Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 108: Talented people come forth in large numbers


Rod Dick nodded and asked again: "What about the messenger named Raphael?"

Aristotle smiled: "The city-state of Uruk was also mentioned in Goret's suggestion. He also sent an envoy to see Gilgamesh. You can send spies to find out how Gilgamesh treated that envoy. "

Raphael came to the cape city-state, and the secret letter was handed over to the city lord, but there was no reply. He received delicious food and drink every day, but his residence was guarded by heavy soldiers. In name, it was to protect his safety. Is under house arrest.

When Wallet came to the city-state of Uruk, Gilgamesh and Enkidu did not return. He waited in the guest house for several days. Usually, a pair of brothers named Abel and Cain were in charge of receiving him. These two are down-and-out aristocrats. They went through a power awakening ceremony when they were teenagers. It is said that they have been practicing magic arts in the farm. Not long ago, they became middle-level magicians. High Priest of the Temple of Luke.

The city lord praised their perseverance and will. Although the ancestral business declined and became unknown, they did not give up hope and hard work. Without guidance and help, they achieved mid-level achievements in practicing divine arts on their own, which is enough to make many people feel ashamed. The promotion and reuse of this pair of brothers is also an example to encourage more talents to emerge in the city-state.

The high priest of the Temple of Uruk is also the senior priest of the Uruk city-state legion. Lord Gilgamesh, the lord of the city, has recently been recruiting talents and strengthening his armaments, and seems to be preparing for war. It is always good to be prepared in peacetime, but the people of the city-state are more puzzled, with the city lord and Enkidu lord around, who would dare to invade the Uruk city-state

Abel and Cain asked Wallet's intentions many times. Wallet only replied that the city-state of Syria and Uruk had not communicated for two years because the road was cut off by the flood. As for more words, there is not much to say.

After Gilgamesh returned to the city, he summoned Wallet, and after reading the secret letter, he didn't say a word, ordered Enkidu to be called, and directly handed the letter to his most trusted brother. Enkidu read the letter, frowned and said, "Ge Lie is quite courageous. He actually made such a suggestion. How dare you think about it! To be honest, I admire him a lot."

Gilgamesh smiled and said: "There are not many people in the world that you can admire. Ge Lie is indeed not simple, but I can't answer his suggestion. My brother, what do you think should be done?"

Enkidu: "I heard that Wallet, the messenger who sent the letter, was a direct disciple of Goret and the high priest of the city-state of Syria. He didn't know what kind of letter he sent. Let's call him and let him Looking at this letter, you may be able to see what kind of person the teacher is from the attitude of the students."

Gilgamesh ordered someone to invite Wallace, exchanged a few polite greetings, and then ordered all the servants to retreat, leaving only three people in the room. Gilgamesh smiled and asked, "Master Wallace, do you know the contents of the letter you sent?"

Hua Laite shook his head and said: "My teacher, Mr. Ge Lie, just wanted me to deliver the letter and have it opened by you, Mr. City Lord, but he didn't tell me the content."

Enkidu handed over the letter: "I have traveled thousands of miles across the swamp and desert, and experienced many dangers. It is a pity that I don't know the content just to send such a letter. Let's take a good look."

Wallet shook his head again and said, "My teacher told me not to open this letter, and don't be curious."

Gilgamesh: "You didn't open the letter. Didn't you want my reply? I'll discuss with you about replying to the letter. Did Lord Gelie say that you are not allowed to discuss this letter with me face to face?"

Wallett: "Not really."

Enkidu: "Then just watch."

That being the case, Wallett accepted the letter calmly, and his expression became more and more serious as he watched it. Gilgamesh narrowed his slender eyes, stared at him and said, "Master Messenger, what should I do with such a letter you sent? In order to show my loyalty to the kingdom, should I send you along with this letter?" Send all the letters to King Barron?"

