Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 42: Melancholic cat (Part 1)


A person can become a god, but it starts with awakening the power of two sides of one body, but I think all the gods conspire to hide this secret, and divide the road of eternal life into two, which are known as divine arts and body arts, and Neither path has an end.

Practicing divine arts can obtain the power bestowed by the gods, and even finally glimpse the possibility of becoming a god, but it is impossible to pass the final test. Practicing physical skills can obtain powerful blood power, become a strong man on the mainland, and eventually be almost invincible, but cannot obtain eternity of existence.

Some great samurai have undergone the second power awakening, so they can also practice certain divine arts to assist martial arts, which makes them stronger. I have focused on the stories and legends of these great samurai for many years. Exploration is arduous and complicated. It not only contains the teacher's thinking for a hundred years, but also contains the blood and tears of countless people in history. I only say the final conclusion.

It is difficult to awaken the power given by the gods, but it is even more difficult to awaken the power of two sides of one body. In fact, those great warriors who successfully awakened their power for the second time had this possibility at the earliest. There are very few such people, but after all, there are definitely a lot of them, and some of them became warriors only because they were not qualified to learn divine arts at first.

While awakening the power of two sides of one body, it also awakens the desire of two sides of one body. Passing this test can practice first-level divine arts and first-level physical arts at the same time.

The next test is "purity of the body". This should be a test of physical skills. If you pass it, you can become a second-level warrior. After that, you need to continue to practice divine arts to be promoted to a second-level magician.

Then the third test is "firmness of faith", which is usually considered a test of divine arts. If you pass it, you can become a third-level magician. After that, you need to continue to practice physical skills to advance to a third-level warrior.

The fourth test he faced again was "purity of blood". This should be a test of physical skills. If you pass it, you can become a fourth-level warrior. After that, you need to continue to practice divine arts to advance to a fourth-level intermediate magician.

The fifth test is "The Temptation of the Devil", which is usually considered a test of divine arts. If you pass it, you can become a fifth-level magician. After that, you need to continue to practice physical skills to advance to a fifth-level warrior.

The sixth test is "Breakthrough of Limits". This should be a physical test. If you pass it, you can become a sixth-level warrior. After that, you need to continue to practice divine arts to become a sixth-level magician.

My exploration ends here, and I am only a ninth-level magician and sixth-level warrior, so that's all I can ascertain.

What follows is just a guess. The next test should be the "integration of beliefs" recorded in the magical books, and if you pass it, you can become a seventh-level great magician. This step is extremely difficult, blocking most magicians in the world from the threshold. As for how to carry out the cultivation of one body and two sides, it is still unclear. I hope that someone can continue to explore this path.

It needs to be declared that doing this is much more difficult than practicing physical and divine arts alone, and it will become more difficult later on. There may be mysteries that I don't know, and it may not be successful in the end. Even if he tries, it is very rare for people to take this path. Whether he can go to the end and glimpse the heaven where the gods reside, probably requires not only courage and wisdom, but also luck in this world.

If the person who saw these is my respected teacher, please don’t forget the three things I told you. That’s a separate message for you. I won’t write it here, and I can’t explain why for the time being.

This is the end of the information recorded in Tears of the Gods. When Bell narrated his conclusion, he also added a lot of notes in small print next to it. Amon didn't dare to get distracted at all, he was fascinated by watching, but he didn't notice that Schrödinger in the distance had closed his eyes and dozed off on his stomach. The cat came excitedly and finally saw everything, but seemed disappointed or even lost.

The golden text that appeared in the void has disappeared, and the tears of the gods still radiate light. It is quiet in the mountainside, and only the faint snoring of Schrödinger is heard carefully. Amon stood on the high platform in silence for a long time, immersed in a deep sedation, reminiscing about everything he saw just now, and had already forgotten where he was.

Bell summed up the detailed steps of cultivating the power of one body and two sides. He himself has obviously confirmed it. A ninth-level great magician also has a sixth-level body art achievement, which is almost unheard of in the Tianshu continent.

"Awakening of Desire", "Firmness of Faith", "Temptation of the Devil", "Fusion of Faith", these are all kinds of tests in the practice of magic, from an ordinary person to a great magician. , It is recorded in the divine arts classics. In Bell's notes, there is another explanation for "firmness of faith", which is the "firmness of faith" understood by Amon.

