Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 101: Desert smoke


A full moon shines on the silent desert, and as far as the eye can see, there are only rolling sand dunes and endless emptiness, not to mention human figures, not even a blade of grass. Amon stood there with his hands behind his back, frowning and asked, "Did you notice any movement?"

Mei Danzuo also frowned, and listened intently for a while before answering: "The sound of rustling is still a bit buzzing, like something hard is rubbing against the sand, but I can't really hear where it came from, you heard it again?" what?"

Amon waved his hand and took out a magic staff out of thin air. The staff was inlaid with seven sacred stones in a spiral shape. It was the one obtained from Obama Lington, and he handed it to Medan Zuo: "Take it, this one The staff is yours now, use the divine detect technique to investigate the situation."

Mei Danzuo took it, and said in surprise and joy: "Hey, isn't this the same staff as Link's? My God Amon, you are so generous!"

Amon smiled wryly and said, "Don't be too happy, get ready to fight with the staff, haven't you figured out the situation yet?"

With this staff in his hand, the power of Metatron's divine detection technique doubled. He immediately exclaimed: "No, these sounds are coming from under the sand dunes. There are countless scorpions approaching from all directions. We Surrounded!"

While speaking, Amon suddenly gave a heavy blow to the iron staff in his hand, and inserted it deeply into the sand. An impact force rippled and penetrated deep into the ground, and then he drank: "Medan Zuo, look at your Already!"

I saw countless black spots suddenly appearing on the light white sand dunes on all sides, coming densely from all directions. Looking down from the sky, the place where Amon and Medanzuo stood turned into a white circular island in the black tide. That was the result of Amon's staff forcing all the scorpions back from the ground.

These scorpions are nearly a foot long, holding double pincers and curling long tails with poisonous hooks, looking very terrifying. If it was just one or two scorpions, they might be trampled to death by lifting their feet. Even if they were accidentally stabbed by poisonous hooks, they would not be fatal. However, there are thousands of poisonous scorpions, no matter who sees them, they will be terrified.

But Mei Danzuo showed no fear, shouted and waved the newly acquired magic staff, a whirlwind rose and rolled up the sand grains to create a spiral storm, and swept it out in a circle. The sand blown by the wind is like tiny needlepoints, and there are countless indistinguishable wind blades mixed in the needlepoints. The hard shells of the incoming poisonous scorpions were crushed by the sand, and the body and claws were cut off by the wind blades, leaving corpses all over the place. Some scorpions were broken in half, and their mutilated bodies were still struggling and writhing.

This offensive large-scale air element magic is indeed very powerful, but the desert poisonous scorpion did not shrink back because of the death of its companion, and the scorpion behind continued to rush up again, stepping on the corpses all over the ground. Amon didn't make a move, and only said: "These scorpions are very big, and their shells are very hard. It is too laborious to use the magical magic of the air element."

Immediately, Mei Danzuo raised his staff, and bright filaments of fire appeared in the whirlwind, and the filaments instantly turned into flying fire dragons circling among the sand dunes. The remains of the scorpion were first ignited, and then the scorpions that came up from behind were twisted in the sea of flames Rolled and burned to char and ashes. Faint smoke rose from all sides, mixed with a foul smell.

Amon said again: "There is venom in the body of the scorpion, so much venom volatilizes around us, the smoke will be extremely poisonous."

Without Amon's reminder, while Medanzuo was performing the sea of fire technique, the whirlwind did not stop but blew the smoke outward. These scorpions seem to be very resistant to fire, and many of them were only smoking with flames and struggling to get closer. They were cut into pieces not far away by wind blades. At this moment, Mei Danzuo was already casting two large-scale mid-level magic spells at the same time. .

There is no way to go on like this. After a while, he shouted: "God Amon, have we got into the nest of scorpions? There is no need to waste it like this. Why should we be besieged by a group of scorpions? Just go, the speed of scorpions Can't catch up with us."

Amon pulled out his staff and put away the tent out of thin air, nodded and said: "Then let's go, you come to break through."

