Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 10: Duke Town's Secret


Amon was caught off guard and fell heavily on the ground. There was a blanket in front of the door. He was not injured. At this moment, he stood up and stepped aside and replied: "I was not careful, maybe I tripped on the carpet when I stepped back."

"I was not careful. I showed my strength just now, but I didn't control it well..." Maria spoke at the same time, her tone slightly flustered.

Gabriel's attention was immediately attracted by Maria's words, his eyes lit up and he said: "My lord, you have been able to...?" He hesitated to speak up here, turned his head and said to Amon: "There is nothing here without you It's okay, go out and close the door."

Inexplicably hugged and suddenly pushed away and fell down, Amon still can't clearly understand what happened, but he has calmed down from the confusion. He should feel lucky, if Maria uttered a wrong sentence, it was very likely that he would be killed. Even if Gabriel let him go, Rod Dick might send someone to kill him.

After Amon went downstairs, Gabriel said to Maria in surprise: "My lord, you really did not disappoint Goddess Isis. You accidentally pushed Amon down just now. When you first started using this power, often I won't be used to it."

Maria nodded and said, "Yes, as soon as I stretched out my hand, I pushed him down from a distance. Is this the power of the gods?" When Gabriel came in, Amon was sitting on the ground, while Maria was standing Stretching out a hand, it looked as if Amon had been pushed down from the air.

Maria didn't mean to lie, but she heard Gabriel's order on the first day Amon came, and Amon was not allowed to touch her, otherwise she would be punished. What kind of punishment should it be? Will it cut off one of his fingers like the priest in Duke Town? How terrible that is. It's not Amon's fault.

Gabriel didn't care about this. She was attracted by another topic, and said with a smile: "Yes, this is the power bestowed by the gods. You just mastered it, so it's not too powerful. Amon is very strong, but you can push him down with a wave of your hand." .Any ordinary person can push open a door, but you can push the door open without stretching out your hand. This is a miracle created by divine power.

Lady Maria, you have to pay attention now, don't use it lightly until you are proficient in using it. In fact, a person like Amon who has mastered low-level physical arts, if he understands the rules of divine arts, takes precautions and is prepared, you will not be able to push him down. But in the future, the divine powers at your disposal will be immense, especially with the help of Tears of the Gods. "

Standing downstairs, Amon felt that he hadn't fully recovered. There was still Maria's breath in his hands and body, and the warm fragrance was intoxicating. He also couldn't figure out what happened just now, why he hugged her like that, and was pushed away again, he didn't know very well but seemed to understand. During the day, the eyes of the two seemed to be provocative. Last night he almost dreamed of the same scene, and just now he really put his hand on her chest!

He didn't know how long he stood there in a daze. Gabriel went downstairs and suddenly asked, "Amon, what did you see just now?"

Amon came back to his senses, bowed and replied, "My lord, I didn't see or hear anything. I just brought water to Lady Maria."

Gabriel's eyes seemed to penetrate his soul: "Don't you tell me?"

Amon: "Yes, my lord, you told me not to mention everything I saw and heard here to anyone. You are also a human being, so of course you cannot mention it to you." He is very smart, Aristotle The syllogism taught has already been learned, so to answer Gabriel's question in this way, he really doesn't know what to say about what happened in Maria's room just now.

A faint smile finally appeared on Gabriel's stern face: "Okay, good! Remember what you said, your work has been done, your reward has been paid to your father, and you can go home now .”

Unexpectedly, Gabriel would send him away now. His work was done and he was paid. Amon should have been very relaxed and happy, but when he left the yard, he felt an indescribable melancholy. He looked back, as if saying goodbye without words.

Rod Dick was finally happy, because Gabriel told him that it was time to leave, and he was asked to prepare overnight, so that he could finally leave this ghost place.

Gabriel also explained to him that the reason why he stayed in this town for three days was not only because Maria was ill, but she was also teaching Maria some special rituals and regulations in the Temple of Isis so that Successfully passed the recognition of the saintess status, and now Maria has learned it.

This made Rod Dick even happier. If it was someone else, he would definitely send a large sum of money as a thank you, but Lord Gabriel was obviously unwilling to accept bribes. After thinking for a long time, Rod Dick personally sent Gabriel a carefully crafted shield blessed with divine magic. It was a glorious weapon belonging to a warrior, and he explained that the shield was originally meant to be dedicated to the temple. . Gabriel accepted.

What kind of gift to give, how to make people not refuse and how to be happy, this is also a science, Lord Rod Dick is obviously proficient in this.

