Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 90: New magic


North Sea sea.

A warship is returning to the Navy Headquarters and has approached Upside Down Mountain.

When there is no urgent mission, warships rarely cross the windless zone. After all, even if there is a sea tower stone bottom, it is still very dangerous to move in the sea king's nest.

In the highest cabin of the warship, in Rear Admiral Bastiu's office, Ron was sitting on the sofa, holding a newspaper in his hand, reading it carefully, and then shook his head helplessly.

"I thought I, the trainee navy's name, would be omitted, but I ended up putting it in anyway."

When Bastiu heard Ron's words, he couldn't help but smile and said: "With your military achievements and strength, you will be able to serve as a major general in this department after graduation. I should build some momentum for you as a major general in advance."

Because Ron's strength is not inferior to him at all, and with his military merit, he will at least be a major general in his headquarters after graduation, so Bastiu's attitude towards Ron is naturally that of a peer.

"I can definitely see it from BIGMOM."

Ron put down the newspaper.

Bastiu said: "Are you afraid that BIGMOM will deal with your family? That's okay. You can graduate as a major general as soon as possible, and then you can move your family to live in the headquarters."

When Ron heard this, he smiled and said, "No, I don't have any family. It's just that the conflict with a pirate force like BIGMOM so early was a bit unexpected."


Bastiu sat behind the desk and said: "When you become a major general, you won't have this feeling. I have fought against the beasts and the red-haired pirates in the new world. Those four emperors will know how to do it." With the generals to deal with it, the navy doesn’t need to be afraid of pirates.”

"Pirates are indeed a source of chaos."

Ron stood up and said with a sigh, BIGMOM wanted to kill King Erte's family just because the ingredients were not received on time, and would not give King Erte a chance to negotiate peace at all.

As said in this sea, it would be scary to anger Whitebeard, BIGMOM, and red hair, but Kaido's mere existence is already very scary.

These existences that ignore order and act recklessly are undoubtedly the source of chaos in the world.

"So even if we risk our lives, we must destroy the pirates."

Bastiu spoke in a deep voice.

Ron smiled slightly, left Bastiu's office, walked to the deck outside, and looked at the approaching red continent from a distance.

The red earth continent here is not adjacent to the Navy Headquarters, but on the other half of the world. It is both the entrance and the end point of the Great Route.

The legendary Ravdru is somewhere behind this red earth continent.

Come on.

Climbing onto Ravdru is also one of the achievements, and Ron estimates that it may be one of the achievements close to the ultimate achievement. 4 or even 5 achievement points are possible, but without the guidance of the road sign and historical text stone tablet, it is probably impossible to fly there. unable to find.

Otherwise, people with the ability to fly were patrolling the nearby waters, and Rafdru's location would have been found long ago.

Ravdrew cannot reach it yet, but being able to enter the Grand Line from the Upside Down Mountain is not bad for Ron, because it is also an achievement.

And if he takes this route, he can also visit Sky Island on the way.

There is no need to stay, as long as you fly to the height of the sky island and step on it, you will probably achieve the achievement of the 'Explorer' series.

After killing Baron Eggman, whose bounty exceeded 300 million Baileys, he achieved the achievement of "Famous in the Sea" and received 2 achievement points. Now the total achievement points have reached 65.

I don’t know if the next chance to get the system’s draw will be 70 total achievement points or 75 total achievement points. In short, after returning to the headquarters this time, the difference should not be far away.

Near Upside Down Mountain.

The weather began to turn bad, with violent storms blowing.

The warship Ron was riding on was a large warship. Although the storm was very strong, it still stood firm against the storm and rode the wind and waves.

Speaking of which, this was Ron's first time encountering a storm at sea. Nami's navigation skills were so magical that she had perfectly avoided all storms in the East China Sea and had never encountered one before.

And this storm also allowed Ron to achieve an unexpected achievement.

[Not afraid of the storm: ride the wind and waves in the storm]

This unexpected achievement brought Ron 1 achievement point, and also created a corresponding hidden achievement "Shipwreck". The condition for achieving it was capsizing in a storm.

This condition made Ron a little speechless. It would be impossible to flip the warship over, and it would probably be impossible to flip it back, which would cause big trouble.

"Whenever I get the chance, I'll just find a small boat and rush into the storm."

Ron rubbed his chin and muttered, feeling that this achievement should be very easy to achieve, because Nami can avoid storms, so she can also know where there will be storms.

For the time being, please note that this is an achievement point that can be easily obtained.

At his current level, unless there are some hidden special achievements, there are not many other relatively easy achievements that can be achieved casually. They are all achievements that require a little trouble, or are very troublesome, or even impossible to achieve at the moment.

Many of these more troublesome achievements are high-level achievements in the same series, and they will probably bring more achievement points.

