Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 94: Ron VS Enero


After a while.

Ron's figure reached an altitude of nearly seven thousand meters.

Because his mental power had reached nearly 115 points, and with the assistance of wind magic, his flying speed was extremely fast, and he reached the bottom of the White Sea in a short time.

Arriving at the bottom of the White Sea, Ron did not pause, wrapped his body with mental power, continued to fly upward, rushed directly into the White Sea, and shuttled all the way through the sea clouds.


Ron passed through the sea clouds and came to the top of the White Sea.

Suspended here, you can see a vast sea of white clouds with no end in sight, and the air has become extremely thin, making it unbearable for ordinary people.

However, Ron's current mental power can already affect elements within a certain range. He can gather airflow even at the bottom of the sea, and has little effect above the White Sea.

"I couldn't achieve it. It seems that just flying to the White Sea does not count as landing on the sky island. You must set foot on the sky island down-to-earth to be considered as meeting the conditions."

Ron paused for a few seconds and didn't hear the prompt in his ears. Then he looked up to a higher altitude and continued to fly upwards.

Eight thousand meters…

Nine thousand meters…

Soon arriving at the bottom of the Baibai Sea, Ron did not stop and continued to shuttle upwards, crossing the Baibai Sea and arriving above the sea clouds at a height of 10,000 meters.

Because the place of heaven is not very far from Gaya Island in the original book, Ron estimated that the nearest sky island may be Angel Island where Elnilu is located.

Ron held a record pointer in his hand.

This was obtained from a warship.

After arriving in the sky, the record pointer was locked by the sky island and pointed straight in one direction. After Ron took a look, he quickly flew in the direction of the record pointer.

"Don't wait until you can't find the warship when you go down..."

While flying forward quickly, Ron shook his head.

If he just came up once, the warship wouldn't be able to go very far if he went down again. But if he flew from here to Angel Island and back, the warship would have already left a long distance away. But he knew the route of the warship, and because of Nami, he was familiar with navigation. He also mastered a lot of skills, so he wasn't particularly worried about not being able to find the warship when he returned. If that didn't work, he would just rely on the record pointer and fly to a nearby island to find the navy branch.

What was slightly beyond Ron's expectation was that the distance between his location in heaven and Angel Island was much closer than imagined.

The sky island is above the clouds and is always moving. Its position is not fixed relative to Qinghai below. At this moment, it happened to be floating to a place not very far from Ron.

After only flying for about ten minutes, Angel Island appeared in front of Ron.


Ron accelerated and landed on Angel Island.

[Tip: If you achieve the achievement 'Explorer II', you will get 1 achievement point]

[Tip: If you achieve the achievement 'Navigator III', you will get 1 achievement point]

Two consecutive system prompts rang in Ron's ears.

"There are exactly thirty islands."

Ron nodded slightly, not too surprised. The requirement for the Voyager III achievement was to set foot on thirty different islands. This time he traveled with the warship. Counting Sky Island, he had already set foot on four different islands. The previous one had exactly thirty seats.

Without hesitation, he directly added 2 achievement points to his spirit.

With these two achievements, Ron's total achievement points reached 71 points, exceeding 70 points. However, after switching to the career interface, no prompt popped up.


Ron waited for a few seconds and didn't hear the prompt, so he shook his head slightly. It seemed that the next draw would have to wait until the total achievement points reached 75, which would require more trouble.

Ron glanced at the empty island ahead.

If he had nothing else to do, he would really like to visit the scenery of the empty island. Unfortunately, he doesn't have that much free time. He should leave after getting the achievement.

After taking a look at the empty island, Ron glanced at Apayado, the island of gods not far away. Under normal circumstances, Enel should be there at this time.

But just when Ron's thoughts flashed through his mind and he was about to leave.


A bolt of thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

The speed of thunder was too fast for ordinary people to react, but Ron's current mental speed even surpassed the ordinary domineering power. The moment the thunder struck down, he released the elf ball.


The white lightning struck the ball of light that opened around Ron's body, erupting with a roar and turning into countless thunder arcs that flashed and exploded.

The elf ball flickered for a while and steadily blocked the blow.


Suddenly attacked by Thunder, Ron's eyes turned cold.

Naturally, there would be no other person besides Enel who manipulated a thunderbolt to fall from the sky to attack him. As a user with the Thunder Fruit ability, Enel combined his ability with the heart network, and his perception could cover the entire sky island. Can attack anywhere on the island.


Ron switched to the mental perspective and snorted coldly.

As the spiritual power of a great magician, it suddenly spread out in all directions and collided with the heart network of Enel that was permeating the surroundings. The mental level clashed violently, crackling invisibly, and swept away the nearby monitoring heart network. Total destruction.


At the same time, on the top of a building in Apayado, Eniro opened his eyes, with a flash of surprise, "Destroyed my heart network surveillance... Interesting outsider."

When Boring was monitoring Angel Island, he happened to spot Ron flying over. Surprised, Anilu chose to attack first and directly struck a thunderbolt from a distance.

Unexpectedly, this blow not only failed to do anything to the other party, but also seemed to expose himself. The other party directly used some means to destroy his heart network monitoring in that area.

With a slight curve at the corner of his mouth, Enelu stood up, and his figure disappeared with a snap.

After a few flashes.

His figure appeared on the shore of Angel Island, but Ron was not seen.

Just as Anilu was looking around in deep thought, a voice suddenly penetrated from the rolling sea of clouds not far from the island.

"Six stick light prison!"


Ainilu's expression changed slightly, and before he could react, six golden light pillars suddenly appeared around him, intertwined in an instant, and imprisoned him in place.

He subconsciously wanted to turn into thunder and lightning to escape from the imprisonment, but what surprised him was that even though the elements turned into thunder and lightning, he still could not escape from the imprisonment and was still locked in place!

It is not only the body that is imprisoned, but also the soul and spirit!

next moment.

The storm vortex suddenly gathered directly above his head, and the violent storm surged between the sky and the earth. The sea clouds on the coast rolled up, and the wind and clouds suddenly moved with great force!


Seeing the storm gathering above his head, Aini's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that the opponent also had the ability to control elements, and it was also the element of wind.

However, he did not show any fear. Instead, he snorted and said with pride in his eyes: "...I am the god who controls thunder and lightning!"

"One hundred million volts, lightning strike!"


Enelu's entire body instantly turned into a pillar of thunder, and a terrifying thunder pierced the heaven and earth, colliding with the eye of the whirlpool storm.

(End of chapter)