Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 110: A dialogue between two goddesses


Amon didn't want to talk about strength training anymore. He was afraid that there would be omissions if he talked too much, so he asked instead: "I heard that a staff can only be made of living materials, but this staff is made of horse leather, so why? What's going on?"

Yin Nanna asked back: "Didn't the person who made the staff tell you?"

Amon shook his head and said, "He is no longer here, he died in that great flood."

Yin Nanna replied: "There is only one way to give it a life-like agility, just like nourishing it with your own hard work. Only then can it be possible to turn inanimate materials into staffs, and many of the most precious magic tools need to be refined in this way. The horse leather steel is processed into a staff, which is also a warrior's weapon. It is most suitable for a magician like you who is practicing physical skills.

It's very rare for magicians to reawaken the power in your blood, and it's rare for you to practice body arts, but you were born as a miner in Duke Town, so it's not too surprising to do so. Amon, you really gave me too many surprises! I am waiting for you here because another goddess is looking for you, and she heard everything we said. "

Amon was taken aback, why is there still a goddess looking for him? At this moment, he suddenly sensed a powerful aura behind him, and turned around quickly to see a woman standing in the swamp. Of course, there is no way to judge the age of the god. She looks about twenty, wearing a light white gauze, and her bare feet are not stained with muddy water.

She appeared on the way Amon walked, but Amon didn't notice it when he came. The appearance of the god is extremely beautiful, with almost no blemishes in facial features, figure, and skin, and the dress fits perfectly, as if it grew naturally on the body, without even the traces of cutting. She wears a wreath made of branches, and the white five-petal rose powder stamens on the branches are very delicate and charming.

There was resentment in the eyes of the goddess, and she glanced over Amon's body, and said to Inanna: "Mu Yun, did you send Dumuzi to the underworld just to exchange this mortal from Erebi?"

Yin Nanna did not answer, but said to Amon: "Let me introduce, this is the goddess Peran Rose. She thought that I sent my ex-husband Dumuzi to the underworld in exchange for you. She wants to rescue Dumuzi. So I came to look for you, planning to send you back to Hades to replace Dumuzi. I heard the news, so I waited here specially. Amon, what do you think of this matter, should you be sent to Hades? In exchange for my ex-husband?"

The Queen of Hades detained Amon and asked Yin Nanna to exchange it with a man she loved. Amon knew about this, but he didn't dare to expect that Yin Nanna would really do this. It was he who asked Yin Nanna to take him into Hades, and it was his own behavior that angered the Queen of Hades. Of course, he had to bear the consequences, so he ran away without hesitation.

Amenwan didn't expect that Yin Nanna sent her "ex-husband" Dumuzi to Hades to exchange him! How can I still afford this great favor? He had read many classics about various gods in the Temple of Isis, and he also knew the names of Dumuzi and Peranrose. In human mythology, they are a pair of siblings. The relationship between the gods may be different from what mortals understand, but the relationship between these two gods is definitely not ordinary, maybe they are siblings, otherwise Peran Rose would not have rescued Dumuzi.

Polan Rose should have come to capture Amon and send him to Hades, but Yin Nanna happened to show up to stop it. How did he get involved in the love-hate entanglement between the gods? Amon couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and quickly bowed to Peran Rose: "This goddess, I asked to enter the underworld, and I also escaped from the underworld by myself. I bear the consequences for my actions and never asked anyone to come. Exchange. As for the matter of Dumuzi, I didn't know about it, and I had already left Hades at that time. I am a mortal, and I don't understand the grievances and grievances of the gods."

At this time, Peran Rose was looking at Amon. When her eyes swept over Amon just now, it was no different from looking at a stone or a tree. Although she came to look for Amon, she only talked to Yin Nanna. The surprised expression said: "Amon, you can still speak so calmly in front of the two goddesses, claiming to be a mortal, but you don't seem to regard yourself as a mortal?"

Amon replied humbly: "Goddess, you misunderstood, I just said what I should say, no matter in front of whom. And as a god, you must understand the truth of the world, which is contained in the brilliance of divinity, so you can understand the truth of the world." revered by the world."

Peran Rose stared at Amon, as if she had been trying to see through his heart, and said slowly: "I saw you cast a magic spell and walk through the swamp just now, you are already a great magician at a young age , and like Galgamesh, he actually went to practice physical skills and has the ability to escape from the underworld. No wonder Mu Yun fell in love with you. Although she can like any man, why would she send her husband to the underworld in exchange for you? ? There is no such reason in the world!"