Wallett raised his head and said, "I'm just a messenger, and I don't know the contents of the letter, but now I have seen it, and I don't avoid the things mentioned in the letter. My teacher doesn't mean to be an enemy of you, in his eyes What I see is not only the gods, but also the coming conflict and war. Whether it is the will of the gods or the greed of the people, the teacher wants to prevent the tragedy as much as possible. This makes me very respectful. I understand him I am also waiting for your answer, Lord City Lord."

Gilgamesh nodded approvingly and said, "Aren't you afraid at all?"

Walter smiled bitterly: "I was surprised and worried, but fear is useless, because the letter has already been delivered. My lords, you are heroes admired by all on the mainland, and you dare to kill even the gods. But I want to ask a question , What is the purpose of beheading Humbaba? This letter is just a suggestion, you can reject it or accept it, but why are you afraid of this kind of suggestion? Since I dare to send it, don’t you dare to read it! "

Enkidu suddenly slapped the table, but the cups and plates did not shake, but the four wooden table legs sank several inches deep into the paving stones. He laughed and said, "Wallet, you dare to say such a thing in front of us. Yes! Whether we accept Ge Lie’s suggestion or not, we will not embarrass you. I will personally escort you back to the border of Barron... Lord City Master, what kind of reply do you plan to give? We don’t need to embarrass this messenger .”

Gilgamesh: "Just one word - I understand! Please tell Lord Gelie the truth." He thought for a while and then asked curiously: "Master Wallace, I heard that you are a sixth-level magician. Teacher, right?"

Wallace nodded and replied, "Yes, I was a sixth-level magician when I came here."

Gilgamesh said with inexplicable emotion: "The era of strife will also be the era of heroes. There are a lot of talents on the mainland recently! I heard that the guardian saint of the Temple of Isis is the youngest great magician today, and we ha There is also a magician named Jie Kai who has just been promoted to a great magician in the Kingdom of Ti, and unexpectedly there is a new great magician in the Kingdom of Hatti."

Judging from his tone of voice, it was certain that Wallace would become a great magician. Wallett himself hesitated to speak, with a thoughtful look on his face, but he didn't deny anything.

According to Aristotle's suggestion, Rod Dick sent spies into the city-state of Uruk to inquire about another messenger, Wallette, and the spies returned to the cape city-state to report. It has been more than a month. Gilgamesh did not embarrass Wallace, and Enkidu even sent Wallace to the border himself. Rod Dick, who heard the news, also prepared to send Raphael back home as a gift.

Lord Julian, the deputy chief priest, heard that the city-state of Syria had sent an envoy, so he specially summoned Raphael and asked him about the situation after the great flood. Raphael answered in as much detail as possible very politely, and told the truth except for the secret letter that he himself hadn't read.

Julian went to the Royal Capital of Eju some time ago, returned to the city-state and summoned Wallace, and then went to Rod Dick for secret business. He said in the secret room: "The pharaoh has an order to reorganize the armaments and prepare to attack the Kingdom of Hatti. The cape city-state will be used as an outpost. In the next six months, combat materials will continue to be quietly transported to the cape city-state through various methods. We have to do Make all the preparations, but don't disturb Hattie just yet."

Rod Dick sighed secretly. The thing he had been worrying about was finally about to happen, and he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to. On the surface, he showed a puzzled look and asked, "Why did you use the cape city-state as your base to attack Hatti? It seems more convenient to go directly across the ocean and land on the Nishen River."

Julian explained: "One year later, the land traffic between the cape city-state and the Syrian city-state will resume. The pharaoh's choice of this route to attack naturally has a deep meaning. In the area around the original town of Duk, two years later, an area will be formed. Thousands of miles of fertile land, that will be the new and prosperous territory in the center of Tianshu Continent. The purpose of Pharaoh is to make the Kingdom of Hatti submit forever and completely. Only by occupying that territory can the entire continent be shocked, and the achievements of the empire will be passed down through the ages."

Although there was a prophecy in Ge Lie's letter, Rod Dick was still shocked when he got the confirmation from Julian. He frowned and asked: "Can this be true?"

