Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 5: I'm looking for someone


The square fell silent for a while, and the words of Aristotle were finally summed up by the old lunatic—"God has proved that Amon has been granted and blessed, and learning skills is the manifestation of miracles." It's hard to refute, unless someone stands up and shouts: "The artisan skills passed down from generation to generation in Duke Town do not need the blessing of the guardian god." Doubt has been implanted in the soul.

Even if there are doubters, they can only struggle secretly and repent amidst doubts, because once they speak out, they will be abandoned by everyone around them. So this is not a question of whether you are willing to believe, but you must express your piety, which is also protecting yourself.

Seeing that no one spoke, the old lunatic turned his head and said to Aristotle: "Sir, your argument just now contains many dangerous assumptions. I wonder if you are aware of it?"

Aristotle saw Nietzsche's eyes, and there was a mocking sneer in the old man's eyes. Only Aristotle knew in his heart that if his syllogism was changed to a major premise, it would indeed lead to dangerous conclusions. For example, if the child does not have the permission of the patron saint, and he has learned the skills of a miner, it means that he does not need the permission of the patron saint to learn the skills of a miner.

This is the reason why the onlookers felt something was wrong but couldn't point out what was wrong. No one dared to deny the oracle, because that was the starting point of everything and must be the main premise, but when the old lunatic asked Aristotle, he was obviously implying something.

Amon has been standing stubbornly, but at this moment his body trembled again involuntarily, he turned his head to look at Aristotle with a grateful expression, and then looked at the old lunatic in puzzlement. Unlike others, Amon obviously heard the old lunatic's overtones. Nietzsche was not only asking Aristotle back, but these words seemed to remind him of something.

The turmoil in Amon's heart was no less than when he was forced to question by Xiao Gu just now. Many thoughts flashed through his mind. This debate contained many unbelievable and unspoken assumptions, such as: Goddess Mu Yun is not It exists, Goddess Mu Yun exists but does not pay attention to it at all, learning miner skills does not require the blessing of the patron saint, if blessings are needed, it may also be another god... and so on.

Amon's face turned red, as if he was drunk, and his expression was a little dazed. For this miner's son, it was really hard to digest so many thoughts in an instant. But today, he happened to be the party involved in this incident, so he had to think about it.

Aristotle seemed to understand Nietzsche's sneer, put his hand on his chest and smiled and said: "I am not disrespectful to any gods. The devotion to the gods comes from our heart's wishes, not what we ask for. People should be devout to their beliefs, but God's existence is independent of someone's will."

He cleverly avoided this kind of interrogation, and the old lunatic didn't continue to pester him, but turned around and said coldly to Xiao Gu: "There is only one explanation for this matter, and that is your lord priest." Your actions have damaged the brilliance of Goddess Mu Yun, and the goddess did not bless Amon through you, the priest. We all know that the brilliance of the goddess is eternal, but the loyalty of the priest has to be tested... Lord Mayor, you see, since Everyone is here, how should we deal with this priest?"

Xiao Gu's face turned pale, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his legs trembled a little. He never expected that the situation would take such a turn for the worse, and the person facing the questioning turned out to be himself. The words of the old lunatic clearly questioned whether he still had the qualifications to continue serving as a priest. He clearly read two words from the eyes of the old lunatic - cruel!

But Mayor Dusty on the side remained silent, just watching the excitement with a cold eye.

It has been too long since Xiao Gu lived high in Duke Town, and he gradually forgot how he got into this position in the first place. Everything was thanks to the help of the old lunatic. The old lunatic said: "You are a very straightforward person, and you are also very smart. More importantly, your humanity in the world is very real. There is really no one in this town who is more suitable than you to be the priest and clerk of the temple. "

But Xiao Gu sat in this seat for a long time, and gradually made friends with those noble adults in the city-state, and even had a secret ambition for the position of Mayor Dusty, but ignored the old lunatic who had never shown himself for many years. The old lunatic is so sharp when he doesn't speak crazy words. Does this mean that he wants to ruin his future in public? Just like helping him sit in this seat back then

Xiao Gu took a step back and said loudly: "Oh, Mr. Nietzsche, it seems that this is a complete misunderstanding. I didn't know that you had received the oracle from the great goddess Mu Yun in your dream. Although this is rare , but it’s not like it didn’t happen. According to the records of the gods, when there was no temple in Duke Town, it was Goddess Mu Yun who directly blessed the earliest craftsmen in the town and taught us the skills passed down from generation to generation... Amon, he It is a child favored by the goddess."

Xiao Gu threw out the records of the divine book in a hurry. This is also the legend of Duke Town since ancient times, explaining the origin of the craftsmanship of the craftsmen here. Later, people built magnificent temples based on such legends. It was many, many years ago. thing. It doesn't matter whether to deal with Amon now, Xiao Gu has to protect himself first.

The mayor of Dusty finally spoke aside, nodded with a half-smile and said: "Yes, there is indeed such a record in the divine book...Mr. Aristotle, you just said that you came here to do something for Lord Dick, What's the matter? Don't be delayed by our quarrel."

The mayor obviously wanted to interrupt, and Aristotle replied: "Miss Maria, no, Lady Maria is not feeling well, and the servant who serves her happens to be ill. I need to find a servant in the town to serve Mary." Lord Leah, it takes about three days for this person to be able to do heavy work."

