Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 22: Act thirty years ago


Thirty years ago, when the Ecu Empire learned that Bell had crossed the border of the cape city-state and fled across the Syrian Desert to the Eudi River Valley, they not only mobilized a group of magical masters and warriors from the lower Ecu to pursue and kill them, but also passed the official An official document was issued, requesting the Kingdom of Hatti, especially the city-states near the Eudi River Valley, to assist in the hunt for Bell.

So the Kingdom of Hatti issued a decree and sent it to various places symbolically. All the grownups everywhere know in their hearts that sending someone to hunt down a ninth-level great magician, not to mention whether they can find it, even if they find it, it is almost the same as courting death. It has nothing to do with them. letter only.

Duke Town also received the decree. How could they have news of Bell, let alone send blacksmiths to hunt down the great magician, so they didn't take any action at all, and of course no one would pursue it.

Later, the Temple of Isis announced that Bell had been wiped out by the saint Onion, but the officials kept secret about the incident, and no one wanted to mention Bell's name again. This matter was over and became history. But there was a tail that no one noticed. Hatti Kingdom issued a decree that would never be revoked at that time, and it forgot to revoke it afterwards. In fact, there was no need for anyone to do anything else, the matter was over, and no one would go after a great magician who had lost track of him for a long time.

What's more interesting is that Duke Town only received a decree to assist in the pursuit of Bell. Afterwards, the Eju Empire did not notify the Hatti Kingdom that Bell had been eliminated. Naturally, the Hatti Kingdom did not forward the announcement that had nothing to do with itself. Everywhere, theoretically speaking, Duke Town has no knowledge of this.

But in fact, the people in Duke Town really knew nothing about it. They had never heard of the decree thirty years ago. Except for the old lunatic, no one else even knew who Bell was. Today, Dusty turned up this decree and announced it to the public, but this decree is still valid!

The townspeople were very surprised, who is Bell? Hearing what the mayor said, he seemed to be a magician, a magician who was ordered to hunt down by the Eju Empire and the Hatti Kingdom. He must be a very difficult person to deal with. There are so many magicians and warriors. Are you sending someone from the little town of Duke? Why is the mayor so enthusiastic? Even if he wants to flatter him, he doesn't need to use this kind of thing to show his credit

While everyone was looking at each other and whispering, the old lunatic Nietzsche stepped forward and asked, "Mayor, you said that there is such a warrior in this town. Who is he?"

Dusty pointed at a certain place in the crowd with a blank expression: "The person who is favored by the gods, we have all witnessed the miracle with our own eyes, and know how the patron saint blessed him, that is Amon."

As soon as Amon heard the mayor read such a decree, he immediately understood what was going on. It was the old lunatic, Ge Lie and Dusti who had discussed last night to find an excuse to let him leave Duke Town or exile him. But others didn't understand, and someone immediately shouted: "What, Amon! The mayor is going to send a child to destroy the magician?"

Ridiculous, downright ridiculous! Not to mention chasing and killing magicians, even sending a child to the dangerous jungle is nonsense. If Mayor Dusty didn't say this, I'm afraid he would have been scolded bloody by people.

Mayor Dusty asked coldly: "Oh, then send you?"

This sentence dispelled most of the voices that tried to question, but one person walked out tremblingly, knelt down to the mayor and said, "My lord, please send me..."

This person is Amon's father, and he rarely drank too much today. The mayor of Dusty looked at him and asked blankly: "Are you a warrior? Have you ever received special favor from the patron saint? I'm sorry, I've already decided, I'll send Amon!"

Amon's father muttered and wanted to say something more, but Amon and the old lunatic had already helped him up, and whispered a few words in their ears. He was visibly shocked to hear that, but finally nodded.

The matter was decided in this way. Amon, as a warrior sent by Duke Town, went deep into the jungle to hunt down the evil great magician Bell and execute the kingdom's decree. The mayor only gave Amon an hour to go home, pack his bags and set off immediately, and did not allow anyone to send him out of town.

As a supervisor, after the crowd dispersed, Dusty personally accompanied Amon home. In Amon's memory, this was the first time that the mayor walked into his yard. Amon is a "warrior" "selected" by Duke Town, and he deserves honor. The mayor of the town did business and gave him a money bag and a knife in the name of the whole town.

