Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 40: The Rib of the God (top)


Amon has gradually become familiar with how to control this invisible space like a big ship. He pointed his staff to the distance, and a gust of wind rolled up a wave. They lead to the invisible ship. The space of this "hull" is very large, and it is more than enough to accommodate five huge iron armored beasts.

The four big iron-clad beasts were already exhausted, and they seemed to feel very frightened in this strange space, carefully huddled and lying there, not daring to move. Only the armored beast king seemed to be a little familiar with the aura of the invisible ship. He turned his head and looked around in doubt, then shook his tail gratefully towards Amon, and got down honestly.

These armored beasts have simple intelligence, knowing that it was Amon who saved them. Since Amon dares to do this, he is not afraid of them hurting people. He has long seen that these ferocious beasts have been tortured by the flood and have lost their strength, and the invisible ship is the magic weapon space that he manipulates. He can throw these iron armored beasts back at any time. In the flood.

The invisible big ship carrying one person, one cat, and five iron-clad beasts became much heavier, but it didn't need Amon's mana to hold it up on the water, and it wasn't more difficult to maneuver than before. Under the distant peak. Facing it is a cliff slapped by waves, steep and rugged, with rocks like knives, and Schrödinger is referring to such a cliff.

Going forward, he bumped into a mountain, and Amon involuntarily slowed down. Schrödinger suddenly yelled in dissatisfaction, turned his head and glared at Amon, and swung one of his front paws firmly forward, meaning he wanted him to hit him directly.

After a series of bizarre experiences, Amon has firmly believed in the mysteries of this cat. If you want him to hit it, hit it. This is an invisible space controlled by mana. It is not a fragile object, and the worst thing is to shake it. The invisible space collided with the tangible mountain wall. Amon subconsciously clenched his staff tightly, his muscles tensed, and he arched his back slightly as if he was going to hit the mountain.

The invisible big ship hit the cliff, but there was no expected strong vibration, and it went straight through as if nothing happened!

Immediately afterwards, Amon felt that his feet were empty, and the invisible large ship fell downwards. Fortunately, the distance of the fall was not high, and it landed quickly without making a sound, but it surprised a few armored beasts to bounce off the ground. They looked to both sides in horror, not knowing what happened.

Seeing that the invisible ship suddenly passed through the cliff, and the hard rocks were as non-existent as air, Amon subconsciously looked back and saw perhaps the most bizarre scene he had ever seen in his life. The location of the cliff just now seems to be a transparent invisible barrier. You can see the flood slapping and rolling up the waves. There is a high transparent water wall behind you, but it just cannot reach the space in the mountain. .

Is this mountain wall also an invisible space created by some kind of strange force, just like the invisible big ship inspired by Amon's bone? While he was wondering, he heard Schrödinger let out an excited cry, jumped off the boat and rushed forward.

Only then did Amon turn around and look at this place. This is the bottom platform of a huge mountain depression. The mountain peak seems to have been hollowed out by a magical force, and the traces on the four walls do not seem to be formed naturally. There is a corridor leading to somewhere in the middle of the mountain, and there is a faint golden light at the end of the corridor. Schrödinger was running towards the golden light, and the hairs all over his body seemed to stand on end.

Amon waved his staff to put away the invisible ship, and this strange space turned into a bone and flew back to his hand. After all, it was the first time he had no experience in using magical artifacts. He forgot to remove the five armored beasts first, and as a result, when the bones recovered, he threw the five living creatures out. They rolled on the ground several times and became dizzy. They finally came back to their senses and looked at Amon pitifully.

The armored beast king recognized the bone in Amon's hand. It was originally something in its lair, but it didn't intend to snatch it at all. Much like a salute, apparently a gesture of awe. Although the Iron-clad Beastmaster is quite psychic, there is probably a misunderstanding in his simple mind.

Today, I saw Amon rescue it in the flood with the magical invisible ship, and then went through the mountain wall to this strange space. It turned out that the invisible ship was the bone. Obviously, Amon understands and can use this magical bone, so it should be the original owner of the bone. The reason why he went to the water pool to make trouble before should be that he regarded the armored beast king as a thief. After all this, the Iron Armored Beastmaster completely convinced Amon.

In fact, Amon himself didn't know anything, everything was directed by Schrödinger! But the armored beast king can't speak, and Amon can't explain anything to it. At this time, Schrödinger had run away without a trace, and Amon pointed to his feet with his staff: "You stay here, and if there is any change, call the police."

Seeing the iron-clad beast king's expression was a bit puzzled, obviously he didn't understand very well, and the other four big iron-clad beasts didn't seem to respond at all. Amon laughed secretly that he couldn't treat any beast as Schrödinger. I haven't had much contact with people, so it's normal not to understand what he means.

