Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 106: Where is the Sunset Township Pass?


There are patches of land above the water in the swamp, where people will not sink if they step on it, and lush vegetation grows, like isolated islands of various sizes. Since the water level has not receded for a long time, the trees are not too high, and they are the hiding and habitat places for many wild animals.

This is not the final landform after the flood recedes. The fertile land surrounded by the Black Fire Swamp in the west, the deep mountains of the Youdi River Valley in the east, the Assyrian Plateau in the north, and the Syrian Desert in the south is being formed. years later. Even then, it's not easy to get here.

Amon found a dry high slope out of the water, and used the air element magic to send out concussion shock waves to scare away the beasts here, and then stopped the invisible ship on a gentle place. Seeing that Mei Danzuo was still sitting quietly in the boat, he didn't put away the space, and only took Schrödinger off the boat to make food.

What Amon grilled was actually fresh snake meat, with all kinds of seasonings that he brought with him. He has been with Schrödinger for so long, but he actually doesn’t know what a cat likes to eat. Everything is completely according to human taste. made. And Schrödinger seemed to enjoy the delicacy of the world the most. Besides meat, of course, there was also fine wine, the best wine that Amon specially bought when he left Memphis.

Although Amon is young and rarely drinks alcohol, his wine appreciation ability is absolutely superb. The best wines on the mainland were sold in Duke Town, and his father is the most famous wine drinker in the town. drunkard. Therefore, no matter how high or low the wine he bought, there was absolutely no taste. This was probably what satisfied Schrödinger the most.

In addition to barbecue and wine, Amon also cooked a pot of fragrant fruit, vegetable and beef soup, which was processed with magically secret meat floss. This is his best cooking skill. Counting it, Schrödinger hadn't eaten for almost three days, and both the person and the cat ate deliciously. At dusk, Mei Danzuo finally opened his eyes, sniffed his nose, stood up and stepped off the big boat, saying, "God Amon, what is so fragrant? There is even wine! This will attract nearby monsters. "

Amon smiled: "But Schrödinger is hungry, so he has to eat anyway. How is your recovery? If there are monsters, can you get rid of them?"

Mei Danzuo said with a bitter face: "My strength has been exhausted since I went ashore, and I only recovered less than 10% just now. Of course, it is no problem to deal with ordinary beasts. If it is a powerful monster, I can't stand it!... God Amon , let me have something to eat first."

Schrödinger drank without a cup, and directly held the bottle and blew it. The fragrance of the wine overflowed in the dusk and really attracted the monster—the legendary Manticore.

This monster looks like a lizard or a crocodile, but its tail is very long, accounting for half of its body length. The long tail is segmented like a scorpion tail, with an arc-shaped tip. Its body size is about three feet. They poked their heads out of the swamp, but they dared not approach the flames on the high slope.

Medanzuo had been frightened by the scorpions and strange snakes. After guarding for a long time with a staff in one hand and a sword in the other, he realized that these scorpion-tailed gentians were very small and not very aggressive animals. He sat down and drank Tang sighed and said, "God Amon, you told me the legend of the ancient battle of the gods, the gods once created nine kinds of monsters, among them manticores, but I don't think these manticores are very powerful, how can it be possible Participate in the battle of the gods?"

Schrödinger, holding the wine bottle in his front paws, gave Medanzo a look of contempt. But Amon thought for a long time before answering: "The scorpions we met in the desert are also vulnerable in the battle of the gods, but the scorpion king Surabaya definitely has the qualifications. I think the nine-headed monster The same is true for the snake Humbaba. Of the nine kinds of monsters created by the gods, some of them may have been wiped out in the battle of the gods, and even the surviving Humbaba was killed later.