After three days of recuperation, Maria's maid recovered from her illness. After breakfast the next day, Lord Rod Dick's huge and gorgeous motorcade set off. The merchants who came to Duke Town had been waiting impatiently for a long time, but they didn't want to leave by themselves. They couldn't hire mercenaries as guards in Duke Town. They were all elated when they got the news that Mr. Dick was about to return last night. Packed up overnight and left after the adult's convoy.

Duke Town, which had been bustling for many days, finally returned to calm. The townspeople were enjoying the fine wine and food brought by the caravan, and the fires in many homes were also turned off. After so many days of busy work, it was rare to relax. Even the mayor did not urge the miners to work quickly. During this period of time, the townspeople have handed in a lot of sacred stones, so it's time to relax.

Everyone is very relaxed, only Rod Dick is a little nervous, because before returning to the cape city-state, he will have to cross a desolate desert and the rolling Gobi interlaced area. Anything can happen, and there is no guarantee. Leah and the Tears of the Gods must be safe.

He had confessed to Mayor Dusty in private that the news of getting the Tears of the Gods must not be spread. But the night before yesterday, he received another secret reward. The temple priest Xiao Gu sent envoys to the city-state of Syria to send the sacred stones offered every season to the temple there. This is a rule, and no one can stop it, but Rod Dick always feels that something is wrong.

He even thought about sending someone to intercept Xiao Gu's emissary, but in the end he didn't do that. From Duke Town to the city-state of Syria, there is no way to go around the post road through the Black Fire Forest in advance. There is a checkpoint on the post road. It is impossible for the people he sent not to accept checkpoints before they catch up with the envoy. It is difficult to cover up their whereabouts. Besides, this is the territory of Hatti Kingdom after all, and it is a serious crime for him to send someone to intercept the envoy of the priest of the temple.

When the convoy entered the desert, Rod Dick looked back at Duke Town, which had disappeared into the horizon, and thought to himself, "Whether this place is favored by the gods or abandoned, it's really a strange place."

The miners' skill passed down from generation to generation in Duke Town, in Master Dick's opinion, includes physical skills. The qualified adult miners in the town are as good at physical skills as low-level warriors, and the outstanding ones have mastered the second-level physical skills. The technique awakens the power sleeping in the blood, and can use it proficiently.

A low-level warrior who has mastered physical skills is an elite even in the army of the Eju Empire!

What's even more frightening is that the miner's skills actually contain basic divine arts. Although they are the simplest and have not yet passed the test of God, they are divine arts after all. If used in conjunction with physical arts, their power will be astonishing. The miners here just use this technique to mine, not to fight with it.

If you gather all the miners in the town, teach them the battle formation and orders, and then master how to use weapons, the town can almost resist an ordinary army. Even if the miners spontaneously gather to fight only with hammers, it is very difficult to deal with. When living in the town, Master Rod Dick even thought that if a large-scale civilian riot occurred here, his personal guards would not be able to suppress it. At most, he could only protect Maria from fleeing quickly.

The Syrian city-state is located at the junction of the four kingdoms of Hatti, Assyria, Baron, and Eju. It was ruled by different dynasties in historical battles, but the small town of Duk belonging to the Syrian city-state has never been captured by the army. Here it is.

Every dynasty that captures the city-state of Syria will send envoys to Duke Town to inform them of the change of ruler and still guarantee the status of Duke Town. Post roads, collecting the same taxes and providing protection for business routes.

The reason is very simple. It's not that absolute power can't capture it, but that the price is not worth the gain or loss. Raising an elite army and crossing a difficult road just to conquer a small town is of course not necessary. Moreover, what every dynasty and country needed was the sacred stone and iron produced in Duke Town. There was absolutely no need to kill or enslave the miners there, as long as the control of Duke Town could be guaranteed.

Duke Town's location is so special. To the north of it is the Syria Plateau. The low mountains near the town are where the core of the god stone is produced, and the peaks stretching farther away are an insurmountable natural barrier. To the east are also steep mountains, and it is said that cavemen still live there. The jungle is lush and the terrain is complex, and further away is the Grand Canyon of the Youdi River, which is difficult to cross.

To the west of it is the Black Fire Forest. In the forest, there is a hundred-mile post road leading to the main city of the city-state of Syria. This is the closest and most convenient way to and from Duke Town. To the south of it is the endless desert Gobi, extending to the border of the cape city-state of the Ecu Empire. If you go from the cape city-state to the Syrian city-state, it is more convenient to go directly to the desert, and you don't have to go to Duke Town and then go through the Black Fire Forest.

The arable land around Duke Town is very barren, and there is not enough pasture, which can hardly support the local population, but its products are so important. This special situation made it difficult for the town of Duke to exist without the city-state of Syria, and the temples in the town also obeyed the orders of the temples in the city-state.