These two people have never met and are separated by decades, but their understandings are the same. Amon confirmed his experience in divine arts cultivation from Bell's annotations.

But for physical training, the awakening of power also awakens another impulsive desire, followed by tests such as "purity of the body", "purity of the blood", and "breakthrough of the limit". These are not clearly recorded in the classics of physical arts. The old lunatic discovered some rules that were ignored by people and made some conclusions. Bell obviously went further on the basis of his teacher.

The road ahead of Amon is already very clear. The first is to awaken the power of the two sides of one body, and then through the "awakening of desire" (level one) - "purity of the body" (level two) - "firmness of faith" (level three) )—"Purity of Blood" (Level 4)—"Temptation of the Devil" (Level 5)—"Breakthrough of Limits" (Level 6).

Bell's testimony ends here, and Amon needs to explore the road ahead. As far as he knows, he has never heard of anyone who can become a great magician and a great warrior at the same time.

Although Bell left a lot of comments, some of them are still very concise. For example, the beginning of awakening the power of two sides of one body is just a sentence. Unless the old madman comes in person, it is not easy for others to understand. Now it's not the old lunatic but Amon, and he can easily see it.

Bell also made a point that everyone may have a different emphasis on abilities, or have different personal preferences. For example, some people are good at fighting with swords, while others like the air and prestige of wielding a staff. These do not affect the cultivation of both sides of the body. For example, those who choose to be warriors only need to meet the requirements of basic meditation when practicing divine arts, and do not need to practice various complicated divine arts skills; , when practicing physical skills, you only need to exercise the strength of your blood, and you don't have to learn various complicated fighting skills.

If any kind of ability is to be exerted to the extreme, it may take a lifetime of energy to achieve it, and the road itself is so difficult, so it is reasonable to first meet the most basic requirements and then focus on it.

After reading Bell's information, Amon still has two questions. One is the bone, said to be the relic of the Temple of Isis, the rib of Osiris. His previous guess was really good, it was really the bones of a god, at least it confirmed Nietzsche's crazy saying that the immortal gods will also fall, or Osiris is just a demigod.

Amon only knew that Osiris was the father of the king god Horus believed by the Ejus, and there were statues of Isis and Osiris in the Temple of Horus in the town of Duke. As for what happened to this rib, Amon didn't know anything about it. Holding it in his hand was like a dream, but it was extremely real.

The puppet eye detection can't sense this bone, and the puppet eye detection can't sense Schrödinger. Is that cat also a god? This is Amon's second question, but Bell didn't mention any information about Schrödinger at all.

Thinking of this, Amon couldn't help but look back at Schrödinger, only to find that it had already dozed off on the ground, with a listless and lazy look, and it was not at all similar to that superior god. Amon also felt that his idea was a bit funny .

Perhaps a human soul was sealed in the body of Schrödinger's cat, otherwise how could it be able to write? And it was written in divine script! But this kind of speculation can't explain how a cat can survive thirty long years, and can still travel through the steep canyon and jungle to the town of Duke.

Forget it, if you can’t figure it out, don’t force yourself to think about it. If Schrödinger was willing to say that it would have already said it, even the old lunatic would not know that this cat can write, and it seems that Amon can’t force it to do anything. It was the cat who had guided him here and obtained all the information Bell left, and he should only be grateful.

The tears of the gods are still hanging in the air, the most urgent thing is to put away this precious god stone first, the old lunatic's token can only read the information left in it, Amon still needs to use the rib of the god of the underworld to collect the tears of the gods . How to use it Bell has already said that the minimum requirement is a third-level magician or magician who has practiced mid-level space magic, and Amon is just that.

To be on the safe side, Amon did not collect the Tears of the Gods first, but experimented with various things scattered on the ground. The space artifact can hold a lot of things, as if it can carry another space. This is the treasure that many magicians dream of. And Amon already has two pieces in his hands, one is this bone, and the other is the unusable Wind Charm Dance.

Various weapons, armors, staffs, precious ornaments and unused scrolls are scattered on the ground, each of which is a good thing! Although some weapons and armor have become fragments, the materials are still very precious. Mei Danzuo once carried the horse leather embryos all the way to the Royal City of Baron, so isn't the forged horse leather steel more valuable

Amon doesn't have the habit of wasting things, even if he doesn't use them himself, it's good to give them to others.