Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 48: You are my only god


When Link is surprised, he always has a habit of opening his mouth so wide that he can swallow a fist. At this moment, he forgot to even open his mouth. Looking at the staff in Amon's hand, his face turned red all of a sudden, his hair stood on end, and he murmured in his nose for a long time, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

Amon walked over and put the staff in his hand, and then Link came to his senses, prostrated himself on the ground and said, "God Amon, I'm not dreaming!"

Back then when Amon gave Mei Danzuo a divine stone, Link was so envious that his mouth was watering. He didn't expect that there were seven divine stones inlaid on this staff! He is also a three-pole magician now, and of course he understands that the staff itself that can be inlaid with seven sacred stones is much more valuable than the sacred stones.

Money came second, and there was no need to spend money in this tribe of cave dwellers. Such a thing was something that he, a small tribe leader, could only dream of.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the staff. He saluted Amon while rubbing his eyes, holding the staff in his hand and touching it again and again. Amon smiled and said: "I promised you, I should have given it to you two months ago."

Link looked at the staff very cherished, swallowed and said, "But it's too expensive, how can I accept it? You'd better keep it for yourself."

Amon smiled and waved his hands: "Things always have their uses. It is impossible for a miner to use several sledgehammers at the same time. You lack a real staff, and I have other staffs... It has been two years, and you have been entertaining me and my cat with delicious food and wine for such a long time, and all the clansmen regard me as a god, I feel that this is not enough to thank you."

Link quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, how can you talk like that? Selling all the good things in our clan, I'm afraid it's not worth half of the staff... Since you have other staffs, Then I will temporarily accept it, thank God Amon for the gift!"

Amon: "Get up and talk, the staff is yours, put it away... The characteristic of this staff is that there is no difference in attributes, it can amplify various magical effects, and it activates very fast, faster than yours. A bone stick is too strong. But you have to pay attention, don’t use the staff to take advantage of tricks when practicing divine power, and only use it as a help when mastering divine skills.”

Link nodded excitedly and said: "I remember, you also said before, try not to use my patriarchal scepter when practicing strength, in fact, I feel that it is almost the same, but it is different with a staff, in the future I will definitely pay attention...Medan Zuo hasn't been here for a long time, and he is probably practicing magic at home behind closed doors, if he sees this staff, I don't know how envious he will be!"

Amon coughed lightly and said, "Link, this staff is for you to practice and perform magical arts, not for you to show off. You envied Mei Danzuo at the beginning, but now you want Mei Danzuo Zuo envies you, if you compare it like this, I might as well give nothing at all."

Link was taken aback, and hurriedly replied solemnly: "I must remember your reminder, I will only cherish it and never show it off." Then he carefully carried the staff into his arms.

Amon suddenly stretched out his hand and took out a crescent-shaped long-handled ax out of nowhere, which shone silvery under the firelight, and handed it to Link, "I'll give you another weapon. In this deep mountain jungle, The ax should be the best. You are not only a magician, but also a tripolar warrior, so you should have a decent weapon."

Link took the axe, almost moved to tears, not knowing what to say. Amon didn't seem to want to bother, he waved his hand and said, "Sit down, I'm going to teach something new today, I'll only say it once, you have to remember it carefully."

Amon taught Link all kinds of middle-level divine arts, which were the same as the information he had just obtained from the Pupil of the Earth, without any reservations, including the skills of making various divine artifacts to Link. Link has been learning to write for more than a year, and Amon even taught divine script, which saved him the trouble of learning it again.

Not only that, he even taught intermediate physical skills, but Amon himself was not good at martial arts, and only told Link the most basic physical exercise methods, mainly to enhance the strength in the body and blood. Finally, he said solemnly: "Link, I have awakened the power of two sides of one body for you. It is different from other cultivation methods. You are not only a warrior but also a magician. I think you already know what a magician is. right?"

Link smiled: "Of course I know, but in my tribe, how can there be such particulars? You are a god, God Amon!"

Amon tried his best to keep a straight face and said: "Of course it doesn't matter here, no one will hold you accountable for learning magic arts privately, but if one day you go outside the mountain, you can't easily reveal your identity, so I remind you not to show off That staff. The purpose of your study of divine arts is to master magical powers, not to show off to others."

Link shook his head and nodded for a while today, his head was almost like grass in the whirlwind, and he nodded quickly again: "I remember, God Amon, what do you have to say?"

Amon's expression became serious, and he said seriously: "The most important thing is, you can only practice magic in the way I taught you!"

Of course there is a reason for him to say this. Bell summed up the path to becoming a god, regardless of body skills and divine skills, one must pass various tests in turn. Amon taught it to Link in this way, and hoped that he would follow this path without making other deviations and mistakes. The old lunatic once said with emotion that if you take the wrong path at the beginning, the farther you go, the harder it may be to return to the right path.

It's not easy for Amon to explain the reason to Link, these are his secrets. But Link didn't ask any further questions, and solemnly raised his staff and swore: "Amon, you are my only god!"