"Report, arrived at Upside Down Mountain."

The lookout stood on the lookout platform at the top of the sail and spoke to a colonel on the deck.

The colonel nodded and said: "Keep the route, everyone pays attention."

You still need to be careful when entering Upside Down Mountain. Because there are currents, you can't hit the rock wall. Otherwise, even the large warships of the headquarters will be knocked to pieces.

Because the navy often enters and exits the Grand Route, the helmsman and navigator on this ship are also very experienced. The warship sailed smoothly into the rising river and rushed to the top of the Upside Down Mountain.

[Tip: You achieve the achievement 'Upside Down Mountain' and get 1 achievement point]

While climbing Upside Down Mountain, Ron also heard the system prompt in his ears.

"It would be nice if I could take a trip to Rogge Town on the way."

Pointing the achievement to the mental attributes, Ron touched his chin. He remembered that in a sword shop in Rogge Town, there seemed to be a good and fast sword, Snow and a good and good sword, the third generation of Kitetsu.

His achievement list includes the achievement of collecting famous swords, but he only has one in his hand now. To achieve the achievement, he needs to collect ten famous swords.

The Navy Headquarters also has famous swords that can be exchanged, but the military merit required is also very high, so it is naturally not as affordable as exchanging Devil Fruits.

The military merits this time have been calculated.

Ron has received a total of 40,000 military merits. Counting the 21,000 military merits he received before, he already has 61,000 military merits. The most common Devil Fruit in the headquarters can be redeemed for only 30,000 military merits. .

It's a pity that in order to prevent the navy from exchanging Devil Fruits and then selling them for money, the exchange price for the first one is the original price, and the second one will be doubled.

On the one hand, it is to prevent someone from eating one and then exchanging it for selling. On the other hand, it is also to avoid helping other people to redeem Devil Fruits. To redeem them, you have to rely on your own military merit, unless you are willing to spend twice as much military merit. .

But Ron wasn't in a hurry.

If he wants to change the world, clearing out Devil Fruits is a step that needs to be completed. What he needs is not just one or two Devil Fruits, but to get and devour all the Devil Fruits one by one, so that things like Devil Fruits can no longer exist in this world. disappeared.

Since the target is all Devil Fruits, the gain or loss of one or two does not matter for the time being. The current purpose of needing Devil Fruits is just to enhance mental power.

Today's Ron has a total mental strength of 113 points.

Among them, 67 points come from achievement points, 20 points come from magic marks, 20 points come from oneself, 5 points come from a devil fruit, and the last 1 point comes from mark resonance.

Ron estimates that the next mental transformation may not occur until 200 points. Now he is still very far away from 200 points of mental power.


Even without transformation, a simple improvement in mental power can still steadily improve his strength, allowing him to increase the number of times he releases magic, increase his total mental power, and slightly increase his recovery speed and thinking speed.

Now after Ron releases the Six-Wand Light Prison twice, he has enough mental power left to release nearly four vortex storms, one more than when he fought Baron Eggman before. This is an improvement.

The warship boarded Upside Down Mountain and soon sailed into the Grand Line.

Ron also saw the Twin Gorges Lighthouse, but he didn't see Kurokas or the whale, and he quickly sailed away from the lighthouse.

A long time ago, Ron once felt that the navy did not deal with Kurokas, the former ship's doctor of the Roger Pirates, because it was afraid of the revenge of the Roger Pirates. Later, after learning that the red-haired man had a relationship with the government, , it is speculated that Hongfa may have an agreement with the government.

Therefore, the government did not deal with Kurokas, and turned a blind eye to Pluto Rayleigh of the Chambord Islands.

"Roger Pirates...Raff Drew..."

Ron's mind was spinning with thoughts, and he finally stopped thinking about it.

Seeing that the warship had sailed smoothly into the Grand Route, Ron returned to the stern of the ship and once again began to explore and practice guardianship magic.

Now, he has mastered five derived runes of the guardian system.

They represent 'amplification', 'aggregation', 'derivation', 'weakening' and 'decomposition' respectively.

The confinement magic of the Six-Wand Light Prison is a combination of the basic runes and the two runes of derivation and decomposition.

"continue… "

Ron mastered the rune of aggregation five days ago, and the rune of weakening yesterday, and then devoted himself to the exploration of the last derived rune, 'Destruction'.

He planned to strike while the iron was hot and get all the derived runes of the guardian system.

Because he already had enough experience, even though the last rune of destruction was the one he was least familiar with, Ron still managed to master it after three days.

so far.

The seven runes of the guardian system are all under your control.

Three more days later, Ron successfully mastered the second level two guardian magic. This magic was still not a defensive magic, but a magic that surprised Ron very much and was very different.

If there are too many chapters, just add a thousand words.

(End of chapter)