Warriors also need to spend money to buy things when they go out, and they also need weapons. The knife given to Amon by the mayor is naturally a very fine iron knife. It is sharp and tough, very wear-resistant and not easy to break . It's just that the size is a little small, and the handle is less than a foot long. Instead of using it to hunt down the great magician, it is better to use it to skin and cut the prey.

Amon didn't have much stuff. He only brought the branch and two leather bags. A small leather bag could hold valuables in his bosom, and a large leather bag could hold a lot of things on his shoulder. He left all the twenty sacred stones in his hand to his father, but his father insisted that he take half of them, and he would definitely need money outside.

The mayor of Dusty said on the side: "The money Amon needs to go out should be paid by the town. I have already sent the money bag."

Amon's father opened the purse and found five sacred stones, five gold coins, ten silver coins and dozens of copper coins inside. Amon glanced at it, took out the five divine stones and said, "Father, I leave these to you, and I will take the rest."

Father shook his head straight: "You should bring all the sacred stones, and bring more sacred stones, it will be more convenient."

Dusty couldn't help interjecting again: "Old drunkard, you don't know much about the outside world. In rural taverns in many places, you only need a copper coin to drink a glass of wine. If you pay the bill with a god stone, I'm afraid even the tavern will be closed." You can buy it. You must bring change, which is convenient and not easy to cause trouble!"

A sacred stone is equivalent to twenty baht of gold. The weight of each gold coin in the mainland is one plant, and the weight of each silver coin and copper coin is half a baht. Each gold coin is worth twenty silver coins, and each silver coin is worth one hundred copper coins. In terms of conversion, if a glass of wine sells for one copper coin in a certain place, and Amon drinks a glass of wine and pays the bill with a god stone, the tavern will have to give him 39,999 copper coins!

Amon's father opened his mouth wide open. He needed one silver coin to buy a bottle of wine in Duke Town, and his small cup could only pour five cups at most. He was stunned for a long time before he said: "Son, you really You should go to the outside world!"

The mayor of Dusty left, and Amon shared the money with his father. In the end, Amon only took the money bag given by the mayor, and left all the twenty sacred stones in his hand to his father. After listening to Dusty's words, his father took another thirty silver coins and asked Amon to take them with him. This was the money Fayol gave last time.

Both the old lunatic and Amon told the drunkard that the mayor was just looking for an excuse to let Amon leave the town, because Xiao Gu wanted to take revenge on Amon and let the kid go out to hide. Everything was arranged and there was nothing to worry about. Come back later. After only the father and son were left in the room, I don't know what they said goodbye. When Amon left, there was another bottle of wine in his backpack, which was the best wine for his father.

The folks in Duke sent Amon to the east entrance of the town like a warrior, and watched him walk into the winding path in the mountains and forests. This trail is usually left by people hunting, and some people go to the edge of the mountain near the town to pick wild vegetables and fruits, and then go deeper into the high mountains and dense vegetation to block out the sun. The Youdi River runs through the deep mountains, about two hundred miles away from Duke Town.

There are wild cave dwellers in the deep mountains, and the cave dwellers are also called dwarves in the Kingdom of Barron, but Amon heard from the old lunatic that the cave dwellers are no different from the residents of Duke Town. An uncivilized state, so most people appear shorter.

Amon knew that what the old lunatic said was right. In fact, there were cavemen in Duke Town who ran out of the mountains to exchange things with the townspeople. They were often able to mine the best iron ore and the finest iron ore. Know that these are the things the townspeople like best. The cave dwellers who came to the town for exchange should be considered the smartest. They can also speak the language of the mainland, but they don't know many words.

The mine in the north of Duke Town even hired strong cavemen to help mine ore. They are very good miners. They have learned a lot after living for a long time. They are almost no different from the townspeople of Duke Town, not at all like " Savage". However, the vast majority of cave dwelling savage tribes in the deep mountains are still in a rather barbaric and ignorant state. They often attack other tribes and people passing by, which is sometimes very dangerous.

The townspeople went hunting in the mountains to the east, and rarely went deep into the mountains. Except for the old lunatic, no one else had reached the Youdi River for a hundred years. Amon didn't know where he was going. What the old lunatic told him last night was just an excuse to let him leave Duke Town to avoid disaster, but he could only go into the deep mountains by going this way.