I have seen Humbaba's descendant in the Youdi River before, it was a terrifying mutant anaconda, and the two-headed monster snake I encountered today is even more powerful, so it occupied the big lake. But I think not all descendants of monsters are fierce, unless we meet those nine kinds of monsters themselves, such as Scorpion King Surabaya. I don't know if the manticorosaurs from back then are still there, but I've seen them since I was a child, and they are not very scary like ordinary iron armored beasts. "

Mei Danzuo slapped his thigh and said: "When you mention the iron armored beast, I think of Yunmeng. Ordinary iron armored beasts are not very scary, but those mutated giant iron armored beasts are very powerful, especially the iron armored beast king Yunmeng who almost It didn't kill me and Link. Yunmeng is not a monster created by the gods, it is a mutant armored beast king, possessing amazing power and even instinctive magic. I have an idea, right?"

Amon: "Just say what you think."

Mei Danzuo touched the back of his head and said: "Monsters like Humbaba and Surabaya may not have been created by the gods, but they are mutant beast kings. Their origins are similar to Yunmeng's, and they have opened up the power of intelligence and instinct. It was the gods who discovered and Trained them, just like the Scorpion King trained those giant scorpion legions, and forced them to fight. God Amon, didn’t you also teach Yunmeng physical and divine techniques? Yunmeng can understand your words, although he can’t Learn all kinds of physical and divine arts like a human, but you can exercise your natural strength according to the method you teach."

Amon nodded: "Your idea makes sense, but Yunmeng can't speak, and he can't turn into a human like the Scorpion King. If one day it can also turn into a human, maybe it can be systematically Cultivate the power of one body with two sides. I remember the Scorpion King once said that human beings have bodies similar to gods, so it should be the most convenient to cultivate this kind of power."

Speaking of this, Mei Danzuo suddenly laughed, and Amon glared at him and said, "You laugh so strangely, what are you thinking? I don't think it's a good idea."

Mei Danzuo laughed and said, "I still don't know whether Yunmeng is a male or a female. One day, if he can transform into a human, I don't know whether he is male or female. He can't be like those scorpions who come out for a walk without clothes. .If such a day really happened, wouldn't you become one of those ancient gods who made monsters in legends?"

Amon also smiled: "I'm also very curious, just wait and see. This time when I go to Link's tribe, I plan to let Link teach Yunmeng how to write. It will be more convenient to learn more advanced magic in the future. I am in the Temple of Isis I have seen the classics of the magic of transformation. It is based on the magic of information. It was an illusion at the beginning, but it is not just an illusion when it reaches a high level. I always feel that it is not for people to practice. If Yunmeng is possible If you learn it, you can let it try."

Mei Danzuo asked curiously: "Can the armored beast also write? It can't speak yet!"

Amon: "You can try it. Yunmeng is a mutated iron-clad beast king, and he can understand me." At the same time, he glanced at Schrödinger and thought to himself: "This cat can't speak, but it can even write divine characters. The iron-clad beast Maybe it's impossible!"

Schrödinger was having a good time drinking from the bottle, ignoring the conversation between the two, and Medanzuo asked again: "God Amon, you haven't answered my question yet, I once fought against the two-headed snake. I asked before. That strange snake can also perform magical arts, which is as powerful as its physical strength. Could it be that what it cultivates is also the strength of two sides of one body, who taught it?"

Amon fell into deep thought, and answered after a long time: "Maybe it's just the awakening of instinctive power. Back then, Yunmeng also used skills similar to the magic of earth elements. It was not the priests in the temple who taught them power. They have no system." Therefore, it is extremely difficult to master power, but on the other hand, you will not be bound by experience, and you don't care about what physical and divine arts are, but it is close to the cultivation of two sides of one body."

Mei Danzuo frowned and said, "Yunmeng's situation was like this at the beginning. Could it be that Humbaba and Scorpion King were the same? If Yunmeng hadn't met you, I'm afraid she would always be just an iron-clad beast in a pool."