So he waved his staff to cast the magic of the earth element, briefly fixed the figures of the five iron-clad beasts, indicated their positions, and then a soft hazy white light fell in mid-air, which was the healing god for regaining consciousness and eliminating fatigue. to make them feel comfortable. The Ironclad Beastmaster was very clever, and seemed to understand Amon's intentions, and with a low growl, he ordered the four big Ironclad Beasts to turn around and face the direction of the water wall, lying there motionless.

Amon turned around and walked towards the corridor with his staff in his hand. He couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and even his throat was inexplicably dry. He was looking forward to it and was very nervous. Was this what he had been looking for, could Bell be here too? All this will not be answered until he goes in.

Seeing Schrödinger's excitement just now, it had already forgotten about Amon. This cat seemed to want to find this place more than Amon. Amon even had the illusion that it was not Schrödinger who brought him here, but the cat used him to come here! Since Schrödinger also wanted to come, why didn't the old madman come in thirty years? Isn't an eighth-level great magician more capable than a young man like Amon

The corridor was not long, and it came to an end just as Amon was thinking wildly, and then he stood still, without moving for a long time, his expression so shocked that he even forgot to breathe. There is a huge hollow in the mountain in front of you. From the outside, you can see a faint golden light from the end of the corridor, and it is even more dazzling when you walk into the middle of the mountain. The light came from a sacred stone inlaid on the top of the staff. Amon knew that it was the tear of the gods.

There are many "people" in the hollow of the mountainside. A man in a black robe stands on the central high platform, holding a staff in his hand. There is a tear of the gods inlaid in the middle of the top of the staff, and there is a golden ring near the top, which is inlaid with the pupil of the earth, the blue water heart, the charm of the wind, and the flame spirit.

It was the golden light from the tears of the gods that illuminated the entire mountainside, everything could be seen clearly, and everyone seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light.

The man in black robe held his staff high in his left hand, his posture was mighty and upright, as if he was holding a round of scorching sun in his hand, he looked extremely masculine. He held a long sword in his right hand, and his silver armor was exposed under the black cloak, and his facial features could not be seen clearly under the strong golden light. A woman was nestled in his arms, and she stretched out her hands to hug him, as if she wanted to blend in tightly and as if she wanted to stop him from doing anything. Her face was buried on his shoulder, her long brown hair fell from her back to his chest, and her figure was as graceful as soft water.

When Amon saw it, he knew inexplicably that the two people on the high platform should be the nine-level great magician Bell and the saintess of the Isis Temple.

There are many people around the high platform, and they are surrounded in three directions. In each direction, there is a magician standing in the middle holding a staff, and in front of each magician is a warrior holding a shield and wielding a sword. In addition to these nine people, there are more than ten warriors and magicians standing in various directions, waving staffs and weapons in their hands.

Amon didn't know the origin of these besiegers. Back then, three great magicians and six great warriors led the team. A total of 21 people chased and killed them here, and fought the final desperate battle with Bell.

At this moment, everyone's expressions were vivid, and there was a strange, frozen picture in front of them. In the golden light, you can see countless magic spells being performed, and the light from the weapons and weapons is like a rainbow flying all over the sky, but you can't sense any fluctuations in power. This should be just a picture of the remaining information scene.

However, upon closer inspection, this is not an illusion. These people should all be "real", standing here as they were thirty years ago. The last movement of their lives was frozen, and for some strange reason, it was preserved like a sculpture intact until thirty years later!

Judging from this scene, it should be that Bell took the saint's cane and launched the final blow. Looking at the saint Onion in Bell's arms, she obviously knows what he wants to do and what will happen. I don't know if she wants to hug him at the last moment or stop him. No one knows the answer anymore.

Schrödinger was squatting a few steps away from Amon, and he was also watching this scene fixedly, his eyes were complicated and indescribable. No one knew what the cat was thinking. After a long time, it seemed to let out a soft sigh.

The sigh made Amon recover from the shock, and he had to go over to see what message Bell left. The old lunatic asked him to come to find the secret of becoming a god.

Amon had just passed Schrödinger and took a few steps forward, when he sensed a force blocking in the golden light, this force also contained all kinds of pervasive information - there was roaring, shouting, pain, fear, and struggle The hesitation comes from all the people who are frozen. Amon subconsciously stretched out his staff to dissolve this force. He thought it would be difficult, but unexpectedly, he easily broke through the barrier of this force.

Then the astonishing scene happened again——

Introduction to the background of the gods in this chapter—

Osiris: The god of abundance in the myths and legends of Ecu, the god of protection of the Ronnie River, who came back from the dead to become the god of the underworld. Legend has it that he is the father of the king god Horus, the husband and brother of the goddess Isis.