Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 107: secret letter


That night, they rested overnight on the land of Duke Town. Amon and Medan Zuo talked about another purpose of the trip, which was to bring the members of the Linke tribe here to build the fortress. The life of the caveman savage tribe in the deep mountains is very difficult, there is no suitable land to cultivate, and hunting is full of danger.

Since the great flood, many roads in the mountains have been cut off, many wild animals have disappeared, and some cave-dwelling savage tribes have been completely extinct. The living environment of Link's tribe was even more difficult. If it hadn't been for capturing enough wild beasts when the flood came, and learning to make meat floss that could be preserved for a long time, it would probably be difficult to survive until now. Link once led his people to capture many cubs and raise them, which enabled the people to barely maintain their livelihood.

In fact, Link had long thought of leading the tribe out of the mountains, looking for a fertile home where they could live in peace, and now the opportunity came. Medanzuo thought for a long time, he reminded Amon: "You said that this land belongs to the people of Duke Town, and you want cave dwellers to build a village, then your people and Link's people will not compete. Conflict?"

Amon replied: "I have thought about this issue a long time ago, so don't worry. The land in Duke Town, including the farmland and mines outside the town, has title deeds to check. Mr. Yuan has more than 2,000 people alive, but the current clansmen only There are less than a hundred people left. These lands belong to them, and Link's people will not occupy them. The piece of fertile land that has surfaced is much larger than the original land of Duke Town. Link's people can cultivate it and cultivate it for generations. Propagate."

Mei Danzuo narrowed his eyes and said: "Dozens of people came from thousands of miles away. It is not easy to gain a foothold in this place. Someone should build a village first to provide shelter. Monsters are rampant here, and they need to unite to survive. bright future."

Amon nodded and said: "The threat is not only those monsters, as the flood recedes, this place will become a fertile land for thousands of miles, which can accommodate millions of people. I am afraid that all forces on the mainland will not give up this territory. There must be disputes. But In any case, my people are just building their own homeland. Medanzo, I want to give you a task. After Link and the others come here, you will help Link train warriors, forge weapons, build city wall defenses, and do everything well. Prepare, they are the best craftsmen."

When the sun rose the next day, Amon set off again with Schrödinger on his shoulders, and walked through several swamps still surrounded by water with his iron staff, and entered the deep mountains and jungles around the Youdi River Valley, just like he had first The first time he left Duke Town. Mei Danzuo persuaded: "Don't you stay in your homeland for two more days?"

Amon replied: "I have already come, and I will come back again. I know how to be nostalgic."

After the flood, the roads in many places in the deep mountains were cut off, and narrow and long barrier lakes formed between the two mountains in many places. Amon and Medanzuo alternately took mountain roads and waterways, and finally reached the mountain plateau where the Link tribe was located.

When they appeared at the entrance of the cave dwelling savage village, everyone was stunned. The whole tribe came to greet them after hearing the news. Everyone knelt together as if they were welcoming the arrival of the gods. Mei Danzuo hid aside in embarrassment, but Schrödinger squatted there generously and accepted everyone's kneeling.

Link ran out of the house in a hurry without even putting on his pants, separated from the crowd and grabbed Amon's sleeve and said, "My God! You are finally back, everyone is looking forward to you every day!"

That night, just outside the big cave where the fire was burning, the whole tribe held a grand carnival. Amon and Link discussed the relocation, and the cave dwellers readily agreed, wishing to leave immediately the next day. Amon told Link not to worry, and to leave in two months. The whole family needs to make various preparations for the migration, and Medanzo also needs to recover his strength here.

I haven't seen him in the past two years. Link already has the fifth-level achievement of the power of one body and two sides. When he heard that Mei Danzuo also has the fifth-level achievement, he said with some pride: "It seems that we are similar, you have been staying in Amon God's side, but not much better than me."

Amon smiled and said: "Really? You will soon know the situation of Medan Zuo, but you have never forgotten to work hard."

Link replied: "Of course, since you left, I have not stopped practicing the power of one body and two sides."

Amon nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, you will face a test soon. How is the situation of Iron Armored Beast King Yunmeng? I heard that you can't find an opponent for trials in the mountains, and you often compete with Yunmeng .”

Link replied with some embarrassment: "Originally, if it's a one-on-one duel, I'm a little bit better than Yunmeng, but he also has four big iron armored beasts to help, so they add up to be better than me." A little bit."

Amon smiled: "Don't talk about it, I understand everything, you have never taken advantage of it once. During this time, I will give you a task, stop fighting with Yunmeng, teach it to write, just like I taught you back then Same."

Link opened his mouth wide and screamed strangely: "What? Teach Yunmeng to write, will the armored beast know how to write?"

Mei Danzuo slapped him: "What's wrong with this? We met the Scorpion King in the desert, and he can change into a human and talk. There are two humanoid female scorpions next to you. Didn't you see that! Came out with no clothes on, that figure…”

Amon interrupted him and said: "Yunmeng is very smart, you are still no match for it, which means that he understands what I taught him at the beginning, and he is also practicing in his own way. Maybe he can learn to write, and he will be more in the future. It may be as powerful as the Scorpion King, and he is the best guardian of the clansmen."