Julian replied affirmatively: "Of course it is true. The elders of Eju Theological Academy collectively made a prophecy, which has been confirmed. There are also oracles in the temple. Although the Kingdom of Hatti built Horus This kind of contempt for the gods is unforgivable. Therefore, this battle is not only a battle for the empire, but also a battle to protect the dignity of King Horus."

Rod Dick's brows furrowed deeper: "About when?"

Julian pondered: "This matter is still a top secret at present, only the two of us are qualified to know. Wars between countries require a lot of preparations, and the mobilization of supplies and troops cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of spies in the end. The sooner the other party notices, the better... The city-state of Syria suddenly sent an envoy, and I have seen him today. Sending someone at this time may have the intention of probing. It is indeed a wise move for the city lord to keep him under house arrest. "

Rod Dick smiled wryly, "But I can't keep this emissary in the inn all the time. I just want to wait for you to come back to discuss."

Julian smiled and said: "It's easy to handle. Give him the best entertainment, give him the most expensive gift, choose beautiful women to serve him well, and order people to take him around the city-state and see a peaceful scene. Then send him In the name of escorting the messenger, we will also send a messenger to return with the guards, and take a look at the situation there."

Raphael stayed in the Cape City-state for two months. Rod Dick's hospitality was already very good, but after Lord Julian came back, everything became even better. He almost became the VIP among the VIPs. Raphael was born in a great nobleman of the Kingdom of Hatti, and his status was honored since he was a child. Although he can go deep into the dangerous wilderness alone, he is equally comfortable with the world's wine, sex and wealth. Just do what you love, it's not like you haven't seen it before.

He hardly went out for two months, which happened to suit Rafael's mind. He was very tired from walking through the Syria desert. This kind of fatigue is different from ordinary fatigue. As a magician, his mana is almost exhausted and his recovery is very slow. He has no confidence in walking through the dangerous Syria in a short time Sub-desert returned safely, then take a good rest.

Two months later, Rod Dick came to Raphael again to apologize, explaining to him that the deputy chief priest Julian the Great Magician was not in the city-state some time ago, and he was busy with various things, so he neglected the messenger. During this period of time, he invited Raphael to relax around the city-state, to see exotic customs, to enjoy himself, and to see what he likes or wants, just ask for it.

After playing in the cape city-state for a few more days, I saw a scene of singing and dancing, and Raphael's mana was fully restored, but the growth of power continued slowly. He was both surprised and delighted but remained calm, since the other party was so enthusiastic, then enjoy it. He also asked to go out of the city to visit the exotic mountain and pastoral scenery. After playing around, almost a month has passed.

When Raphael finally bid farewell to return home, Rod Dick sent an envoy with a guard to pay a return visit. This trip had to pass through dangerous deserts and swamps. For safety reasons, the honorable Lord Raphael could not be allowed to trek alone. As for Rod Dick's reply to the secret letter - no reply!

Not to mention what the several city-states are busy with, Amon has also been very busy recently. He led the troglodyte savage tribe out of the deep mountains to move to a new home. There are more than 600 men, women, old and children in Link's tribe, and there are still a lot of living materials to bring. Large livestock are slaughtered to make dry food, and the juvenile cubs have to be taken away to continue to be raised. Such a team walking in the deep mountains is really a mighty one.

Amon and Medanzo only walked this road for five days when they came, but they walked for a full month when they returned, but Link was exhausted. The mountain road is very difficult to walk, but it is nothing to the caveman who lived in the deep mountains since he was a child, but there are a lot of things to resist. The most terrible thing is that many roads have been cut off, and there are many barrier lakes along the way. After leaving the mountain, there are several swampy areas that are basically impassable.

At this time, you can see the strengths of Yunmeng and the four big armored beasts. They can swim across the water surface and swamps with heavy loads, especially in muddy swamps, which are much better than cars and boats. Amon gave the magical bone to Link, and asked him to drive the invisible ship to transport the tribe on lakes and swamps.