Amon: "The Scorpion King and Humbaba may have been taught by the gods. They are not human beings, and the path of cultivation is also different from that of humans. The so-called power of one body and two sides is just my summary. It doesn't matter what it is called. The gods don't want it. It is circulated openly in the world, so we have to be careful."

Mei Danzuo nodded and said: "I've been very careful, even in front of Princess Xiaoqian, I didn't show any flaws, you should tell Link well. In fact, I have been thinking that the death of the two-headed snake is really worthless. If it doesn't chase us, everyone will be safe. It's not as good as the Scorpion King, at least it will negotiate."

Amon sighed and said: "It has opened up a simple spiritual intelligence, realized that it has mastered a powerful power, has a desire beyond animal instinct, and dominates the big lake, but this power eventually harmed itself .”

Mei Danzuo: "It thinks it's going to kill us, so it chases after us, but it didn't expect you to kill it as soon as you make a move."

Amon suddenly remembered something, and said solemnly: "I once told you not to kill people as much as possible, and if you have to kill people, try to use the smallest force. But sometimes the strongest force is also the smallest force. If the endless fight sends out countless attacks, the power used is much greater than the fatal blow... We will encounter monsters as we move forward. If such battles break out every time, we may not be able to reach the destination safely .Be careful on the road ahead, try not to have conflicts again, it’s best not to fight hard.”

Continue to set off after dawn, and after walking through the swamp for nearly a hundred miles, there is a bush and grassland ahead. The land has been out of the water for less than a year, and no lush jungle has formed. Walking in the weeds and bushes, Amon put away the invisible ship, not wanting to waste mana in vain.

There are many bison on the prairie. They are huge and as tall as a person. The tips of their curved horns protrude forward, but their temperament is very docile. They graze leisurely there in groups. Mei Danzuo said: "The horns of these cows are really special. If they charge in groups, it will be a very terrifying sight. Are they the descendants of wild bulls, one of the nine legendary monsters?"

Amon replied: "I've seen this kind of bull in the mountains. They don't usually attack people, but when they are disturbed and run in groups, their hooves and horns are very dangerous. Let's stay away and don't provoke them."

They passed quietly among the cattle, and Mei Danzuo suddenly opened his mouth and pointed to the distance: "God Amon, what do you think is that?"

There was also a cow in the distance, much bigger than a bull elephant. Its huge horns were bent like a giant bow, with a sharp cold light shining at the tip. Walking on the grassland, it looked like a moving hill, which looked very scary. However, many birds landed on it. The giant bull looked very peaceful. It looked up at Amon and Medanzuo who were passing by in the distance, and then lowered its head and continued to gnaw on the bushes as if nothing had happened.

Amon whispered: "This is the legendary wild bull."

Mei Danzuo stuck out his tongue: "The character is really big, could it be that wild bull created by the gods?"

Amon: "It doesn't look like it. The nine monsters created by the gods have the power to participate in the battle of the gods, and this cow should be its descendant, or a mutant bull king. Let's just go around, Be careful not to step on cow dung."

The two of them passed through this grassland, and the soil in front of them became wet again, and when they stepped on it, they would sink to their knees. But this kind of mud couldn't hinder Amon and Medanzuo, who were all capable. They only left two shallow footprints on the wet mud, and their figures gradually disappeared into the distant horizon.

One night passed, and these footprints had not completely disappeared. At noon the next day, two black spots appeared on the ground line in the distance. The black dots became bigger rapidly, and it turned out to be Mei Danzuo and Amon who were flying, and they came back again, and they were running.

There was an unpleasant sound of "hiss, hiss" behind them. When they looked up, they saw a terrifying scene. A monster was chasing after them. It was the legendary swamp snake. This snake is not as huge as the two-headed snake, but it is more than sixty feet long, and its body is as thick as a bucket. In the middle of its head, there is a bright red sarcoma more than one foot high, shaped like a rooster's comb.