Link asked: "You guys also met the Scorpion King? The experience of leaving the mountains is really wonderful, so you must tell me well."

Amon patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, let Medanzuo tell you slowly, this time I want to teach you something new, the focus is on forging various weapons and magic tools. Strength cultivation with two sides in one body You can’t rely too much on external things, after all, it’s not your own strength, and it will even lead to obsession and greed, but the process of making artifacts is a kind of training for mana and will.”

Amon lived in the caveman tribe again. After becoming a great magician and great warrior, he had a lot of new insights into the power of one body and two sides, and taught them to Medanzo and Link without reservation. At the same time, he focused on teaching the processing and refining methods of some magical artifacts. Some utensils are not yet ready to be crafted, but some things are ready to be tried, and Amon also crafted weapons himself.

The abnormally hard back armor of those mutated giant scorpions can be made into scale armor, and then supplemented with magical processing, it can not only resist weapon slashing, but also absorb and transform energy impact. It is a very good defensive weapon. The snake phosphorus of the two-headed monster snake, which can be preserved after such a violent magical impact, is naturally very strong, and can even resist the effects of some magical damage.

Snake Phosphorus can not only make scales, but there is a protruding bony spur in the middle of the fan-shaped scales, and the two ends of the scales are smoothed to leave only this bony spur, which can be made into very sharp arrow clusters. The scorpion's tail needle is also a material for making arrow clusters, and this arrow cluster is highly poisonous. Although the venom contained in the tail needle cannot be used repeatedly, it is powerful enough.

Amon also collected the spine and ribs of the two-headed giant snake. The ribs can be processed into bow spines, and the spine can be used to make handles of weapons. These bones are also the material for processing staffs, but the production of staffs is much more difficult. many.

The staff must be processed with living materials. For example, the walnut core that has grown for hundreds of years is the most popular material for making staffs. The bones of this kind of monster are even rarer, and you can't find them even if you look for them. Amon carefully studied his iron branch staff, only to find that it had been processed by the old lunatic somehow, and there were extremely fine growth lines inside, so it could be used as both a weapon and a staff.

Amon still doesn't know how to do this. It seems that his level is still far behind the top utensil masters on the mainland, and the gap between Link and Medanzo is even further.

Medanzo's power is still recovering, Link first tried to build artifacts, starting with the simplest scale armor of scorpion shells. It is not difficult to make those carapaces into scales, as long as one has enough patience, but it is not easy to bless them with divine magic.

Link destroyed almost half of the carapace, and it took him a month to successfully create a perfect scorpion shell and scale armor. Such an astonishing waste and profligacy, if it were another person, it would definitely make my heart bleed, but Amon didn't care too much. He told Link that this is a necessary process. Any outstanding utensil master is piled up with astonishingly precious materials. Process more precious artifacts.

The most precious materials in Amon's hands are the eight fangs and two snake tendons, and he decided to make them himself. Four of the eight snake teeth were long and four were short. Amon started with a simple one, destroyed two short teeth, and used the other two short teeth to create two curved scimitars. These two knives are light and sharp, and even have the effect of a staff. They can assist in the casting of divine spells in battle, and they naturally have the mental shock effect of roaring impact.

He handed the two slender scimitars to Medanzo and Link respectively. They are not only a beautiful decoration but also a very good weapon in combat, much stronger than ordinary samurai long swords.

Next, Amon used four tusks to make the bow ridge. Although he was very careful, one was damaged. When using snake tendons to make bowstrings, the number of damages was even greater. The total length of three short bowstrings was less than ten feet, but he used up a snake tendon that was more than thirty feet long to make it successfully.

These three bows are so powerful that most people can't draw them at all. They are also a kind of magic weapon, which can assist the casting of water element magic, and can also be condensed into magic arrows out of thin air, which is a weapon that magicians can also use. These three bows are naturally one for each of Amon, Link, and Medanzo, and they are also equipped with arrows made of snake phosphorus bone spurs.

After Amon personally processed two scimitars, three bows and a batch of arrows, he didn't do anything else. He handed over all the remaining materials to Link. It's up to him to process as many things as he wants, just as a practice.

After Amon finished processing these artifacts, more than a month had passed, and Medanzo's strength had fully recovered. He was surprised to find that the increase in strength was still continuing, so he came to ask Amon what was going on. Amon said with a smile: "Congratulations, you already have a sixth-level achievement, and you can practice many high-level divine arts and physical arts. I will pass them on to you before I leave."

Medanzo was overjoyed. Link on the side was very envious, and he tugged on Amon's sleeve and asked, "God Amon, when can I learn high-level magic?"

Amon said with a half-smile: "Come on, it will be almost done after you have suffered a lot. Leading the whole clan to relocate is not an easy task. It will depend on whether you can hold on... How's it going? I want to go see it today."

