Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 43: Melancholic cat (below)


Some of these things were still intact, and Amon couldn't help thinking that Medanzo didn't have a decent armor yet, and Link didn't even have a real staff. There is a special way to make a staff. It is not that a sacred stone is embedded in the bone to make a staff. It just plays the role of a sacred stone and looks like a staff.

Thinking of this, Amon held the bone in his hand and pointed in all directions, and cast the space magic to stimulate the bone to absorb everything with mana, and he happened to be barely successful. At the moment of success, the speed of ingesting things by the space magic was extremely fast, and almost all the artifacts inspired by his mana disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Amon suddenly let out a short exclamation, leaned forward and knelt down on the ground with a plop, and his bones fell to the ground. His right shoulder was so painful that it was not dislocated. If he hadn't let go quickly, his forearm might have been broken due to the force of the sudden fall. That bone became extremely heavy in an instant. Even if Amon was already a third-level warrior who could kill a cow with one punch, he couldn't lift such a heavy object with one hand.

But when the bones fell to the ground, they were light and fluttering, without making much noise, as if the weight hadn't increased at all. This feeling is too strange. The space artifact has ingested so many items. Amon holds the weight of everything in his hand, but the bones are still as light as before when they fall on the ground. It's just that Amon, who is a spellcaster, Can't hold it!

No wonder Bell said that the ability for a third-level magician to use this space artifact is only a theory, and it is actually impossible. It seems that the more advanced space magic has other mysteries, which Amon cannot grasp at present.

Since he couldn't lift it, Amon had a stupid way. He simply knelt on the ground and held the bone with his hands without picking it up. He used the magic of space again to stimulate it, and he could sense that there seemed to be another space in the bone. Those things are all in there. He used the magic of space to take out these things one by one, and then stood up again holding the light bones.

Amon took the bones and thought about it for a long time, and finally made a decision. Since he couldn't take all the things away, he would pick the best ones and keep them within the weight he could carry. With the strength of a third-level warrior, he can already pick up a lot of things.

There are many things that Amon doesn't know very well, and he didn't have time to carefully identify them one by one. He only picked out intact ones, including two suits of armor, four long swords, a shield, three javelins, two battle axes, and three daggers. staff, eight scrolls, and nine scattered ordinary divine stones. After thinking about it for the last time, he also took the headgear of Saintess Connie into the bone.

These things are quite heavy, and ordinary people can't handle them together, but Amon can barely lift them. Then he did an experiment, carefully put the bone into the leather pocket on his shoulder and let go, and as expected, the leather pocket did not change, indicating that the weight of the bone did not increase as he felt, otherwise The shoulder strap must have snapped off.

The weight of all the objects in the invisible space only acts on him, the caster, which is very troublesome, but at the same time he feels a little fortunate, otherwise it would be really difficult to find a place for this bone. The bone is in a retracted state, and it can take in many things and use it as a space magic weapon, but it cannot hold living things. Amon had already confirmed this when he came. At that time, he put away the invisible ship and threw all five iron-clad beasts out.

After finishing all this, Amon took the bone out of the leather pocket again, stretched out his hand and pointed at the tears of the gods in the air, and sure enough, the shining golden god stone suddenly disappeared and was absorbed into the invisible artifact in space.

The mountainside was suddenly dark, and then he heard the roar of the armored beast and the sound of water hitting the rocks from the other side of the tunnel. Amon quickly took out a sacred stone and threw it into the air, and the soft white light illuminated the surroundings again. I saw a few armored beasts running into the mountainside hall from the corridor in a panic, their bodies still dripping with water.

It turned out that at the moment Amon put away the tears of the gods, the illusory cliff outside like a transparent barrier suddenly disappeared, and a wall of water several people high poured in, submerging the place where several iron armored beasts were. They didn't know what happened, and they were frightened by the flood, so they fled in and reported to Amon.

The old lunatic once said that Bell is best at information magic and space magic. Back then, his attainments in these two kinds of magic were unmatched in the entire Ecu Empire. It seems that the "cliff" outside is a magical space created by Bell inspiring the tears of the gods. It is both a disguise and a barrier, sealing everything that happened here in the mountainside until Amon's arrival.

It was already dark at this time, and Amon didn't want to risk crossing the dark flood in the wind and rain. Besides, he was already quite tired from using mana continuously today, and needed to rest, meditate and recover his strength. He put away the sacred stone, and the mountainside was plunged into darkness again. Amon sat on the stone platform in the darkness, with his back to the corridor, looking in the direction of the cave wall with the engraved words, and sat quietly all night.