What's even more frightening is that although this snake doesn't have long legs, it has a pair of membranous fleshy wings, which are more than thirty feet wide when unfolded, like huge bat wings. It swam with its tail dragging on the ground, and its upper body flapped its wings soaring in the air. There were fine wind blades between the flapping of its wings, and chopped grass leaves and shrubs flew everywhere it passed.

Amon said while running: "I told you to be careful not to provoke monsters. You have provoked this big guy again. It is still a mutated swamp snake with wings. Fortunately, it is not the legendary Flying Snake King!"

Mei Danzuo muttered: "I really didn't mean it, I just urinated in the water, I didn't expect to call it out, it almost scared me to death!"

Amon: "I let you handle it, and you did it just like that? After running so far back, our day's journey was wasted."

Mei Danzuo said with a bitter face: "God Amon, you are unwilling to make a move, and my strength has only recovered to less than 20%. How can I fight it? I think this snake is the leader of the monster in that swamp. Lead it here, and we can go back without hindrance."

While speaking, the two of them had already galloped past the herd of cattle, and the giant double-winged snake chased after them. The terrifying movement disturbed the herd of bison grazing. Many cows began to run in panic, and many cows blocked the path of the strange snake. The cow's hooves and horns are fatal dangers to humans, but the huge two-winged flying snake is not afraid at all. With a flap of its wings or a curl of its long tail, the cow in front of it will be thrown far away. .

The herd became even more flustered, screaming in panic as they ran. There was an earth-shattering roar from a distance, and the ground seemed to be trembling. It turned out that the huge mutated bull noticed the movement here, lowered its head and raised its hooves and rushed towards it.

Mei Danzuo, who was fleeing, whispered: "God Amon, speed up and turn the corner, let's dodge quickly, let the monsters fight monsters!"

Amon grabbed Mei Danzuo's arm, and at the same time, he sped up and cast the stealth magic at the same time. His figure was as fast as a wisp of smoke, and he slipped away among the running cattle in a circle. The oncoming savage bull just happened to meet the swamp snake.

They returned the same way, and behind them came the roar of a bull and the neighing of a giant snake. The smoke and dust on the prairie was blowing up, and the uprooted bushes flew into the air one after another. The two big guys fought together. Mei Danzuo, who had already run away, said with lingering fear: "Look at these two monsters, who can fight the other?"

Amon replied: "This is not the territory of the swamp snake. Two powerful monsters fight suddenly. Generally, they will not fight for their lives. Only one side will repel the other. Let's hurry up while the swamp snake is away." Bar."

They walked for several days in this dangerous wasteland, trying to avoid all kinds of dangers, and took up weapons to fight if they couldn't avoid it. Amon didn't let Medan Zuo take action anymore, and he waved his iron staff to deal with any situation by himself, recording the terrain and information about monsters along the way, and finally arrived at the old site of Duke Town on this day.

It was just out of the water not long ago, and it was a huge isolated island surrounded by swamps and jungles. The soil was black, very fertile, and already overgrown with weeds. Calculating the area, this isolated island is more than enough to accommodate thousands of people for farming and living, and as the flood finally completely recedes, thousands of miles of fertile fields will be connected into one piece.

Amon stood in his hometown of nothing with his staff in his hand, his eyes filled with tears and he was speechless for a long time. There was a cat squatting at his feet, and Schrödinger had a look of melancholy in his eyes.

Amon stood from noon to sunset, just looking at the wasteland so stupidly, without saying a word. It wasn't until dusk that Mei Danzuo asked cautiously, "God Amon, is this our destination, Duke Town?"

Amon wiped the corner of his eyes with his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the town of Duke. The mountain torrent rushed down from the Assyrian plateau, and everyone was swept away, including houses, cattle and sheep, and nothing was left. The mud was covered The original land, and we are standing on it."

Mei Danzuo said softly: "God Amon, don't be too sad, you are back after all. In the future, this place will become a prosperous home again, and your wish will definitely come true."