Amon walked very simply, looking around as he walked, as if waiting for someone to appear. The old lunatic said that there are still a few last things to be explained when he leaves. He didn't see the old lunatic or Mayor Dusty in the crowd just now.

The path meanders along the steep mountain, gradually deepening, and there are tall trees in the distance, even in the sweltering weather, the shade of the trees is very cool. The sun shines on the road in sparse spots, and there are lush bushes growing beside the road, many with thorns, and wild flowers of various unknown colors. The surroundings are very quiet, but there always seems to be a dangerous aura lurking, and the occasional birdsong in the distance is so pleasant. Walking alone in the mountains alone, you will probably feel this way.

Amon walked for a long time, and he could no longer see Duke Town when he turned around. There were lush virgin jungles on all sides, and the road under his feet became more and more rugged and difficult to recognize. Turning around a mountain pass and coming to a small high slope, he saw two people standing under a big tree, and Mayor Dusty was waiting for him with the old lunatic.

Amon stepped forward and said, "Lord Mayor, Mr. Nietzsche, are you waiting for me? Is there anything else you want to explain?" The old lunatic told Amon yesterday not to call him teacher again, so today in Dusty In front of him, Amon called him Mr. Nietzsche.

The old lunatic just stared at Dusty without saying a word, and there was a lazy Schrödinger squatting at his feet. Dusty coughed as if he had to bite the bullet and took out something: "Amon, you are a warrior in this town, you deserve to be rewarded, this thing was given to you personally by me, it was inconvenient to take it out in front of other people just now. "

The old lunatic then added a sentence lukewarmly: "This is a personal gift from Rod Dick to Mayor Dusty, as a thank you for getting the tears of the gods in Duke Town. Dusty Town I think it's logical to hand it over to you, but he took a lot of things from others, while you only got thirty silver coins, and almost got a finger cut off."

Anyway, no one else was present, and the old lunatic spoke out. It was the first time Amon saw the mayor flushed with embarrassment. What the mayor handed over were two certificates in exquisite waterproof hard cowhide cases, signed by Rod Dick, the chief administrator and chief priest of the cape city-state of the Ecu Empire.

The certificates are written on high-grade Eju straw paper, which is cut and flattened from a grass stem growing on the banks of the Roni River, and processed through multiple processes. It is the most convenient writing material. One of the key commodities exported to the rest of the mainland. The high-grade papyrus that Amon saw was usually only used to write imperial official documents.

Amon was literate and could recognize that one of them was the identity certificate of an Ecu citizen, but the column where the name was written was blank, and the signature of Rod Dick and the seal of the Strait City State at the end were accurate. Whoever gets it, writing his name is tantamount to obtaining citizenship of the Ecu Empire. Rod Dick actually gave such a thing to Dusty, which is not insignificant.

Dusty himself has obtained the citizenship of the Ecu Empire, but this document can be given away, which is a great gift. It can be said that Rod Dick was very considerate in leaving such a thing. As for how Dusty handles it, it is none of his business.

Another document is the border pass of the Ecu Empire, which is the most useful for merchants. Traveling to and from various countries requires a pass issued by the border city-state, otherwise they may not be able to enter the pass, and if they are unlucky, they may even be caught as spies. stand up. Apparently it was reserved for Dusty himself, so that he could come and go for a little personal business. At the moment, under the behest or persecution of the old lunatic, Dusty also gave it to Amon.

"Son, the envoys from the Royal Capital will come to Duke Town in three days, with the decision to punish you in public. I found an excuse to let you leave. With these two things, there will be no problem with your identity. The road is difficult and dangerous, take care of yourself... Don't thank me, in fact, I should thank you. If you hadn't mined the tears of the gods, I wouldn't have received so many gifts. Even Xiao Gu made a fortune... If you have anything else to say, you can talk to Mr. Nietzsche, I’m going back to town, and I’ll see if anyone follows me.”

Dusty left, leaving only the old lunatic and Amon talking alone. The old lunatic looked at his back and said: "Dusty is a good man, you should thank him! Although he has gained a lot because of you, he put these It is also right to give to you. There are many things that a person can do or not to do. Some of them should be done, but he needs to pay a certain price. As long as he does it for you, you should be grateful. Children, you must remember This reason."

Amon nodded and said, "I remember, what else do you want to order?"

The old lunatic pointed at Schrödinger at his feet and said, "Take this cat away too."