Another special feature of Duke Town is that there are almost no slaves in the town. Except for the two families of Dusty and Xiaogu, the rest of the residents are almost all civilians. This is completely different from other places in the Tianshu Continent. The reason is very simple. All the surrounding countries have the same law: slaves are not allowed to touch the sacred stone with their hands. Every time a slave is violated, a finger must be cut off.

Interestingly, Amon was almost punished by having a finger cut off.

However, there is another decree from the surrounding countries that seems to have been deliberately ignored here. Both the Baron Kingdom and the Eju Empire seem to turn a blind eye to the situation in Duke Town. This decree is: slaves are not allowed to learn physical skills, but only nobles are eligible to learn divine skills. Those who practice divine skills privately without permission are considered disrespectful to the gods and will be severely punished by the major temples.

In fact, it is so difficult to learn divine arts. Even nobles who have the qualifications, there are many people who cannot pass the threshold of "awakening the power bestowed by the gods". It is even more difficult. But there are many people in the world, and there are always excellent geniuses who have mastered similar powers without permission or instruction from the priests.

This kind of person is called a magician or a wizard on the Tianshu Continent. In short, it is a derogatory and evil title. According to the law, they will be hunted down by people sent by the temple. Priests or nobles who mastered divine arts were called magicians.

Other places on the Tianshu Continent also produce divine stones, but the final step of taking the divine stone out of the core is done by low-level magicians, because it must use some of the most basic magical skills, so the divine stone is not only expensive And it looks holy. The situation in Duke Town is obviously different. The environment here is so difficult, the location is so remote and closed, and the output of the sacred stones is so large. It is absolutely impossible that there are so many noble magicians working here, and all the sacred stones are miners. mined.

Perhaps because of the face of the gods who bestowed the god stone, the miners' skills passed down from generation to generation in Duke Town included the forbidden event of basic divine arts. They themselves don't know.

The miners in the town of Enzhunduk in the city-state of Syria can keep one of the sacred stones for themselves out of every ten, which makes other people on the mainland extremely envious. But at the same time, there is also a decree, "Miners registered in the temple in Duke Town are not allowed to leave this place without permission", probably because of this reason. In fact, due to geographical constraints, it is difficult for them to leave without permission.

Duke town not only produces the god stone but also iron, especially the fine iron, but the blacksmiths here are not allowed to make weapons, and only forged iron embryos are produced. What Rod Dick smuggled quietly this time was a batch of high-quality refined iron embryos.

Rod Dick was thinking about the special features of Duke Town, and with his hand on the hilt of his waist, he sat under the carport and looked at the sand dunes in the distance. The convoy set off at dawn while taking advantage of the coolness of the early morning. Now that noon was getting closer, the scorching sun shone on the sand, and the heat reflected from all sides gradually became unbearable.

A stretch of hills appeared in the distance on the right, with strange boulders standing on the hills, just to find a shaded area to rest for a while, avoiding the hottest afternoon sun before walking, walking in the desert is such a trouble. Rod Dick insisted on sitting in front of the first car of the convoy, and Gabriel even boasted: "My lord, you are so brave!"

Rod Dick was worried because he was afraid of being ambushed on the way. It is said that there are dangerous desert tribes here, who specialize in attacking caravans. They may be disguised by bandits from border countries. The so-called cruel and dangerous desert tribes may be just a legend. . However, it is impossible for ordinary robbers to attack a convoy like Lord Dick, and if they can see elite soldiers escorting them from a long distance, they probably have already escaped.

But special people came for a special purpose, maybe that's the case, otherwise Rod Dick wouldn't be able to bring his personal guards. This Lord Dick knew in his heart that no one in the personal guards had a higher level of physical skills than him. His physical skills had already reached the sixth level, and he was only one step away from being a rare high-level warrior.

Most of the personal guards were guarding the first three cars in the procession, Maria was in the second car, and there was Gabriel in the car. Rod Dick saw the hills in the distance, and was about to order the team to turn around, when he suddenly heard Gabriel shout: "Everyone stop!"

The sound was like thunder, and it was heard far above the desert.

Rod Dick had ordered that Lord Gabriel's words are orders, which are equivalent to the orders he gave. The well-trained riders in the convoy reacted very quickly, yelling and exerting force to rein in the animals, the more than ten vehicles in front stopped almost at the same time, and the accompanying soldiers on horseback also reined in. And the caravan behind was a little chaotic. Some cars collided, some people fell off their camels, and some goods overturned.

Rod Dick had already jumped up, stretched out his hand and pulled out his saber, but he didn't find any danger. At this time, a mass of silver light burst out from above his head, flying towards the sand dunes in front of him. Looking up, Gabriel was already standing on the roof of his carport, holding a shield in one hand and wielding a sword in the other.