Mei Danzuo pointed his staff forward, and the whirlwind converged and shot out in a straight line, blowing a wide ditch in the sand, and the scorpions were rolled to the sides. The flame disappeared, and then turned into a piece of ice. The nearby poisonous scorpion was lying stiff on the ground, and the movement of the scorpion a little further away seemed to be affected by the cold and slowed down. Medan Zuo took the opportunity to stride forward, and Amon followed behind with a leather bag.

Casting water element magic in the dry desert is thankless, but combined with the freezing technique launched by the wind shuttle technique, the chill is a good way to deal with these scorpions. Maybe they can't be frozen to death, but as long as they are stopped, they will be fine. Can break through scorpions.

The two walked unhurriedly among the scorpions, and Medanzuo's staff pointed forward to clear the way. When the sky was twilight, the surrounding scorpions had become scarce, and there were still endless white sand dunes all around. Mei Danzuo finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to Amon and said, "How come there are so many poisonous scorpions, have you encountered them before?"

Amon shook his head: "There are poisonous scorpions in the desert, and some people were accidentally bitten to death. I have heard of it since I was a child, but I have never heard of so many scorpions. It may be that the environment changed after the flood. gone."

Mei Danzuo frowned and said, "These scorpions are obviously too big, and they look very poisonous. They are not ordinary sand scorpions?" He said: "Why is there more, there is no end!"

Amon suddenly thought of something, and said in a deep voice: "Before I came here, I heard that there are monsters in this area. It seems that these scorpions are also one of the monsters. I have seen a volume of myths and legends in the Temple of Isis, called "Maria." "Land of Duk", it is recorded that Duk Town was once the battlefield of the battle of the gods. A long time ago, the gods created nine kinds of monsters to help in the battle, namely the Hydra, the Swamp Serpent, the Manticore, the Sea Monster, and the Giant Monster. The lion, the three-headed dog, the scorpion with a human face, the mermaid, and the savage bull."

Medanzuo: "The hydra? Isn't that the river god Humbaba? It is said that he was the gatekeeper of Enlil, and he was slaughtered by Gilgamesh and Enkidu not long ago."

Amon nodded and said: "The nine-headed snake is most likely Humbaba. It should have been subdued by Enlil in that battle and became the gatekeeper of God's Domain. Although Humbaba is dead, he still has many descendants. , I have encountered it in the Youdi River. Humbaba has descendants, and there may be other monsters. Among the nine kinds of monsters, there is a man-faced poisonous scorpion. The scorpion we encountered may be its descendant."

Mei Danzuo stuck out his tongue and said, "Then we have to be careful, we might encounter some poisonous insects and beasts."

Amon nodded again: "Yes, if you encounter an encounter, there is no need to get entangled, and you can avoid it as much as possible. We are not here to destroy monsters. It is impossible for the two of us. We are just here to investigate the situation here. Just get to Duke Town as soon as possible."

Moving forward, the speed of the two slowed down. There are always poisonous scorpions in this desert, and they suddenly come out of the sand, sometimes in groups, sometimes only five or six. Almost every day he had to go through several encounters, large and small, and Mei Danzuo almost got stung by a scorpion. Amon just followed behind and didn't make a move, letting Medanzuo deal with it all. He walked like this for another seven or eight days, and gradually sparse grass could be seen on the desert.

Amon asked: "Medan Zuo, can you still hold on?"

Mei Danzuo took a few breaths and said: "Since I started practicing divine arts, the total number of divine arts I have performed is less than these few days. The opponent is nothing more than a scorpion, but I can't stand it continuously. Maybe it will happen at any time." Come out. If God Amon hadn't been by your side all the time, I'd have the bottom line in my heart, and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on long ago."

On the same day when Amon and Metanzuo decided to turn northward from the commercial road, three people were discussing in the temple of Enlil, the distant city-state of Syria, an old man and his two young disciples.

Ge Lie's appearance has not changed much, with a goatee and wrinkled face, but his eyes seem to be clearer and deeper than two years ago, he said to Raphael: "During this time, have you ever insisted on cultivating divine power? , never stopped?"