What he said was interesting, but seeing Link's serious expression, Amon froze for a moment and wanted to laugh, but in the end he nodded seriously: "It's okay to understand this way, and it will help your faith become stronger. I'm leaving tonight Here, I hope you will practice well and take good care of the people here."

Link was taken aback, stepped forward and asked with wide eyes, "Why, are you leaving?"

Amon nodded sadly: "Yes, the time is up, I should go. I can't stay here forever, and I still have my own way to explore."

Link: "Where are you going?"

Amon: "I'm going to travel the mainland, and the first stop I want to go to is King Baron to see Metatron." He has never traveled far, and although he plans to travel to the mainland, the only place he can think of is Metatron. , Let's go first and talk later.

Link said with great reluctance: "I also want to go on a long trip with you to see the world outside the mountain, but I am the patriarch and need to protect the tribe. In the future, I will choose a qualified patriarch and I will be able to go to the mountain. I'm out... where can I find you?"

Amon: "The future will be discussed in the future. I don't know where I am going to travel. You can wait here for me to come back. If you really want to go outside the mountain, you can also go to Medan Zuo, but you must be careful when you go out." .”

Link grabbed Amon's sleeve: "You must also be careful." After saying this, he felt that his worries were a bit unnecessary. Amon is almost omnipotent like a god, so there is nothing to worry about Woolen cloth? After thinking about it, he added: "God Amon, many people outside the mountain are very bad, you have to be careful of them."

Amon patted Link on the shoulder: "Thank you for reminding me, I know, I have seen bad guys." His body has grown very fast over the past year, and his height is no different from that of a strong adult. Not particularly strong, but very well-proportioned and fit.

Before he knew it, he was already half a head taller than Link, and the clothes he wore when he first came could no longer be worn. Now he was wearing leather robes sewn by the most skillful girls in the tribe of cave dwellers. He wears burlap underwear, and a pair of finely woven sandals under his feet.

The two leather pockets that the old lunatic gave him back then looked ordinary, but they were very sturdy and durable, and up to now there is not even a sign of wear and tear. Amon put the big leather bag across his shoulders and the small leather bag in his arms, and left the village in the dark with the iron branch staff.

Schrödinger was still soundly asleep, and Amon carried it out of the grass nest and put it in his leather pocket. For more than a year, Schrödinger has been depressed and melancholy, and Amon has never heard it call again, let alone wrote a word of divine script. He had wanted to communicate with the cat many times, coaxing it to talk softly, but Schrödinger just seemed too lazy to talk to him.

Link was the only one who sent Amon out of the village for a long time, and he was reluctant to go back. In the end, Amon stopped and said, "Go back, you can't keep sending it down like this, just go back from here."

Link's eyes were red, and he said pitifully, "God Amon, don't forget about me!... The past year or so has really been like a dream, an incredible dream!"

Amon is also very reluctant. He has lived here for nearly two years. The tribe not only regards him as a god, but also gives him the highest courtesy and best enjoyment that the tribe can provide, and everyone is his friend. At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the bushes by the roadside, and the iron-clad beast king led four big iron-clad beasts out, watching Amon's low humming.

Amon turned around and said: "Are you coming to see me off too? Protect the people here, especially you, Beastmaster, I will name you Yunmeng... Yunmeng, I know you can practice magic, I will Come back to see you."

The armored beast king could already understand Amon's words now, and kept nodding while lying on the ground. At this time Schrödinger suddenly jumped out of his leather pocket, looking at the distant mountains full of tree shadows, wondering what he was thinking. Only Amon knew that it was looking in the direction of the peak it had been to, although it could not be seen from here.

"Schrödinger, we should go." Amon called. But Schrödinger didn't seem to hear it, and was still staring into the distance in a daze. It has always reacted in this way when Amon spoke in the past year.

Amon asked helplessly: "Do you want to stay here or continue to follow me? To be honest, I really hate you! But if you like this place more, just stay."

Schrödinger seemed to hesitate for a moment, but quickly made a decision, jumped back into Amon's leather pocket and went to sleep, not sure if it fell asleep.

It is very dangerous to cross the mountains in the dark, but for Amon, an intermediate magician who has mastered the divine detection technique, everything can be sensed clearly, and there is no difference between night and day. Unless the beasts in the forest are as incredible as Schrödinger, he doesn't have to care.

A mid-level magician has a high status in the city-states of the Tianshu Continent, but Amon, a magician who lives in seclusion in the mountains, doesn't understand their habits at all, neither good nor bad. is a different path. For example, it is impossible for a noble magician to risklessly travel through the mountains at night, use up precious mana to cast detection spells overnight, and do not use a staff.

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of many magicians, is probably as incredible as Schrödinger in the eyes of Amon!

Amon had to cross the mountains and reach the lower reaches of the Youdi River, which is the junction of the desert and the valley plain, and also the border between Hatti and Barun, and then cross the Yudi River at a place where the water is wide and gentle, and then continue to the city of Baron. This road is very long. After half a month of walking, Amon gradually saw a mountain village. It was not a cave dweller, but a resident of the border of Baron.