Dusty was a little puzzled, thinking to himself that Rod Dick had so many followers, why did he need to find a servant in the town? But he was very knowledgeable and didn't say much, and asked gently: "What kind of person do you need to find?"

Aristotle glanced at Amon casually, and said unhurriedly: "First, it cannot be a woman who has had a man; second, it cannot be an adult man; No dust, no mud under the nails."

"Fourth, he must have a pure heart; fifth, he must be favored and recognized by the goddess Isis." Just after Aristotle finished speaking, the old lunatic added two more, today his words It seems very much.

Aristotle was slightly startled, then nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, there are these two, is there such a person in the town? If there is, the reward is one gold coin per day, Lord Dick's generous order People admire."

As soon as Dusty heard the three conditions mentioned by Aristotle, he understood that if Maria's original servant fell ill, it would be really difficult to find such a person among Lord Dick's entourage. These are actually Gabriel's requirements. When she got the tears of the gods, she asked Maria to follow the standards of a saint in all her daily life, because she will become a real saint in the near future.

Gabriel mentioned five conditions, but Aristotle only mentioned the first three, because for the residents of Duke Town, the latter two conditions are the same whether they say it or not, and if they say it, everyone will find it. Unexpectedly, the old lunatic completed it casually.

The residents of Duke Town usually deal with furnace fires and ores. In the past few days, the mayor of the town has ordered to pay all taxes in arrears for this season, and a huge caravan has come to the town. Every household is starting work without stopping the fire, or In order to pay taxes, or to mine the sacred stone in exchange for more commodities in time.

It's really hard to find a person here who doesn't have ashes in his hair and mud in his nails. There are only three in the entire square: Dusty, Xiaogu, and Amon. Amon was very clean. He had just bathed in the cold spring at night, and even washed his clothes, and then dried them in the rising sun in the morning. After getting dressed, he returned to the town.

The old lunatic smiled: "It's really lucky. We have one and only one person here who meets the conditions you mentioned. He is a child and underage, and you also know why he is standing here. It is because of the favor of Goddess Isis... Amon , you go with this gentleman... this gentleman, please pay his father three gold coins."

The mayor also walked down the steps, patted Amon on the shoulder very rarely, and said, "Son, follow this gentleman quickly, do everything according to his orders, and don't neglect the most distinguished guest in this town .”

The crowd parted ways, and Aristotle led Amon away. Before Amon left, he helped his father who was kneeling on the ground up, and the old lunatic whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, there are only good things and no bad things, and you don't have to worry about this place anymore."

After Amon left, the crowd did not disperse. The old lunatic still stood at the front and said to the mayor: "The priest of the temple used the ancient sacred book to prove that Amon was not at fault, and he was blessed by Goddess Mu Yun. It just proves that the priest has forgotten the oracle of the divine book and has been blinded. If our honored guest hadn’t reminded him, Master Xiao Gu would have cut off one of his fingers. Lord Mayor, Mr. High Priest, how should we deal with this? Woolen cloth?"

Xiao Gu's cold sweat that had just dried up just now flowed down again. He didn't expect the old lunatic to be so cruel today. If he insisted on this problem and spread it to the ears of the priests in the city-state main temple, he would feel uncomfortable. Aunt Xiao took a step forward with an almost pleading voice: "It was my negligence. I have never encountered such a thing since I became a priest. Thank you, Mr. Nietzsche, for reminding me. I am willing to atone for my reckless behavior." , hereby apologize to Amon."

The eyes of the townspeople widened when they saw that this noble priest also walked down the steps and bent down to pat the dust off Amon's father's knees. This made Amon's father tremble in fright, and quickly took two steps back and said, "Master Xiao Gu, you don't have to do this. What to do is the business of the adults and the order of the goddess. I believe in the great goddess Mu Yun." Protecting Amon."

The old lunatic sneered at the side: "You can't refuse the kindness of such a noble priest, how kind and generous he is! He wants to compensate you, you must accept... Lord mayor, I suggest that their family's tax for this year , Master Xiaogu will pay it on your behalf."

Xiao Gu had already stood up straight, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, no problem!" His tone was very generous, because the old drunkard mined the least amount of sacred stones in the town in a year, usually four sacred stones for basic taxation That's all. But then he frowned slightly, and he thought that it is not only the old alcoholic who can mine the sacred stones now, Amon is obviously a good hand, if there happen to be a lot of sacred stones mined in the next year, he will have to pay for every ten stones Nine taxes are a big expense.

But under such circumstances, Xiao Gu had no choice but to agree.

The mayor of Dusty nodded and said: "Then the matter is over, I will record what happened in the name of the mayor of this town, but it is only a record, and it will not be reported to the temple of the city-state as an incident of blasphemy. .Okay, it’s all over here, let’s leave now.”

These words are equivalent to taking advantage of Xiao Gu. The mayor of Dusty will make a record and declare that he will not report it, but the implication is that he can report it. As a temple priest, Xiao Gu violated the oracle. After a very detailed and there are witnesses. The mayor of Dusty also vaguely knew that Xiao Gu had deliberately made friends with the adults in the city-state in the past two years, and had some ideas about the status of the mayor, but now is not the time to tear up his face, after all, things in the town cannot be found more suitable for the time being If some people come to help deal with it, let's take this opportunity to give him a proper warning.