Rafael replied: "Divine magic training has been my hobby since I was a child, and I'm used to it. Two years ago, my teacher sent me to investigate the terrain in Duke Town. I didn't practice it for a while because of an unexpected encounter, but since then It never stopped after that.”

Ge Lie asked: "I sent you to the Black Flame Swamp half a year ago to investigate the presence of monsters there. It was much more dangerous than the mission two years ago. Did you not stop your divine arts training?"

Raphael replied respectfully: "Yes, under your teaching, teacher, this has become a kind of self-consciousness. I don't have to remind myself what to do, and I will do it naturally every day. Meditation on the basis of divine magic is also a way to restore mana. , only in this way can I persevere in that dangerous environment and finally complete the task assigned by the teacher."

Ge Lie smiled, and asked again: "Young man, in such a dangerous environment, do you know why you can always save yourself from danger?"

Raphael showed a thoughtful look: "I also had doubts in my heart. At that time, several encounters were indeed dangerous, but I was able to get through it safely, as if there were gods blessing me."

Ge Lie shook his head with a smile and said: "Perhaps you really got the favor of the gods, but the person who protected you at that time was Wallet. I specially sent him to follow you secretly, but you didn't know it."

Raphael was taken aback, stood up and said to Wallet, "So you were protecting me, so you should have saved me several times, why didn't you tell me?"

Wallet smiled slightly: "The teacher didn't let me say it at the time."

Raphael knelt down and saluted: "Even if I didn't say it at the time, it has been half a year since I completed the task. You haven't said a word for such a long time. You have saved me so many times quietly, but I have never expressed my gratitude!"

Wallet still smiled: "This is what I should do, and what I am willing to do. If the teacher doesn't let me say it, then I won't say it. Since the teacher said it again today, then let me say it. I am just completing the task. I don't ask for any thanks, of course, I also accept your thanks at this moment. Get up, my brother!" He pulled Raphael up.

Ge Lie looked at Wallace again and said, "This state of mind is very good. I deliberately didn't tell you Raphael in the past six months, but you didn't take this matter to heart. Wallace, have you ever thought about how you feel?" When will you become a great magician? I have taught many students in Hatti Kingdom, but you are the most promising person to become a great magician first."

The sixth-level magician Hua Laite replied humbly: "This is not a question of whether I want to or not. I am afraid that all magicians on the mainland hope to be able to take this step, but this is not a wish out of thin air. When facing this goal, I can only decide how to do it myself, without thinking too much about it."

Ge Lie nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, I hope you can do what you say. This time, I will send the two of you to carry out the mission again, and set off together to cross the Syria Desert, and then go to Baron's Wu The city-state of Luke and the cape city-state of Eju sent a secret letter to the two city lords Gilgamesh and Rod Dick respectively, and returned after receiving an answer, no matter what kind of response it is."

The ninth-level great magician took out two sealed small leather tubes and handed them to the students, and then ordered: "You are not allowed to open it yourself, the contents of the letter may also cause trouble, if there is any trouble, try to solve it yourself, and take it with you. Come to me with an echo.

It may be a little troublesome to walk through the Syria desert now, try not to fight with those powerful monsters, just ensure that you can pass safely. Here are a few scrolls and a flying artifact. If your life is threatened, Wallace, you can use it to escape with Raphael. But this is also a trial journey, and the scrolls and flying magic weapons cannot be used until the last critical moment. "

Amon and Medanzuo had already reached the edge of the desert, and cold-resistant low grasses could be seen growing on the sand dunes from time to time. If they calculated the distance, they would be able to reach the inland lake after walking for another day. This kind of sand dune with long grass is also the most suitable environment for poisonous scorpions to grow. Mei Danzuo couldn't help raising his vigilance, but after walking for a long time, he didn't see the shadow of poisonous scorpions. Didn't even see a scorpion?"

Amon smiled: "Haven't you tired of poisonous scorpions these days, do you still want to meet scorpions?"