His straw sandals were worn out, and he replaced them with another pair that Link had prepared for him. When he was in the caveman village, only he and Link wore shoes. This journey is day and night, regardless of whether it is day or night and sunny or rainy. When you feel tired, you can sit down and rest to recover your physical strength and mana, and then continue on your way.

He brought enough food with him, all kinds of secret delicious meat floss that can be preserved for a long time, and dehydrated wild vegetables and green beans were added to it, all placed in the strange space of that bone. Every evening, Amon would stop to cook a pot of delicious meat and vegetable soup for Schrödinger, and he knew that it was used to eating at this time. Schrödinger was always listless, but he would eat clean every time.

Half a month later, Amon was almost at the edge of the mountain, and he suddenly realized that he might have made a mistake. On the way, not only did he not get entangled with the beasts in the mountains, but he also avoided other tribes of cave dwellers. When he saw a place with people in it these days, he subconsciously avoided it and continued on his way, until now he has not even come into contact with a single person.

He was not fleeing but traveling the mainland. Finding Metanzuo was not his real purpose. He came out of the mountains just to experience more things in the world. Thinking of this, Amon changed direction and no longer walked in the wilderness, but headed towards the Youdi River where there are people.

It's strange to say that Amonte came across several villages one after another yesterday, and Amonte intended to bypass the villages, but today he wanted to find a place with people, but he didn't see any people after walking all night. At dawn, he heard the sound of running water. He had climbed over a mountain and came to the edge of the rushing Youdi River. In front of him were grasslands and rolling hills. From a distance, he could see sheep grazing, like pieces of grass floating in the green field. white clouds.

Finally out of the mountain, Amon spread his arms and took a deep breath. The cheerful scenery in front of him also made him feel much brighter. At this moment, he suddenly heard a woman crying not far away. This voice made him very curious, he had been looking for a place with people, he was naturally happy to hear the voice, but this woman was crying so sad

Schrödinger poked his head out of the leather pocket, turned his ears around, and wrinkled his forehead like a human being, seeming puzzled, then retracted his head back, and closed the mouth of the leather pocket with his paws, I don’t know It is too noisy or does not want people to see themselves.

Walking through a grassy slope, Amon finally saw a young girl, wearing a burlap skirt and a pair of sandals on her feet, who was sitting there covering her face and crying, her shoulders still twitching.

"Why are you crying so sadly? What happened, can I help you?" Amon asked while standing on the grassy slope.

The girl was startled by his voice, stood up and took a few steps back and asked in a panic: "Who are you? Why don't I know you? Why did you suddenly appear in this place?"

Amon's appearance is indeed quite strange, the weather is already very hot, but he is still covered with animal skins, and he is leaning on a long branch like an old man's crutch in his hand, but he looks like a young boy.

Amon was also secretly taken aback. He swore he didn't know this girl, but somehow he felt familiar. He must have seen her somewhere, but it was impossible for him to actually meet her. Seeing that the girl seemed to be very scared, he quickly explained: "I am a hunter in the deep mountains. I lost my way looking for prey, and somehow came here. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest town? If you encounter any trouble , I can help you as much as possible."

The girl took another step back, subconsciously wrapped her arms around her chest and wrapped her sarong tightly, lowered her head and replied shyly in panic: "You, you, why are you looking at me like this?"

Amon inexplicably felt that she looked familiar, but he was surprised that he didn't know this person at all, and she was the first person he had seen in half a month, so he would inevitably look him up and down carefully, keeping his eyes on the girl all the time. As a young man, it seemed impolite or otherwise.

The girl stood up and showed her face, and it was only then that Amon realized that she was very beautiful. Both her facial features and figure had an indescribably shy style. Although she was wearing a shabby skirt, her skin was very tender. The weather is relatively hot, her clothes are slightly loose but very thin, her arms and calves are exposed, her skin is moist and indescribably attractive. Look at her gentle ups and downs, almost impeccable, with a mature breath in her youthful vitality.

The movement of her subconsciously wrapping her hands around her chest made her dress taut, her breasts were plump, and she pushed up her neckline to reveal her sexy cleavage. Her expression and tone were not so much questioning, but another kind of provocation and temptation. It's a pity that Amon has no experience in this area at all, and he didn't even react. He just realized that it was impolite for him to stare at others like that.

He quickly explained: "You are the first person I have met in half a month, and I think it looks familiar. I was curious when I heard you crying just now, so I came here to ask. This is the wilderness, why are you alone Man, what happened?"

The girl seemed to be curious too, she raised her bright eyes to look at him, and said in a low voice, "My name is Yin Nanna, and I am a shepherdess slave by the Youdi River. My sheep is lost and I can never find it again. Will be punished, waiting for the master's whip... So I cry, good hunter, what is your name, can you help me find the lost lamb?"