join forces to form the New Beasts Pirates.

September—Albarez destroys the Draco.

October - Sauron dueled with Hawkeye and won, and the title of the world's greatest swordsman changed hands.

November - World Conference, government reorganized, Kobra becomes Speaker.

Same November—The Beast Pirates declare war on the Albarez Guild.

In the same November - Alvarez destroyed the Beast Pirates.

January of the following year—Luffy defeats Ace.

February of the following year - Luffy defeats the old Whitebeard.

March of the following year—Luffy arrived at Lovedrew, and the Straw Hat Pirates disbanded that month.

In just over half a year, the Great Pirate Era has gone from its peak to its final end, and Ron has completely reached the top of the world, and has been crowned a 'saint'.

As magic began to spread all over the world, the era was also highlighted, ushering in the era of great magic that Saint Ron had predicted.

Three years later.

Sky island.

This is a mysterious island somewhere, surrounded by a special magic circle. Ordinary people cannot detect it and cannot enter it.

The island is not big and only a few people live there.

It can be said to be Ron's back garden, or the place where all his magicians gather. Only those with magic marks can enter here.

But not many people stay here.

Vivi comes occasionally and spends most of her time dealing with government affairs, while Nami often goes out to play. Only Robin, Shirahoshi and a few others can stay idle.

back mountain.

Ron sat there quietly, no one came to disturb him.

Placed in front of him were thirteen Devil Fruits, which he had collected over the past year. He did not devour them, but kept accumulating them.

His total mental attributes at this time have reached 999 points.

Among them, 230 points are derived from achievement points, 220 points are derived from devil fruits, 199 points are derived from self-cultivation, 150 points are derived from spiritual resonance, and 200 points are derived from magic marks.

"Thirteen... that's about it."

Looking at the Devil Fruits placed in front of him, Ron nodded slightly, then wrapped his mental power around them and swallowed all thirteen Devil Fruits.

Relying on the resonance and impact of the thirteen Devil Fruits, his total spiritual attributes exceeded the 1,000-point level and began to shrink inward, completing a qualitative change leading to the sixth level.

at the same time.

Robin was sitting on the beach reading a book and basking in the sun, Vivi was dealing with government affairs, Nami was playing on the sea somewhere, Bai Xing was holding a huge shell under the water... All Ron's magicians were at this moment. After a pause, he looked in Ron's direction.

All the magic marks glowed faintly, beating actively across the distance in space.


With this help, Ron's soul quietly changed and turned into a point with no length, width or height. More than 1,000 points of total mental power were condensed into a point.

It is impossible to describe the state of this point at this time. It has transcended time and space and is no longer affected by any rules.

"This is the sixth level..."

Sensing his current state, Ron murmured in his heart.

At this time, even if he was on an empty island, his eyes could see through the space and see every corner of the world below, and even all the rules of the world could be seen clearly.

You can even see the locations of all Devil Fruit users and where the remaining Devil Fruits are.

There is no need to use any magic. A thought can mobilize the rules. This is already the power of the gods.

"Creation and Destruction..."

Ron stretched out his hands, and following his thoughts, endless vitality appeared in his left hand, and the power of destruction appeared in his right hand.

"It turns out that the supreme magic does not need to be extracted. After breaking through the sixth level, you can naturally master this power."

He shook his head.

At this time, he looked inward, and nothing could escape his perspective, including the system he had obtained.

What made him sigh was that even if he broke through the sixth level and truly controlled the power of gods with a mortal body, he still could not analyze the existence of the system, as if its essence was even higher and overriding a higher dimension. above.

Seventh level? Eighth level

Ron didn't know, but he didn't want to find out just yet.

Now he has the ability to go to other worlds, but he doesn't plan to leave yet. If he does, it will be at least decades later.

Complete book

(End of chapter)

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