There is really no such reason. It seems that the ballad sung by Gilgamesh is not bad. Amon and Inanna are not doing well, so they caused this kind of trouble, but he can't blame Inanna. He can only explain with a wry smile. : "My escape from Hades has nothing to do with Dumuzi. If he really wants to exchange me, Queen Erebi can't hand over someone, so he should be released. You should go to Erebi to reason, right? ?... As for this matter, this is the first time I heard of it today, Yin Nanna, why did you do this?"

Yin Nanna sneered, waved her sleeves and said, "See for yourself!" A mirage-like light and shadow appeared in midair, and Amon saw two people sitting in a gorgeous hall.

There is a beautiful girl standing in the center of the hall, swaying and dancing. The veil-like blouse just covers the highest part of her chest, and her seductive breasts are faintly visible. A gold chain is tied around the bare waist, and a tear-shaped pendant hangs from the gold chain. The pendant slapped her upturned buttocks continuously, making a pleasant ding-dong sound. On the front of the hall is a reclining chair, on which a man is half lying. He is holding a glass of wine in his hand and looking at the girl in front of him enjoying himself.

At this moment, Yin Nanna suddenly shouted: "Shubra, Dumuzi! What are you doing?" Then the girl knelt on the ground and explained in tears: "It was your husband Dumuzi who said you went to Hades, Your sister won't let you come back... He asked me to offer Yanwu and serve him sincerely, and he will find a way to save you."

After the light and shadow in midair disappeared, Peran Rose sighed, and said after a while: "Mu Yun, Dumuzi is your husband after all."

Yin Nanna snorted coldly: "It used to be, do you want such a husband? What's more, he married a god, so he will be punished for betrayal!"

Peran Rose thought for a while and said: "You are the god of youth and love, of course you always live in your so-called love. If you think Dumuzi's behavior is a betrayal that must be punished, it is not impossible , but what about yourself? You have fallen in love with all kinds of different men, why not punish yourself for betrayal

Among the men you loved, including my younger brother, the handsome Tumuzi, and the mighty and majestic Lion King, who has not been harmed? Who can tolerate you being so passionate and ruthless, what kind of punishment should you receive for hurting this love? God of youth and love, if you cannot answer my question, you will lose the supernatural power endowed by divinity. "

Does Yin Nanna have so many stories? Amon was also curiously waiting for her question and answer.

Yin Nanna replied without changing her face: "Anyone can choose whether to love or not. The person I fell in love with has never been a real god. Only my husband Dumuzi has the possibility of becoming a god, but he has never realized it. The real way. Are they the only ones who are hurt? No, you are wrong. You should look at all this from the eyes of the world.

Every time someone gets hurt, it seems to be someone I love, for one reason only, because I am a powerful god. If I were an ordinary woman in the world, with only youth and beauty but without the power of gods, what would I encounter? The person who has been hurt countless times can only be me.

For example, your brother Tumuzi, if I am either a god or her wife, then I will weep and cry in the dark underworld, but in the name of saving me, he forces my maid to dedicate herself to his search. have fun. His betrayal does not lie in whether he loves or not or who he falls in love with, but in the name of loving me to force a woman who does not love him to commit herself!

Goddess Peranrose, why can't you have your own divine domain? It's because you still don't fully understand the gods! Why do gods think that they look at everything with the eyes of gods, but have not really understood the origin of the so-called divinity? The punishment I gave Dumuzi was to give me fate in his human choice. "

This long passage is a goddess answering another goddess' questioning, which contains a lot of information about the gods. For example, Peran Rose said to Yin Nanna, "If you can't answer my question, you will lose the supernatural power endowed by the divinity." And Yin Nanna said to Peran Rose, "Why can't you have your own real divine domain? It’s because you still don’t fully understand why gods are gods!”

If Amon has realized something, but he still can't fully understand it, maybe the information will be very important when he becomes a god in the future.

Faced with Yin Nanna's sharp rhetorical questions, Peran Rose's expression became more and more serious, and she also sneered: "God of youth and love, your answer is fine, but the one you love is always in a tragic fate Reincarnation, this is not the brilliance that divinity should have. In this way, even though you have the domain of God, you will never be able to truly integrate it, unless the spell can be broken."

Yin Nanna: "This is my business, and I have been looking for it, so you don't have to worry about it."

Peran Rose: "I don't want to worry about you, I just want to save Dumuzi."

Amon, who hadn't spoken for a long time, stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, coughed and said, "You two goddesses, can you hear me, a mortal, say a few words?"