Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 87: Decisions of the Warring States Period


After blasting Baron Eggman to death, Ron felt dizzy due to the excessive consumption of mental power in a short period of time, and almost fell from the sky.

Fortunately, when he was practicing, he often drained his mental power. In addition, he killed Baron Dandan and got 2 more achievement points. He immediately focused on the mental attribute, and finally maintained his calm and graceful attitude. The demeanor of a magician.

It's not easy.

After killing one of the strongest pirates, he still had to put pressure on the remaining pirates, reduce the damage to the navy, and end the battle in a very short time. Ron himself felt that his actions were worthy of all the people on this warship. Navy respect.


Ron rubbed his eyebrows.

Even after all this time, my head is still a little swollen.

Practicing magic consumes mental power, and throwing out a few big moves to use up mental power is completely different. The former consumes it slowly, over a few hours or a day, and releases it again and again, while the latter consumes it in half a minute. He was pumped several times and forced to drain.

Although practicing depleted mental energy will cause some dizziness and general weakness, it is not as serious as the instantaneous draining of a few big moves. If there is no supplement of achievement points, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold on.


During this battle, Ron also made a judgment about his new magic.

The confinement ability of this second-level six-staff light prison of protective magic is so powerful that even Baron Eggman struggled wildly in his final rooster form and was unable to break free.

Even if the lieutenant general of the headquarters wants to break free, I am afraid he cannot do it instantly. At least he must arouse his armed domination to the limit and struggle hard.

Even for a very powerful person, it only takes two or three seconds to break away, which is enough for Ron to release a third-level elemental magic and hit him on the head.

That is to say…

Now, when dealing with enemies who are good at attack but weak in defense, Ron can almost always crush them to death, even the lieutenant general of his headquarters.

Among the vice admirals in this headquarters, there must be two types: those who are good at defense and those who are not good at defense. Ron, who is good at defense, cannot hit him hard with one blow, so there is no good way, but the one who is not good at defense can kill or hit with one blow. If someone is seriously injured, he will definitely not be Ron's opponent.

"It's a pity that the third-level elemental magic is still a little weak."

Ron's discomfort was relieved a lot now and he sat up from the sofa.

The power of third-level magic is actually extremely powerful, but without comparison, there is no harm. The six-staff light prison of the second-level guardian system can forcibly lock a character of Baron Eggman's level in place for more than five seconds. This kind of time The confinement was almost wasted.

After all, third-level elemental magic is still half a level weaker than second-level guardian magic. If its power is comparable to that of second-level guardian magic, then Ron's strength will probably surpass most of the lieutenant generals in this headquarters. .


Even now, Ron's strength is enough to steadily enter the ranks of lieutenant generals in the headquarters, because he can easily kill major generals or pirates with a bounty of less than 200 million to 300 million, unless they are extremely good at defense. The opponent has no power to fight back.

This is something that even the lieutenant general of the headquarters cannot do. At least if the lieutenant general of the headquarters wants to defeat a major general of the headquarters, he will not be able to end the battle in a few seconds as easily and casually as he did.

"The next direction of training... forget it, let's continue with the guardianship system."

Ron thought for a while and shook his head slightly.

After all, the guardian system is stronger than the third-level magic of the element system. He now has a confinement-type second-level magic of the guardian system. If he explores another second-level defensive magic of the guardian system, his self-protection ability will be Can be raised to an extremely strong level.

Just like the confinement magic of the Six-Wand Light Prison, even Doflamingo may not be able to break free instantly. And if there is another defensive magic, no matter where you encounter Doflamingo, For all kinds of characters, he has enough opportunities to rush into the sea.

Once in the sea, unless it is a fishman like Jinbei, or a very small number of people who can release the ability to the sea, such as Aoki Pheasant's frozen fruit, it is difficult for anyone else to threaten Ron.

After taking a short rest and restoring his mental power to perfection, Ron left Bastiu's office and started practicing again.

Navy Headquarters.

Top office.

Marshal Zeng Guo was holding a few desks with a sullen face and staring at a map on the table.

Aokiji and Kizaru were both in the office, including several lieutenant generals from the headquarters. Except for Kizaru, everyone else looked serious.


The phone bug started ringing.

Warring States took the call, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm Warring States."

"Warring States."

The voice of Wulaoxing came from the other side of the phone, saying in a deep voice: "How is the situation of the Erte royal family?"

Sengoku shook his head and said: "Major General Bastiu's troops have started a battle with the BIGMOM pirate group's ship. We don't know the specific situation yet, but with their obstruction, the Erte royal family should be able to escape from the battlefield smoothly."

"... Try not to let anything happen to King Erte as much as possible."

Wu Laoxing spoke in a deep voice and said: "You will be solely responsible for this matter. If anything happens to King Erte, report it to the government immediately without any delay."


Warring States responded.

Information about King Erte secretly negotiating a deal with the BIGMOM pirates has just been received. The navy and government are already aware of it, but the attitude of the Five Old Stars is still to protect King Erte.

The Erte royal family has always been a force that firmly supports the World Government. This time when they came to the World Government, they also discussed some policies with the Five Old Stars. Although the concealment of BIGMOM made the Five Old Stars dissatisfied and led to the current consequences, but After all, we can't let it happen easily.

Once something happens to the Erte royal family, the Erte Kingdom will definitely be in chaos.

In Beihai, it is very likely that the revolutionary army will take advantage of the situation and change the regime. In that case, the consequences will be very troublesome and difficult to deal with.

"Is there any movement in BIGMOM's territory?"

Sengoku put down the phone and turned to look at a lieutenant general who was responsible for monitoring the waters of the world where BIGMOM was located.

Upon hearing this, the lieutenant general immediately responded to Warring States: "There is no news for the time being."

The BIGMOM Pirates will not easily launch large-scale operations, but once a large-scale operation occurs, it means that the Navy must dispatch generals to be on guard.

Sengoku held a pen, drew two strokes on the map, and said: "If there is only one ship of the BIGMOM pirates, King Erte's ship can reach it in about two days if it goes in this direction. This island…”

"Headquarters' support is too late to arrive in such a short time, but the G-11 branch on the Grand Line can reach there within five days if it crosses the windless zone."

I don't know how long Bastiu's warships can block the opponent, but it should be enough to allow King Erte's ship to successfully escape a certain distance.

In this case, even if BIGMOM's ship wants to catch up, it won't be able to catch up immediately.

As long as we can delay enough time, dispatch the nearest branch fleet on the Grand Route and cross the windless zone, we can still arrive in time.

(end of this chapter)