The tired-faced Mei Danzuo also smiled: "That's not what I meant. I wish I could relax. I've been worried until now, but I haven't seen any movement in the place where I'm most likely to meet a scorpion. Why don't I have a quick fight? Get out now."

Amon: "The invisible enemy is the most dangerous enemy. This feeling is really tormenting. But you have to be mentally prepared. Even if we go out of the desert to get rid of the poisonous scorpion, there may be something waiting in front of us. Maybe Worse than a scorpion... eh? There are marks in the sand over there, what is it?"

There are very strange marks on the sand dunes in front, like the frozen ripples on the water surface, Medanzuo approached and bent down to observe, gasped and said: "I am very familiar with this kind of marks recently, it is the scorpion crawling There are footprints in the sand, but these scorpions are too big, each of them is probably more than three feet long! It seems that they are all rushing towards the same direction, I don’t know what happened? Take this opportunity, let’s go quickly!”

Amon waved his hand: "Don't worry, let me see what those scorpions are doing, it's safer to figure it out."

He took out a sacred stone magic weapon inlaid on the golden base, which was obtained from the relic of Vitrulu, the "Lamp of Chasing the Dead". The sacred stone radiates a circular aperture, and the scene in the aperture is constantly changing, as if chasing the footprints of scorpions on the sand dunes.

I don't know how many sand dunes they have crossed, and the light and shadow are already dozens of miles away. Amon and Medanzuo saw a group of huge scorpions, each of which is more than three feet long from claw to tail, and the shell is black and shiny Like a hard armor, light blue flames are sprayed out from the tip of the raised hook tail from time to time, it is actually a terrifying mutant giant scorpion.

The flames shot out from the hook tail are in a straight line and can attack targets far away. It is the venom that burns after spraying. Not only is it extremely poisonous, but it is also accompanied by high temperature. Just a little bit of it will cause fatal damage. These scorpions do not always spray venom, but line up in a formation similar to an army formation, protecting each other and staggering attacks. They only attack when they see the opportunity. The fire-breathing is only a long-range attack, and the most threatening weapon at close range is the thick giant claw. and crochet on the long tail.

There are hundreds of scorpions, all of which are giant mutated scorpions, which makes one's scalp tingle. In the middle of the scorpion crowd were two surrounded young men, both of whom were magicians wielding magic staffs, and their mana was profound and their methods were impressive. Various large-scale defensive and offensive magic spells were interleaved, and their advance and retreat coordination was very skillful. The older magician was the main attacker, and the other very young magician was the main defender. They moved around and walked around the encirclement, but they were unable to break through.

Nearly a hundred corpses of giant mutated scorpions were scattered around them and on the road they had walked. The huge force exploded, and the two magicians did not know how many kinds of magic spells they had transformed.

Amon shook the staff in his hand slightly, and the light and shadow displayed by the chasing lamp expanded sharply. What he focused on was actually the corpses of those mutated giant scorpions. Two days ago, he and Mei Danzuo also encountered poisonous scorpions. The effects of various magical attacks are naturally very clear. If they are burned by the high temperature of the fire elemental magic, the scorpion will be reduced to ashes, and the hard shell left behind is just a touch. Just like broken coke.

But look at those mutated giant scorpions that have been burned, their pincers and tail needles are completely preserved, shining between the sand and the ashes of the corpses. The effect of the fire element magic attack was not very good, and it would ignite poisonous smoke. After the two magicians tried it, they changed their methods, and the scorpion corpses left behind were all wiped out with other magic skills.

Whether it's space cutting or wind blade burst, the scorpion's body should be torn apart, but Amon found that there is a hand-sized hard carapace on the back of those mutated giant scorpions, and its hardness can be imagined. The pincers, tail needles, and carapaces of these mutated giant scorpions are all good materials for processing weapons or magical artifacts. It is even rarer to have such a large amount. As a descendant of Nietzsche, the master of artifacts, Amon immediately thought of it.

Mei Danzuo asked in surprise: "Is there anyone else who hiked through the desert like us? They met big guys. These giant scorpions are not easy to deal with, and they even attack from a distance! God Amon, can we help?"