There is a lot of invisible space on the ship, but it is quite difficult for Link to maneuver the big ship to transport too many people at a time. All the clansmen plus livestock have to go back and forth several times to transport them all. Fortunately, on the water, the resistance encountered in manipulating the invisible big boat is not very great, but in the swamp, it is quite difficult to move forward with a boat full of people.

Amon didn't do anything, and Mei Danzuo also had a smirk on his face and just watched the excitement. Link almost ran out of mana, and when he arrived in Duke Town, he was really tired and lay down. He lay there resting for several days without moving. Amon asked Mei Danzuo to direct the tribe to set up a temporary camp, and arranged for the future one by one.

They brought enough dry food for a year, and they could also hunt in the nearby wilderness jungle. In Amon's Wind Charm Dance, they prepared seeds of various grains, and gave them to Link to arrange for the tribe to sow them in the spring of next year. He marked out various landmarks on this deserted island, telling Link which are the land and mines of the descendants of Duke Town, and they can choose other places to cultivate their own farms.

Sacred stones and ores can be mined at the foot of the northern Syria Plateau. Sacred stones are not the most important materials at present, but smelting iron ore needs to hurry up, whether it is to build agricultural tools or weapons. If you want to mine, you need to cross a swamp, and the five armored beasts are the best escorts.

After this great migration, Link finally brought the tribe out of the deep mountains and established a home on the fertile soil. This exhausted tribe also quietly obtained the six-level achievement of one body with two sides.

After setting up a simple camp, it is necessary to plan for the future walled city. The mine is also a quarry, and the strong men in the tribe of cavemen and savages are good craftsmen. Amondo does not need to worry about these, it just takes time. With Iron Armored Beastmaster Yunmeng, Link and Mei Danzuo here, the safety in the wasteland is guaranteed for the time being, and large-scale conflicts and disputes will not spread to this place for at least one or two years.

After everything was settled, Amon told Metatron: "Stay here and help Link train warriors and teach combat, so that you can defend your homeland in future conflicts. When they build a simple wall, the warriors will also learn how to fight. Combat, you leave here and go to Memphis City to find me. I have something to do and need to go to the city-state of Syria first, and you are here to help Link."

Link and Mei Danzuo said reluctantly: "God Amon, you have successfully guided us through the trial journey. We have all become sixth-level magicians and warriors. What are you going to do now?"

Amon replied: "Moses left the title deed of Duke Town in a secret place in the city-state of Syria. I will take it out first just in case. By the way, I will also inspect the terrain of the original Black Fire Forest and complete the Temple of Isis for me." task. I know you want to follow me, but the clansmen here need you more, and it’s more convenient for me to go alone.”

The armored beast king Yunmeng carried Amon through a large swamp until he reached the edge of the Blackfire Forest. Amon said to Yunmeng: "Go back too, this swamp can't stop me, but those tribesmen live on a huge isolated island surrounded by mud, and they need your help to get in and out. You should cultivate your strength, don't Learn from those monsters to make trouble out of nothing, and protect this homeland."

Yunmeng turned back and walked away reluctantly, and Amon continued westward with Schrödinger in his big leather pocket. The Black Fire Forest has completely changed its appearance. There are still strange black shrubs growing on the strange rocks at the top, but the lower part has been flooded with mud and stagnant water. It is a swamp in the jungle. It is impossible to pass even by boat, let alone Walked on foot.

However, the Black Fire Swamp could not stop the footsteps of the great magician and great warrior Amon. Some passages in the strange rocks were very narrow, so Amon did not launch the invisible ship and walked on foot with his staff in his hand. The muddy swamp and water surface were like solid ground under his feet, and he walked casually and steadily.

Not far into the Black Fire Swamp, Amon, who was walking, suddenly stopped, put down his staff and knelt down in the muddy water to salute. Not far ahead, between two boulders protruding from the water, there was a pretty girl standing there, looking at him with a half-smile.