Link nodded and said, "Hurry up, it will write its own name!"

This afternoon, the three of them left the village and went to the pool where Yunmeng and other armored beasts lived. Schrödinger seemed to be very interested in this matter, and trotted along to watch the excitement. When he came to the water pool, Amon called out, and the Iron Armored Beast King jumped up, wagging his tail in a very affectionate manner, splashing water all over several people. The four big armored beasts also surfaced, looking at Amon with awe-inspiring expressions.

Amon smiled and said, "Yunmeng, I heard that you can write your own name. From now on, you are no longer an ordinary beast king, but you have mastered the wisdom of the world. Write it to me."

Yunmeng nodded obediently, stretched out a front paw and actually wrote a line on the ground. Schrödinger kept poking his head and staring at it with wide eyes, but suddenly turned away, and Medanzo also covered his mouth and smiled.

Amon frowned and looked a little weird, and said to Link: "How did you teach it, why is it written backwards?"

Link replied embarrassingly: "What I taught is correct, maybe its eyes look different from mine."

Amon was stunned for a long time, then suddenly punched Link and said, "Did you stand opposite it when you wrote?"

Link slapped his head: "Yeah, I regarded it as a human being, I didn't expect it to be so stupid!"

Amon glared at him: "It's not Yunmeng who is stupid, you see how well it learns! I can't blame you, usually I don't have the opportunity to write in this mountain, and if I have no experience, I just have no experience... You all go out." , I will explain a few words to Yunmeng alone."

Link and Medanzo left the woods and waited on the mountain road outside. In a short time, Amon came out with Schrödinger, and he said to Mei Danzuo: "You already have the sixth-level achievement of one body and two sides of power, now go try how to cultivate the power of the Iron Armored Beastmaster. I have just told Yunmeng , If you have any ability, just use it, don't keep it."

Mei Danzuo went in, and after a while, he heard roars from the depths of the dense forest, waves splashing mana surging, and countless broken branches and trees flying out. After about a meal, the movement finally stopped, and Mei Danzuo got out of the dense forest in a panic.

Amon asked with a smile: "How about it, who wins?"

Mei Danzuo replied embarrassingly: "Originally, if it's a one-on-one duel, I'm a little bit better than Yunmeng, but it also has four big iron armored beasts to help, so it's a little bit better than me." .”

Amon frowned: "This sounds so familiar, why is it exactly the same as what Link said?"

Seeing that Mei Danzuo was deflated, Link laughed from the sidelines: "The reason is very simple, we were all taught by one teacher."

Amon glared at him again: "Yunmeng is stronger than all of you, don't you feel ashamed? Its strength has improved a lot, and it will play a very important role in the future migration of the tribe. It will start in half a month , ordered the clansmen to pack up quickly, take away everything that needs to be taken away, and leave what is not needed."

Just when Amon and Medanzuo arrived at Duke Town, Wallet and Raphael also arrived at the Cape City-State and Uruk City-State respectively. It was the first time that these two city-states received envoys from the city-state of Syria in the Kingdom of Hatti since the traffic was cut off by the flood. They came to convey the greetings of the great magician Ge Lie, and were received politely.

Both of them had a secret letter, and the statement could only be opened and read by the city lord himself. This letter brought unexpected troubles to the two envoys.

After Rod Dick read Ge Lie's secret letter, he sat alone in the room for a long time. He didn't summon the officials under him or consult with the deputy priest Julian. He only invited his most trusted aide, Aristotle. . He handed the letter to Aristotle and said, "Sir, I received a letter and I don't know what to do with it. Should I hand it over to Pharaoh along with the letter and the envoy, or pretend that I haven't read it at all? "

Aristotle did not speak for a long time after reading the letter. Roddick finally couldn't help but said: "You have always been my most trusted friend, so I discussed with you alone, and hope to hear your opinion."

Aristotle pondered: "Such a letter is really difficult to discuss publicly. Ge Lie didn't intend to be your enemy. This ninth-level magician just told you the future he foresees and made a suggestion. .”

Rod Dick sighed: "I have heard about what is about to happen in the land of Marduk, but I am only the city lord of the Strait city-state. Although I don't want to see it, I am powerless to stop the disputes between countries."

Aristotle: "But Ge Lie wanted to stop it, so he made such a suggestion. I am a person from afar. From the perspective of a bystander, the compassion of this great magician is admirable. As for whether it will succeed or not Another thing, at least he wants to do it."

Rod Dick smiled bitterly: "I can't consider his suggestion, and I don't even want people to know that I have heard of it, but I don't want to offend Gelie, so how do you say it should be handled?"

Aristotle thought for a while and replied: "Gollie also foresaw the imminent war between Hatti and Ecu. I am afraid that neither you nor he can prevent it. His suggestion can also be considered after the war. Things may be different by then, and his advice will not even be considered, and you will not have to make any reply for the time being."