The next day was still full of wind and rain, and there was constant rolling thunder in the distance. When he walked outside the corridor, he was faced with a mighty flood. platform. It was still dark under the cover of dark clouds, but after dawn, the mountains in the distance could be seen after all.

Amon excited the bones and expanded them into an invisible large ship, leading Schrödinger and the five iron-clad beasts through the flood and on their way home.

Whether it's a human, a cat or an iron-clad beast that lost its home, everyone has their own thoughts. There was almost no sound along the way, and the invisible ship drifted slowly on the flood. When the bones unfold into an invisible big boat that can carry them across the water, you can also see the things in the invisible space that Amon photographed are piled up on the boat at this moment. It is said that Schrödinger should be very interested. It is so exciting to see its appearance first. Want to enter the mountainside.

Amon found that the cat's mood was a little bit wrong, it looked very melancholy, Schrödinger was lazy and greedy before, but later he was lazy and showed off, but he had never seen it so melancholy! Amon was not used to this melancholy cat.

The old lunatic is dead, and today it is finally confirmed that Bell has fallen thirty years ago. Of course, this is not good news. Although he got the information he wanted, everything should be perfect, but Amon's expression was inexplicably heavy, and he looked very melancholy, but no one could talk to him, so he said to the cat: "Schrödinger, you What's the matter? You look sad, are you also sad for Bell and Cong Ni?"

The cat squatted on the bow as if it didn't hear him, and ignored him.

Amon asked again: "Schrödinger, are you looking for something and haven't found it? Can you tell me... Also, what is your origin and why do you write divine script?"

Schrödinger still looked forward with a melancholy expression, and continued to treat Amon as air.

After pondering for a long time, Amon finally expressed the question in his heart: "Schrödinger, are you also a god? Why can't the puppet eye sensor detect your existence? ... Or is someone's soul sealed in the cat's body?" in the body?"

Schrödinger sneezed, lay down and pretended to be asleep, and simply ignored Amon.

Amon was at a loss, and finally said: "I haven't eaten all day and night, Schrödinger, are you hungry? I'll cook something delicious for you!"

Schrödinger didn't respond, but the armored beast king suddenly sneezed, glanced at Amon and let out a low growl. How can there be food on this boat? Unless the armored beast is slaughtered for barbecue.

God Amon suddenly left the village and didn't come back all day and night. Link and the clansmen were very disturbed, but they didn't know where he went. Everyone waited anxiously at the two entrances of the village early in the morning. A little flustered, like losing something most important.

When it was close to noon, someone suddenly shouted in surprise: "Look, that's the servant of the gods! That god cat!"

From a distance, Schrödinger came out of the woods, walking lazily with a melancholy expression, as if he hadn't seen the people standing at the entrance of the village at all. Link had already run out of the village entrance to greet him with a bone stick in his hand, but suddenly jumped so high, he yelled "Aww", turned around and ran back.

In the dense forest behind Schrödinger, five huge iron-clad beasts emerged in a row, and the middle one was the iron-clad beast king that Link almost killed. But these armored beasts looked very strange, slowly crawling behind Schrödinger, like five docile kittens.

Seeing that the "wise and brave" patriarchs were frightened like this, the cave dwellers also panicked and exclaimed. Some people were already going to run back to get weapons. At this time, a voice shouted: "Don't panic, these iron-clad beasts have been subdued by me, and I brought them back!" Following the voice, Amon also walked out of the bushes with his iron staff in his hand.

The exclamation of the crowd turned into cheers, and Link, who was running back, turned around and greeted him again, shouting from a long distance: "God Amon, you are finally back! The clansmen are waiting, you brought It’s a miracle!” Although he was very happy, he didn’t dare to approach them, and he still avoided those big iron-clad beasts with a look of lingering fear.

Amon said: "I went to the flood to do something, and I rescued these beasts, don't worry about me. Link, come with me, I have something to ask you."

After the clansmen dispersed, Link ordered someone to deliver delicious barbecue, which was the antelope that was hunted just yesterday, and it was deliciously grilled with seasonings. Amon first served Schrödinger a plate and put it away before letting Link sit down to eat with him.

Those armored beasts just stayed outside the house where Amon lived, and the clansmen hid far away and did not dare to approach them. Link had been tugging on Amon's sleeve when he came in just now, not daring to take a step away.